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08-19 投稿


fishlike 发音

英:[?f??la?k]  美:[?f??la?k]

英:  美:

fishlike 中文意思翻译



fishlike 短语词组

1、fishlike crossword ─── 鱼形纵横字谜

2、fishlike creatures ─── 鱼状生物

3、fishlike smell ─── 鱼腥味

4、fishlike it ─── 像鱼一样

5、fishlike eyes ─── 鱼眼

6、fishlike creature ─── 鱼形生物

7、catlike doglike fishlike ─── 猫似狗似鱼

8、fishlike crossword clue ─── 鱼形纵横字谜线索

fishlike 相似词语短语

1、fishlines ─── n.钓丝

2、fish line ─── n.钓丝

3、dislike ─── vt.不喜欢,厌恶;n.嫌恶,反感,不喜爱

4、fishline ─── n.钓丝

5、finlike ─── adj.鳍状的

6、dishlike ─── 磁盘

7、fishcake ─── 鱼饼(由鱼肉拌土豆泥煎成)

8、bushlike ─── 像灌木丛一样,

9、fetishlike ─── 恋物癖

fishlike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My wonderful fishlike wife taught me how to swim properly, and then it was up to me to put in the time in the water to prepare. ─── 我可爱的可以像鱼游的一样好的妻子教我如何是适应游泳,这取决于我在水里的准备时间。

2、Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period,having a porpoiselike head and an elongated,toothed snout. ─── 鱼龙三叠纪至白垩纪间的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙。

3、The results showed that refined fish oil is yellow, transparent with light fishlike smell and under the SC/T3502-2000. ─── 结果表明:精炼后的鱿鱼油澄清透明,略显淡黄色,并有淡淡的鱼腥味,其各项指标均符合SC/T3502-2000鱼油一级标准;

4、extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fishlike vertebrate; taxonomy is not clear. ─── 现已灭绝的无颚有甲鱼类或鱼状脊椎动物;其分类尚不明确。

5、As the opening moved around to him one of the hands fluttered out in fishlike undulation. ─── 当这个打开的洞向他靠近的时候,其中的一只手象鱼一样地摇动着。

6、Under the space age chandelier, fishlike females in tight black scaly sequin dresses eye my old down jacket and clumpy boots with cold derision. ─── 在太空时代的吊灯下面,一个女人地打量着我破旧的夹克和笨重的靴子,嘴边发出一丝冷冷的嘲笑--她穿着黑色紧身裙,上面嵌着闪闪发光的鱼鳞般的金属饰片。

7、Why to call it " cordate houttuynia " , jump over king Gou Jianchu in those days allegedly second attempt when, discover its some fishlike smell, rose to it " cordate houttuynia " name. ─── 为什么叫它“鱼腥草”呢,据说当年越王勾践初次尝试的时候,发现它有些鱼腥味,就给它起了个“鱼腥草”的名字。

8、extinct group of armored fishlike vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear. ─── 已灭绝的有甲脊椎动物,外形与鱼相似;其分类尚不明确。

9、2. extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; ─── 已经灭绝的长有很重披甲的鱼形无颚动物;

10、Keywords middle-phase microemulsion;fishlike phase diagram;alkyl polyglucoside;solubilization; ─── 中相微乳液;“鱼状”相图;烷基聚葡糖苷;增溶;

11、Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout. ─── 鱼龙三叠纪至白垩纪间的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙

12、Only TI teaches Fishlike Swimming. Traditional instruction focuses on pulling, kicking and endless laps. ─── 只有TI象鱼一样游泳传统的教学专注于划手、打腿和没完没了的重复练习。

13、extinct group of armored fishlike vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear ─── 已灭绝的有甲脊椎动物,外形与鱼相似;其分类尚不明确

14、Only TI teaches Fishlike Swimming.Traditional instruction focuses on pulling, kicking and endless laps. ─── 只有TI象鱼一样游泳传统的教学专注于划手、打腿和没完没了的重复练习。

15、Keywords middle-phase microemulsion;sucrose ester;solubilization;fishlike phase diagram; ─── 中相微乳液;蔗糖酯;增溶;“鱼状”相图;

16、Note: The Laying Dragon Temple needs bell, drums, fishlike boards various power wares and figures of Buddha greatly, especially tile, cement and some other materials. ─── 注:卧龙寺现在急需, 钟鼓鱼擎各种法器、佛像。最为急需的就是砖瓦水泥等材料。

17、6. extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fishlike vertebrate; ─── 现已灭绝的无颚有甲鱼类或鱼状脊椎动物;

18、Later on he described to his disciples and devotees the various movements of the Kundalini: the fishlike, birdlike, monkey like, and so on. ─── 后来他向门徒和奉献者描述了昆达里尼的各种不同运作:鱼形,鸟形,猴子形等等。

19、5. Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout. ─── 鱼龙三叠纪至白垩纪间的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙收藏指正

20、For example, certain amphibians retain fishlike gills even when fully mature and past their water-inhabiting period. ─── 如某些两栖动物即使在完全成熟并已经度过水中生活的时期后仍然保留有鳃。

21、extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; of the Paleozoic. ─── 已经灭绝的长有很重披甲的鱼形无颚动物;古生代的生物。

22、A fish or fishlike vertebrate. ─── 鱼状脊椎动物鱼或似鱼的脊椎动物

23、Keywords Microemulsion;Surfactant;Fishlike phase diagram;Solubilization;Sodium dodecyl sulfate;Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide; ─── 微乳液;表面活性剂;鱼状相图;增溶;十二烷基硫酸钠;十六烷基三甲基溴化铵;

24、Would she cast him from her life altogether?Or would she turn her cold, fishlike gaze to him, smile her mocking, sardonic smile, and rend his heart with her razor-sharp tongue? ─── 她是否愿意让他一辈子陪伴著,或者她会幡然冷漠,用著冷淡的眼神凝视著他,露出嘲弄、讽刺的笑,用她尖酸刻薄的言词,将他的心狠狠撕裂?

25、an extinct fishlike vertebrate. ─── 一种灭绝了的、像鱼一样脊椎动物。

26、Fishlike animals having a notochord rather than a true spinal column. ─── 有脊索但无真正的脊柱鱼类动物。

27、fishlike vertebrate with bony plates on head and upper body; dominant in seas and rivers during the Devonian; considered the earliest vertebrate with jaws. ─── 头部和身体上方有骨片的似鱼的脊椎动物;泥盆纪时期海中和河中的优势物种;曾被认为是最早的有颚脊椎动物。

28、δ-γ fishlike phase diagram ─── δ-γ“鱼状”相图

29、Gou Jian uproots one will taste, although have some of fishlike smell, but not acerbity however not bitter; ─── 勾践拔起一棵来尝一尝,虽有些鱼腥味,但却不涩不苦;

30、In fact, many of Acanthostega's features were undeniably fishlike. ─── 事实上,棘螈的许多特徵都像鱼类。

31、Keywords sodium dodecyl sulfonate;middle-phase microemulsion;fishlike phase diagram; ─── 关键词十二烷基磺酸钠;中相微乳液;“鱼状”相图;

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