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08-19 投稿


extraditing 发音

英:[?ekstr?da?t??]  美:[?ekstr?da?t??]

英:  美:

extraditing 中文意思翻译



extraditing 词性/词形变化,extraditing变形

动词过去式: extradited |动词现在分词: extraditing |动词过去分词: extradited |动词第三人称单数: extradites |

extraditing 短语词组

1、extraditing gulen ─── 引渡古伦

2、extraditing criminals ─── 引渡罪犯

3、extraditing the process ─── 引渡程序

extraditing 相似词语短语

1、expediting ─── n.推进;催货;v.加快;促进(expedite的ing形式)

2、extradition ─── n.引渡;亡命者送还本国

3、extradited ─── v.引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)(extradite的过去式及过去分词)

4、text-editing ─── [计]文本编辑

5、extra zing ─── 额外加厚

6、extraditions ─── n.引渡;亡命者送还本国

7、extradite ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

8、extradites ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

9、extracting ─── v.提取;强行索取;摘录;选取;(用力)取出;得到(某种感觉或品质);(数)开方;(化)萃取(extract现在分词)

extraditing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Case of Application Filed by the Republic of France for Extraditing Martin Michel ─── 法兰西共和国申请引渡马尔丹·米歇尔案

2、The obligation of extraditing and the obligation of prosecuting are in selective relationship for States. ─── 与”起诉的义务对于国家来说应当是选择性的关系。

3、Extraditing Mr Mladic is easier for Serbia than giving up on Kosovo, whose independence is recognised by only 22 of the EU's 27 members. ─── 对于塞尔维亚来说引渡姆拉迪奇要比放弃科索沃容易,而科索沃的独立仅被27个欧盟成员国中的22个国家承认。

4、As a result, China can ask judicial assistance from these countries in capturing and extraditing these suspects and retrieving the money they took abroad. ─── 根据这些协定或条约,中国可以请求这些国家给予司法协助,将逃往国外的涉嫌腐败犯罪嫌疑人进行拘押,押解回国,赃款也会得以归还。

5、Several Theoretical Problems of China's Legislation on Extraditing ─── 中国引渡立法的若干理论问题

6、We asked a friendly security service to approach Baghdad about extraditing Zarqawi and providing information about him and his close associates. ─── 我们请一个友好国家的安全机构向伊拉克提出引渡扎卡威,我们提供了关于他和他的同伙的情况。

7、Snezana Malovic says the process of extraditing Mladic to the UN war crimes tribunal "has started. " copyright englishtang ─── SnezanaMalovic说,姆拉迪奇引渡到联合国战争罪行法庭的过程“已经开始。”

8、What evidence do Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson need to understand what extraditing Gary would do to him, let alone us? ─── 首相布朗和内政大臣约翰逊还需要什么证据才能理解引渡加里对他意味着什么?更不要说这对我们意味着什么。

9、Invoked Charge for Extraditing Criminals Fleeing with Public Fund ─── 试论引渡携资外逃人员时可援用的罪名

10、What evidence do Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson need to understand what extraditing Gary would do to him, let alone us? ─── 首相布朗和内政大臣约翰逊还需要什么证据才能理解引渡加里对他意味着什么?更不要说这对我们意味着什么。”

11、Invoked Charge for Extraditing Criminals Fleeing with Public Fund ─── 试论引渡携资外逃人员时可援用的罪名

12、extraditing state ─── 引渡国

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