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ballad 发音

英:[?b?l?d]  美:[?b?l?d]

英:  美:

ballad 中文意思翻译



ballad 网络释义

n. 歌谣,民谣;叙事歌谣;流行抒情歌曲

ballad 词性/词形变化,ballad变形


ballad 短语词组

1、ballad stanza ─── [韵律学]民谣(或叙事诗歌)体诗节(为四行, 通常押 abcb 韵)

2、emotive ballad ─── 情感民谣

3、caius ballad ─── 凯乌斯民谣。

4、ballad singer ─── 民谣歌手

5、broadside ballad ─── 侧边民谣

6、ballad meter ─── 镇流器流量计

7、ballad design ─── 镇流器设计

8、ballad definition ─── 民谣定义

9、Ballad of a Shinigami ─── 一首信日歌的民谣

10、ballad of a white cow ─── 白牛歌谣

11、sm the ballad ─── 山猫民谣

12、ballad pop ─── 流行民谣

13、caius ballad sword ─── 歌谣剑

14、folk ballad ─── 民间歌谣

15、lyrical ballad ─── 抒情民谣

16、ballad maker ─── [网络] 民谣制作人

17、ballad-monger n. ─── 民谣歌本零售商, 蹩脚诗人

18、drug ballad ─── 毒品歌谣

19、ballad opera ─── 叙事歌剧, 民谣歌剧(18世纪早期流行于英格兰)

ballad 相似词语短语

1、ballades ─── n.叙事曲;三节联韵诗;n.(Ballade)人名;(西)巴利亚德;(法)巴拉德

2、ballat ─── 巴拉特

3、balled ─── v.(使)成球状(ball的过去式和过去分词)

4、balladry ─── n.民谣

5、ballan ─── n.(Ballan)(阿)巴郎(人名)

6、ballade ─── n.叙事曲;三节联韵诗;n.(Ballade)人名;(西)巴利亚德;(法)巴拉德

7、balladic ─── 民谣

8、ballyard ─── 圆球场

9、ballads ─── n.叙事诗;民歌,民谣;情歌(ballad的复数)

ballad 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A German art song in the style of a ballad for solo voice and piano. ─── 德国民歌民谣形式的德国艺术歌曲,是钢琴伴奏的独唱

2、Huang Chung-kun, a ballad singer, is a new idol of youngsters. ─── 图4:唱民歌出身的黄仲昆,是年轻人的新偶像。

3、The town troupe will come to our village, and give us a wenchang performance. Wenchang is a kind of ballad singing in which several people sing, and perform together. ─── 县里的剧团两天后将到我们镇举行文场表演。

4、Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad? ─── 你是不是觉得我知道那首歌谣很奇怪?

5、Crash-bang the ballad is our anticipation, side a roadside walks sings is most comfortable. ─── 哗啦啦的歌谣是我们的期待,一路边走边唱才是最自在。

6、But the augury has not disappeared as a kind of culture phenomenon.But the augury has not disappeared as a kind of culture phenomenon, it continued to spread in the form of augury ballad. ─── 但是谶作为一种文化现象并没有消失,而是以谶谣的形式继续在社会上传播,唐代是谶谣发展的一个重要时期。

7、The recitation of a ballad,an ode,etc ─── 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵.

8、The earth hums to me today in the sun. like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue. ─── 今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。

9、Chinese Ballad Singers Association ─── 中国曲艺家协会

10、And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away An old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. ─── 就象歌中的老兵一样,我结束我的军旅生涯,只是淡出了人生舞台。一个力图象上帝指引的那样完成他的责任的老兵。

11、The ballad It Must Have Been Love,which was used on the soundtrack of the movie Pretty Woman,became the band's third US chart-topper in April 1990,and also reached UK number 3. ─── 他们为电影《漂亮女人》演唱的配乐情歌《这一定是爱》于1990年4月成为乐队第三首位居美国排行榜冠军的曲目,并成为英国排行榜季军。

12、Unfortunately for the local ballad makers, this meeting never came about. ─── 对当地编民谣的人来说,不幸的是这次会面根本没有实现。

13、Also, the Windswept Pacific website has a record of a ballad titled "Gone From Me" written by Andy Murray and Chris Ballard for Brandy. ─── 并且,Windswept Pacific 网站已经有一个由Andy Murray和Chris Ballard一起为BRANDY写的抒情歌GONE WITH THE WIND的记录。

14、The earth hums to me today in the sun,like a women at her spinning,some ballad of ancient in a forgotten tongue. ─── 今天,大地在阳光下,像一个坐在纺车边的女人,用一种已被遗忘了的语言,对我哼唱着几支古老的歌谣。

15、Music A composition, usually for the piano, having the romantic or dramatic quality of a ballad. ─── 叙事诗:一种通常为钢琴而写的带有民谣的浪漫或戏剧性风格的乐曲。

16、You are more like a resounding ballad, telling us a moving legend. ─── 你更像一首优美而高亢的诗歌,一个美丽而动人的传奇。

17、"You Can Tell Me" is a simple folk ballad from the heart. ─── “你可以告诉我(你还爱谁) 是发自内心,一首简单的民间情歌。

18、Yesterday, a simple ballad written by Paul and recorded by the group in 1965, remains one of the most widely recorded songs of all time, even three decades later. ─── 《昨天》,一首由保罗创作并由乐队于1965年录制的朴素民歌,一直是一首广为录制的歌曲,即使是30年后的今天也是这样。

19、The band's second number was a ballad. ─── 乐队的第二个节目是芭蕾

20、The ritual and the ballad of Li nationality, like storage, inherit the memory of the Ethnic group. ─── 与仪式直接相关联的“隆闺”情歌、“槟榔”情歌和“不落夫家”情歌的歌唱,不仅推动了仪式进程,同时也是仪式过程本身的阐释。

21、With it's delicately phrased verses and booming chorus, the theologically-based power ballad is undoubtedly one of the most mature and complex singles to ever top the Hot 100. ─── 1998年,迈克尔因为在贝弗利山家附近公园的男洗手间里的猥亵行为被警方逮捕,一时间成为小报头条人物。

22、The haulting ballad expressed all the fears of a soldier far from home, yearning to be in his love's arms. ─── 那缠绵婉转的曲调诉说着每一个远离家乡士兵对战争的恐惧和对爱人怀抱的深深的眷恋。

23、The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue. ─── 今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。

24、Thoughts on the Subjects of Shaanxi Opera (music by Lu Rirong) and Orchid Ballad (music by Guan Ming) all give full play to the erhu's potential and have successfully deepened the melodic content of Chinese national music. ─── 《秦腔主题随想曲》(鲁日融作曲),《兰花花叙事曲》(关铭仲),都充分地展示了二胡的潜能,有效地深化了民族旋律的内涵。

25、And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career. ─── 就象歌中的老兵一样,我结束我的军旅生涯,只是淡出了人生舞台。

26、-- The ballad of Joking Jesus, Stephen answered ─── “那是《滑稽的耶稣》小调,”斯蒂芬回答说。

27、As the tinker became drunk, he began to sing.Robin enjoyed listening to the ballad he sang.Soon, the tinker laid his head on the table.Within minutes, he had fallen fast asleep. ─── 小炉匠喝醉之后,就开始唱歌。罗宾喜欢听他唱的民谣。不久,小炉匠把头趴在桌上。没过几分钟,他就睡熟了。

28、Ranka has a larger variety of singing techniques which I adore, while Sheryl only sings one ballad and the rest is the same type of pop. ─── 我很欣赏兰花那多样化的唱功(注:唱功?兰花的?),而雪露就只唱了一首抒情歌,其他全是同一类的流行歌。

29、The more I hear it the more I feel, thoughit's a Chinese love ballad, Hayley even sing it better than ourselves. ─── 假如以后再有演唱会讯息, 又要烦恼怎样抢票, 要开多少场才能满足全部海莉迷呀?

30、The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a women at her spinning, some ballad of ancient in a forgotten tongue. ─── 今天,大地在阳光下,像一个坐在纺车边的女人,用一种已被遗忘了的语言,对我哼唱着几支古老的歌谣。

31、The book reads like a ballad. ─── 这本书读起来像民谣的风格。

32、He is a ballad singer. ─── 他是个民谣歌手。

33、Old soldiers never die , they just fade away . And like the old soldier of that ballad , I now close my military career and just fade away . ─── 老兵永远不会死去,他只会慢慢消失。正如那首歌谣中的老兵,我现在结束了自己的军旅生涯,开始慢慢消失。

34、Shandong clapper ballad originates from Linqing, Jining and Yanzhou of Shandong, with a history over 100 years. ─── 山东快书发源于山东省临清、济宁、兖州一带,已有百年以上的历史。

35、Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater ─── 幽灵剧院里的午夜歌舞

36、How does Gaskell use the ballad "The Oldham Weaver" in Mary Barton? ─── 在《玛莉包顿》里,盖斯凯尔如何运用叙事诗“奥耳丹的织布工”?

37、Upon his release, Oscar wrote “The Ballad of Reading Gaol,” a response to the agony he experienced in prison. ─── “如今是这样的年代,读得太多而没时间欣赏,写得太多而没时间思想。”

38、a medieval ballad about a knight and a lady ─── 一首关于骑士和贵族小姐的中世纪谣曲

39、There will be a performance of ballad singing (popular in Henan Province) tonight. ─── 今天晚上有河南坠子的演出。

40、Listen to it, sing it, play it, read about it.Write a 5-page paper on the literary qualities of the ballad in general and yours in particular. ─── 写一篇五页的报告,报告中描绘出民歌中普遍存在的文学特点,详细分析你挑选出的那首民谣的文学特点。

41、In many countries, the folk ballad was one of the earliest forms of literature. ─── 在很多国家,民谣是最初的文学之一。

42、Meanwhile, the region cultural environment of the typical land that abounds in rivers and lakes, breeds still flexible character of the feeling of Jingchu ballad. ─── 同时,典型的水乡泽国的地域文化环境,育成了荆楚歌谣尚情的柔性品格。

43、In the speech before Congress he announced his retirement from active military service with the now famous Line from an old ballad"Old soldiers never die - - they just fade away. ─── 在这次对国会的演讲中,他以一句古老歌词“一个老兵永不死亡,他只是淡出舞台”来宣告自己军旅生涯的结束。

44、She proved to be a great dancer, and she showed off her vocals in her ballad songs and live performances. ─── 她证明了自己是一个非常厉害的舞者,并在民谣和现场表演中展示了她的唱功。

45、From the varied melody to distinctive lyrics, this dramatic ballad feels like something out of a musical, and Yoga's interpretation reveals both his promise and inexperience. ─── 不管是多变的旋律, 或是极具风格的歌词, 这首高度戏剧化的情歌都很像音乐剧里的曲子, 而林宥嘉的演绎显示了他的潜力, 当中也有历练不足之处。

46、And so their tale is a bittersweet ballad of love and hate. ─── 因此他们的故事就如同一首爱恨交织、苦中有甜的抒情诗。

47、Prefer not to see what colorful reading fashion magazines, is nothing like listening to music to forget the popular ballad. ─── 喜欢读书不是看什么花花绿绿的时尚杂志、喜欢音乐也不是什么听过就忘的流行小曲。

48、But is there a duller love ballad in any major American musical than "Maria" ("Maria! ─── 但是无法想象还有哪部大型音乐剧中的爱情歌曲会比“Maria”(“Maria!

49、She is a ballad, intonating ageless folk songs; ─── 她是一支曲,浅吟低唱着不老的乡谣;

50、Ballad opera led directly to the German singspiel and can be seen as the source of the modern musical. ─── 叙事歌剧直接影响到歌唱剧,也可被视为现代音乐剧的源头。

51、A large quantity of imperial edicts,orders and inscribed books promulgated and issued by the Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping were used mainly in Hakkas folk literature styles,and in the form of colloquialism,dialect,slang and Hakkas ballad. ─── 太平天国颁布和发出的大量谕旨、命令和刊刻的书籍,多用客家民间文学体例,并以俗语、方言、俚语和客家歌谣的形式出现。

52、The erhu is presently used in the orchestra of Chinese instruments and also in numerous Chinese opera and ballad forms. ─── 二胡目前正在被广泛应用在中国的管弦乐队中,并在众多戏曲和说唱等节目中使用。

53、Her latest single is a ballad. ─── 她的最新单曲唱片是一首情歌。

54、Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless. ─── 去年柯林斯写了一首感人的叙事诗,突出描写了无家可归者的苦境。

55、Ballad Of Barbara ( Ghost ) Riders In The Sky I Walk The Line outro I Walk The Line Long Back Veil ... ─── There You Go 歌词 试听There You Go 观看There You Go视频 Johnny Cash所有歌 曲 打印 复制 Johnny Cash热门...

56、At the crisscross footpaths between fields, I try to recognize my foot-prints at childhood, to catch the innocent laughter and to chase ballad of pure sentiments. ─── 在交错的阡陌,辨认童年的脚印,捕捉天真的笑声,追寻纯情的歌谣。

57、Her cryptic lyrics, composed mostly in ballad meter, are metaphysical in style, original in language, and precise in imagery. ─── 她多以述事韵律写作神密抒情诗,文体(上是)抽象(的);语文(上是)独创(的),意象(上是)周密(的)。

58、the recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc ─── 叙事歌谣、 颂诗等的背诵.

59、The curved river water from the space, flows to a that profusion of color piece of sea, crash-bang the ballad is our anticipation, side a roadside walks sings is most comfortable. ─── 弯弯的河水从天上来,流向那万紫千红一片海,哗啦啦的歌谣是我们的期待,一路边走边唱才是最自在。

60、"Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," starring Will Ferrell, opened at No. 1 in Australia and New Zealand. ─── 主演的“他拉德嘎之夜:里奇波比的摇篮曲”在澳大利亚和新西兰公映。

61、He declared it was like a ballad, that he would do his best to help me. ─── 他说这真象是一首山歌,说他愿意竭尽全力地帮助我。

62、yuefu ballad in the South Dynasty ─── 南朝乐府民歌

63、He is good at writing ballad. ─── 他擅长于写民歌。

64、Likeness ballad in loneliness world ─── 如寂寞世界的歌谣

65、You could recite an epic poem for me, a ballad, a sonnet, a limerick or something! ─── 你可以为我背一首史诗,民谣,十四行诗,一首打油诗或其他什么。

66、The category includes ballad, carcl, sea shanty and lullaby. ─── 它们可分为民谣、颂歌、水手小调以及摇篮曲等几类。

67、As a folk expression of current politics,political ballad has involuntarily become a non-literary expression,all narrative factors of which have alienated into a profit-oriented expression strategy. ─── 当代时政歌谣已成为主流话语外的民间表达,已体现为身不由己的“非文学”性,它的一切文学叙事因素都异化为功利要求的表达策略。

68、One tends to associate rhythm particularly with music for dancing or marching but, of course, it's no less important in a string quartet or ballad, just in a different way. ─── 我们尤其容易把节奏和舞曲、进行曲联系起来,但,当然,在弦乐四重奏或流行音乐它也非常重要,只是以另外的方式。

69、A later form of ballad is the literary ballad, which imitates the style of the folk ballad. ─── 后来发展成为有文字的歌谣,其形式仿效民歌。

70、Ye Fang said, “Nowadays, I often arrange gatherings for pingtan (a combination of storytelling and ballad singing) and Kunqu lovers in my garden. ─── 叶放说:“现在我经常在南石皮记安排一些评弹和昆曲的雅集。

71、His Facebook fan club has 8,000 members, and a hokey ballad on YouTube sings his praises. ─── 在一次家庭烤肉会上,哈里斯-莫尔父子发生了争执。

72、"Five-four" Poetry Revolution, "New Ballad"compaign and the thriving of Vague Poetry are three greet revolutions in the poetry history of 20th century. ─── “五四”诗歌革命、“新民歌”运动和朦胧诗的崛起是20世纪中国诗歌史上的三次伟大革命。

73、King: What ballad is that? ─── 国王:那是什么歌谣?

74、Nice enough in its way: for a little ballad ─── 唱一支民间小调嘛,倒还凑合。

75、A composition, usually for the piano, having the romantic or dramatic quality of a ballad. ─── 叙事诗一种通常为钢琴而写的带有民谣的浪漫或戏剧性风格的乐曲

76、In an archway, a tall elderly gentleman named Peng Shi Yong is singing a traditional Chinese ballad. ─── 在拱廊上,一个叫彭世勇的高个子的老人在唱著中国传统民歌。

77、What do you think? Ballad is my favor... ─── 不管你信不信,我最喜欢情歌...)

78、The performing style varies from bebop, ballad, latin to free jazz, and is characteristic by the re-arangement of modern and early chinese songs. ─── 乐队演奏(唱)曲目从比波普、摇摆、拉丁到自由爵士等,风格跨越幅度较大;对部分早期及现代中国歌曲进行了独树一帜的改编。

79、This Kailash used to rattle off for my special delectation a doggerel ballad of his own composition. ─── 这位卡拉什曾为逗乐我,对着我叽里呱啦地唱着他自己编的歪诗。

80、Is following the childhood ballad, Le Manyao and the Lu calf grows together in the sky blue sea extravagant fishing rice region of rivers and lakes. ─── 伴随着童年的歌谣,乐满瑶和鲁小牛在天蓝海阔的渔米水乡一起成长。

81、He was elicited by theprosperity of Ballad in Germany, imitated the form of ballad to create four narrativepoems and acquired great achievements at the beginning of the New Peom. ─── 从形式方面看,德国谣曲外形均齐、节奏整饰,在简短的篇幅内用第三人称叙述一个完整的小故事。

82、He and his family returned to the United States In 1951, In the speech before Congress he announced his retirement from active military service with the now famous Line from an old ballad, "Old soldiers never die--they just fade away". ─── 1951年,他与家人回到美国。在这次对国会的演讲中,他以一句古老歌词“一个老兵永不死亡,他只是淡出舞台”来宣告自己军旅生涯的结束。

83、The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue. ─── 今天在阳光下大地就像一位织布妇人向我哼着歌,用一种已被忘却的语言哼着古代的歌谣。

84、Ballad of Unshakeable Will MP ─── 坚定意志民谣

85、Her latest single is a ballad. ─── 她的最新单曲唱片是一首情歌。

86、Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ─── 塔拉德加之夜

87、Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing, story-telling, comic dialogue, clapper talk and crosstalk. ─── 我的译文:曲艺指民间表演艺术形式,如民歌、讲故事、幽默段子、绕口令和相声。

88、captains courageous, whom death could not daunt(Anonymous ballad. ─── 勇敢的船长,死亡不会使他们胆怯(作者不详的民谣)。

89、remixed a popular ballad and turned it into a dance hit. ─── 将流行民谣混音为舞曲劲歌

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