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09-06 投稿


vinous 发音

英:['va?n?s]  美:['va?n?s]

英:  美:

vinous 中文意思翻译



vinous 短语词组

1、vinous sleep ─── 酒后睡眠

2、vinous app ─── 葡萄酒应用

3、vinous definition ─── 葡萄酒定义

4、liquor vinous ─── [医] 酒, 淡酒

5、Vinous-breasted Sparrow Hawk ─── 弹胸麻雀鹰

6、vinous defined ─── 葡萄酒定义

7、vinous tincture ─── [医] 酒制酊

8、vinous means ─── 酒后手段

9、vinous australis pty ltd ─── 澳大利亚葡萄酒有限公司

10、vinous maps ─── 塔拉戈纳地图

11、vinous fermentation ─── 葡萄酒发酵

12、vinous media ─── 葡萄酒媒介

13、vinous australis ─── 南葡萄

14、vinous antonio galloni ─── 葡萄酒安东尼奥·加洛尼

vinous 词性/词形变化,vinous变形

副词: vinously |

vinous 相似词语短语

1、veinous ─── 纹理突出的;[植]叶脉的

2、ominous ─── adj.预兆的;不吉利的

3、acinous ─── adj.腺胞状的;细粒状的

4、vinously ─── 葡萄酒

5、covinous ─── 欺骗的

6、heinous ─── adj.可憎的;极凶恶的

7、ruinous ─── adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的;零落的

8、venous ─── adj.静脉的;有脉纹的

9、vinos ─── n.(非正式)葡萄酒(vino的复数);n.(Vinos)(美国、瑞典、印度、墨西哥)比诺斯(人名)

vinous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The grape's tendency to develop high sugar but low acid can result in wines with neutral, merely vinous flavors and high alcohol. ─── 该品种能够有较高的含糖量和较低的酸度,能够酿造品质不错的,有酒香的,酒精度高的葡萄酒。

2、vinous fermentation ─── 葡萄酒发酵

3、Body.The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract, vinous and complete. ─── 酒体: 提取物丰富、酒性饱满、完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。

4、Reduced, vinous nose hints at pungent wild red fruits, minerals, smoked meat and tobacco. ─── 细闻之下有些辛辣的野红色水果、矿物、烟草还有烟熏肉的味道。

5、Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract, vinous and complete. ─── 酒体:提取物丰富、酒性饱满、完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。

6、Body - That quality in a wine which gives it the appearance of consistency and vinous strength. ─── 酒体结构——葡萄酒的质量,形容的是葡萄酒表现出来的坚实度和酒体力度。

7、Probably the place that replete vinous glass also needs a stop on the way for a rest in your hand. ─── 或许你手中装满葡萄酒的玻璃杯也需要一个歇脚的地方。

8、Piemonte Barbera is delivered in springtime after the harvest in order to maintain a fresh flavor and a vinous bouquet. ─── 皮埃蒙特芭贝尔葡萄酒是在收获之后的春季按照传统的惯例使酒继续维持其新鲜果味和酒的香气。

9、Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division. ─── 既然是葡萄酒的一种形式,那么葡萄的产区至关重要。干邑地区共有6个葡萄产区。

10、But as a result of a variety of reasons, vinous develops a course a few cases a few fall. ─── 但是由于多种原因,葡萄酒的发展经过几起几落。

11、vinous excitement ─── 酒后兴奋

12、vinous tincture ─── 酒制酊酒制酊(剂)

13、Odor With slightly vinous odor. ─── 香气 微弱的酸气味。

14、in a somewhat vinous condition ─── 有点儿醉

15、Overall product is popular world each district, can say to have drink vinous place, have RIEDEL glass. ─── 全部产品畅销世界各地,可以说有喝葡萄酒的地方,就有RIEDEL玻璃杯。

16、Vinous drink, however, had no greater devotee than Chief Justice John Marshall. ─── 然而,再没有比大法官约翰·马歇尔更热爱葡萄酒的人。

17、Aroma: Vinous,attractive and characteristic. ─── 芳香:葡萄酒香,迷人的、特别的。

18、Body.The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract,vinous and complete. ─── 酒体:提取物丰富、酒性泡满,完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。

19、Probably the place that replete vinous glass also needs a stop on the way for a rest in your hand. ─── 或许你手中装满葡萄酒的玻璃杯也需要一个歇脚的地方。

20、It is round, generous, keeping a light vinous and balanced touch. ─── 威比特10年钵酒酒香淡雅,圆润和谐。

21、Methods The vinous blood was taken before and after adinin strat on of xylitol in 85 cases of the patients with severe brain injury. ─── 方法对85例重型颅脑外伤病人在用药前及用药后1小时各采集静脉血一次,观察用药前后血糖及胰岛素的变化。

22、On the other side, lights and music flow in the vinous and exciting air of bars, producing an exotic atmosphere. ─── 另一边,浓郁热烈的阳朔酒吧街在光影与音乐中婉转流动着,带着一种异国情调。

23、Overall product is popular world each district, can say to have drink vinous place, have RIEDEL glass. ─── 全部产品畅销世界各地,可以说有喝葡萄酒的地方,就有RIEDEL玻璃杯。

24、vinous flavor ─── 葡萄酒香

25、vinous dampers ─── 粘滞阻尼器

26、of mathematical model change with be pressed certain and vinous produce and sale to suffer holiday effect effect remarkable, beer basically suffers the effect of climate succession action. ─── 白酒和葡萄酒的产销受节假日效应作用显著,啤酒则主要受气候演替作用的影响。

27、CTV isolate TR-L514 and isolates from Bendizao mandarin and Navelina navel samples were graft-inoculated to Mexican lime, sour orange, Duncan grapefruit and Madam vinous sweet orange. ─── 利用墨西哥来檬、酸橙、杜肯葡萄柚和Madam vinous甜橙作为指示植物检测鉴定CTV分离物TR-L514及分离自本地早和林娜脐橙的分离物。

28、Vinous .1)Term applied to a wine tasting as though it has a very high alcohol content. 2)Term applied to the basic odour and flavour of red wine. ─── 葡萄酒的:1)指葡萄酒品尝时仿佛具有非常高的酒精含量。2)用于描述红葡萄酒的基本风味和香气。

29、A humorous suggestion was made that she sing the notes on her face, whereupon she threw up her hands, sank into a chair, and went off into a deep vinous sleep. ─── 有人开玩笑,建议她唱脸上的那些音符,她听了这话把两手向上一甩,倒在一张椅子上,醉醺醺地呼呼大睡起来。

30、Tasting notes: lively ruby-red, brilliant with tending to garnet, very vinous, delicate, intense, persistent and slightly spicy, dry, full-bodied, smooth and harmonious, with spicy hint-taste. ─── 口味:宝石红色,浓郁的葡萄酒香味、细致优雅、强烈、持久;微辣,干性,口感醇厚浓郁,平滑且协调,微辣

31、"Windstorm cereal " wine garden so the kill that make has only: Consumer just is their vinous presiding brew division. ─── “暴风谷”酒园这么做的结果只有一个:消费者才是他们葡萄酒的首席酿酒师。

32、Deep ruby-red coloured with a pleasant vinous bouquet. ─── 深深的宝石红,伴随这怡人的葡萄酒的香气。

33、Smell Vinous, red fruit, violet flower. ─── 酒香葡萄香,红果味,紫罗兰花香。

34、Concerned vinous legend is in France is more of course. ─── 有关葡萄酒的传奇在法国当然就更多了。

35、Well, old fellow, never mind, " said Mr. Huxter, who, always frank and familiar, was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual. " ─── “那好吧,朋友,没关系,”赫克斯特先生说,他一向开诚布公,胸无城府,现在由于酒后兴奋,更比往常亲热得多。

36、Bouquet: Vinous complex aromas of Burgundy berry fruits with hint of liquorice. ─── 气味:香气复杂,有布根地的浆果香和一丝甘草香。

37、They also can encourage people to express a view, let a reader affect the method of him vinous style and brew. ─── 他们也会鼓励人们发表看法,让读者影响自己葡萄酒的风格和酿造的方法。

38、Bouquet: Vinous complex aromas of Burgundy berry fruits with hint of liquorices. ─── 口感:酒体强劲而丰满,通常单宁结构扎实,伴有明显的浆果味。

39、As to Portuguese, look from Chinese, seem there it is vinous authentic, but what the wine that actually Portuguese place produces can carry is really finite. ─── 至于葡萄牙,从中文看,似乎那儿是葡萄酒的正宗,但实际上葡萄牙所产的葡萄酒能提起来的实在有限。

40、This grape's varietal character has little tolerance for weather that is either too cool or too warm and bland, simply vinous wine will result. ─── 该品种的葡萄气候变化的忍受力很小,太冷或者太热都会导致酒平淡或者酒气过重。

41、For this, the article is developing a few problems that exist in the process with respect to our country bishop, put forward to develop countermeasure of our country vinous. ─── 为此,本文就我国葡萄酒在发展过程中存在的一些问题,提出了发展我国葡萄酒的对策。

42、sunk in a vinous stupor ─── 酩酊大醉.

43、Generally speaking, wine farming people complete vinous ageing process with the oak bucket that has 13 years of histories. ─── 一般而言,酒农们都用有13年历史的橡木桶来完成葡萄酒的老化过程。

44、Concerned expert is fatidical, to 2010, our country will achieve 800 thousand tons to vinous demand, consumption of our country wine already entered gold period. ─── 有关专家预言,到2010年,我国对葡萄酒的需求将达到80万吨,我国葡萄酒消费已进入黄金期。

45、Vinous: Literally means "winelike" and is usually applied to dull wines lacking in distinct varietal character. ─── 葡萄酒的:字面意识是“像葡萄酒的”,通常用于缺乏明显品种特性的沉晦的葡萄酒。

46、Ruby red, with a delicately vinous nose packed with flowery and fruity sensations.Its dry taste is highlighted by a slight almondy streak, which contributes clearly to its varietal character. ─── 特点:幽雅的酒体中散发着花香和果香。酒性复杂,单宁紧密,略带杏仁味。口感圆润,丰富多变,非常有层次,陈年后柔和风格突出

47、Rich nose, vinous, very fresh - black fruit aromas accompanied by a toast and gingerbread character. ─── 我自己的感受,砖红色,13.5%,但并没感觉到酒精度高,淡淡的,喝完半瓶,酒精的效果出来了。

48、lifetime produces world wine and export state of old national law to face grim challenge nowadays: Although vinous exit amount and amount still hold the world the first, but overall show glide trend. ─── 世界葡萄酒第一生产和出口大国法国如今面临严重挑战:葡萄酒的出口数量和金额虽仍保持世界第一,但总体呈下滑趋势。

49、Bouquet and taste: intense vinous scent with notes of marasca cherry, violets and soft fruit. ─── 酒香及口感:有着宜人的花香及成熟果实的芳香,樱桃等水果的芳香。口感清爽、悦人,口感丰富

50、Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division. ─── 既然是葡萄酒的一种形式,那么葡萄的产区至关重要。干邑地区共有6个葡萄产区。

51、All the time since, vinous consumes the one share that is not Malaysia culture life. ─── 一直以来,葡萄酒的消费都不是马来西亚文化生活的一部分。

52、Generally speaking, wine farming people complete vinous ageing process with the oak bucket that has 13 years of histories. ─── 一般而言,酒农们都用有13年历史的橡木桶来完成葡萄酒的老化过程。

53、Corot Noir - Formerly known as NY 70.0809.10, this vine produces a vinous, vinifera type wine with bell pepper aroma. ─── 柯罗比诺-前身为纽约70.0809.10众所周知,这产生一个喝醉酒的葡萄,葡萄与甜椒芳香型葡萄酒。

54、Thus, Saint Antoine in this vinous feature of his, until midday. ─── 圣安托万就像这样一杯半盏地直喝到中午。

55、vinous liquor ─── 葡萄酒

56、Accordingly, encourage vinous development all the time in policy of our country brew. ─── 因此,在我国酿酒政策中一直鼓励葡萄酒的发展。

57、vinous nose hints at pungent wild red fruits, minerals, smoked meat and tobacco. ─── 细闻之下有些辛辣的野红色水果、矿物、烟草还有烟熏肉的味道。

58、liquor vinous ─── [医] 酒, 淡酒

59、"Well, old fellow, never mind," said Mr. Huxter, who, always frank and familiar, was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual ─── “那好吧,朋友,没关系,”赫克斯特先生说,他一向开诚布公,胸无城府,现在由于酒后兴奋,更比往常亲热得多。

60、Quite dry each bottles of wine serves as vinous 266 yuan a few top class article this price photograph is compared and character does not calculate tall. ─── 相当干每一瓶酒几266元作为葡萄酒的顶级品这个价格相比而言并不算高。

61、Intense and vinous of plum, mulberry. Full body with flinty odour, very well dannins. ─── 此酒散发着杨李和桑子的气香,是一款酒体醇厚,富含香土气息的葡萄酒,单宁口感高贵。

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