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08-19 投稿


crista 发音

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crista 中文意思翻译




crista 短语词组

1、crista buccinatoria ─── [医] 颊肌嵴

2、crista cober ─── 科伯嵴

3、crista transversa ─── 横向晶体

4、crista terminalis ─── [解剖]界嵴

5、crista galli ─── [解剖]鸡冠

6、crista acustica ─── [医] 壶腹嵴

7、Caesalpinia crista ─── [医] 大托叶云实, 印度云实

8、crista capituli ─── [医] ─── [肋骨]小头嵴

9、crista basilaris ─── [医] 基底嵴

10、crista arcuata ─── [医] 弓形嵴(杓状软骨)

11、Erythrina crista-galli ─── [网络] 鸡冠刺桐;海红豆;赛波花

12、crista anterior ─── [医] ─── [胫骨]前嵴

13、erythrina crista ─── 刺桐

14、crista capitis costae ─── [医] 肋骨小头嵴

15、crista cclli costae ─── [医] 肋颈嵴

16、crista cutis ─── 皮嵴

17、crista flanagan ─── 克里斯塔·弗拉纳根

18、crista conchalis ─── [医] ─── [腭骨]鼻甲嵴

19、crista ampullaris ─── [医] 壶腹嵴

crista 词性/词形变化,crista变形


crista 相似词语短语

1、cristae ─── 脊;嵴

2、aristae ─── n.芒;触角芒(arista的变形)

3、cristate ─── adj.鸡冠状的;成冠突的(等于cristated)

4、crissa ─── n.肛周;围肛羽(crissum的变形)

5、crissal ─── adj.围肛羽的;肛周的

6、barista ─── n.咖啡师;咖啡吧员

7、Tristan ─── n.特里斯坦(人名)

8、arista ─── n.[无脊椎][植]芒;[无脊椎]触角芒;n.(Arista)人名;(意、西)阿里斯塔

9、turista ─── 旅游者腹泻

crista 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、crista capituli ─── [医] [肋骨]小头嵴

2、Keywords sphenopalatine foramen;alveolar foramina;crista infrazygomatica;naterior palatine nerve;superior posterior alveolar nerve;arc length; ─── 关键词腭大孔;牙槽孔;颧下嵴;腭前神经;上牙槽后神经;弧长;

3、Upper petal suborbicular, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., abaxial midvein thickened, with horn-shaped crista at middle; ─── 旗瓣近圆形,约1.5厘米直径,背面中脉被加厚,在中间的具角形的鸡冠状突起;

4、crista urethralis femininae ─── 女性尿道嵴

5、crista statica ─── 平衡嵴(软体动物), 听嵴, 平衡嵴

6、Fig.5 The mitochondria with the abnormal appearance such as swell, disorganization and reduction or vanish of the crista. ─── 图5凋亡淋巴细胞内结构异常的线粒体,主要表现为肿胀,嵴紊乱,嵴减少,消失。

7、Keywords Crista terminalis;Atrial fibrillation;Atrial flutter;Anatomy;Histology; ─── 关键词界嵴;心房颤动;心房扑动;解剖学;组织学;

8、Upper petal pink, orbicular, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex emarginate, abaxial midvein thickened, narrowly cristate, crista ca. 1.5 mm high; ─── 旗瓣粉红色的,圆形,直径约1厘米,先端微缺,背面加厚,狭鸡冠状,约1.5毫米高;

9、Fixation with absorbable suture for the treatment of avulsion fractures of the tibial intercondylar crista ─── 可吸收缝线缝合固定法治疗胫骨髁间嵴撕脱性骨折

10、Crista of urethra ─── 尿道嵴

11、We leave the hospital and walk to the parking lot, and I look for my daughter, Crista. ─── 我们离开医院,走到停车场,我找到女儿克莉丝汀。

12、crista pattern ─── 嵴图形

13、crista arcuata ─── 弓状嵴

14、Upper petal orbicular, 1.3-1.4 cm in diam., abaxial midvein broadly cristate, crista 2-lobed; ─── 旗瓣圆形,直径的1.3-1.4厘米,背面中脉宽鸡冠状,鸡冠状突起2裂;

15、Objective To assess the ultrasonographic value for the diagnosis of hypertrophic interureteral crista (HIC). ─── 目的探讨超声对输尿管间嵴肥厚的诊断价值。

16、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, 1-1.2 cm wide, apex slightly emarginate, abaxial midvein thickened, cristate above middle, crista long, elephant-trunk-shaped; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,1-1.2厘米宽,先端稍微缺,背面中脉加厚,鸡冠状的在中部以上,鸡冠状突起长,象鼻状;

17、crista dividens ─── 分嵴, 卵圆孔缘

18、The shapes of utricle, saccule and crista ampullaris tended to mature at E15, and the shapes of supporting and hair cells also tended to mature.The vestibular organ was mature at P0. ─── 到胚胎第15天,椭圆囊、球囊、壶腹峪初具成熟形态,毛细胞和支持细胞也初具雏形,到出生时,前庭器官已基本发育成熟。

19、In the light cell,nuclei is large,euchromatin is plentiful in the nuclei,RER and free ribosome are abundant, saccules in Golgi complex is multilayer, The quantity of mitochondrial crista are affluence, glycogen is not abundant. ─── 明细胞胞核较大,常染色质多,RER、游离核糖体丰富,高尔基复合体的扁平囊泡层数较多,线粒体嵴发达, 糖原较少;

20、crista occipitalis ─── 枕嵴

21、crista anterior ─── [医] [胫骨]前嵴

22、Keywords maxillary bone;foramina alveolaria;crista infrazygomatica;arch length;chord length; ─── 上颌骨;牙槽孔;颧下嵴;弧长;弦长;

23、crista arcuata cartilaginis arytenoideae ─── 杓状软骨弓形嵴

24、Atrophied microvilli and broken mitochondrial crista were observed in TPN group,higher microvilli and less damaged mitochondrial crist a were seen in SCFA group. ─── 对照组则出现明显线粒体肿胀,嵴短小紊乱和微绒毛萎缩。

25、Crista triangularis of tooth ─── 牙三角嵴

26、crista terminalis atrii dextri ─── 右心房界嵴

27、Objective To confirm the Angle of tibia inner crista and design a plate fit for fixation of the inner tibia. ─── 目的确定胫骨内侧嵴的角度,设计一种角度适合于胫骨内侧固定的钢板。

28、The numbers of P cell had a tendency of increasing from crista terminalis to aurical. ─── 从界嵴至右心耳,P细胞有逐渐增多的倾向。

29、Crista terminalis cordis ─── 心界嵴

30、Upper petal orbicular, 1-1.2 cm in diam., apex retuse, mucronulate, abaxial midvein cristate, crista triangular, apically acute; ─── 旗瓣圆形,直径的1-1.2厘米,先端微凹,具小短尖,背面中脉,鸡冠状突起三角形,顶部锐尖;

31、crista semilunaris ─── 半月嵴

32、crista lacrimalis anterior ─── 泪前嵴

33、The utricle and crista ampullaris develop earlier than the saccule.The vestibular sensory organ become fully mature at birth. ─── 椭圆囊、壶腹嵴的发生较早,随后才形成球囊,到出生时前庭感觉器官已基本发育成熟。

34、mitochondrion swelling, Partial crista fragmentation and endoplasmic reticulum dilation are also found in endocrine system; ─── 内分泌系统表现为线粒体扩张,局部脊断裂,内质网扩张;

35、crista transversa ─── (内耳道底)横嵴

36、crista ampullaris lateralis ─── 外(侧)壶腹嵴

37、Method:A to tal of 23 cases of postoperative senile crista femoris patients were monitored t heir illness condition,strengthened special nursing care,and prevented complicat ions from happening. ─── 对23例高龄股骨粗隆间骨折外固定架固定术后病人实施病情监测,加强专科护理,预防并发症。

38、Eminentia cruciata protrudes perpendicularly to the long axis of the crista. ─── 十字架突出垂直于嵴长轴。

39、crista occipitalis externa ─── 枕外嵴

40、crista interossea radii ─── 桡骨骨间嵴(缘)

41、The numbers of P cell had a tendency of increasing from crista terminalis to aurical. ─── 从界嵴至右心耳,P细胞有逐渐增多的倾向。

42、crista ulnae ─── 尺骨嵴, 尺骨骨间缘

43、pharyngeal crista pharyngea ridge ─── 咽嵴

44、crista ampullaris; ─── 壶腹嵴;

45、crista musculi supinatoris ─── 旋后肌嵴

46、We made it safely, arriving in Tulsa at midnight. Randy and Crista were there at the airport, waiting for us. ─── 我们于午夜安全抵达塔尔萨。兰迪和克莉丝汀已在机场等待着我们。

47、crista incisiva ─── 切牙嵴

48、crista tuberculi majoris ─── 大结节嵴

49、crista conchalis maxillae ─── 上颌骨鼻甲嵴

50、crista ethmoidalis maxillae ─── 上颌骨筛骨嵴

51、Upper petal orbicular, ca. 1.2 cm, ca. 1.4 cm wide, apex retuse, abaxial midvein conspicuously cristate, crista ca. 3 mm high; ─── 旗瓣圆形,长约1.2厘米,宽约1.4厘米,先端微凹,背面中脉明显冠状,冠高约3毫米。

52、crista ampullaris superior ─── 上壶腹嵴

53、crista buccinatoria ─── [医] 颊肌嵴

54、crista vestibuli ─── 前庭嵴

55、crista triangularis ─── 三角嵴

56、crista cclli costae ─── [医] 肋颈嵴

57、crista terminalis ─── (拉)界嵴, 终末嵴

58、late depolarization of crista ─── 嵴部晚期去极化

59、crista turbinata dorsalis ─── 上鼻甲嵴

60、crista interossea ulnae ─── 尺骨骨间嵴(缘)

61、crista supracondylaris lateralis ─── 外侧髁上嵴

62、crista acustica ─── [医] 壶腹嵴

63、Having or forming a crest or crista. ─── 具脊的,成冠突的具有或形成冠状或脊状突起的

64、Keywords Cardiology Crista terminalis Connexin Aging Electrophysiology; ─── 心血管病学;界嵴;连接蛋白;衰老;电生理学;

65、crista lambdoidalis ─── 人字嵴

66、crista ampullaris posterior ─── 后壶腹嵴

67、Keywords human embryo;inner ear;semicircular canal;crista ampullaris; ─── 人胚胎;内耳;半规管;壶腹嵴;

68、crista transversalis ─── (牙)横嵴

69、crista nasalis maxillae ─── 上颌骨鼻嵴

70、supraventricular crista ─── 室上嵴

71、Caesalpinia crista ─── [医] 大托叶云实, 印度云实

72、crista tuberculi minoris ─── 小结节嵴

73、crista supracondyloidea medialis ─── 内(侧)髁上嵴

74、crista metopica ─── 头嵴

75、Keywords Arrhythmia;Electrophysiologic techniques;cardiac;Crista terminalis; ─── 关键词心律失常;电生理学技术;心脏;界嵴;

76、crista muscularis cartilaginis ary-taenoideae ─── 杓状软骨肌嵴

77、crista petrosa ─── 岩嵴

78、crista falciformis ─── 横嵴

79、crista frontalis externa ─── 外额嵴

80、crista ampullaris ─── 壶腹嵴

81、Crista had packed his suitcase, and I opened it to find her brother's new clothes organized into outfits. ─── 来之前克莉丝汀曾为他整理了些衣物,我把它打开,找到她为弟弟准备的新衣服。

82、crista basilaris ─── 基底嵴

83、crista occipitalis interna ─── 枕内嵴

84、crista supraventricularis ─── (拉)室上嵴

85、crista lacrimalis posterior ─── 泪后嵴

86、Crista (pl.cristae) The structure formed by folding of the inner mitochondrial membrane, giving a large surface area for electron transport. ─── 嵴(嵴膜):线粒体内膜向内室褶叠形成的结构,可以为电子传递提供更大的表面积。

87、crista supramastoidea ─── 乳突上嵴

88、As he settled into me, resting his head on my shoulder, I looked up to see Randy and Crista watching me. ─── 当他贴着我,将头靠着我肩膀,我看到兰迪和克莉丝汀在注视着我。

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