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08-19 投稿


fortissimo 发音

英:[f??'t?s?m??]  美:[f?r't?s?mo]

英:  美:

fortissimo 中文意思翻译




fortissimo 网络释义

adj. 极强的;非常嘹亮的adv. 极强地;非常响亮地n. 用极强音奏的音n. (Fortissimo)人名;(意)福尔蒂西莫

fortissimo 同义词


fortissimo 词性/词形变化,fortissimo变形

名词复数: fortissimos |

fortissimo 短语词组

1、fortissimo definition fortissimo ─── 定义

2、fortissimo film fortissimo ─── 薄膜

3、fortissimo wine where to buy ─── 福蒂斯莫葡萄酒哪里买

4、fortissimo at dawn ─── 黎明时分最强者

5、fortissimo worcester ─── 福蒂斯莫·伍斯特

6、fortissimo exs fortissimo exs ─── 公司

7、fortissimo fa intl ver ─── 非常强大,使国际版本

8、fortissimo define fortissimo ─── 定义

9、forte fortissimo ─── 非常强大

10、fortissimo fa ─── 福蒂斯莫足球俱乐部

11、fortissimo wine ─── 福蒂斯莫葡萄酒

12、fortissimo west orange ─── 西澳橙

13、fortissimo means to do what ─── 强者的意思是做什么

fortissimo 反义词


fortissimo 相似词语短语

1、legatissimo ─── 最连音

2、marcatissimo ─── 标记

3、prestissimo ─── adj.最快的;n.最急板;adv.最快速地

4、fortissimos ─── 福蒂斯莫斯

5、fortississimo ─── 非常

6、fortressing ─── n.堡垒;要塞;vt.筑要塞;以要塞防守

7、fortissimi ─── 福蒂斯米

8、lentissimo ─── adv.非常舒缓地;非常缓慢地;adj.非常舒缓的;非常缓慢的

9、altissimo ─── adj.(音乐)声调高的;n.高音谱表高八度

fortissimo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver. ─── 钢琴以一种几乎很难实行的行动终止了自己愤怒的演奏,两只手同时跳跃到三或四个八度以上并弹奏十六分音符的最强音。

2、Five octaves above the intermezzo's end note, a fortissimo tirade pounces out of the sky, written in four-four-time but played in seven-eight (one-two-three-four-one-two-three etc.). ─── 在间奏曲结束音的五个八度以上的地方,一段激烈的最强音腾空而起,它被记录在四四拍的谱上,但却以七八拍(一二三四一二三)弹奏。

3、harsh and distortive peaks in the recorded music;a robust fortissimo without distortive vibration. ─── 所录的音乐中刺耳扭曲的最高音;没有扭曲震动的最强的强音

4、In the end the soloist adopts a clear direction, climbing step by step and bursting into a ponderous fortissimo of full-fisted chords, sustained by tuba and horns in the bass. ─── 最后,独奏者给出清晰的趋势,一步步向上爆发为沉重的最强音和弦,大号和圆号在低音区将其延续。

5、A walking bass theme thuds heavily (pesante) and fortissimo out of the silence following the Scherzo. ─── 一个漫步式的低音主题沉重地敲击着,以最强音打破了谐谑曲结束后的安静。

6、A walking bass theme thuds heavily (pesante) and fortissimo out of the silence following the Scherzo. ─── 一个漫步式的低音主题沉重地敲击着,以最强音打破了谐谑曲结束后的安静。

7、Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo. ─── 音量从极弱到最强的分级。

8、When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled. ─── 当我们唱或弹出一段很强的乐曲,它必须是有好的控制。

9、For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part. ─── 几小节之后,音量降下,然后钢琴以最强音强有力地爆发出沉重刺耳的和弦。

10、Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits. ─── 接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。

11、Strings and woodwind steadily wander through the said extensive third theme, attaining at last fortissimo. ─── 弦乐和木管乐器有规则地徘徊于广阔的第三主题,在最后奏出一段最强音。

12、Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo. ─── 音量从极弱到最强的分级。

13、A second fortissimo phase follows, similar to the first, but shortened and possibly less significant. ─── 随后是第二轮最强音,与第一轮相似,但更短、显得也不那么重要。

14、When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled. ─── 当我们唱或弹出一段 很强的乐曲,它必须是有好的控制。

15、For a moment, things seem to calm down, then a sudden crescendo in the orchestral staccato pumps up a fortissimo, illustrated by a wild, sliding piano part. ─── 在一个片刻,一切都看似冷静了下来,随后出现了一个突然的渐强,交响乐团蹦出一段最强音的断奏,伴随着狂野滑行的钢琴部分。

16、fortissimo a. ─── 最强的;

17、Under no circumstances must one exert oneself when playing fortissimo! ─── 在任何情况下弹奏最强音时决不能用力过头。

18、Trundling chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme. ─── 向上的半音阶将音乐推向最强音,交响乐团演奏着原先的怀旧主题。

19、2. repeat but at fortissimo level. ─── 重复第一项,用强音。

20、harsh and distortive peaks in the recorded music; a robust fortissimo without distortive vibration. ─── 所录的音乐中刺耳扭曲的最高音;没有扭曲震动的最强的强音

21、Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits. ─── 接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。

22、On Monday, the MDA and Fortissimo Films announced plans to set up a film development initiative to produce and distribute movies. ─── 周一,MDA和影业公司FortissimoFilms宣布,它们将发起一场制作和发行方面的影业发展行动。

23、forte forte fortissimo ─── 声音很大很大

24、Trundling chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme. ─── 向上的半音阶将音乐推向最强音,交响乐团演奏着原先的怀旧主题。

25、A fortissimo trill leaps at the listener announcing the energy that prevails throughout the movement, then slowly calms itself a little, finding its way down to a mezzoforte. ─── 一段最强音的颤音向听众宣布了贯穿整个乐章的能量,接着,慢慢地音乐平静了一些,之后转变为中强音。

26、For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part. ─── 几小节之后,音量降下,然后钢琴以最强音强有力地爆发出沉重刺耳的和弦。

27、A note, chord, or passage played fortissimo. ─── 极强的音、音响或乐段

28、Strings and woodwind steadily wander through the said extensive third theme, attaining at last fortissimo. ─── 弦乐和木管乐器有规则地徘徊于广阔的第三主题,在最后奏出一段最强音。

29、"If you must say no,don't say it fortissimo." ─── 不过确定一定以及肯定地说,有相当一部分人不能看出话外音啊.

30、The body is used to play fortissimo through the shoulders, as discussed above. ─── 身体通常通过肩部来弹出强音,如上面我们所讨论的。

31、ff [fortissimo] ─── 最强

32、Too many times we lose perspective and balance and fortissimo becomes too loud. ─── 很多时候,我们因为失去透视力与平衡而使“很强”变得“太强”。





钢琴fff是指钢琴五线谱的强弱符号,fff:最强(Forte Fortissimo)。



ppp:最弱(Piano Pianissmo)



mp:中弱(Mezzo Piano)


mf:中强(Mezzo Forte)



fff:最强(Forte Fortissimo)


fp:强后突弱(Forte Piano)

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