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08-18 投稿


bleached 发音

英:[bli?t?t]  美:[bli?t?t]

英:  美:

bleached 中文意思翻译





bleached 常用词组

chlorine bleach ─── 氯漂白;氯漂白剂

bleached 词性/词形变化,bleached变形

动词现在分词: bleaching |动词第三人称单数: bleaches |动词过去分词: bleached |动词过去式: bleached |

bleached 短语词组

1、bleached sand ─── 漂白砂, ─── 漂白砂粒

2、bleached skin ─── 漂白皮肤

3、bleached oil ─── [机] 漂白油

4、bleached zone ─── 淋溶带

5、bleached goods ─── 漂白物

6、bleached linter ─── [机] 漂白棉绒

7、bleached beesax ─── [机] 白蜡

8、bleached booru ─── 漂白钻

9、bleached-white ─── 发白 漂白

10、bleached vs unbleached flour ─── 漂白面粉与未 ─── 漂白面粉

11、bleached white ─── 漂白发白

12、bleached paper ─── 漂白纸

13、bleached shirt ─── 漂白衬衫

14、bleached lac ─── [机] 漂白虫胶

15、bleached bones ─── 漂白骨骼

16、bleached beeswax ─── [医] 白 ─── [蜂]蜡

17、bleached tallow ─── [机] 漂白脂

18、bleached pulp ─── [机] 漂白纸浆

19、bleached pine cones ─── 漂白松果

bleached 相似词语短语

1、beached ─── adj.(鲸或海豚)搁浅的;v.将……拖上岸;使(鲸)搁浅;钓(鱼)上岸;让(某人)受损(beach的过去式和过去分词)

2、bleaches ─── n.光学漂白剂(bleach的复数形式);v.[纺]漂白(bleach的第三人称单数形式)

3、pleached ─── vt.编织

4、leached ─── v.漂洗,过滤(尤指土壤)(leach的过去式和过去分词)

5、breached ─── n.违背,违反;缺口;vt.违反,破坏;打破

6、bleachers ─── n.(美)露天看台;[纺]漂白剂(bleacher的复数形式)

7、bleacher ─── n.漂白剂;漂白业者;露天看台;n.(Bleacher)人名;(英)布里克

8、blenched ─── v.(因惊吓而)退缩;(受惊吓)脸色发白;(使)变白

9、unbleached ─── adj.[纺]未漂白的,[纺]原色的

bleached 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We were passing a collection of shacks and log cabins now, bleached white and warped by the weather. ─── 我们这时正经过一排木头棚屋,这些木屋由于风吹雨打都发白变形了。

2、Bleach or tint (parts of the hair) so that it reflects the light. ─── 将(部分头发)染成浅色使之有光泽。

3、She bleached the stains out(of her clothes). ─── 她用漂白粉把衣服上的污渍除掉了。

4、GWEN is a trendsetter with her own label. Red lips and bleached platinum blonde hair is her signature look. ─── GWEN是时尚潮流的创造者,她设计自己的品牌.红唇和漂染过的浅金色头发是她的招牌形象.

5、We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, like the world had been bleached, there lay ahead of us nothing but white. ─── 我们飞速穿越智利高原,直到天地间一片白茫茫,前面除却白色别无其他。

6、He bleached the stains out of the jacket. ─── 他用漂白剂把茄克上的污渍除掉。

7、Clean toilets of the guest rooms at least once a day with a 1:99 diluted household bleach solution. ─── 客房的厕所应以1:99稀释家用漂白水清洁,最少每天一次。

8、You can get a box of detergent and a box of bleach for only fifty cents. ─── 您只需50美分就能买到一盒洗衣粉和一盒漂白剂。

9、How does summer bleach the skin? ─── 夏天怎么把皮肤变白?

10、She steeped the stained cloth in bleach overnight. ─── 她把有污迹的衣服在洗衣粉里浸了一夜。

11、Carefully soak all carpets and clothing in strong household bleach. ─── 小心地将所有地毯和衣物浸泡在强力的家用漂白剂中。

12、I wonder if bleach will get that black spot out of my white jeans. ─── 我在想漂白水能不能够将我白色牛仔裤上的班块清除。

13、JOJOBA OIL BLEACHED can also be used directly as massage oil. It may also be used combined with other vegetable oils. ─── 可以作为按摩油直接使用。能够与其它植物油结合使用。

14、Cover the dead bird with disposable absorbent towels soaked with1 part household bleach in4 parts water for15 mins. ─── 将一次性毛巾浸泡在1:4的家庭用消毒液15分钟后,取出覆盖在死禽上。

15、If necessary, nylon, acrylic and polyester fibers may be bleached with sodium chlorite under acidic conditions. ─── 在必要时,尼龙、丙烯腈、涤纶纤维可在酸性条件下用氯化钠漂白。

16、The carotenoid pigments of wheat flour are bleached by the addition of enzyme-active soy flour. ─── 小麦面粉中的类胡萝卜素会由于添加具有酶活性的大豆粉的作用而褪色。

17、In days gone by this was a place of death for mariners, their ships impaled on reefs and their bones bleached by the sun. ─── 过去,这里是海员们的葬身之地,他们的船触了礁,他们的尸骨暴晒在沙漠中。

18、Use iodophor or bleach instead. ─── 使用碘递体或漂白。

19、Wheat flour, Rye ,Raisin,Cinnamon,Yeast, ,Salt, Without to bleach sugar. ─── 主要成分:小麦面粉,裸麦,肉桂粉,葡萄乾天然酵母,天然海盐,未漂白二砂糖.

20、Not Smith, he might bleach it. ─── 别给史密斯,他会把它漂白的.

21、Walks in her, prince discovered that her foot bleached. ─── 在她走的时候,王子发现她的脚变白了。

22、Did you bleach this tablecloth ? ─── 你把这块桌布漂白了吗?

23、I like bleach, man, why you had the stupidest verse? ─── 我喜欢海滩,伙计,为什么你们有这么蠢的诗词?

24、The rust transferred a rust-yellow double image of the blades to the bleached white pulpy fabric. ─── 两块刀片上的锈迹转移到了纸巾上,在漂白的松软纤维上留下了四个锈黄色的刀片状图案。

25、The UV extinction coefficient of APG solution could reduce about 0.8 than that bleached with H 2O 2 solely. ─── 在此条件下漂色的烷基多苷水溶液消光系数与单用H2 O2 漂色相比 ,可降低 0 .8左右。

26、I require to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. ─── 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。

27、Despite the language of ads, all liquid bleach is basically the same. ─── 尽管广告说得天花乱坠,但所有液体漂白剂都基本相同。

28、His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun. ─── 他的黄夹克被太阳晒得褪成了白色。

29、This product may bleach hair or dyed fabrics. ─── 可能会漂白头发或染脏衣物。

30、The only way to get out that stain is to Bleach it out. ─── 去除斑点的唯一方法是漂白。

31、Do not bleach and leave to dry away from heat source. ─── 不要漂白也不要用加热来烘干它。

32、"I will wash the tablecloth and spread it on the grass in the sun to bleach. ─── “我会把桌布洗了,然后把它摊开在草地上,在阳光下漂白。

33、It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling. ─── 对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。

34、Neutro-sulfite reed pulp can be bleached to a high brightness of 81%(d/o) with the Q-Pa-P-P procedure. ─── Q Pa P P程序可使中性亚硫酸盐苇浆的白度达 81% (d/o)。

35、Oh, Harry, I don't want to be bleached! It's taken me all summer to get this tan. ─── 唔,海瑞,不要把我漂白了呀!我费了整个的夏天才晒出这么棕褐的颜色。

36、She bleached her hair blonde. ─── 她把头发染成了金黄色。

37、If bleach gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes and consult a doctor. ─── 如果漂白水溅入眼睛,须以清水冲洗至少15分钟及看医生。

38、Do you add bleach to the whites? ─── 你在白色的衣物中加漂白剂吗?

39、She scrubbed the counters down with bleach. ─── 她用漂白剂把柜台擦洗干净。

40、He bleached his white shirt. ─── 他用漂白粉漂洗白衬衫上的污迹。

41、Can they bleach ostrich feathers? ─── 他们能把鸵鸟毛弄白吗?

42、He has hair which is naturally black but which has been bleached by the sun. ─── 他有着一头天生的黑发,但已经被太阳晒得变淡了。

43、Pasteurized meat products can be bleached easily for lig ht and oxidation in storag ing and selling . ─── 低温肉制品在储存或销售过程中易因光照和氧化作用而褪色。

44、I'd like to buy a strong household bleach. ─── 我想买强力家用漂白剂。

45、The dried and bleached straw of an Italian variety of wheat. ─── 意大利麦杆被晒干和漂白的各种意大利小麦的麦杆

46、He claimed it was caused by the pigmentation disorder vitiligo, but rumours suggested he had bleached his skin. ─── 他表示这是由色素沉积紊乱造成,但坊间流言称他对皮肤进行了漂白。

47、It is often used to clean out cuts, or in stronger solutions to bleach hair. ─── 它经常用于清洁伤口,或者在更浓的溶液中漂白毛发。

48、Use clean utensils. Wash dishes in water with chlorine bleach in it. ─── 使用洁净的餐具。在撒有漂白粉的水中洗碗。

49、They said I bleached his skin, so all can do to discredit me, these are a conspiracy! ─── 他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我,这些都是阴谋!

50、We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, like the world had been bleached, there lay ahead of us nothing but white. ─── 我们飞速穿越智利高原,直到天地间一片白茫茫,前面除却白色别无其他。

51、His face was bleached by the cold. ─── 他的脸冻得发白。

52、Bedding Mattresses and pillows with plastic covers can be wiped with a 1:99 diluted household bleach solution. ─── 如床褥及枕头附有胶套,可用1:99稀释家用漂白水拭抹。

53、To take the color from; bleach. ─── 使失去颜色;漂白

54、I lay back against my pillow, sleepy now. I stared at the walls of my little room, bleached pale in the moonlight, from under heavy lids. ─── 我躺回枕头上,睡意冲了上来。沉重的眼皮下,我呆呆看着小小房间的墙壁,被月光漂成灰色。

55、Wash and wipe general facilities of the gymnasium with a 1:99 diluted household bleach solution at least once daily. ─── 健身中心的所有设施应以1:99稀释家用漂白水清洗及拭抹,最少每天一次。

56、For resistant hair texture - suitable for thick hair shaft, and hair which non-permed or bleached. ─── 抗拒发质用-适用于粗发质,及从不漂染者用。

57、Marbled, bleached, ripped, and faded black denim are popular looks for this fall.Designers with the summertime. ─── 另一种为韩式海苔,仅以食用油加上盐、味精调味,吃起来更健康自然。

58、How to use suntanned skin to bleach. ─── 怎样使用晒黑的皮肤变白.

59、For accurate measurement of the amount of bleach added, a tablespoon or measuring cup can be used. ─── 可用汤匙及量杯准确地量度所需漂白水的份量。

60、I have to bleach all my white shirts.They look a little offwhite. ─── 我必须把我所有的白衬衫都漂白一下,它们看起来黄黄的。

61、Why does the skin suntan it is very difficult to bleach easily? ─── 为什么皮肤晒黑容易变白很难?

62、But this landscape is bleached and barren, the banks crusted white, the ponds patchy and the colour of thin ink. ─── 但是,现在这里是一片苍白荒凉的景象,湖岸裹着掉色的外壳,残存的一片片湖水象补丁一样显出淡淡的黑色。

63、This substance is bleached by the action of light and converted into a yellow and finally a white material. ─── 这种物质被光脱色而变黄,最后成为一种白色的物质。

64、Send the clothes to the laundry, remember to tell them not to use bleach. ─── 你把这件衣服送到洗衣店去吧,记着告诉他们别放漂白剂!

65、An alkaline solution of the sample is treated with acid bleached rosaniline and formaldehyde. ─── 一分样品的碱性溶液用酸漂白的玫瑰苯胺和甲醛处理。

66、The students grew to love her, bleached blonde hair and all. ─── 学生们开始喜欢上了她,连同她染过的金发以及她的一切。

67、Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour , chlorine bleach. ─── 丝光冲洗水可用作配制洗涤液氯漂白液。

68、Chlorine Bleach, such as Clorox or Purex, is a good disinfectant for water. ─── 含氯漂白剂,如Clorox或Purex都是很好的净水杀菌剂。

69、I require to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton werete, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. ─── 咱们想处理一下涉及销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔疑难题目。

70、Can fruit eating what bleach quickly? ─── 吃啥水果可以快速变白?

71、How long need not meet discover fleck became little the skin bleached, the effect is full apparent. ─── 不用多久就会发现雀斑少了皮肤变白了,效果满明显的。

72、From a distance the braces look to be giant bleached drumsticks of a creature long dead. ─── 从远处看,这些支柱好像死去很久的造物留下的惨白的大腿骨。

73、The exterior surface of the house was bleached by the sunlight. ─── 房屋外表因阳光的照射而褪色。

74、A partly bleached coral reef is blindingly white next to healthy coral. ─── 一部分珊瑚礁被漂白,白色的另一个是健康的珊瑚。

75、It is desirable to maximize the removal of anionic trash from bleached TMP, a press is used for this purpose. ─── 希望最大限度的除去漂白TMP中的阴离子垃圾,常用压榨机。

76、You should bleach your face properly before you paint your face. ─── 你在上胭脂前,必须打好白的底色。

77、My shirt was so dirty that I had to use bleach on it. ─── 我的衬衫太脏了,我得用漂白剂漂一下。

78、At the same brightness,ECF bleached pulps have much higher pulp viscosity than CEH bleached pulp. ─── 在相同的白度下 ,ECF漂白浆比传统的CEH漂白浆高得多

79、Michael orders the men to put on their bleached coveralls and that he'll be back in a moment. ─── Michael叫同伙们把漂白过的制服穿上,他离开一下,马上就回来。

80、Wash in cold water with a mild detergent and no bleach. ─── 不要使用漂白剂,不要使用含碱性太强的洗衣粉,使用30度以下的水温或者凉水洗涤.

81、She bleached her hair blonde. ─── 她把头发染成了金黄色。

82、A strong household bleach might rot the fibers. ─── 强力家用漂白剂可能会破坏衣物的纤维。

83、She left the cloth in the sun to bleach. ─── 她把那块布放在日光下晒白。

84、She always takes great liking to a dazzling robe and likes to have her hair disheveled and bleached. ─── 她总是喜欢眩目长袍,头发蓬乱而且经过漂白处理。

85、It was a bleached photo of a young soldier with an old submachinegun in his hand. ─── 这是一个漂白的照片,一个年轻的士兵与一岁的冲锋枪在他手中。

86、His hair was bleached by the sun. ─── 他的头发被太阳晒得发白。

87、Available in multiple gauze mesh, Available in bleached or unbleached;Available in individual pack wi... ─── 型号: 01013 . 品牌: QJMDM . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: Available in multiple size specification;

88、There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun. ─── 只留下一些被太阳晒得泛白的枯骨。

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