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08-18 投稿


coacervate 发音

英:[[k??'?s?ve?t]]  美:[[ko?'?s??ve?t]]

英:  美:

coacervate 中文意思翻译



coacervate 词性/词形变化,coacervate变形

动词现在分词: coacervating |动词第三人称单数: coacervates |名词: coacervation |动词过去式: coacervated |动词过去分词: coacervated |

coacervate 短语词组

1、coacervate def ─── 凝聚def

2、coacervate droplet ─── 凝聚液滴

3、coacervate theory ─── 凝聚理论

4、coacervate lab ─── 凝聚实验室

5、coacervate agent ─── 凝聚剂

6、coacervate oparin ─── 涂层蛋白石

coacervate 相似词语短语

1、to acerbate ─── 尖刻

2、macerate ─── vt.把…浸软;使…消瘦;vi.浸软;消瘦

3、acerbate ─── v.使发怒;使烦恼

4、coacervation ─── n.凝聚

5、coacervates ─── n.凝聚层;[细胞]团聚体

6、lacerate ─── vt.伤害,使…痛心;割裂;撕碎;adj.受折磨的;撕碎的

7、acervate ─── adj.簇生的,成堆生长的

8、acerate ─── adj.针状的(等于acerose)

9、exacerbate ─── vt.使加剧;使恶化;激怒

coacervate 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Keywords Allium coacervate;Micro element;Atom spectrum method; ─── 关键词簇生葱;微量元素;火焰原子吸收法;含量测定;

3、Influence of water-solid ratio on hydrothermal synthesis eakleite spherical coacervate ─── 水固比对水热合成硬硅钙石球形团聚体的影响

4、To cause to form a coacervate. ─── 导致形成凝聚层

5、It has coacervate a wide range of powerful culture, an enterprise's core values of the human world and put them on. ─── 它有凝聚多元化的强势文化,企业的核心价值观符合人性,放之全球而皆准。

6、Keywords Allium;Allium coacervate;flavones;Collection;Orthogonal experiment; ─── 葱属;簇生葱;黄酮;提取;正交实验;

7、The result showed that solubilization of phenol in coacervate phase was related to the structure of surfactant micelle. ─── 实验表明:溶质在凝聚层相的增溶与表面活性剂形成胶束的结构有关。

8、(2) their own isolation, precipitation occurs and pgment of coacervate, and so on, because the lower phacolytic from the heightof version. ─── (2)油不朱本身爆发别离、沉没以及颜料的再固结等改变时,由于再凝固性较矮也会变成堵版。

9、The method involves forming a coacervate of the biologically-active material and chitosan and then dehydrating mixture of coacervate and trehalose solution. ─── 该方法包括:将该生物活性材料和脱乙酰壳多糖形成团聚体,然后对团聚体和海藻糖溶液的混合物进行脱水。

10、Paracetamol Gelatin Simple Coacervate Microcapsules ─── 扑热息痛明胶单凝聚微囊

11、coacervate phase ─── 凝聚层相

12、Keywords cationic HEC;PEO;coacervate;deposition;hair care product; ─── 阳离子羟乙基纤维素;聚氧化乙烯;凝聚;附着;护发剂;

13、The Board of the binders with paperboard adhesive between a collection, this intermolecular bonding of itself is referred to as coacervate. ─── 渗透到纸板的黏合剂同纸板表面的黏合剂间形成一个集合,这种粘合本身分子间的粘合称为凝聚粘合。

14、Chromatin hetropycnote partly in spermatogonium, then become highly coacervate to form chromosome at the stage of spermatid and at last decondense at the stage of spermatozoon. ─── 染色质在精原细胞中为部分异固缩,在精母细胞中高度凝聚为染色体,在精细胞及精子中为均匀非致密态。

15、The Board of the binders with paperboard adhesive between a collection, this intermolecular bonding of itself is referred to as coacervate. ─── 渗透到纸板的黏合剂同纸板表面的黏合剂间形成一个集合,这种粘合本身分子间的粘合称为凝聚粘合。

16、Treatment by rational design of stamp inks components, stamp inks and glaze made from mixed ground from coacervate. ─── 办理的办法是:公道安排印油不败不合,印油与色釉搀和研磨后不克不及爆不收固不解本体。

17、The coacervate particle of carbon black consists of lied graphite layers. ─── 炭黑原生粒子是由同心石墨层排列组成。

18、Process of paper and paper mainly starch adhesion to all parts of the coacervate, at the same time supplemented by osmosis bonded and surface sealed. ─── 瓦楞芯纸与面纸的粘合主要是淀粉黏合剂的凝聚粘合,同时辅以渗透粘合和表面粘合。

19、extraction of coacervate ─── 凝聚物的萃取

20、Solubilization of phenol in micellar solution of nonionic surfactant and in coacervate phase of cloud point extraction were investigated with spectrometer method. ─── 摘要采用分光光度法测定了苯酚在非离子表面活性剂单相胶束溶液中和在非离子表面活性剂两相浊点萃取时凝聚层相中的增溶结果。

21、By time series analysis, we build models depicting the cutting tool states, coacervate information from dynamic date and construct feature vectors for discrimination. ─── 通过时间序列分析建立反映切削状态的数学模型,从动态数据中凝聚信息,构成用于判别的特征向量。

22、The coacervate particle of carbon black consists of lied graphite layers. ─── 原生粒子是由同心石墨层排列组成。

23、fractionated by coacervate extraction ─── 凝聚抽提分级法

24、The result showed that solubilization of phenol in coacervate phase was related to the structure of surfactant micelle. ─── 实验表明:溶质在凝聚层相的增溶与表面活性剂形成胶束的结构有关。

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