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08-18 投稿


fluxed 发音

英:[fl?kst]  美:[fl?kst]

英:  美:

fluxed 中文意思翻译



fluxed 常用词组

heat flux ─── 热流,热通量

magnetic flux ─── 磁通量

flux density ─── 通量密度;辐射流密度;流量密度

fluxed 词性/词形变化,fluxed变形

动词现在分词: fluxing |动词过去分词: fluxed |动词过去式: fluxed |动词第三人称单数: fluxes |

fluxed 短语词组

1、fluxed matter ─── 熔解物

2、fluxed matter shield ─── 熔剂屏蔽

3、fluxed zone ─── 流动区

4、fluxed pvc ─── 聚氯乙烯

5、fluxed singularity ─── 通量奇点

6、fluxed sinter ─── 熔剂性烧结矿, ─── 熔性机烧结矿

7、fluxed infused ─── 熔剂灌注

8、fluxed pellets ─── 自熔性球团

9、fluxed meaning ─── 含糊的意思

10、fluxed electrum ─── 助熔剂驻极体

11、fluxed bitumen ─── 软质沥青

12、fluxed synonym ─── 混淆同义词

13、fluxed trinkets ─── 小饰物

14、fluxed electrode ─── 涂药焊条;熔剂焊条

15、fluxed solder ─── 焊剂;熔剂

16、kerosene fluxed ─── 煤油熔剂

17、fluxed core ─── 熔核

18、fluxed pellet ─── 自熔性球团矿

19、fluxed infused armor ─── 熔剂灌注装甲

fluxed 相似词语短语

1、flued ─── 流体

2、flumped ─── v.砰地落下;砰地扔下;n.(下落时)砰的一声

3、fluffed ─── n.绒毛;错误;无价值的东西;vt.念错;抖松;使…起毛;vi.起毛;出错;变松

4、refluxed ─── n.逆流;退潮

5、fluxes ─── n.[流][机]流量(flux的复数);流动;涨潮;钎焊剂;[助剂]助熔剂;v.熔化(flux的三单形式);使成流体

6、fluted ─── adj.有凹槽的;笛声的;v.用长笛吹奏乐曲;用长笛般的声音说、唱(flute的过去式)

7、flumed ─── n.水道;笕槽;引水槽;vt.用引水槽输送;用引水槽引;n.(Flume)人名;(德)弗卢梅

8、flubbed ─── v.弄糟,搞坏(flub的过去式和过去分词)

9、fluked ─── v.侥幸做成,侥幸成功(fluke的过去式及过去分词)

fluxed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most people think time is a river, it flux swiftly and surly one direction. ─── 大多数人认为时间象一条河流,曲折但是坚定地向着一个方向流动。

2、For incompressible fluids, both the mass flux and the volume flux are constant in a tube of flow. ─── 对于不可压缩的流体来说,流管中的质量通量和体积通量都是恒定不变的。

3、Flux: The stream of photons coming from a light source. ─── 光通量:一个光源的光量子流量。

4、Events are in a state of flux. ─── 事情在不断变化中。

5、General Formalism for Chemical Reaction Networks. Metabolic Flux Analysis. ─── 化学反应网路的一般形式。代谢流通量分析。

6、A general profile setting up a wave solder machine to optimize reflow using an alcohol base flux. ─── 一种常规温度特性曲线,用于对波焊机进行设置,对采用以酒精为基本成分的焊剂回流进行优化。

7、Enchanted with quick success, and used to high-tech's flux, singles often weren't seeking long-term relationships. ─── 单身汉们被迅速的成功冲昏了头脑并习惯了高科技变迁,因此往往不去追寻长久的爱情。

8、Another attribute is the flux or radiant power that can be delivered in that narrow frequency band. ─── 另一个性质就是在这样窄的频带内可以给出很高的光通量或辐射功率。

9、A device in the electrical circuit for varying the luminous flux from lamps in a lighting installation. ─── 安置在电路中以改变照明系统中光源光通量输出的装置。

10、Use plenty of soldering flux to ensure a perfect connection. ─── 使用大量的焊接通量,以确保完美的连接。

11、Bottom tank inspection using magnetic flux leakage technique. ─── 使用磁通量渗漏技术进行储罐底部检测。

12、For a target of any thinkness, the undeflected flux diminishes exponentially with thickness. ─── 对具有任意厚度的靶,无偏折的通量随厚度扫指数规律而衰减。

13、The size of flux through the closed electric circuit changing, there is induced current in the closed electric circuit. ─── 只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,闭合电路中就产生感应电流。

14、Divide into :1 all the year flux set free effluvium 2 long rush down no Yu 3. ─── 分为:1整年泻痢放臭气 2久泻不愈 3.便臭下痢 。

15、A superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power cell. ─── 一个超导体将通行孔径的能量转到能量电池中。

16、Pandoran: A creature animated by Pyros, but which has no Azoth of its own. Pandorans are the spawn of Flux. ─── 尸祸:以圣火活化的生物,但本身没有水银。尸祸是暗火的衍生体。

17、In general we can have temperature or flux boundary conditions but in this case we will only consider the former. ─── 一般说,边界条件可以是给定温度,也可是给定热流,但这里我们只考虑前者。

18、Superheat decreases as the channel narrows at low heat flux, but it inverts at high heat flux. ─── 在较低热流密度下,窄通道强化传热;

19、bitumen and bituminous binders - distillation of fluxed bitumen ─── 沥青和沥青粘合剂.稀释沥青蒸馏

20、TK1030 is a no-clean type flux cored wire NEWLY designed for Lead free. ─── TK1030是一种新近研制的免清洗型焊剂芯焊锡线,适用于无铅应用。

21、Calculation of R_(min) for flux or slag is of signifi-cance in welding,ESR and protective casting. ─── 不同熔剂或熔渣的 R_(min)计算值对电渣重熔、保护浇铸及焊接的工艺过程有一定指导意义。

22、Raw water Flux: Check whether system has sufficient raw water. ─── 原水流量:检查系统是否具备充足的原水。


24、Cleaning efficiency is measured as return of permeate flux of water to initial levels, prior to use. ─── 它以最快的流动速度在膜的表面引起湍流。清洁效率用水的渗入通量的回收值与初始值(即使用前)来衡量。

25、Superior wetting performance with lower flux splatter. ─── 优异的熔湿特性,溅污影响更低。

26、If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will eaporate, and dried flux is liable to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation. ─── 如果允许涂上焊剂的部件处于直立状态,那么焊剂中的水分会蒸发掉,而干燥的焊剂很容易脱落,致使暴露的金属表面容易被氧化。

27、Enchanted with quick success,and used to high-tech's flux,singles often weren't seeking long-term relationships. ─── 单身汉们被迅速的成功冲昏了头脑并习惯了高科技变迁,因此往往不去追寻长久的爱情。

28、Could the Universal Primordial Flux become contaminated? ─── 宇宙原始流会被污染?


30、Of a source. The luminous flux emitted above [below] a horizontal plane passing through the source. ─── 对光源而言。高于[低于]通过光源的水平面而发射的光通量。

31、Applying the proper amount of flux to the rework site is critical. ─── 将适量焊剂施加到返工区是非常重要的工艺。

32、In most reactors, there is a significant flux of fast neutrons. ─── 在大部分反应堆中都有一定强度的快中子流。

33、Safeguard the switch assembly against flux penetration from its topside. ─── 保护开关并防止助焊剂从开关顶部渗入;

34、The interpretation of this fauna is still in flux. ─── 对这一生物群的解释仍处于不断变化之中。

35、Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly. ─── 升高温度和降低膜下游压力可明显提高膜的渗透通量。

36、Process changes that will have to be considered when changing from an alcohol based to a VOC-Free flux technology. ─── 从以酒精为基本成分的焊剂转变为无有机挥发物焊剂时必须予以考虑的工艺变动。

37、bitumen and coal tar pitch ; effect of water on binder coatings ; testing of fluxed bitumen binder coatings ─── 沥青和焦油沥青.水对粘合剂涂层的作用.软制沥青粘合

38、Cooling water flux should be accord with the design requirement. ─── 冷却水流的流量应根据冷却器的设计要求。

39、Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Electronic Soldering Applications ─── 电子钎焊用电子级钎料合金及助熔和不助熔固体钎料的要求

40、Flux: do you still have that unnatural affinity for goats? ─── 你们仍然赋予山羊非自然的关系吗?

41、Development of Complex Fluxed Pellet ─── 复合熔剂性球团的开发研究

42、Uncertainty of initial drug permeable flux. ─── 初始通量的不确定性。

43、Calculation of R(min) for flux or slag is of significance in ESR, protective casting and welding. ─── 不同熔剂或熔渣的R_(min)计算值对电渣重熔、保护浇铸以及焊接的工艺过程有一定指导意义。

44、The magnetic flux can flow inside the core with extreme low reluctance. ─── 使磁通以极小的阻力在铁心中流通。

45、Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of the efflux time of petroleum cut-back and fluxed bitumens. ─── 沥青和沥青粘合剂.石油轻制和软制沥青流出时间的测定

46、The flux is generally an organic salt dissolved in water and alcohol mixture. ─── 助熔剂通常是一种溶于水和酒精中的有机盐混合物。

47、Here was the whole world in storm and flux. ─── 全世界正处于风雨飘摇中。

48、In contrast with RO membrane, NF membrane exhibits higher flux even under high salinity and low pressure. ─── 与反渗透相比较,即使在高盐度和低压条件下也具有较高渗透通量。

49、What are the main qualification tests for using liquid flux? ─── 使用液体焊剂的主评选测试有哪些?

50、The situation will remain in flux for six months or so. ─── 在半年左右的时间内,局势还会是动荡不定的。

51、The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength. ─── 发光效率一定波长的光量对同样波长的辐射光量的比例

52、The common principle is the use of the induction of an electromotive force by the variation of the magnetic flux through a coil. ─── 一般原理均是使用通过线圈的磁通量变化感应的电动势。

53、Introduced here is the advanced flux cored down weld technology. ─── 介绍了药芯焊丝自保护下向焊技术。

54、Variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors. ─── 已探知的流量的变更依赖许多因素。

55、If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate. ─── 如果容许焊剂部件出于竖立状态,则焊剂内的水分将会蒸发掉。

56、And the GSR flux density will increased in the last decade of 20 centuries. ─── 20世纪后10年年平均总辐射通量密度有增大的趋势。

57、RF742 is a No-Clean Paste Flux compatible with FL250D NO Clean Solder Paste. ─── RF742是一种可以与FL250D免清洗焊锡膏相容的免清洗焊锡膏。

58、Study on the uncertainties of methods and precision of net radiation flux measurement. ─── 净辐射通量观测方法及观测精度的不确定性研究。

59、In steady flow, mass flux is constant. ─── 在稳定流动中,质量通量是恒定不变的。

60、Society in general and the economy in particular are in a constant state of flux. ─── 一般来说,社会,尤其是经济总是处在不断变化的状态。

61、A Fast Ocean GCM without Flux Adjustments. ─── 一个不含通量调整的快速海洋。

62、Sell LED S25,T Series,Festoon,Flux,etc. ─── 出售率领s25,t系列,花彩,通量等。

63、"Life" is a system composed of nonliving elements in developmental flux . ─── 在历史变迁过程中,生命是一个由许多无生命要素组合形成的系统。

64、In both cases, operations should be stopped and the joints disassembled, recleaned and fluxed. ─── 在这些情况下,连接作业应该停止,并且拆开连接部件,重新清洗并且涂敷焊剂。

65、Thus, the preparation of fluxed magnesium hematite pellet with fuel is an effective way to improve the intensity of hematite pellets. ─── 由此可见,制备内配燃料熔剂性含镁球团是改善赤铁矿球团强度的有效途径。

66、All things are in a state of flux. ─── 万物都在不断地变动。

67、The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent. ─── 世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。

68、Eddy flux is the exchange term between asymmetric and symmetric momentum. ─── 分析表明非对称流在低层发展并通过涡动通量项向对称流转换 ,使得热带弱低压快速发展达到热带风暴强度。

69、An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux. ─── 光度计用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器

70、A good solder manufacturer will insure the flux chemistry remains active at the higher soldering temperatures. ─── 优秀的焊料制造商都可以确保焊剂化学性质在较高的焊接温度下仍能保持活性。

71、Rayleigh scatter determines the upwelling diffuse flux which can be absorbed. ─── Rayleigh散射决定了能被吸收的向外的漫射通量。

72、Ratio of the absorbed radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux. ─── 吸收的辐射通量或光通量与入射通量之比。

73、The problem may be even more severe for the small photospheric flux knots. ─── 对细小的光环磁通量节点来说,这些问题可能更为严峻。

74、Compared with Vector Control, the main advantage of DTC is that it directly controls flux and torque. ─── 与矢量控制相比,直接转矩控制的主要优点是直接对电机的磁链和转矩进行控制。

75、The effect of cloud on net radiation flux is not the same at the top and bottom of the atmosphere. ─── 云对净辐射通量的影响在大气顶和大气底是不一样的。

76、The radio flux is extremely variable, exhibiting erratic outbursts. ─── 射电流量变化极大,显示出无规则爆发。

77、Copper phosphorus alloys. Useful for braze copper-copper or copper-brass, using flux. ─── 以铜和磷为主要成份,用于铜-铜或铜-铜合金的焊接,需要使用助焊剂。

78、Airproof the flux after use. ─── 使用后注意密封。

79、Networks 1: Systems Biology, Metabolic Kinetic &Flux Balance Optimization Methods. ─── 9网络1:系统生物学、新陈代谢动力及流体平衡最优化方法。

80、Emittance and irradiance are meaningful measurements of flux at a specific surface. ─── 发射强度和辐照强度只有对一定表面上通量的量度才是有意义的。

81、Lux: The unit of illumination. One lux equals toone lumen of flux over an area of one square metre. ─── 勒克司:照度的单位。1流明的光通量分布在一平方米的面积上,其照度为1勒克司。参阅照度。

82、Diffusivity, Kinetic Energy Dissipation, and Closure Theories for the Poleward Eddy Heat Flux. ─── 向极涡旋热通量的扩散率、动能耗散何闭合理论。

83、A unit of magnetic flux density equals to 1 maxwell per square centimeter. ─── 一种磁通量密度单位,等于每平方厘米麦克斯韦。

84、If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate, and dried flux is liable to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation. ─── 如果允许涂上焊剂的部件处于直立状态,那么焊剂中的水分会蒸发掉,而干燥的焊剂很容易脱落,致使暴露的金属表面容易被氧化。

85、TK5930 is a no-clean RMA type flux cored wire designed for Lead free. ─── TK5930是一种免清洗轻度活化松香(RMA)型焊剂芯焊锡线,适用于无铅应用。

86、TK0730 is a no-clean type flux cored wire designed for Lead free. ─── TK0730是一种免清洗型焊剂芯焊锡线,适用于无铅应用。

87、Flux: The material used to remove oxides from metal surfaces and enable wetting of the metal with solder. ─── 助焊剂:用于除去金属表面氧化物并使焊料能润湿金属表面的材料。

88、When preparing the fluxed magnesium hematite pellets with the fuels, the intensity of roasted pellets was greatly improved with the coke ratio of less than 1.5% and pellet alkalinity at 0.9. ─── 制备内配燃料熔剂性含镁赤铁矿球团时,将焦粉配比控制1.5%以内,球团碱度控制在0.9,可显著提高焙烧球团强度。

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