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08-19 投稿


tuck 发音

英:[t?k]  美:[t?k]

英:  美:

tuck 中文意思翻译





tuck 网络释义

vt. 卷起;挤进;用某物舒适地裹住;使有褶裥;收拢;大口吃;使隐藏n. 食物;船尾突出部;缝摺;抱膝式跳水;活力;鼓声vi. 缝褶裥;缩拢;舒服地裹在里面;大口吃n. (Tuck)人名;(东南亚国家华语)德;(英)塔克

tuck 短语词组

1、tuck one's tail ─── 夹起尾巴, 羞愧

2、tuck away ─── 畅饮, 大嚼

3、tuck shop n. ─── 糖果食品店

4、nip-and-tuck ─── 势均力敌,不相上下

5、tuck-in n. ─── 盛宴

6、tuck-in n ─── 丰盛的一餐

7、tuck-shop n. ─── 糖果店

8、tuck sth away ─── 藏匿

9、nippety-tuck ─── [网络] 十几岁

10、tummy tuck ─── 整腹术

11、nip and tuck ─── 势均力敌

12、tuck sb up ─── 给(某人)塞紧被子安睡

13、tuck box ─── 点心盒; ─── 点心葡萄干

14、tuck in ─── 大吃, 狼吞虎咽

15、tuck-point vt. 【 ─── 建筑业】勾凸缝

16、tuck-pointing n. ─── 凸嵌

17、tuck up ─── 折起

18、tuck net ─── 网兜

19、pin-tuck n. ─── 细缝儿, ─── 细褶儿

tuck 词性/词形变化,tuck变形

动词第三人称单数: tucks |动词现在分词: tucking |动词过去分词: tucked |动词过去式: tucked |

tuck 相似词语短语

1、truck ─── n.卡车;交易;手推车;vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物;vt.交易;以卡车运输;adj.(美)运货汽车的;n.(Truck)人名;(德)特鲁克

2、fuck ─── v.与……性交;破坏;n.性交;性交对象;int.(生气的粗话)混账,见鬼

3、cuck ─── 布谷鸟

4、stuck ─── v.刺(stick的过去式和过去分词);adj.卡住的,动不了的;被困住的;陷入的;停滞不前的;无法摆脱困境的;被难倒的,(因困难)无法继续的;n.(Stuck)(美)斯塔克(人名)

5、Tuck ─── n.(美)塔克(人名);v.(tuck)(把布或纸张的边缘)塞进,折叠;把……藏起来;给……打裥;n.(tuck)(衣服的)褶,裥;减脂手术

6、Buck ─── n.(美)钱,元;雄鹿;纨绔子弟;年轻的印第安人或黑人;v.(马)尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起;猛然震荡;抵制;反抗;n.(Buck)(美)巴克(人名)

7、duck ─── n.鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分;vi.闪避;没入水中;vt.躲避;猛按…入水;n.(Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克

8、tucks ─── v.折起;卷起;打褶(tuck的第三人称单数);n.缝摺(tuck的复数形式)

9、guck ─── n.粘糊糊的东西;n.(Guck)人名;(德)古克

tuck 习惯用语

1、tuck in ─── 把一端折进[塞进]; 痛快地吃; 尽量吃; 使...盖好被子睡觉

2、tuck away ─── 藏起来

3、tuck on ─── [俚]乱讨价, 瞎要价钱

4、tuck up ─── 折起一头, 卷起, 包; [口]绞死(犯人); 给...盖好被子

5、tuck into ─── 藏进; [口]把食物塞进肚子里, 痛快地吃...

tuck 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of gymnastics tuck dive movements. ─── 体操翻腾动作之一。

2、He won‘t be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping. ─── 如果他要玩溜溜球,他就得跪着;如果他要把孩子抱上床,他就得弯着腰;甚至,如果他要亲吻孩子,他就得低着头。”

3、If I knew it would be the last time I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and "pray the Lord, your woul to keep". ─── 假如我知道这将是最后一次看你入眠,我会给你把被子掖得更紧,并“恳求上帝,让你的灵魂留下”。

4、Under Chris' s and my watchful eyes, Kate would take her pill. Then very carefully Chris would help her from chair to bed and tuck the covers around her frail body. ─── 在我和克利斯的注视下服下药,然后克利斯小心翼翼地从椅子上扶她上床,轻轻地在她瘦弱的身体旁塞好被角。

5、Night after night, she came to tuck me in, even long after my childhood years. ─── 夜复一夜,她都过来给我掖被子,甚至在我的童年过去很久之后还是那样。

6、Tuck your handkerchief in,dear,it looks silly sticking out. ─── 亲爱的,把手帕塞好,露在外面多不雅观。

7、Special cuisines of Hong Kong , India , Canada , Nepal , the United States and Germany would be available in the tuck shops. ─── 另外,小食亭可售卖香港、印度、加拿大、尼泊尔、美国及德国特色食品。

8、She'd undergone 13 operations, including a tummy tuck. ─── 她做过13次手术,包括1次腹部减脂。

9、You'll have to take a tuck in that estimate to bring it down to a cost I can afford. ─── 你得压缩那份预算,把它降低到我能负担得起。

10、You should see the amount of food that boy can tuck away in one meal! ─── 你该看看那孩子一顿能吃多少!

11、Your shirt's hanging out, Ned; tuck it in a once. ─── 你的衬衣下摆露出来了,涅德;快塞进裤子里。

12、Under the watchful eyes of Chris and myself, Kate would take he pill, then carefully Chris would help her from the chair to the bed and tuck the covers in around her frail body. ─── 在克里斯和我关切的目光下,凯特服下药,然后克里斯小心地把她搀到床上去,给她掖好被角,裹住她较弱的身体。

13、Here in the UK it is usually only newly delivered earth mothers who, pausing briefly to dance around the birthing pool, tuck into their own, warm placenta. ─── 但在英国,通常只有刚生完孩子的大地母亲们会大口吞下自己那个余热未褪的胎盘,吃前,她们会绕着诞生池跳上一会儿舞。

14、The presidential contest is nip and tuck. ─── 总统竞选势均力敌。

15、Tuck the end of A behind the overlapping layers and pull it up through the neck loop. Pull it all the way through. ─── 把A的尾端塞进折叠的部分,从脖子已经打成的环型全部拽出。

16、Splashing violently only attracts more sharks toward you. Playing dead leads to being dead. A limp body tells the shark it's time to tuck in for a big meal. ─── 剧烈击水只会吸引更多的鲨鱼向你游过来。装死会真的被吃掉。柔软的身体会告诉鲨鱼现在可以美餐一顿。

17、Special cuisines of Hong Kong, India, Canada, Nepal, the United States and Germany would be available in the tuck shops. ─── 另外,小食亭可售卖香港、度、拿大、泊尔、国及德国特色食品。

18、Her underline is still a little tubular here, but she does have evidence of a developing tuck up. ─── 她的腹线还是一条小管线,但有证据表明她会折起。

19、In the tuck position,a diver's Body shall be compact,Bent at the knees and hips with the knees and feet together,hands 0n the lower legs and the toes pointed. ─── 在抱膝姿势中,运动员身体团紧,膝髋弯曲,双膝、双脚并拢,两手置于小腿处,脚尖绷直。

20、The dart tuck may be finished by stitching across the end to the fold or by tacking at the end of the seam. ─── 半活褶可以从省道的终端缝到折边。或在缝的结束处加固缝纫。

21、She recovers, and decides to stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction, tummy tuck, hair dyed, etc. ─── 她醒过来后,决定继续住院,脸部拉皮、抽脂、缩腹、染发等整形美容措施都来。

22、"Cose, Mis' Gerald might' nigh had a fit w'en dey tuck me, an' he say he kain run de place widout me. ─── "的确,他们把俺带走时,杰拉尔德先生差点儿发火,他说缺了俺,农场就搞不下去了。

23、Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed. ─── 在两脚间塞装热水的瓶子,或者穿双滑雪短袜。

24、One of his acquisitions, for example, makes slim transformers which tuck inside the shaft of wind turbines, saving space in crowded European countries. ─── 举例来说塔帕尔的一项收购使得公司可以将体积更小的变压器折叠进风力涡轮机,为拥挤的欧洲国家节省空间。

25、Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. ─── 好汉们当中的著名人物有塔克修士、小约翰和玛丽安姑娘。

26、At first they indiscriminately tuck some of the items that catch their attention up against other objects. ─── 一开始,牠们只是从物事中拣出引起牠们注意的一些,放在其他的旁边,没有将它们分开。

27、It also has another trick up its sleeve: it can squat down in order to tuck the new lifeboat into some of the old boathouses which the RNLI still uses. ─── L&RS还有一项绝技,就是能够俯下身来,使得新型救生艇便于被停入RNLI仍在使用的旧舱库中。

28、Salvesen N., Tuck, E.O. and Faltinsen O., ”Ship Motion and Sea Load”, Transcation of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.78, 250-287, 1970. ─── 吴俊贤,“船舶波浪负荷之三维解”,国立成功大学造船工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国八十八年六月。

29、Kevin: Well, if I had the money, I wouldn't hesitate to have a little nip and tuck. ─── 嗯,我如果有钱的话,我一定会去拉拉捏捏的!

30、Instead, RegisterScripts will call an internal method, RegisterScriptIncludeInternal, that will tuck away the script reference in an internal array for later use. ─── RegisterScripts会转而调用内部方法RegisterScriptIncludeInternal,该方法会将脚本引用收藏在一个内部数组中,供以后使用。

31、Come on, tuck in. If it's not enough, I'll buy more or get some on credit. ─── 不够,再去买; 没钱,咱赊得出来;

32、That we can tuck in our children at night and know they are fed and clothed and safe from harm. ─── 入夜,当我们为孩子掖好小被的同时,相信他们不会为衣食所累,不会为安全担忧。

33、She stooped over, losing her balance, and began to tuck in the blankets of Ramona's bed. ─── 她弯下腰,摇摇晃晃地站不稳,把瑞摩娜床上的毯子盖好。

34、There was also a letter that Anselm the clerk carried, which Much, having searched the clerk, handed to friar Tuck to read. ─── 另有一封信,僧侣安沙兰带着,马琪搜这位僧侣时,交给塔克修道士念。

35、But take a few strands of hair and tuck them away in the folds of your garment. ─── 你要从其中取几根包在衣襟里

36、Her underline is still a little tubular here, but she does have evidence of a developing tuck up. ─── 她的腹线还是一条小管线,但有证据表明她会折起。

37、Tuck's a flaming New Dealer but he's competent and tough. ─── 塔克是个激烈拥护“新政”的人,但他是精明强干的硬汉子。

38、"Dey tuck all de candles, Miss Scarlett, all 'cept one we been usin' ter fine things in de dahk wid, an' it's 'bout gone. ─── "他们把所有的蜡烛都拿走了,思嘉小姐,只剩下一支,咱们用来在夜里找东西的,也快用完了。

39、She had to go back for a tummy tuck to fix the flabby skin. ─── 她还得回去做缩腹手术来解决她松垮的皮肤。

40、Tonight,tuck my children in bed warmly. ─── 今晚替我哄孩子们入睡。

41、The basic positions they can take are straight position,free position,pike or tuck. ─── 他们可以采用的基本姿势有: 直体、任意姿势、屈体或抱膝。

42、On such cold nights,it is best to tuck the covers in carefully before getting into bed. ─── 在这样寒冷的晚上,在上床之前,最好先仔细地被子卷宗成被筒。

43、Friar Tuck: Fine then, you talk, I'll drink. ─── 僧侣塔克:那这样,你说,我喝。

44、Use a light, thin blanket and tuck it in at the bed's foot and sides. ─── 使用小而薄的毛毯并将四周掖好。

45、It's nip and tuck whether he'll finish the job in time or not. ─── 他会不会按时完成任务还很难说呢。

46、For instance if a bodice is 24mm which is too long to take up a tuck 12mm deep and this will reduce the pattern by the required amount. ─── 例如,大身长了24mm,那么打一个两层12mm的裥,这样纸样将缩小到所需量的了。

47、Your shit's hanging out, tuck it in! ─── 你的衬衫摆掉出来了,把它塞进去!

48、Main products are W crucible, W electrode, W tube, W target, applying to rare earth metal extracting quartz glass . X-rary tuck . We can and shape according to users request . ─── 主要产品有钨坩埚、钨电极、钨筒、钨靶、适用于稀土冶炼、石英玻璃行业、X光管等,也可根据客户要求,制作不同规格,形状的钨制品。

49、Tuck's alumni have been described by some as fierce in their loyalty to the school and to each other. ─── 塔克的校友会长久以来都被形容成所有学校毕业校友中对学校以及对彼此间最投入最忠诚的一群人。

50、Tuck in or tie off one end at the bottom of the shoe, then lace up the shoe running across and back like Straight (Easy) Lacing. ─── 塔克在关闭或领带的一端底部的鞋,然后花边的皮鞋跑过和背部像直(易)花边。

51、The basic positions they can take are straight position, free position, pike or tuck. ─── 他们可以采用的基本姿势有:直体、任意姿势、屈体或抱膝。

52、Your shirt's out: tuck it in! ─── 你的衬衣露在外面了,把它塞进去!

53、Get into the bed and I'll be up in a moment to tuck you in. ─── 上床,我一会就上来安顿你睡觉。

54、Friar Tuck: Let us open a bottle and do our best to save each other's souls. ─── 僧侣塔克:让我们开一瓶子酒然后拼命互相拯救对方的灵魂吧。

55、She tuck the baby in his crib for a nap. ─── 她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿。

56、But you simply carve a new handle from a solid tree branch,test it with a few swings,and tuck your new Axe in your belt. ─── 但是当你简单用树枝给它做了把新斧柄,试着挥了挥,然后把你的新斧子别在你的腰间。

57、Tuck's Dean , Paul Danos , says full-time MBA programs are well worth the cost. ─── Tuck院长PaulDanos表示全日制MBA课程还是值得的。

58、I wake up in the mid-night and tuck in the corner of the quilt for you. We were covered with only one quilt. ─── 半夜醒来的时候替你掖好被子。

59、You've broken up that gentleman a bit;now you want to tuck him away somewhere.The river, that great hider of folly, is what you want. ─── 你敲了一下这位先生,现在你要把他藏在一个地方,你需要的是河,这是藏祸之处。

60、One of the nation's most prestigious MBA programs is the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire . ─── 其中美国最有声望的MBA课程位于新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯大学的Tuck商学院。

61、One of the nation's most prestigious MBA programs is the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire. ─── 全国最著名MBA课程之一是新汉普郡的达特茅斯大学托克管理学院德MBA课程。

62、On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tuck s into bed, almost falling asleep. All part of a promotional stunt advertising a chain of hotels. ─── 在日本一栋建筑物的一旁,一个妇女舒服的躺在床上,几乎要睡着了。这些宣传花头其实是一个连锁酒店的广告。

63、You can talk about the two central midfield players, but the wingers may have to tuck in and one of the strikers too to make sure the spaces are not too big. ─── 你可以谈论两个主要中场球员,但是边锋可能也会插一脚,或前锋也是,所以要确保给他们的进攻空间不是很大。

64、He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. ─── 他高,瘦,而且很老,从他那银色的头发和胡须看,这些有足够的长度到他的带子上。

65、If I knew it would be the last time I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and "pray the Lord, your soul to keep". ─── 假如我知道这将是我最后一次看你入眠,我会给你把被子掖得更紧,并“恳求上帝,让你的灵魂留下”。

66、Main products are W crucible, W electrode, W tube, w target, applying to rare earth metal extracting quartz glass. X-rary tuck . We can and shape according to users request . ─── 产品有钼顶头、钼板坯、钼杆、钼圆片、钼电极、钼坩埚、还可根据用户要求生产各种形状、尺寸、性能的钼制品。

67、Don’t tuck it into your belt or use it as bib. ─── 不要把它塞在你的皮带里,或是将其当围兜用。

68、Build-in pockets, inner pockets for handkerchief, tissue and mobile phone, tuck the fabrics into outer pocket for easy storage. ─── 冘有两层口袋,内袋可放手帕、纸巾和小玩具,外袋可外翻作收纳。

69、Any survival store - they are basic kit for the wild. I either tuck mine into the sheath of my knife or wear it on a lanyard round my neck. ─── 任何户外商店都有的-他们有最最基本的野生装备。我有时把燧石塞进我的刀鞘里或是穿在绳子上挂在我自己的脖子上。

70、Tuck outer belt sealing lips inside glass run channel and around division bar. ─── 在玻璃移动导轨内绕着分割条,卷起外皮带密封唇。

71、Tuck your loved ones in with a kiss. ─── 和爱的人亲吻。

72、While the school may not have alum in every company, Tuck students are known to get good results from the alumni they do call upon. ─── 塔克的校友虽然没有像其他某些商学院一般,遍布每一家公司,但是学生们通常可以在有校友任职的公司得到良好的回应。

73、If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. ─── 如果我知道那是最后一次见你入睡,我会更加用力地抱紧你,并祈求上帝,守护你的灵魂。

74、Inward dive: A combination of straight, pike or tuck positions used only in twisting dives. ─── 向内跳水:直体、屈体和抱膝的组合,只用于转体跳水。

75、Get into bed and I'll be up in a moment to tuck you in. ─── 到床上去,我一会就上楼去安顿你睡。

76、The two salesmen fought nip and tuck for the contract all the way. ─── 两个推销员为得到这个合同一直竞争到底。

77、His photographic memory enabled him to tuck away yards of facts. ─── 他过目不忘的记忆力使他能记下大量事实。

78、To tuck up(something) around the body. ─── 卷起卷起(某物)绕在身上

79、We buy snacks the tuck shop. ─── 五点十五分了,我们该打羽毛球了。

80、It's amazing the amount of food he can tuck away. ─── 他的饭量大得惊人。

81、Even as you tuck your pubic bone forward, draw your sternum away from your pubic bone to lengthen the front of your torso. ─── 就像是把你的耻骨向前突出,从你的耻骨处拉起胸骨以拉长你的躯干的前侧。

82、It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first. ─── 两条船中哪一条先进港都很难说。

83、Don’ t tuck it into your belt or use it as a bib. ─── 不要把它塞在你的皮带里, 或将其当作围嘴儿用。

84、He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. ─── 他讨厌此时夹着尾巴退回来。

85、Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest.Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. ─── 塔克修士是个性情开朗的大胖子,小约翰是个身高七英尺的大个子,也是个神箭手。

86、Tuck into Thai takeaway, dine out on perfect Italian pasta, do tapas in our city’s Spanish strips and feast on dumplings in Chinatown. ─── 享受泰国外卖,下馆子品尝美味意大利面,在市区的西班牙人聚居地来些餐前小吃,去唐人街享用饺子。

87、Missy: Standing back handspring back tuck okay? ─── 后手翻加后空翻,好吗?

88、The distinctive remark “ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN” made Tuck postcards easily recognizable. ─── 其中富有特色的话“艺术出版商给英王和女王陛下的献礼”使塔克的明信片让人一眼便识别出来。

89、He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers. ─── 他试图把飘动的衬衫塞进他的裤子里。


1、how可以引导名词性从句:We do not know how he did it. 宾语从句,意思是:我们不知道他是怎么做这件事的。

2、主语从句:How he did it is still unknown. 意思是:他是怎么做这件事的还不知道。

3、表语从句:The problem is how we do it. 意思是:问题是我们怎么做这件事。

4、同位语从句:The way (how) he did it remains unknown. 意思是:他做这件事情的方法还不知道。










We admired him for the way(先行词) how he faced difficulties.



1、How we can increase our production)remains a problem.(引导主语从句,在从句中做方式状语)


2、He wondered (how the pyramids were built.(引导宾语从句)


3、This is how we did it. 表语从句



how 英[ha?] 美[ha?]

adv. 怎样; 健康状况如何; 到何种地步; 以任何方式;

n. 方式; 方法; 复数:hows

例句:How do I make payments into my account?



1、how about…?(询问信息)…怎么样,…情况如何 ;(提出建议)…怎么样,,…好吗 ?


I'm not going. How about you?我不打算去。你呢?

How about a break? 休息一下好吗?

2、how can/could you!(informal) (表示很不赞同或吃惊)你怎么能 。例句:

Ugh! How can you eat that stuff?


3、how come? (informal) 为什么;怎么会 。例句:

‘I think you owe me some money.’ ‘How come?’


4、how's that? 为什么;那是怎么回事 ;(你认为)怎么样,如何 。例句:

‘I left work early today.’ ‘How's that (= Why) ?’


I'll tuck your sheets in for you. How's that? Comfortable?


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