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lascivious 发音

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lascivious 中文意思翻译



lascivious 网络释义

adj. 好色的;淫荡的;挑动情欲的

lascivious 词性/词形变化,lascivious变形

副词: lasciviously |名词: lasciviousness |

lascivious 短语词组

1、lascivious criminal ─── 贪婪的罪犯

2、lascivious meaning ─── 淫秽的意思

3、lascivious defined ─── 淫荡的定义

4、lascivious kjv ─── 淫荡的合资企业

5、lascivious child ─── 淫荡的孩子

6、lascivious definition ─── 淫荡的定义

7、lascivious crossword ─── 淫秽纵横字谜

8、lascivious beauty ─── 淫荡之美

9、lascivious cohabitation ─── [法] 非法同居

lascivious 相似词语短语

1、ambitious ─── adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的

2、lasciviousness ─── n.好色;淫乱

3、-acious ─── 贪婪的

4、lasciviously ─── adv.好色地;淫乱地;猥亵地

5、aphidious ─── 蚜虫

6、luscious ─── adj.甘美的;满足感官的

7、fastidious ─── adj.挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;(微生物等)需要复杂营养地

8、ascititious ─── 腹水

9、lixivious ─── 浸出的

lascivious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lascivious thoughts ─── 淫猥的念头

2、the man to his lascivious looks like attorney to the criminal: Knew perfectly well that guilty must defend - - you to know. ─── 男人对自己的好色就象律师对罪犯:明知有罪也要辩护——你知道就是啦。

3、As for the religion, it did not forgive the" sin" of Tess, while the real sinner Alec carrying on the lascivious activities was under the cloak of religion. ─── 宗教没有宽恕一个无罪的女人,而真正的罪人亚雷·伯却披上了宗教的外衣,这说明宗教是虚伪的。

4、He will, however, demurely admit that he's "not exactly" the lascivious lothario of his TV alter ego. ─── 然而,他将郑重地承认,他完全不是如剧中个性中的好色之徒。

5、The fickle and lascivious woman was sneered at by people. ─── 水性杨花的女人被世人耻笑。

6、Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows, Kill me with spites ; yet we must not be fors. ─── 风流的妩媚,连你的恶也妩媚,尽管毒杀我,我们可别相仇视。

7、The big hole is for the gadget (comes with the doll) that vibrates, rotates and makes lascivious sounds (moaning, groaning). ─── 大洞用来插入可震动、旋转、发出挑逗声音(呻吟、喘息)的小工具(随娃娃附带)。

8、lascivious Zheng music ─── 郑声淫

9、Weary too in sight of lovers, lascivious men, a naked woman shining in her courts, she draws a toil of waters ─── 月亮朦朦胧胧地升起,裸妇在自己的宫殿里发出光辉,情侣和好色的男人她都看腻了,就拽起海潮的网。

10、And that, as a lascivious playboy! ─── 并且扮演的还是一位好色的花花公子!?”

11、The lascivious person was put in prison. ─── 那个好色之徒被关进监狱。

12、In his old age Cato became lascivious and misconducted himself with a woman slave. ─── 到了晚年,卡托沉溺于女色,跟一个女奴私通。

13、I lascivious battery on the phone, said she was like me, that are looking for her boyfriend. ─── 在电话里挑逗我,说她很喜欢我,还说正在找男友。

14、Scaccia kept telling Humboldt that she was still in New York and doing lascivious thing ─── 斯卡西亚一直向洪堡报告,她仍然在纽约干荒淫无耻的勾当。

15、I lascivious battery on the phone, said she was like me, that are looking for her boyfriend. ─── 在电话里挑逗我,说她很喜欢我,还说正在找男友。”

16、Life at the mansion was lavish and lascivious—a Puritan's ninth circle of hell. ─── 这座宅邸的生活奢华而淫乱——一位清教徒的第九层地狱。

17、using outwardly a great decorum in his actions, but privately he is lascivious and inclinable to many vices. ─── 外表看来他的行为非常礼貌彬彬有礼,但是私下的他是好色的,并且倾向于道德败坏的事。

18、And many shall follow their lascivious doings; by reason of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of. ─── 虽然这样,仍然有许多人要随从他们邪荡的行为,以致真理因他们的行为遭受毁谤。

19、Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows, Kill me with spites;yet we must not be foes. ─── 风流的妩媚,连你的恶也妩媚,尽管毒杀我,我们可别相仇视。

20、(of a glance) sidelong and slyly lascivious. ─── (指一瞥)暗地里挑逗的斜着眼看。

21、a lascivious woman ─── 好色女子

22、lascivious cohabitation ─── [法] 非法同居

23、Said of an inconstant woman, fickle and lascivious ─── 水性杨花

24、Lascivious men ─── 狂蜂浪蝶

25、Inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious. ─── 好色的对性方面的事情过分感兴趣的;好色的

26、As for the religion, it did not forgive the "sin" of Tess, while the real sinner Alec carrying on the lascivious activities was under the cloak of religion. ─── 宗教没有宽恕一个无罪的女人,而真正的罪人亚雷·德伯却披上了宗教的外衣,这说明宗教是虚伪的。

27、I was there to protect her from the importunities of lascivious men. ─── 我在那里保护她,不受那些好色男子的纠缠不休。

28、I wouldn't let my brother, not even my own brother, most lascivious thing. ─── 连我弟兄,甚至亲弟兄,都不能让他看到。太猥亵了。

29、Now a lure for lascivious tourists, they have suffered a plunge in earnings as men become parsimonious about their spending on sex. ─── 不过由于男人在性支出上变得吝啬起来,这些妓院的收入大幅缩水。

30、Scaccia kept telling Humboldt that she was still in New York and doing lascivious thing. ─── 斯卡西亚一直向洪堡报告,她仍然在纽约干荒淫无耻的勾当。

31、1. That man used to be a lascivious person. ─── 那个男人曾是个好色之徒。

32、She ate the cake in a lascivious manner and ordered me to make out with her. ─── 她用猥亵的吃着蛋糕命令我和她亲热

33、Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,/Kill me with spites yet we must not be foes.” ─── 可人的风流啊,连你的恶行都成了美德/咬杀我吧,但我们绝不成为冤家对头。”(40)

34、" lascivious conation " ─── “意淫”

35、Scaccia kept telling Humboldt that she was still in New York and doing the lascivious thing. ─── 斯卡西亚一直向洪堡说,她仍然在纽约干荒淫无耻的勾当。

36、To indulge in lascivious acts in Broad daylight ─── 白昼宣淫

37、Afterwards he invited to a similar gathering procurers, catamites collected together from all sides, and lascivious boys and young men. ─── 然后他邀请皮条客,从各处找来的娈童,好色的男孩和年轻人参加类似的集会。

38、His mind cleared instantly of the idle, lascivious thoughts it had been occupied with. ─── 那些悠闲的、淫秽的想法一下子从他脑海中消失了。

39、The lascivious books were destroyed. ─── 淫秽书刊被销毁了。

40、She was a lascivious bitch, this Marcelle, and pleasant at the same time. ─── 我发现她很快就把其他姑娘打发走了,以后我们坐下来亲密地谈了许久。

41、Holds the man lascivious heart, is urgent matter which the woman must ponder! ─── 抓住男人好色之心,是女人必须思考的当务之急!

42、The man was lascivious, sexually perverted and insatiable. ─── 这个人是一个欲壑难填的变态色情狂。

43、Is lascivious online content, traditionally on top, losing its lustre? ─── 在线淫秽内容历来风行,但如今渐入颓势?

44、There exist in "beauties" multiple connotations in the writing of "dreams for beauties": beauties as unity of love and beauty, amorous beauties, symbolic beauties, and prostitutes as lascivious beauties. ─── 在“美人幻梦”的书写方式中,“美人”具有多重蕴含:爱与美合一的美人,爱欲的美人,象徵意义的美人,神女则是“放荡”的美人。

45、Making a bed naturally actually is very normal physiology reaction, have nothing to do lascivious , want you to want to call you only! ─── 其实自然的叫床是很正常的生理反应,无关淫荡与否,只要你想叫你就叫吧!

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