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08-19 投稿


salicornia 发音


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salicornia 短语词组

1、Salicornia europaea ─── [网络] 盐角草;海蓬子;盐生植物盐角草

2、genus Salicornia ─── [网络] 属Salicornia

salicornia 相似词语短语

1、cavicorn ─── adj.有空心角的

2、halicore ─── 石盐

3、heliconia ─── n.海里康属植物

4、halicores ─── 石盐

5、Capricornia ─── 摩羯座,

6、Californians ─── 加利福尼亚人

7、Capricorni ─── 摩羯座

8、Californian ─── adj.加州的;加利福尼亚的;n.加利福尼亚州人

9、California ─── n.加利福尼亚(美国一个州)

salicornia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis and determination of chlorophyll components in salicornia bigelovii torr. ─── 海蓬子叶绿素成分的分析测定。

2、Salt Stress Affects Photosynthesis and Ultrastructure of Chloroplast of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. And Zea mays ─── 盐胁迫对海蓬子、玉米光合速率和叶绿体超微结构的影响

3、any of various plants of the genus Salicornia,growing in salt marshes and having fleshy stems and rudimentary,scalelike leaves ─── 一种海蓬子属的植物,生于盐水沼泽,具有肉质茎和发育不完全的鳞状叶

4、Carl Hodges is growing salicornia , a crop nourished by ocean water that holds the potential to provide food and fuel to millions. ─── 卡尔.何吉斯正致力种植盐角草属,一种由海水供应养分的作物,有潜力提供数百万人粮食和燃料。

5、Dehydrated Salicornia bigelovii Torr ─── 海芦笋干制品

6、Pure total RNA and mRNA were successfully isolated from succulent halophyte,Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ,using a combining method of modified CTAB and commercial kit(Roche). ─── 为提高缩叶肉质盐生植物海蓬子总RNA和mRNA的质量,将改良CTAB法与Tripure试剂盒方法相结合,从300 mg海蓬子发芽后20 d的幼苗中成功分离和纯化了高纯度的总RNA和mRNA。

7、Study on the Lipid Components and Nutrition of Salicornia europaea L. Seeds ─── 盐角草种子的油脂成分与营养评价

8、Salicornia stalk ─── 海蓬子秸秆

9、The salt plant Salicornia europaea and its cultural techniques ─── 盐生植物海蓬子及其栽培技术

10、Keywords Salicornia Europaea L;seed oil;chemical compositions;utilization; ─── 海蓬子;种子油;脂肪酸;组成成分;利用;

11、Construction and Analysis of Differentially Expressed cDNA Library of Salicornia Bigelovii by Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization ─── 北美海蓬子盐胁迫条件下抑制差减文库构建与分析

12、Carl Hodges is growing salicornia, a crop nourished by ocean water that holds the potential to provide food and fuel to millions. ─── 卡尔.何吉斯正致力种植盐角草属,一种由海水供应养分的作物,有潜力提供数百万人粮食和燃料。

13、Salicornia b igelovii ─── 毕氏海蓬子

14、Effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on growth and quality of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ─── 不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。

15、The result showed that exogenous GA3 promoted the seed germination of Salicornia Bigelovii Torr under salt stress. ─── 结果表明:外源GA3促进了盐胁迫条件下北美海蓬子种子萌发.

16、Study on Nutritional Components of Salicornia Seed and Preparation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid ─── 海蓬子种子营养成分分析及制备共轭亚油酸的研究

17、Keywords salicornia bigelovii torr;chlorophyll;extraction;component; ─── 海蓬子;叶绿素;提取;成分;

18、The enterprise re-cently planted 1,000 acres of salicornia in rural Sonora, where Hodges has been doing research for decades. ─── 这家企业最近在墨西哥索诺拉省郊区种了一千英亩盐角草属作物,何吉斯就是在索诺拉进行了数十年的研究工作。

19、Halophytic cash crop Salicornia bigelovii Torr and saline land environment reconstruction ─── 盐生经济作物北美海蓬子与盐渍地生态环境改造

20、field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on total fresh weight and fresh weight of edible stems of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ─── 田间试验研究了不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。 结果表明,氮、磷肥及其适量配合施用,北美海蓬子的总鲜质量和菜用产量都显著或极显著增加;

21、Keywords Salicornia europaea;choline monooxygenase;gene cloning;transcription initiation site;transgenic tobacco; ─── 盐角草;胆碱单加氧酶;基因克隆;转录起始位点;转基因烟草;

22、Effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus level on growth and quality of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ─── 不同氮磷水平对北美海蓬子生长和品质的影响。

23、The utilization values of halophyte Salicornia bigelovii Torr. in the Yellow River delta area were reported. And some suggestions on its protection, exploitation and utilization were put forward. ─── 摘要报道了黄河三角洲地区盐生植物海蓬子的利用价值,并提出了保护和开发利用建议。

24、Kennedy says that initial estimates suggest that fuel produced from salicornia could be competitive with petroleum-based fuels, but warns that detailed studies still need to be done. ─── 肯尼迪说初步估计从海蓬子中提取的燃料可以和石油燃料媲美,但他同时还警告说这些还需要更细致的研究。

25、Salicornia europeaea L ─── 盐角草

26、Studies on the Expression of the Salicornia Choline Monooxygenase (CMO) Gene in Transgenic Tobacco Plants and Their Salt Stress Tolerance ─── 盐角草胆碱单加氧酶(CMO)基因在烟草中的表达及耐盐性的研究

27、Effects of Photoperiod on Flowering of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ─── 开花的影响。

28、Effects of Seawater with Different Concentrations on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Salicornia bigelovii Torr ─── 种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

29、Keywords Clear water immersion;Vacuum infiltration;Ultrasonic treatment;Dehydrated Salicornia bigelovii Torr;Quality; ─── 清水浸泡;真空渗透;超声波处理;海芦笋干制品;品质;

30、Any of various plants of the genus Salicornia, growing in salt marshes and having fleshy stems and rudimentary, scalelike leaves. ─── 欧洲海蓬子一种海蓬子属的植物,生于盐水沼泽,具有肉质茎和发育不完全的鳞状叶

31、Hodges saw his shot to lift his fleshy, leafless shrub from obscurity.That's because salicornia has another nifty quality: It can be converted into biofuel. ─── 何吉斯总算可以放手一搏,打响他那默默无闻多肉无叶的灌木,因为盐角草属有另一个极好的特质:它可以转化为生质燃料。

32、salicornia base ─── 海蓬子属碱

33、Last year, Hodges formed a for-profit company called Global Seawater Inc. to produce salicornia biofuel in liquid and solid versions. ─── 去年,何吉斯成立一家营利公司叫「全球海水公司」,主要生产液态和固态盐角草属生质燃料。

34、Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of DnaJ-like Gene Sequence from Salicornia bigelovii Torr. ─── 海蓬子DnaJ-like基因片段的表达和生物信息学分析

35、Construction and Analysis of Differentially Expressed cDNA Library of Salicornia Bigelovii by Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization ─── 北美海蓬子盐胁迫条件下抑制差减文库构建与分析

36、The full length CMO cDNA was cloned from Salicornia europaea by RT-PCR and RLM-RACE. ─── 本研究利用RT-PCR和RLM-RACE技术获得了盐角草的CMO cDNA全序列。

37、But he says it will be important to quickly develop a mechanized means of harvesting the salicornia. ─── 但是他还说尽快研制出收割海蓬子的机械设备也很重要。

38、Construction of cDNA Library of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. During Early Stage of Salt Stress Based on Suppression Subtractive Hybridization ─── 海蓬子盐胁迫初期抑制消减杂交cDNA文库的构建

39、Salicornia bigelovii Torr ─── 北美海蓬子

40、Keywords Salicornia europaea;Atriplex tatarica;Chenopodium iljinii;Stress;Seed Germination;Germination Recovery; ─── 盐角草;鞑靼滨藜;小白藜;胁迫;种子萌发;萌发恢复;

41、The contents, physical-chemical properties and chemical compositions of the oil in Salicornia Europaea L. seed have been investigated and determined in this paper. ─── 本文对海蓬子种子中油脂的含量、理化性质和脂肪酸的组成成分等进行了测定分析。

42、Gracilaria salicornia ─── n. 江蓠

43、Effects of salt and water stresses on growth and ionic absorption and distribution in Salicornia europaea, Aloe vera and Helianthus annuus seedlings ─── 盐和水分胁迫对海蓬子、芦荟、向日葵幼苗生长及其离子吸收分配的效应

44、Effect of NaCl Stress on Ion Compartmentation, Photosynthesis and Growth of Salicornia bgelovii Torr. ─── 离子区室化、光合作用和生长的影响。

45、Analysis of Fatty Acid Compositions of Salicornia Europaea L. Seed Oil ─── 海蓬子种子中脂肪酸组成成分分析

46、Salicornia europaea ─── n. 盐角草

47、Effects of planting density of Salicornia bigelovii under seawater irrigation on mineral contents in plants and saline soils; ─── 随种植密度的增加,个体间的无机盐含量略有下降,但没有显著差异,相反茎、叶中碳和氮含量呈上升趋势。

48、Salicornia bigelovii ─── 海蓬子

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