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08-19 投稿


diplomatist 发音

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diplomatist 中文意思翻译



diplomatist 词性/词形变化,diplomatist变形


diplomatist 短语词组

1、diplomatist school ─── 外交官学校

2、diplomatist job description ─── 外交官工作描述

3、diplomatist country ─── 外交官国家

4、diplomatist diplomatic officer ─── 外交官 ─── 外交官员

5、diplomatist magazine ─── 外交官杂志

diplomatist 相似词语短语

1、diplomatese ─── n.外交语言;外交辞令

2、diplomatises ─── 外交的

3、diplomatise ─── 外交官

4、diplomatics ─── 外交手腕

5、diplomates ─── n.经考试或审查合格的专科医生;学位证书持有者

6、diplomatists ─── n.外交家;外交官

7、diplomatic ─── adj.外交的;外交上的;老练的

8、diplomatize ─── vi.施展外交手腕;vt.用外交手腕处理

9、diplomatised ─── 外交官

diplomatist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gu Wei?jun was a well?known professional diplomatist and international politician in the Republican period, a typical representative figure to seek the peace and the order , the axiom and the right. ─── 顾维钧是民国时期著名的职业外交家和国际政治家,亦是人类追求和平与秩序、公理与正义的代表。

2、As a modern diplomatist and politician of Japan, Sigeru Yosita held the position of prime minister for rive times and led the Japan for seven years. ─── 吉田茂是日本现代著名的外交家、政治家 ,二战以后曾五次担任首相 ,掌日本政坛帅印达七年之久。

3、Wu Tingfang has been famous as a patriotic diplomatist in modern China, He made great contribution to sticking up for state sovereignty and national interests, in his long diplomatic career. ─── 伍廷芳是中国近代著名的爱国外交家。他在波澜壮阔的外交生涯中为维护国家主权和民族利益作出了重大贡献。

4、Printer, editor, inventor, scientist, diplomatist : whatever the part, he seemed at ease in it. ─── 出版家,编辑,发明家,科学家,外交家,不管做什么,他几乎无所不能。

5、Guo Song-tao was a famous ideologist, diplomatist and verse expert in the Chinese modern times, whose poetics was deeply influenced by the Confucianism and Practical Philosophy of Huxiang Culture. ─── 郭嵩焘是中国近代著名的思想家、外交家及诗歌能手,其诗学主张深受湖湘文化理学实学思想的影响。

6、I will determined to learn properly for future to become a diplomatist, However there was no appropriate study tool during that time. ─── 我一定学好以后成为一名外交官,可是那时候没有任何的学习工具。

7、This Greek diplomatist pretends he cannot speak nor understand English. ─── 这个希腊外交家假装听不懂也不会讲英文。

8、I'm not a diplomatist, or a government clerk.I'm not clever at disguising my feelings,” he said, glancing repeatedly with the coquetry of handsome youth at Sonya and the young lady. ─── 我不是外交家,不是官员,不善于掩饰自己的感情,”他说道,露出风华正茂之时的轻薄的样子,不时地端详索尼娅和做客的小姐。

9、She flung him a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy. ─── 她得意洋洋地瞧了他一眼,脸上的表情着实顽皮,那外交官妒忌得差点一口气上不来。

10、The three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools (Confucianism, Taoist, Astrologist, Legalist, Nominalist, Mohist, Diplomatist, Miscellanist and Agriculturist) ─── 三教九流

11、Playing an Outstanding Role in International Stage--The story of returned overseas Chinese diplomatist Ji Chaozhu ─── 驰骋在国际舞台上--归侨外交家冀朝铸的故事

12、not badly , by any means , " said the young man ; " i was born for a diplomatist . ─── “至少还不算太坏,”那青年说,“我天生是一个外交家。”

13、Finally he realized his dream of being a famous diplomatist. ─── 最终他实现了做一个有名的外交家的梦想。

14、I visited his former residence yesterday.In my mind. he is a great diplomatist. ─── 昨天我去他的故居参观了.他是我心目中最伟大的外交家.

15、He was not only a magistrate, he was almost a diplomatist ─── 维尔福先生不仅是位法官,而且几乎是位外交家。

16、Always a clever diplomatist , he played off one potential enemy of his country against another, and so kept them divided. ─── 机敏的外交家总是利用他国家的潜在敌人去反对另一敌人,从而使他们相互对立。

17、He was not only a magistrate, he was almost a diplomatist . ─── 维尔福先生不仅是位法官,而且几乎是位外交家。

18、1. Always a clever diplomatist, he played off one potential enemy of his country against another, and so kept them divided. ─── 机敏的外交家总是利用她的国家的潜在的敌人去反对另一敌人,从而使他们相互对立。

19、The diplomatist is abundant source of this type of tactful language. ─── 外交人员是这类委婉语的丰富来源。

20、"Always a clever diplomatist, he played off one potential enemy of his country against another, and so kept them divided." ─── 机敏的外交家总是利用他国家的潜在敌人去反对另一敌人,从而使他们相互对立。

21、Zeng Jize, also called Zeng Jiegang, as Zeng Guofan"s oldest son, is a celebrated diplomatist in modern China, who was born in Xiangxiang Hunan. ─── 曾纪泽,字劼刚,湖南湘乡人,曾国藩长子,是中国近代著名的外交家。

22、Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomatist of modern China, who was appointed ambassador to the United States twice. ─── 伍廷芳是中国近代著名的外交家,曾经两次担任驻美公使。

23、FU Bi is a famous statesman,strategist and diplomatist of North Song Dynasty. ─── 富弼是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、外交家。

24、the dream of being a famous diplomatist comes true. ─── 一个有名的外交家的梦想。

25、She flung him a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy. ─── 她得意洋洋地瞧了他一眼,脸上的表情着实顽皮,那外交官妒忌得差点一口气上不来。

26、I will determined to learn properly for future to become a diplomatist, However there was no appropriate study tool during that time, ─── 我一定学好以后成为一名外交官,可是那时候没有任何的学习工具

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