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08-21 投稿


accosting 发音

英:[??k?st??]  美:[??k??st??]

英:  美:

accosting 中文意思翻译



accosting 短语词组

1、accosting define ─── 搭讪定义

2、accosting definition ─── 搭讪定义

3、accosting meaning ─── 搭讪意义

4、accosting sentence ─── 搭讪句

5、accosting synonym ─── 搭讪同义词

6、accosting defined ─── 搭讪定义

7、accosting me ─── 跟我搭讪

accosting 词性/词形变化,accosting变形

动词过去分词: accosted |动词现在分词: accosting |动词过去式: accosted |动词第三人称单数: accosts |

accosting 相似词语短语

1、accoutring ─── vt.装备;供以军用品;供以服装

2、accepting ─── adj.承兑的;易接受的;赞同的;v.接受;同意;承担(责任等)(accept的ing形式)

3、accounting ─── n.会计,会计学;账单;v.解释(account的ing形式);叙述

4、accenting ─── v.强调;重读;带着…口音讲话(accent的ing形式)

5、accompting ─── 会计

6、accourting ─── 会计

7、acciting ─── 接种

8、accoiling ─── 会计

9、accoasting ─── 表亲

accosting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And when a young man in a fantastical blue-and-silver costume spotted Sophie and decided to accost her as well, Sophie shrank into a shop doorway and tried to hide. ─── 因此当一个穿着古怪的蓝色和银色衣服的年轻男人拦住苏菲并象惯常做的那样向她搭讪时,苏菲缩进了一家小店的门里并试图把自己隐藏起来。

2、Before rhinoceros reachs dragon palace door, the station is answered surely look, accost whitebait, who knows to had lived without. ─── 犀到达龙宫门前,站定回望,招呼银鱼,谁知已经没有一条活的。

3、Female booking clerk at once enthusiastic accost, call person offer one's seat to sb. ─── 女售票员连忙热情招呼,叫人让座。

4、"Gardener, " her accost path, "How many reward does this housewife pay you? ─── “园丁,”她招呼道,“这家主妇付给你多少报酬?”

5、Have so an inn, counterjumper very calm ground accost I come in sit. ─── 有这么一家店,店员很坦然地招呼我进来坐。

6、beg by accosting people in the street and asking for money ─── 在大街上通过跟人搭话来乞求并且请求钱财

7、I walked on but the figure was now turning, accosting me, seemingly angry. ─── 我继续向前行,但那人影转向我而且似乎在生气。

8、It is forbidden to accost others while chewing. ─── 决不可嚼着东西跟别人搭讪。’

9、Accumulated Cost per thousand (also known as AcCost per thousand) ─── 累积每千人成本(以千人为单位)

10、9 see joke: 1, ugly wife general won't with " hue " accost man, or of appropriative participate " a third party " , then ugly wife the Lv that the husband can avoid wife happening extramarital love. ─── 9看笑话: 1、丑妻一般不会以“色相”勾引男人,或充当插足的“第三者”,于是丑妻的丈夫可免妻子发生婚外恋之虑。

11、to accost ─── 引诱向人搭讪

12、Out of the midst of them, the ghostly face would rise, and he would accost it again. ─── 那幽灵一样的面孔仍然会从这一切的雾影之中冒出来。他又会跟它说话。

13、person thus accosting nydia was a lady of a handsome but a bold and unmaidenly countenance. ─── 这样招呼尼狄亚的是一位面貌俊俏而粗犷,又毫不柔和的小姐。

14、He walked to the door and opened it, prepared to accost an intruder with righteous indignation. ─── 他走上前去开门,义愤填膺地想向闯入者发难。

15、When waiting for crown prince accost to want bread, he just had an opportunity. ─── 待王储招呼要面包时,他才有了机会。

16、Who does not know, fierce of accost of Pan gold lotus says when 2 man: If intended, for my drink wine of these half incomplete. ─── 谁不知道,潘金莲勾引武二郎时就说:若有意,替我饮了这半盏残酒。

17、The obscurity was such that he did not fear to accost the first lawyer whom he met."What stage have they reached, sir? ─── 前厅异常阴暗,因此他放胆随便找了个律师,便问:“先生,”他说,“案子进行到什么程度了?”

18、Then, from rise the following day, this father reduced what fleshy knead dough wraps to order, also do not wish at the same time again enthusiastic accost from the transient people before booth. ─── 于是,从第二天起,这位父亲减少了肉和面包的订购,同时也不愿再热情地招呼从摊前路过的人们。

19、Ling, a hot star, denies her mother Hung as she is a procuress.But Ling has to accost those producers for fame.The nightclub girl Wah painfully falls in love with a university student. ─── 女星玲不认駂母红姐为母,但自己却为走红而出卖肉体。

20、ed . Are not most of us operates in such ways? Accost only when the subject is physically attractive? I mustnuestion such initiative with great reservation. ─── 惑儒:我是问这种情况下是否可能发生爱,而不是问他"是否一定会发生爱"

21、'Nice to meet you, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhang, I am honored to know you. ' Lily anticipates accosting. ─── ‘很高兴见到你们,王主任和张副主任。认识两位是我的荣幸。’莉莉抢先搭讪。

22、Accumulated Cost per rating point (also known as AcCost per GRP) ─── 累积每收视点成本(也称累积每毛评点成本)

23、" saying accost lackey comes, bade: " saddle halter discharge, pull that bald ass comes in dozen, and see me hit its labium labrum to also be moved!And see me hit its labium labrum to also be moved!! ─── 说着便招呼仆人来,吩咐道:“把鞍子笼头卸了,牵那秃驴进来打,且看我打它下唇上唇也动!”

24、ould deemed too d nearsighted . Are not most of us operates in such ways? Accost only when the subject is physically attractive? I must qustion suche nitiative wit great reservation. ─── 惑儒:我是问这种情况下是否可能发生爱,而不是问他"是否一定会发生爱-"

25、you accost my wife. ─── 你让我太太胡思乱想。

26、He always says jokingly , "My job comes from accosting. " ─── 他老开玩笑:“我的这份工作是搭讪搭来的。”

27、Old women are usually more reticent, whereas most old men like to accost strangers.Their favorite thing is to talk about their “salad” days. ─── 老太太总是比较沉默,老先生喜欢有人和他搭话,听他说说从前这里的事情,他最喜欢。

28、They saw him slouch forward after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor. ─── 他们看到他在早饭以后萎靡不振地走着,而且会像叫化子似地,向一个水手伸出手。

29、4. After report person arrives, should seasonable accost its are entered into the door, and make tea is entertained; Cannot commanding, thrusting, place the airs of an official. ─── 汇报人到达后,应及时招呼其进门入座,并泡茶招待;不可居高临下,盛气凌人,摆官架子。

30、The obscurity was such that he did not fear to accost the first lawyer whom he met ─── 前厅异常阴暗,因此他放胆随便找了个律师,便问

31、The person thus accosting Nydia, was a lady of a handsome but a bold and unmaidenly countenance. ─── 这样招呼尼狄亚的是一位面貌俊俏而粗犷,又毫不柔和的小姐。

32、provider of our first breakfast was found by the King of Accosting. ─── 早餐的供货商,此地的发现得来于搭讪之王简称讪王千岁殿下的首次参上。

33、As he approached the gate, the lamplight showed a man of about forty walking by . Xiangzi thought he recognized his face and deportment, but hesitated to accost him. ─── 刚走到门脸上,灯光下走来个四十多岁的男人,他似乎认识这个人的面貌态度,可是不敢去招呼。

34、One day he eats branny hind go out, aboard encounters old old official, big old Guan Zheng is having a meal, accost idle Chinese eat together. ─── 有一天他吃糠后出门,在船上碰到大老官,大老官正在吃饭,便招呼闲汉一块吃。

35、The obscurity was such that he did not fear to accost the first lawyer whom he met. ─── 前厅异常阴暗,因此他放胆随便找了个律师,便问:

36、YJ accost her yelling, “you turned him down? ─── 毅俊高兴地问恩在:你拒绝他了?

37、Missionaries must live simply, rise early and follow an arduous regimen of prayer, study and accosting strangers. ─── 传教士生活必须很简单,早上起的很早并勤于祈祷,刻苦学习并和陌生人搭讪。

38、A day, the scholar replies a house midday suddenly, accost book child take a book. ─── 一天,秀才忽然中午回房,招呼书童取书来。

39、It's word of mouth marketing, just without spoken words or mouths -- there's nobody accosting you with annoying phone calls or inundating you with impersonal e-mails. ─── 这是一种口碑营销。甚至它都无需使用“口”:根本没人用电话调查来烦你,或是用群发电子邮件轰炸你的信箱。

40、The provider of our first breakfast was found by the King of Accosting. ─── 首顿早餐的供货商,此地的发现得来于搭讪之王简称讪王千岁殿下的首次参上。

41、The friend says: "My kin is in litter, so as to save he comes down accost, we hide to roadside to go. ─── 朋友说:“轿里是我的亲戚,省得他下来招呼,我们躲到路边去吧。”

42、She is too shy to dare accost him. ─── 她太害羞了,不敢和他搭话。

43、Missionaries must live simply, rise early and regimen of prayer, study and accosting strangers. ─── 传教士生活必须很简单,早上起的很早并勤于祈祷,刻苦学习并和陌生人搭讪。

44、Thank a teacher please above all simple with netizen accost, introduce one hauling. ─── 首先请谢老师简单与网友招呼一下,并介绍一下一起网。

45、I like to accost or be accosted!! ─── 如果一个异性(长地是你喜欢的类型哦!)

46、Step into that bazaar again then, counterjumper or so enthusiastic accost me, I am some felt embarrassed, had come twice, also have some of look familiar. ─── 于是再次踏进那家商场,店员还是那么热情地招呼我,我倒是有些不好意思了,来过两次,也有些面熟了。

47、If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter and passed on. ─── 如果他们执意要和她搭汕,她就用一个手指按任那红宇,侧身而过。

48、If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter, and passed on. ─── 如果他们执意要和她搭讪,她就用一个手指按住那红宇,侧身而过。

49、Accost only when the subject is physically attractive? ─── 用这种方法真的会产生爱?

50、"Salaama," came the reply in the darkness. I walked on but the figure was now turning, accosting me, seemingly angry. ─── "黑暗中传来了回应。我继续向前行,但那人影转向我而且似乎在生气。

51、If we are too strong, they can escape, if we are flimsy, old day knows, what can they do: It is to use us first, throw away again next, flat perhaps do not hit accost ground to run. ─── 如果我们太强了,他们会逃跑,如果我们脆弱,老天知道,他们会干出什么:先是利用我们,然后再扔掉,或者干脆不打一声招呼地跑掉。

52、‘Nice to meet you, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhang, I am honored to know you.’ Lily anticipates accosting. ─── ‘很高兴见到你们,王主任和张副主任。认识两位是我的荣幸。’莉莉抢先搭讪。

53、He knew I was a preacher, but it has never been my custom to accost people in the name of Jesus, so I just was shaking hands and visiting with him, but he took the offensive. ─── 可是他对我进行攻击。他没有令人不快,但他采取攻势。他说:“我努力工作,我照看家庭,我考虑我的事业。

54、The person thus accosting Nydia, was a lady of a handsome but a bold and unmaidenly countenance. ─── 这样招呼尼狄亚的是一位面貌俊俏而粗犷,又毫不柔和的小姐。

55、He ruminated on his defenses before he should accost her father ─── 他在与她父亲搭话前,仔细地考虑着他的防范措施。

56、She was accost ed by a complete stranger. ─── 有一个她完全不认识的人过来跟她搭讪.

57、The taxi driver did not accost, silent a little while hind, say of his gnash ground: "Fuck, I think Italian woman is same also!I think Italian woman is same also!! ─── 出租车司机没有搭话,沉默了一会儿后,他咬牙切齿地说道:“他妈的,我想意大利女人也一样!”

58、He said:" Couldn't he see by himself, he just made an excuse for accosting, why did you rap to such a boring man. although you have been here for so long, even didn't have such basical alert. ─── 老公说:“有没有车他自己不会看,人家故意找借口和你搭讪,这种无聊的人理他干嘛。亏你都出来这么长时间了,这点警惕都没有。”

59、Missionaries must live simply, rise early and follow an arduous regimen of prayer, study and accosting strangers. ─── 传教士必须生活简单、早起,并遵循一套有关祈祷、学习及与陌生人搭讪的严格规则。

60、" etc sacred end, taking fleshy accost to purchase personnel to say: "Still arrive quickly in fleshy travel go. ─── 等祭祀完毕,就拿著肉招呼采购人员说:“快还到肉行里去吧。”

61、I do not accost in men's lavatory and other man normally, but did not know that day how, answer with respect to blurt out, "Not bad. ─── 我通常是不在男厕所和其他男人搭话的,但是那天不知道怎的,就随口答道,“ 还好。”

62、To accost or intercept unexpectedly. ─── 意外地打招呼或拦住

63、He ruminated on his defences before he should accost her father. ─── 他在与她父亲搭话前,仔细地考虑着他的防范措施。

64、Only that no one is accosting you? ─── 只是没人搭理你?

65、beg by accosting people in the street and asking for money. ─── 在大街上通过跟人搭话来乞求并且请求钱财。

66、Family was touched by him, accost he ate and drink. ─── 家人被他感动了,招呼他吃喝了一顿。

67、"If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter and passed on." ─── 如果他们执意要和她搭汕,她就用一个手指按任那红宇,侧身而过。

68、Mr. Lin could make no sense out of this at all. His worry increased and he dropped Lu to accost Wang, the next person who came along. ─── 林先生不得要领,心里更急,丢开陆和尚,就去问第二个走近来的人,桥头的王三毛。

69、" my glibly agrees: "All right, but I am gotten with ' chief ' the accost that make reputation. ─── 我满口答应:“行,但我得与‘负责人’打声招呼。”

70、Talk with the other side rarely actually in the unit at ordinary times, felt pretty is accident that day, later he very naturally looks for opportunity and me to begin to accost. ─── 平时在单位其实很少和对方说话,那天觉得蛮意外的,后来他就很自然地找机会和我开始搭话了。”

71、"Let her see nothing strange- no passion nor eagerness- in thy way of accosting her,"" whispered Hester. " ─── "你跟她搭话的时候,别让她看出什么不同寻常的地方,既不要太热情,也不要太急切,"

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