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08-21 投稿


filmy 发音

英:[?f?lmi]  美:[?f?lmi]

英:  美:

filmy 中文意思翻译



filmy 网络释义

adj. 朦胧的;薄膜的;薄的

filmy 短语词组

1、filmy z lektorem ─── 与读者一起看电影

2、filmy komedie ─── 喜剧电影

3、filmy religijne cda ─── 宗教cda电影

4、filmy focus ─── 焦点电影

5、filmy dokumentalne ─── 纪录片

6、filmy curtain ─── 幕布电影

7、filmy fern ─── [网络] 树蕨

8、filmy tongue ─── [医] 对称白斑舌

9、filmy disk ─── 胶片磁盘

10、filmy eyesight ─── 视力片

11、filmy polskie ─── 波兰电影

12、filmy replica ─── 薄膜复制品

filmy 词性/词形变化,filmy变形


filmy 相似词语短语

1、filmily ─── adv.薄膜地;像软片地

2、filthy ─── adj.肮脏的;污秽的;猥亵的

3、filly ─── n.小雌马,小母马(通常未满四岁);活泼的小姑娘;n.(Filly)人名;(法)菲伊

4、filmi ─── n.电影音乐;adj.电影的(印地语)

5、film ─── n.电影;薄膜;胶卷;轻烟;vt.在…上覆以薄膜;把…拍成电影;vi.摄制电影;生薄膜;变得朦胧

6、filmed ─── v.拍摄(复以薄膜);adj.电影录音的

7、filmer ─── n.菲尔默(人名)

8、filmic ─── adj.电影的;象电影的

9、films ─── n.[电影]电影;薄膜;[感光]胶片(film的复数);v.拍摄(film的第三人称单数);以薄膜覆盖

filmy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The M 23 C 6, with M 6C as its nucleus and colatticed with M 6C, is on the grain boundary and grows in the form of thin lamellar and filmy single crystal. The misfit between M 23 C 6 and M 6C obtained from the moire pattern is about 3%. ─── 而晶界上是以M6C为核并与之保持共格的M23C6,以薄片或薄膜单晶形式长大,从波纹图样上测得它们之间的错配度为3%。

2、She cranks up the Venetian blinds . I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

3、Pacific eyes Filmy warmth Gentle words Keep running in my mind Is the buried memories ─── 静静的眼神淡淡的温馨轻轻的话语萦绕在脑际埋葬的记忆

4、The only action around here for weeks is a post with spoilers for a filmI want to see... ─── 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

5、a filmy cotton blouse ─── 薄如蝉翼的女棉衬衫

6、filmy replica ─── 薄膜复制品

7、But about six years ago, Greene noticed that a tiny part of the inside corner of her right eye had become filmy and discolored. ─── 差不多六年前,格林注意到自己右眼内眼角处的一小部分眼白上好似长出了一层薄膜并且变了颜色。

8、She had a wreath of partly opened rosebuds on her head, a number of delicate gold chains twisted lightly around her neck, and wore a filmy veil which fell nearly to the hem of her tunic. ─── 她的头上戴著一顶用半开的玫瑰花蕾串成的花冠,几条精致的金项鍊轻巧地缠绕在颈子的四周,身上罩一件几乎垂到衣服下摆的透明轻纱。

9、Nylon Techno-treated for summer cool, new generation nylon creates a filmy transparency for jackets and trench coats. ─── 新一代的尼龙制造出了全新的轻薄透气的夹克和外套,让我们的夏日更加清凉。

10、Alone and again,I'm standing in the filmy night. ─── 英语写作课的作业,老师给了两个格式要大家写打油诗。

11、"We are looking for a combination of voice and a certain flavor," said Shailesh Kapoor, Filmy's content and marketing head, said late on Wednesday. ─── 电影娱乐频道内容及市场总监沙依莱什卡布于本周三晚些时候说:“我们要的是声音与特色的结合。”

12、The silicon that limited company of science and technology of electron of sun of gold of fontal state city invests base settle of product line of filmy solar battery this garden area. ─── 泉州市金太阳电子科技有限公司投资的硅基薄膜太阳能电池出产线落户该园区。

13、Study on Filmy Flow Model and Minimum Wetting Rate for Packed Column ─── 填料塔膜流模型用于最小润湿速率研究

14、filmy disk ─── 薄膜唱片

15、the filmy wings of a moth ─── 飞蛾的薄翅

16、Xie Jin komencis sian planon filmi “La Opia Milito”. ─── 后面的 la Opia Milito 应该用目的格形式。

17、Apply MRI filmy scan to Adrenal disease ─── MRI薄层扫描对肾上腺疾病的价值

18、I miss you once the filmy moonlights are on the spring; ─── 当朦胧月色洒在泉水上,我思念你;

19、The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full Moon. ─── 光环带是一种灿烂的珠白色朦胧光,几乎像满月一样明亮。

20、Cloth of gold is a convenient comparison, but in fact it was more like filmy gauze over an exquisite pattern, the transparent white gauze resting lightly on transparent amber patterns. ─── 黄锦是方便的比喻,其实是一幅细纱,护着一幅有经纬的精致图案,透明的白纱轻轻压着透明的米黄花纹。

21、of craft of a kind of patent lamination this kind of patent makes penetrable waterproof filmy and close ground is compound in leather the reverse side. ─── 这种专利使可渗透的防水薄膜严密地复合在皮革背面。

22、Application of the BDF box with concrete filmy wall in cast-in-place concrete hollow floor ─── BDF箱体在现浇混凝土空心楼盖中的应用

23、mistakes were disastrous . " see that , " joe said , holding up a filmy corset - cover that he could have crumpled from view in one hand. ─── “看见了吧,”乔说,举起一件极薄的胸衣背心,那东西团一团就可以藏在手心里。

24、I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她卷起了百叶帘,我盯着那薄薄的白窗帘,盼着它能飘起来。

25、smieszne filmy gry flash online humor dowcipy o pisy GG puzzle satyra partia prezent rysunki ... ─── Tu znajdziesz to co 艣mieszne, fajne lub szydercze.Mo偶esz te偶 doda膰 swoje propozycje ...

26、Preparation of a new type of soluble filmy cachou ─── 超薄速溶口香膜片的研制

27、BDF box with concrete filmy wall ─── BDF水泥薄壁箱体

28、He turned towards me, and looked into my eyes with two filmy orbs that distilled the rheum of intoxication. ─── 他朝我回过身来,两只醉意朦胧的眼睛水汪汪的盯着我。

29、filmy veil ─── 薄面纱

30、A kind of filmy shape that the name is PEG 7 is polymeric, what acceptance is as long as 8 hours is abiding makeup effect, and the natural colour and lustre that keeps perfect from beginning to end. ─── 一种名为PEG 7的薄膜状聚合体,承诺长达8小时的持久妆效,且始终保持完美的自然色泽。

31、Mind's underground moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky . ─── 心灵的飞蛾长着稀薄的羽翼在落日的天空中作别离的飞翔.

32、According to national light industry investigation of bureau near future shows, shaanxi province is agricultural and filmy have bigger market potential. ─── 据国家轻工业局近期调查显示,陕西省农用薄膜具有较大市场潜力。

33、” She cranks up the Venetian blinds.I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 邻居们坐在阳台上,直到夜深,他们说话的声音有些模糊,那声音让我平静下来。


35、At the beginning, our company produce many kinds of filmy switch and filmy panel.From 2003, our company formally became BSH supplier and gained the reputation of "first-class supplier" continuously. ─── 公司最初以生产、销售各种类型薄膜开关、薄膜面板为主,2003年正式成为博西华制冷有限公司配套供应单位,连续几年来都被评为优秀供应商。

36、She flicked something at me. I held my hands out automatically, and the filmy white garter landed in my palms. ─── 她将什么东西抛给我。我不自觉地伸手去接,手心里便多出了一条薄薄的白色吊袜带。

37、Quality of a material also is filmy model, although the price wants to compare GATSBY expensive, but the result is similar still. ─── 质地也是薄膜型的,虽然价格要比GATSBY贵,但是效果还是差不多的。

38、a hat with a diaphanous veil;filmy wings of a moth;gauzy clouds of dandelion down;gossamer cobwebs;sheer silk stockings;transparent chiffon;vaporous silks. ─── 有透明面纱的帽子;蛾子薄膜的翅膀;蒲公英绒毛上纱似的阴影;薄纱般的蜘蛛网;透明的长丝袜;半透明的薄纱;透明的丝绸。

39、All they need is a certain, a thin filmy curtain, and other families are a thousand-mile a way. ─── 只要挂上一个窗帘,只要拉过那薄薄一层,便把别人家隔离在千万里以外了。

40、" She cranks up the Venetian blinds.I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着薄薄的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

41、Her new filmy have a lot of exposure on television recently. ─── 她的新影片最近在电视上做了大量宣传。

42、Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

43、We always plate the iridescence over rice beads, including colorless and colored filmy iridescence.We can coat the surface with solution or powder. ─── 米珠通常还需要镀虹彩膜,分为无色虹彩膜和有色虹彩(蓝、黄、绿、灰、赤褐等)膜,可用溶液喷涂(湿法)或粉末(干法)喷涂。

44、They made her think of the ballerina dress, and of all the pure, proud, filmy beauty of the world that belonged, by right, to Laura. ─── 那朵朵鲜花使她想到那件芭蕾舞衣,使她想到世上一切纯真的、值得自豪的、朦胧的美,都理所当然地属于劳拉。

45、They made her think of the ballerina dress, and of all the pure, proud, filmy beauty of the world that belonged, by right, to Laura. ─── 那朵朵鲜花使她想到那件芭蕾舞衣,使她想到世上一切纯真的、得自豪的、胧的美,都理所当然地属于劳拉。(思是说:劳拉这样好的女孩子应该享受世上一切美好的东西。

46、I stare at the filmy white curtain. ─── 我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。

47、WOMENSWEAR DETAILS Pastels are revived in synthetic gauzes, filmy membranes and gleaming satin.Lofted knits, nubby mohair and dense or downy constructions are deep as snowdrifts. ─── 土著式女装面料多用平滑细腻的织物,如丝毛混纺面料、羊绒、羊绒呢、山羊皮等等。

48、Technique of Polishing of Figuration Surface in Filmy Structure Copperizing Welding Pipe Roller ─── 薄壁镀铜焊管轧辊成型面光整工艺

49、filmy tongue ─── [医] 对称白斑舌

50、3.They made her think of the ballerina dress, and of all the pure, proud, filmy beauty of the world that belonged, by right,to Laura. ─── 那朵朵鲜花使她想到那件芭蕾舞衣,使她想到世上一切纯真的、值得自豪的、朦胧的美,都理所当然地属于劳拉。(意思是说:劳拉这样好的女孩子应该享受世上一切美好的东西。)

51、My story is just like filmi still keep proud. ─── 我的故事就像电影,我依然保持骄傲.

52、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the showercan enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“卫生间歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

53、7 Mind's underground moths grow filmy wingstake a farewell flight in the sunset sky. ─── 生着轻薄纱翼的心之蛾,在落日洒金的碧落中漫舞着离愁。

54、” She cranks up the Venetian blinds .I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

55、It can be quite fearful to walk here in lightless evenings, while today, it's not, though the moonlight is filmy. ─── 没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。

56、filmy lingerie. ─── 薄纱女内衣。

57、Filmy mists rise floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy. ─── 薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;

58、Then those eyes flashed brightly through their filmy heaviness, before the remainder of her face was well awake. ─── 接着,她的一双眼睛从惺松朦胧中睁开了,闪着明亮的光,不过她脸上其它的部分还没有完全清醒过来。

59、Seminal 2-4 is listed, grow a circle, filmy shape, two end have bundle of hair. ─── 种子2-4列,长圆形,薄膜状,两端具束毛。

60、I said this is so damn filmy) O so stupid of you! ─── 我说了这是这样极其朦胧的)你的这样愚蠢的O!

61、The two sets of pins move in the same direction, but at different speeds, to tease the fibers into a filmy layer, so that a thin web of fibers is formed on the cylinder. ─── 两组梳针的运动方向相同,但速度不同,目的是将纤维梳理成薄薄的一层。这样在锡林上就形成了一个薄薄的纤维层。

62、Try this with a friend and experiment with the filmy shadows. ─── 尝试与一个朋友,并与朦胧的阴影实验这一点。

63、The filmy wings of a moth; ─── 飞蛾的薄翅;

64、filmy clouds ─── 淡淡的云彩

65、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

66、whereas the body wash we were previously using left a filmy feel. ─── 它对我背上的痘痘十分有效,特别是那些小的痘痘,不过我还是长过一个大的痘痘。

67、optically oriented clay of filmy form ─── 纤维状光性定向粘粒

68、It's that time I received the first bundle of rose in all my life . and since that time our filmy heart was upgraded fast ,he is my husband now . ─── 也是那次我收到了我人生中的第一束红玫瑰,朦胧的感情从那之后开始升华。他就是我现在的老公。

69、Depending on characteristics of liquid flowing over the surface of packing,a filmy flow model is developed,by which the minimum wetting rate for packed column is studied. ─── 根据液体在填料表面膜状流动的特点,建立了填料塔的膜流模型,并将该模型用于填料塔最小润湿速率的研究。

70、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the clarifyer and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度MOVIEOntertaimentlife新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过特别训练锻炼的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

71、Limit state analysis of reinforced concrete filmy flat shells is so far very rarely concerned. ─── 钢筋混凝土膜型扁壳的极限分析,至今还极少论及。

72、A filmy memory you are in my dream。 ─── 你是我梦中记忆的朦胧。

73、5.a hat with a diaphanous veil; filmy wings of a moth; gauzy clouds of dandelion down; gossamer cobwebs; sheer silk stockings; transparent chiffon; vaporous silks. ─── 有透明面纱的帽子;蛾子薄膜的翅膀;蒲公英绒毛上纱似的阴影;薄纱般的蜘蛛网;透明的长丝袜;半透明的薄纱;透明的丝绸。

74、Mind's underground moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky. ─── 心底的飞蛾长着薄膜的翅膀在落日的天空作诀别的飞翔。

75、filmy tension force ─── 膜张力

76、Choose relaxed silhouettes likegauze sundresses,filmy camisolesor breezy skirts. Avoid too-tight anything: it's unbearable in the heat. ─── 选择宽松的太阳裙,朦胧的薄纱背心,凉风习习的裙子。这是难以忍受的炎热天气。

77、" She raises the Venetian blinds.I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.Lying still, waiting, I suddenly notice the life outside the window. ─── 她把百叶窗卷了起来,我便盯着那薄薄的白窗帘,盼着它飘静静地躺着,等待着,突然,窗外的生机引起了我的注意。

78、The affectionate message might be carried by a heart-shaped box of fancy chocolate candies, or by a bouquet of tulips tied with filmy red ribbon. ─── 一个装有特制巧克力糖的心瓣状盒子,或一束系着浅红色绸缎的郁金香,都会捎去一片爱慕之情。

79、Mind's understand moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky. ─── 潜入心灵的羽蛾生着薄雾的双翅,在夕阳的天际做着永诀的飞舞.

80、He flashed pride from filmy eyes ─── 他朦胧的眼中闪出骄傲的光芒。

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