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08-18 投稿


goggling 发音

英:[?ɡ?ɡl??]  美:[?ɡɑ?ɡl??]

英:  美:

goggling 中文意思翻译



goggling 词性/词形变化,goggling变形

形容词: goggly |动词过去分词: goggled |动词现在分词: goggling |动词过去式: goggled |动词第三人称单数: goggles |

goggling 短语词组

1、goggling meaning ─── 眼花缭乱的意思

2、goggling at ─── 瞪着

3、goggling meaning in hindi ─── 印度语中的目镜意义

4、goggling definition ─── 目镜定义

5、goggling eyes ─── 目瞪口呆的眼睛

6、goggling soul ─── 目瞪口呆的灵魂

7、goggling packs ─── 护目镜包

goggling 相似词语短语

1、shoggling ─── 扭动

2、daggling ─── v.拖曳;拖脏

3、gaggling ─── n.一群;鹅群;咯咯声;vi.嘎嘎叫

4、guggling ─── v.发汩汩声;汩汩地流;(婴儿)咯咯作声(同gurgle);n.(人高兴发出的)咯咯声;(水流的)汩汩声(同gurgle)

5、toggling ─── n.绷扳,绷板;v.拴牢,系紧(toggle的ing形式)

6、joggling ─── n.摇动加工;榫接;抖动;v.轻轻摇动;颤动(joggle的现在分词)

7、giggling ─── 咯咯地笑(giggle的现在分词)

8、boggling ─── v.把工作搞糟;(非正式)感到吃惊;(使)吃惊;(使)困惑(boggle的现在分词)

9、coggling ─── 巧思

goggling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We were shanghaied to Tianya, goggling and gaping. ─── 这个秋天我们来到天涯,一下子迷糊了双眼,迷失了方向。

2、The house-elf 's goggling tennis ball eyes were peering at Harry through the darkness. ─── 家养小精灵瞪着两只网球般的大眼睛,在黑暗中打量着哈利。

3、Mr McCain let his contempt for the younger man shine through, harrumphing, grimacing, smirking and goggling his eyes whenever Mr Obama got a chance to speak. ─── 麦凯恩对奥巴马这个年轻候选人的轻视表露无遗,当奥巴马有机会讲话时,麦凯恩就会一脸鄙视、作鬼脸、假笑或是瞪眼睛。

4、his contempt for the younger man shine through, harrumphing, grimacing, smirking and goggling his eyes whenever Mr Obama got a chance to speak. ─── 当奥巴马一有机会发表演讲时,他就会用一些鄙视的身体语言如哼,扮鬼脸,嘲笑或转动眼珠表现出对他的轻蔑。

5、Most of us spend hours a day goggling at computer screens for our jobs and social lives. ─── 我们很多人每天都要花N个小时对着电脑进行工作或者社交。

6、And Connie pulled on the disguise, then the long motoring coat, and she sat down, a goggling inhuman, unrecognizable creature. ─── 午茶时候出去了的克利福,到暴风雨开始时才回去,夫人哪儿去了?

7、He got close, really close.His smooth blond face filled the screen, eyes goggling, tongue flicking out to kiss a flickering snake's. ─── 艾尔文很喜欢与那些致命动物为伍,他离他们很近,真的很近,他那平滑有光泽的面孔充斥着屏幕,眼睛大张着,与一条闪蛇“舌吻”。

8、A frog with goggling eyes. ─── 两眼瞪得鼓鼓的青蛙。

9、I had the same problem and figured it out after some goggling. ─── 我也有同样的问题,想通了一些突后。

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