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08-19 投稿


almanac 发音

英:[??lm?n?k]  美:[???lm?n?k]

英:  美:

almanac 中文意思翻译



almanac 短语词组

1、farmers almanac ─── 农民年鉴

2、nautical almanac ─── 航海天文年历

3、Nautical Almanac Office ─── 航海年鉴办公室

4、Asian Almanac ─── 亚洲年历

almanac 常用词组

nautical almanac ─── n. 航海天文历,航海历

almanac 词性/词形变化,almanac变形


almanac 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、military almanac ─── 军事年鉴

2、Many senators were named in connection with the scandal; The almanac identifies the auspicious months. ─── 历书识别出了幸运月。

3、It is said that one can not live according to the old almanac, so forget old debts. ─── 俗话说,旧皇历翻不得,你不要再翻旧帐了。

4、I found many subjects of theatre in almanac. ─── 我在年鉴中找到了许多戏剧方面的资料。

5、He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richard's Almanac. ─── 这本年鉴持续出版了近25年,以《穷理查年鉴》为人们所熟知。

6、Olympic Almanac - information on all things Olympic, including logos, mascots, venues, and bid candidates. ─── 奥林匹克年鉴-关于奥林匹克全部事情的信息,包括标识,吉祥物,举行场所和投标候选人。

7、Made by Beijing Siyuan Consultancy according to Chinese Sta. Almanac& Sta. Almanac of Chinese Industrial Economy in years past. ─── 北京思源社会科学研究中心据历年《中国统计年鉴》及《中国工业经济统计年鉴》制表。

8、"I know one night that I could do it! " he said running to the bookshelf. He grabbed the Farmer's Almanac and started flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for. ─── “我知道有一天晚上可以收庄稼!”他一边说一边跑向书架。他抓起那本《农家历》翻了起来,很快找到了他想要的。

9、A recently translated document written in Sumerian but used as a textbook in the Babylonian schools is a veritable farmer's almanac; ─── 一篇最近破译的苏美尔书写文献是一本真正的农民年鉴,在巴比伦学校里作为教科书之用;

10、"Everything is on the table," Pawlenty said Friday evening on the "Almanac" news program."I will be moving to consider and put on the table a gas tax increase. ─── “所有的事情都留待日后讨论,” 帕兰提星期五晚上的“年鉴”新闻节目这样说到,“我将会继续考虑并把加征汽油税的事提交讨论”。

11、an almanac; a (wall) calendar with all the months shown in one page; a single-page calendar ─── 年历

12、His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's almanac ─── 他的演讲是出自老皇历的老生常谈。

13、Almanac of the World's Children; ─── 世界儿童年鉴;

14、Asian Almanac ─── 亚洲纪事

15、ALMANAC model ─── ALMANAC模型

16、FOURTH ELDER CHANG: Do you think I've offended him? I should've taken the Almanac's advice and staved home today. ─── 常四爷我也得罪了他?我今天出门没挑好日子!

17、According to the allusion of the almighty almanac, the government decided to set an altar on top of an alp which once was an allusion. ─── 根据全能的历书暗示,政府决定在一座山峰的顶上设置一个祭坛,那儿曾经是一个冲击层。

18、Xie Ling-yun is the figure of the originator in literature history of Nan Dynasty for whom quite a few people have written his almanac. ─── 摘要谢灵运是南朝文学史上开宗立派的人物,为其撰写年谱者甚众。

19、Old Farmer's Almanac www. Almanac. Com Various odds and ends including a galaxy of astronomical resources. ─── 各种各样零零散散的东西,其中包括无数的天文学资源。

20、His significant accomplishments include the successful prediction of a solar eclipse, publishing his own almanac, and the surveying of Washington, D.C. ─── 他的杰出成就包括了成功预测日蚀、出版自制年历、丈量华盛顿等。

21、Methods The issues of Hubei Health Statistics and Hubei Almanac in 1990 and from 1996 to 2000 were collected and statistial analyses were conducted by means of the spss software. ─── 方法 收集1990年和1996-2000年的《湖北卫生统计》、《湖北年鉴》,用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

22、Moon cycles are not necessarily about what the "Farmer's Almanac" has to say, or even the Hawaiians that followed the moon cycles for planting and fishing along with celebration purposes. ─── 月亮周期并不一定是关于“农事历书”的,甚至也不是夏威夷人遵循来农耕打鱼及庆典的那种月亮周期。

23、The almanac included information on medicines and medical treatment, and listed tides, astronomical information, and eclipses calculated by Banneker himself. ─── 农民历包含医药和治疗的知识、列出班尼卡自行计算河流、潮汐的信息、和日月蚀的时间。

24、Last year's almanac is useless for this year. ─── 去年的皇历,今年看不得。

25、We looked in the O (almanac) published by the Cromical (Chronicle) of High(-er) Education. ─── 我们调查了高等教育编年史出版的年鉴。

26、Farmer's Almanac ─── 农用年历

27、Almanac Of Asia - Pacific Design ─── 亚太设计年鉴

28、We looked in the almanac published by the Chronicle of Higher Education. ─── 我们在高等教育编年史出版的年鉴中寻找答案。

29、In 1732, Franklin began the publication of an almanac under the name Richard Saunders (an English astrologer). ─── 1732年,富兰克林开始以理查德?桑德斯(一名英国占星家)的名义出版年鉴。

30、Benjamin Franklin was the only writer in the colonial period whose works are read today "Lost time is never found again", "God helps those who help themselves "are very famous saying in his Poor Richard's Almanac. ─── 本杰明。富兰克大是殖民地时期唯一一位作品至今仍广为传诵的作家“光阴一去不复回”“自助者,天助之,都是他《穷理查的年鉴》中的名言。

31、The following morning everybody rushed out to sow millet. Liu the Sage checked the farmers' almanac and calculated on his fingers. ─── 初四那天大家都抢着种地,二诸葛看了看历书,又掐指算了一下说:“今日不宜栽种。”

32、China Information Almanac ─── 中国信息年鉴

33、The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south. ─── 历书里也指出什么时候太阳大偏北或大偏南。

34、Almanac of China's Foreign Economic Relations and Trade ─── 中国对外经济关系和贸易年鉴

35、He made a patent-medicine almanac into a roll and fitted it with unprofitable carefulness about his finger. ─── 他把一本成药年鉴卷起来,毫无意义仔细地使卷口的大小与他的手指相符。

36、Poor Richards' Almanac achieved world wide fame and was published in many languages. ─── “可怜理查德年鉴”更是获得了世界性的名望,并被译成多种语言发行。

37、November is normally the start of a good month for stocks according to stock almanac. ─── 根据股市年历十一月通常是股票一个好的开始。

38、Contribution Made by the Almanac School to Traditional History Studies ─── 年鉴学派对传统史学的突破

39、He grabbed the Farmer's Almanac and started flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for. ─── 他抓起那本《农家历》翻了起来,很快找到了他想要的。

40、Best wishes to you all in the Year of the Horse, the almanac sign of vitality and energy. ─── 旧岁已除,转瞬间我们又踏入新的一年,在此祝愿大家马年事事顺利。

41、And then the almanac lied, and said that spring had come. Spring comes when it comes. ─── 月份牌上标着春天来了,可这实在不可靠,春天总是在该来的时候才来。

42、Xie Ling-yun is the figure of the originator in literature history of Nan Dynasty for whom quite a few people have written his almanac. ─── 谢灵运是南朝文学史上开宗立派的人物,为其撰写年谱者甚众。

43、The relation between advertisement development and times was analyzed from the advertising form of Almanac brand, starting from analysis of advertisement development history of our country. ─── 从分析我国广告发展的历史入手,从具体的广告形式“月份牌”中得出广告发展与时代之间的相关性理论。

44、IMSA almanac expense ─── 国际军体理事会年鉴费

45、Nautical Almanac for the Year 2001 ─── 2001年航海年鉴

46、On August 19, 1791, Banneker sent a copy of his first almanac to Thomas Jefferson, then secretary of state. ─── 1791年年88月月19日,班尼卡寄了他第一本历书的影本给杰弗逊,并且洋洋洒洒的陈述。

47、Act like a spoiled child prop recommends: Block almanac desk, return childhood to keep diarial time. ─── 撒娇道具推荐:卡通书桌,回到童年写日记的年代。

48、I would stick with A Sand County Almanac, and pass on Hands-On Environmentalism. ─── 我将继续支持一本沙县年鉴,并且转交实践的环境论。

49、Almanac of the World's Children ─── 世界儿童年鉴

50、For several years he published an almanac of these calculations. ─── 连续几年的时间,他出版了一本载有上列计算公式的历书。

51、Polaris almanac ─── 北极星历

52、The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned forty-eight thousand dollars last year. ─── 年鉴显示去年外语专业新的助理教授工资为48000美元。

53、Franklin sold the almanac in 1758,and it continued publication under a different name until 1796. ─── 富兰克林在1758年开始出售这本年历,一直到1796年,只是名字不同。

54、complete almanac of SWIG syntax and options is beyond the scope of this article. ─── 对swig语法和选项的全面解读超出了本文的讨论范围。

55、The bareness of the walls was relieved only by a coloured almanac and some paper pictures which the children had tacked upon them . ─── 墙上只有一些彩色日历和一些孩子们贴上去的纸画聊以点缀。

56、Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios ─── 商业企业与工业企业财务比率年鉴

57、World Almanac and Book of Facts ─── 世界年鉴和事实

58、Almanac: an annual publication including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information ─── 年鉴;历书;包括含天气预报、天文信息、潮汐图表和其它相关信息的日历

59、Benjamin Franklin was the only writer in the colonial period whose works are read today “Lost time is never found again”, “God helps those who help themselves “are very famous saying in his Poor Richard’s Almanac. ─── 本杰明。富兰克大是殖民地时期唯一一位作家至今仍广为传诵的作家“光阴一去不复回”“自助者,天助之,都是他《穷理查的年鉴》中的名言。

60、almanac time ─── 历书时

61、He would resume pacing the courtyard and reading the almanac. ─── 于是他又捧了那本历书,在廊下徘徊起来。

62、An almanac of services used in the English church before the Reformation. ─── 日课规则书,日课表:宗教改革前英国教会使用的一种礼拜历本。

63、Franklin wrote a book called "Poor Richard's Almanac". ─── 富兰克林写了一本书叫《穷理查年鉴》。

64、A World Almanac Poll once found that the Chicagobased advice columnist was the most influential woman in the United States ─── “世界年鉴民意调查”一度显示,这位住在芝加哥的忠告专栏作家是全美最有影响力的妇女。

65、Almanac; annual ─── 历书,年鉴

66、If the persons to make the calender wanted to work out an almanac that accorded with the regularity of human activities,they must grasp the theory of the three rights and the five elements. ─── 司历者必须同时掌握三正五行的理论 ,才能制定出符合人事活动规律的历书来。

67、This site includes information about SESE and its workshop, seed variety and catalog.An correlative library and almanac are also provided. ─── 此外,该公司对其服务与顾客在各方面都有质量承诺。

68、His only books were an almanac and an arithmetic, in which last he was considerably expert. ─── 他只有一本历书和一本算术书,他很精于算术。

69、In this paper,the method for estimating valid almanac for the GPS satellites is introduced,and for the r eceived GPS signals how the Doppler shift components impact the satellites signa ls acquisition time are analyzed. ─── 本文主要讨论了GPS星有效历书的推算和接收机接收到的GPS信号的载波多普勒频移各组成部分对接收机的星捕获时间的影响 .


71、Olympic Almanac - information on all things Olympic, including logos, mascots, venues, and bid candidates . ─── 奥林匹克年鉴-关于奥林匹克全部事情的信息,包括标识,吉祥物,举行场所和投标候选人。

72、It may therefore be included in the design of a concept : the growth of the universe almanac. ─── 因此不妨在设计中加入一种理念:体现宇宙生长的历书。

73、Literacy of magnifico bully wife is not much, a wrapping with yellow damask almanac that takes out him to get ready early says: "Imperial edict here. ─── 大官欺老婆识字不多,拿出他早预备好的用黄缎子包着的一本历书说:“圣旨在此。”

74、UNICEF'S Almanac of the World's Children ─── 儿童基金会世界儿童年鉴

75、Franklin created a similar character in Poor Richard Saunders, the pseudonym he used when he began to publish an annual almanac. ─── Franklin还创作了一个人物穷查理(PoorRichardSaunders),在出版他的年鉴时,就使用的这个笔名。

76、Joe sent away for a free almanac ─── 乔写信去要一份免费赠阅的年历。

77、The world almanac and book of facts ─── 世界年鉴


79、He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richards' Almanac. ─── 此年鉴持续发行了25年,也因此成为众所周知的“可怜理查德年鉴”。

80、But the editor at the time was able to get officials to agree not to close the almanac. ─── 但当时,编辑是可以让让官员同意不封该年鉴的.

81、Canoe Weather: Chatham, ON - Weather conditions, short-term forecast, with long-term outlook and almanac. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

82、A western-style wedding is diagramed in an almanac from the early years of the Republic. The bride's gown has more of a Chinese flavor than wedding gowns today. ─── 同样是行文明结婚礼,民国初年黄历里的结婚仪式图,新娘礼服的式样要比现在富有中国风味。

83、One was a sacred almanac of 260 days. ─── 一种是每年260天的神圣年鉴。

84、year book,annual,almanac ─── 年鉴

85、The algorithm and performance analysis of the reduced almanac of GPS civil navigation message ─── GPS新民用导航电文简约历书的算法和性能分析

86、farmer rs almanac ─── 农用年鉴

87、The bareness of the walls was relieved only by a coloured almanac and some paper pictures which the children had tacked upon them ─── 墙上只有一些彩色日历和一些孩子们贴上去的纸画聊以点缀。

88、perpetual almanac ─── 万年历书

89、astronomical almanac ─── 天文年历

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