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08-18 投稿


abandonment 发音

英:[??b?nd?nm?nt]  美:[??b?nd?nm?nt]

英:  美:

abandonment 中文意思翻译



abandonment 反义词

maintain |retain | conserve

abandonment 词性/词形变化,abandonment变形

动词现在分词: abandoning |动词过去式: abandoned |动词过去分词: abandoned |动词第三人称单数: abandons |名词: abandonment |

abandonment 短语词组

1、abandonment of conract ─── [法] 撤销契约, 不承认或否认契约

2、abandonment of voyage ─── [法] 放弃航次

3、abandonment in extractive industries ─── [经] 采掘工业的废弃

4、abandonment of facilities or service ─── [经] 设施与服务的遗弃

5、abandonment loss ─── [经] 遗弃损失

6、case of abandonment ─── [法] 遗弃案

7、abandonment of right ─── [法] 放弃权利; 弃权

8、abandonment of action ─── [经] 放弃诉讼

9、abandonment cost ─── [经] 遗弃成本, 遗弃费用

10、abandonment of domicile ─── [法] 放弃户籍, 废止住所

11、abandonment charge ─── [经] 废弃费用

12、abandonment of ship ─── [经] 船舶的废弃

13、acceptance of abandonment ─── [法] 接受委付

14、abandonment clause ─── [经] 放弃条款

15、abandonment of appeal ─── [法] 放弃上诉, 撤销上诉

16、abandonment of children ─── [法] 遗弃子女

17、abandonment of wife ─── [法] 遗弃妻子

18、abandonment of husband ─── [法] 遗弃丈夫

19、abandonment of claim ─── [法] 放弃索赔

abandonment 同义词

dump | surrender | leave | up | end | license | empty | entirely | vacate | recklessness | leave undone |desert | relinquish | walk out on | withdraw | strand | drop | desolate | intemperance | give | forsake | abdicate | unconstraint | ditch | renounce | cede | unrestraint | discontinue | resign | depart | quit | call off | wildness | undone | desist | freedom | wantonness | evacuate | discard | give up | cease | licence

abandonment 相似词语短语

1、self-abandonment ─── 自弃

2、abandoners ─── n.委付者;遗弃者

3、cantonment ─── n.宿营地;兵营

4、abandoned ─── adj.被抛弃的;(房屋,车辆)被废弃的;无约束的,恣意放荡的;v.抛弃;离弃;放弃(abandon的过去式和过去分词)

5、abandoner ─── n.委付者;遗弃者

6、abandoning ─── v.放弃;屈服(abandon的现在分词)

7、abandon ─── v.遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入;n.放任,狂热

8、abandonee ─── n.被委付人;被遗弃者

9、abandonees ─── n.被委付人;被遗弃者

abandonment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Third, the reasons for the Dutch abandonment of Pescadores for Taiwan. ─── 三、荷兰人为甚麽会放弃澎湖而到台湾。

2、He knew he would slam into him with abandon, forgetting all else. ─── 他知道自己将不顾一切地大打出手。

3、When should choose to abandon? ─── 什么时候应该选择放弃?

4、Sentence was passed. Edouard was to abandon his art and study law. ─── 判决下来了,爱德华必须放弃他的艺术去学习法律。

5、Temporarily abandon, do not care on behalf of psychology? ─── 一时的放弃,并不代表心理不在乎吗?

6、Smee, decided to abandon the ship by jumping down into the water. ─── 他们和斯米先生决定弃船,跳水逃命。

7、Abandon a child under two years old is a notifiable offence. ─── 丢弃2岁以下的儿童是一种严重的犯法和犯罪行为。

8、People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad. ─── 人们出国时常常丢下宠物不管,一走了之。

9、One will not abandon his own child. ─── 一个人不会离弃他自己的婴儿。

10、She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it. ─── 她为抛弃婴儿事辩称自己抚养不起。

11、He would be happy, by the Lord, if it cost all honesty of statement, all abandonment of truth. ─── 天哪,他一定要得到幸福,哪怕需要他说谎,哪怕要他不顾事实。

12、He used to abandon his work for months at a time. ─── 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。

13、He calls it "organized abandonment. ─── 他把这称为“有组织的放弃”。

14、He found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it. ─── 他觉得讨厌那份工作,于是就决定放弃了。

15、Do not abandon the Path you found! ─── 不要放弃你发现的道路!

16、Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles. ─── 大雪迫使许多驾驶者弃车步行。

17、You should not abandon the old for the new. ─── 你不能喜新厌旧。

18、Asaph is perplexed by what seems to be God's abandonment of His people. ─── 亚萨感到迷惘,因为他觉得上帝似乎遗弃了祂的百姓。

19、People were shouting and cheering with abandon. ─── 人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。

20、Sound the abandonment alarm! ─── 发出弃船警报。

21、Abandon a person to staring at me completely, laugh enigmaticly. ─── 全舍人盯着我,阴阳怪气地笑。

22、Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle. ─── 各方都说绝不放弃自己的原则。

23、Not only can abandon, still can increase with time, to accumulate. ─── 不仅无法抛弃,还会随着时间的增加,不断累积。

24、Why does Prospero abandon his magic when he returns to Europe? ─── 为什么普洛斯彼罗回到欧洲后就不再施法术了?

25、Do not abandon yourself to drinking. ─── 不要沉溺于饮酒。

26、Only weak and cowardly natures abandon themselves to sorrow. ─── 只有那些软弱怯懦之人才·沉溺于忧伤之中。

27、After the age of about thirty they abandon individual ambition. ─── 他们一过三十就放弃了个人的雄心壮志。

28、Doesn't "abandonment" mean "to throw away"? ─── “遗弃”难道不是指放任不理吗?

29、He had no right to abandon his Commander-In-Chief in distress. ─── 他无权置他的总司令于危难之中而不顾。

30、They appealed to him to abandon the idea. ─── 他们请求他放弃这个想法。

31、You will abandon this match, lose your job and end your season. ─── 你意志放弃这个比赛,失去你的工作和结束你的季节。

32、They will not excuse abandonment. ─── 不能宽恕他们的被抛弃。

33、Do not abandon yourself to despair. ─── 不要悲观失望。

34、Qualitative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project. ─── 定性试验用于引导进行更多的试验或者放弃设计方案。

35、Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment. ─── 上星期像是在不顾后果的放任中度过的。

36、The next-best solution is to abandon the project altogether. ─── 仅次于最佳的解决方法是放弃全部计划。

37、The alarm was an abandon drill. ─── 刚才的警报是弃船演习。

38、But it cost too much to maintain, so they had to abandon it. ─── 但这要花费很多去保持,所以他们必须放弃它。

39、She is obliged to abandon her idea of trying again. ─── 她不得不放弃再试一次的想法。

40、When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment. ─── 当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。

41、They were so excited that they jumped and shouted with abandon. ─── 他们极为兴奋,尽情地又跳又叫。

42、What an ungrateful man he is to abandon his family! ─── 他竟然抛弃了家庭,真是不义之人!

43、To cease trying to accomplish or continue; abandon. ─── 中断,放弃停止完成或继续进行;放弃

44、When we are against adversity, he never abandon us. ─── 在面临逆境、遭遇困难时,书本绝不会弃我们于不顾。

45、Don't abandon yourself to despair. You still have chances. ─── 不要陷入绝望,你还有机会。

46、A feeling of resentment urged him to abandon them. ─── 一种怨恨的心情促使他离开了她们。

47、"Shine marriage " more exalted than libidinal abandon really? ─── “闪婚”真的比欲望放纵更高尚吗?

48、They abandon the old plan and take up a new one. ─── 他们就放弃原有的计划并且开始实施另一个新的。

49、Notice of abandonment may be waived by the insurer. ─── 保险人可以放弃发出委付通知的权利。

50、The administration could have found a path between the false dichotomy of abandonment or bailout. ─── 政府本应该能从错误的二分法“放弃或救助”中间找到解决方法。

51、It will be OK by abandon the oddment and keep the integer. ─── 去掉零头只保留整数就行了。

52、Basile then on to abandon Romi rumors spread like wildfire. ─── 于是关于巴西莱要弃用罗米的传闻不胫而走。

53、Don't abandon yourself to despair. ─── 不要陷入绝望之中。

54、She was obliged to abandon that idea . ─── 她不得不放弃那个想法。

55、They decided to abandon the sinking ship. ─── 他们决定离弃沉船。

56、He argues that we must abandon the extreme faith in technocracy. ─── 他认为,我们必须放弃对技术统治论的信仰。

57、Other archaeologists have identified the immediate cause of this abandonment to be a series of short growing seasons that would have put pressure on corn production at that high an altitude. ─── 其他考古学家已经发现导致这种遗弃的直接原因是一系列短暂的生长季节,而这将会给生长在高海拔地区玉米的生产带来压力。

58、You had to abandon your college course. ─── 你不得不放弃了大学课程。”

59、You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. ─── 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及被深爱的人抛弃。

60、The causes and patterns of child abandonment in China are complicated. ─── 儿童遗弃的类型和原因非常复杂。

61、First you will write letters for a while, through me. It is devastating to the child to experience a second abandonment. ─── 你们先通信一段时间,由我来做中间人。让孩子再次感受被抛弃是很惨忍的。

62、P> You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. ─── 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及你深爱的人的抛弃。

63、Eg: They had abandon the match because of rain. ─── 因为下雨,他们只好中止比赛。

64、Inasmuch as the debtor has go bankrupt, I will abandon the claim. ─── 债务人既已破产,我将放弃债权。

65、Dr Vermorken did not abandon standard chemotherapy completely. ─── 佛蒙肯医生并没有完全放弃普通的化学疗法。

66、There is a downside to the higher sales, however: increased abandonment. ─── 不过,宠物狗市场行情看俏也有它的缺点:弃养的情况增加了。

67、's Laura who cries at Dean's abandonment, while Dean maintains this composure. ─── 劳拉为迪安的被抛弃而哭泣,而迪安保持着这种镇静。

68、In no case will the doctor abandon studying his cases. ─── 医生决不能放弃对病例的研究。

69、And they will abandon the truth to hear fables. ─── 且掩耳不听真理,偏去听那无稽的传说。

70、Abandon harsh words, and speak pleasantly instead. ─── 不讲粗话,说话和气。

71、Kohler attributes the immediate cause of the abandonment to problems with corn production at a high altitude during short growing seasons. ─── 科勒认为,(居住地)废弃的直接原因是高海拔地区的玉米生长季节较短,因此生产出现了问题。

72、Come what may, I shall never abandon her. ─── 不管怎样,我绝不会将她抛弃。

73、The commander asked all officers to abandon the idea of liberalism. ─── 司令员要求各级指战员不能有自由主义思想。

74、You equate spontaneity with irresponsibility; abandon with evil. ─── 你们将自发性等同于不负责任,纵情于自己喜欢做的事等同于罪恶。

75、Inasmuch as the debtor has gone bankrupt, I will abandon the claim. ─── 债务人既已破产,我将放弃债权。

76、Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment. ─── 上星期像是在不顾後果的放任中度过的。

77、You can abandon more money for philanthropy. ─── 你能够为慈善事业多捐一点儿钱。

78、Encounter was all for abandon me. ─── 为了抛弃我才邂逅。

79、But proximity seems to be teaching well-off cariocas that abandonment is no solution for poverty and violence. ─── 但是这似乎使富裕的里约本地人意识到,放弃并不是解决贫穷和暴力的途径。

80、Stick to: not abandon or change sth.; Keep to sth. ─── 不放弃,坚持或维持某事物。

81、You must seek to have control and then act with abandon! ─── 你必须首先做到能够自我掌控,然后才能忘情表演。

82、To proceed with an activity or abandon it altogether. ─── 在两者中作出选择要么继续干下去,要么全部放弃

83、They shouted in gay abandon. ─── 他们放肆地大声喊叫。

84、A great deal of research has been done on shopping cart abandonment. ─── 大量的研究证明购物车已经被遗弃了。

85、They abandon themselves to drinking. ─── 他们沉湎于饮酒。

86、He must abandon either Jennie or his prospects in life. ─── 不是弃绝珍妮,就是弃绝前途的希望。

87、Don't confuse your visitors because confusion means "abandon ship"! ─── 不要让用户感到困惑,因为这样就意味着客户退出网站。

88、Few after service: Ready to abandon product, no need to maintain. ─── 售后服务少:即弃型产品,不需要维护。

89、At the time of I can't still abandon. ─── 在我还不能舍弃的时候。


单词:support翻译:support [s?'p?:t]:vt.支持,支撑,支援;扶持,帮助;赡养,供养;n.支持,维持;支援,供养;支持者,支撑物反义词:oppose;nonsupport


support的反义词是: oppose

The man in the street is opposed to this idea .


The two opposing armies are locked in battle .


Persist in progress and oppose retrogression !


Henry was always opposed to these meetings .


However, there are opposing philosophies .


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