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antiasthmatic 发音

英:[?nt??sθ?m?t?k]  美:[??nt??sθ?m?t?k]

英:  美:

antiasthmatic 中文意思翻译




antiasthmatic 短语词组

1、antiasthmatic medication ─── 平喘药

2、antiasthmatic agents ─── 平喘药

3、antiasthmatic drugs ─── 平喘药

4、antiasthmatic drug ─── [医]抗喘药

5、antiasthmatic drug list ─── 平喘药单

6、antiasthmatic drugs definition ─── 平喘药定义

7、antiasthmatic mechanism ─── 平喘机制

8、antiasthmatic definition ─── 平喘定义

9、antiasthmatic meds ─── 平喘药

antiasthmatic 相似词语短语

1、antasthmatic ─── [药]止喘的;[药]镇喘的;[药]止喘药;镇喘药

2、anastigmatic ─── adj.[光]消像散的;[光]无散光的;[光]正像的;无收差的

3、antasthmatics ─── [药]止喘的;[药]镇喘的;[药]止喘药;镇喘药

4、antistatic ─── adj.抗静电的;拮抗的

5、antiarthritic ─── adj.抗关节炎的;n.抗关节炎药

6、antiarthritics ─── adj.抗关节炎的;n.抗关节炎药

7、antiarthritis ─── 抗关节炎

8、antiasthmatics ─── 平喘药

9、antiasthma ─── n.抗哮喘;平喘

antiasthmatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Shaddock peels extract;Antiasthmatic;Experimental Study; ─── 柚皮提取物;抗支气管哮喘;实验研究;

2、Objective: To study the antitussive,antiasthmatic and expectorant actions of xanthotoxol(XT). ─── 目的:研究花椒毒酚(XT)对呼吸系统的影响。

3、Results: New clinic antiasthmatic drugs ad better effect and less side effect. ─── 结果:新型抗哮喘药物临床使用具有疗效好,不良反应少的特点。

4、Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K.C. ─── 目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。

5、Keywords thymus;thymic immunosuppressive extract;antiasthmatic effect; ─── 胸腺;胸腺免疫抑制提取物;卵白蛋白;平喘作用;

6、OBJECTIVE to observe the antiasthmatic action of total alkaloid from Chelidouium majus. ─── 目的:观察白屈菜总生物碱的平喘作用。

7、Antiasthmatic action ─── 平喘

8、Experimental Study on the Antiasthmatic Effects of Selaginella Uncinata ─── 翠云草平喘作用的实验研究

9、Objective: To observe antiasthmatic effects of the alcoholic extract and the aqueous extract of Selaginella uncinata. ─── 目的:观察翠云草水提物和醇提物的平喘作用。

10、Keywords SanZhiYangQinTang;antiasthmatic action;quantitative dose-effect relationship; ─── 三子养亲汤;平喘;量效关系研究;

11、Methods: Routine antiasthmatic, antitussive and anti inflammatory methods were used. ─── 方法:采用常规平喘、止咳、抗炎药理作用的试验方法。

12、A quantitative dose-effect relationship study of the antiasthmatic action of SanZiYangQinTang ─── 三子养亲汤平喘量效关系的研究

13、Objective: to study antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic actions of Qiguanye pill. ─── 目的:研究气管炎丸的止咳、平喘、祛痰作用。

14、Results:New clinic antiasthmatic drugs ad better effect and less side effect. ─── 结果:新型抗哮喘药物临床使用具有疗效好,不良反应少的特点。

15、Mechanisms of antiasthmatic and anti inflammatory actions of CDCA are related to increasing the conteint of cAMP in trachea tissue and decreasing the constituent of NO and PGE 2 in body. ─── CDCA的平喘及抗炎作用机理与其提高气管组织中的cAMP含量及降低体内NO和PGE2 含量有关

16、Studies on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of different menstruum extracts of raphanus seed ─── 菜菔子提取物镇咳祛痰平喘作用研究

17、Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K. C. ─── 目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。

18、A quantitative dose-effect relationship study of the antiasthmatic action of SanZiYangQinTang ─── 三子养亲汤平喘量效关系的研究

19、Methods: Routine antiasthmatic, antitussive and anti inflammatory methods were used. ─── 方法:采用常规平喘、止咳、抗炎药理作用的试验方法。

20、Keywords Xuetie Dingchuan Plaster;antiasthmatic effect;asthma induced by histamine;allergic asthma;pulmonary flow; ─── 穴贴定喘膏;平喘作用;组胺性哮喘;过敏性哮喘;肺溢流量;

21、Pseudoephedrine and licoflavone might play synergetic effect in antiasthmatic mechanism by the analysis of HPLC. ─── 通过HPLC分析可知,伪麻黄碱和甘草黄酮等可能在平喘机制中起到协同作用。

22、Studies on antitussive, antiasthmatic and expectorant action of xanthotoxol ─── 花椒毒酚的镇咳、平喘及祛痰作用研究

23、Keywords acetone extract of Morus. alba L.;relieveing cough;removing the phlegm;anti-inflammation;antiasthmatic action;nitric oxide; ─── 桑白皮丙酮提取物;抗炎;镇咳;祛痰;平喘;氧化亚氮;

24、Effect of processing on antitussive, antiasthmatic and diuretic activities of Morrus alba L. ─── 炮制对桑白皮止咳平喘、利尿作用的影响。

25、Method:Routine antitussive,antiasthmatic and expectorant methods were used. ─── 方法 :采用常规镇咳、平喘、祛痰的试验方法。

26、Keywords Herba salviae plebeiae;Antitussive;Expectorant;Antiasthmatic;Experimental study; ─── 荔枝草;止咳;祛痰;平喘;实验研究;

27、Objective:In this paper,antitussive,antiasthmatic and expectorant action of chenodeoxycholine acid (CDCA) were studied. ─── 目的:本文研究鹅去氧胆酸(CDCA)对呼吸系统的影响。

28、Antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of Brassica alba extracts ─── 白芥子提取物的镇咳、祛痰及平喘作用研究

29、Title: Pharmacological Study on Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Actions of Nervilia fordii ( Hance ) Schitr. ─── 关键词:青天葵/药理学;镇咳药;平喘;疾病模型,动物;小鼠;豚鼠

30、antiasthmatic inhalant ─── 止喘吸入剂

31、Poisoning by antiasthmatic ─── 抗哮喘剂中毒

32、Experimental Study of Shaddock Peels Extract on Antiasthmatic ─── 柚皮提取物抗哮喘药效实验研究

33、Keywords Jiawei Sanao Decoction;Asthma;Antitussive Action;Apophlegmatic Action;Antiasthmatic Effects;Airway Inflammation;Broncho-Relaxing Effects; ─── 关键词加味三拗汤;哮喘;镇咳;祛痰;平喘;气道炎症;支气管解痉;

34、Keywords verticinone-bile acids salts;verticinone-cholic acid salt;antitussive;verticinone-chenocholic acid salt;expectorant;antiasthmatic; ─── 浙贝乙素胆汁酸盐;浙贝乙素胆酸盐;浙贝乙素鹅去氧胆酸盐;镇咳;祛痰;平喘;

35、Nursing Experience on Chronic Obstructive Pneumotherapy Treated by Relieving a Cough and Antiasthmatic Electuary in Points Application ─── 止咳平喘膏穴位贴敷治疗慢性阻塞性肺病的护理体会

36、Studies on the Antiasthmatic Effect and Its Mechanism of Total Alkaloids from Fritillaria pallidiflora in Guinea Pigs ─── 伊犁贝母总生物碱对豚鼠的平喘作用及其机理

37、Keywords Antiasthmatic Effects;Apophlegmatic Action;Shuanglong granule;Asthma;Antitussive Action;Broncho-Relaxing Effects; ─── 平喘;祛痰;双龙颗粒;哮喘;哮喘模型;镇咳;支气管解痉;

38、Conclusion LXP has the notable antitussive and antiasthmatic effects. ─── 结论 龙香平喘胶囊有较好的止咳、平喘作用。

39、Conclusion : GS has evident effects of antifebrile, antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic. ─── 结论: 感康灵喷雾剂具有良好的解热、镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用。

40、antiasthmatic drug ─── 抗喘药

41、Methods: Histamine was used to induce tracheaspasm in whole body and Guinea pig s isolated trachea test was used to observe the antiasthmatic action of XiaoerKechuan granule. ─── 方法:采用豚鼠整体引喘法及豚鼠离体气管法观察小儿咳喘冲剂的平喘作用;用电刺激猫喉上神经引咳法及氨水刺激小鼠引咳法观察该药的镇咳作用;

42、Study on Antitussive, Antiasthmatic Effects and Toxicity of Total Flavanoid of Rhododendron simsii Planch ─── 映山红总黄酮的镇咳平喘作用与毒性研究

43、Objective:To investigate the antitussive,expectorant and antiasthmatic effects and antiasthmatic mechanism of Kechuanping granules. ─── 目的:研究咳喘平颗粒的镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用,并探讨其平喘机制。

44、Keywords Co Aster mixture;antitussive;expectorand;antiasthmatic; ─── 复方紫菀合剂;止咳;祛痰;平喘;

45、Method A summary analysis is made of the studies on the antiasthmatic effect of acupuncture serum,the regulating effect of on immunologic function and the antiaging effect of moxibustion serum. ─── 方法对针刺血清抗哮喘作用和体液调节功能、针刺血清和艾灸血清调节免疫功能,以及艾灸血清抗衰老作用等的研究加以综合分析。

46、OBJECTIVE:To observe the antianaphylactin and antiasthmatic activity of polysaccharide from ophiopgonis tuber(POT). ─── 目的:观察麦冬多糖的平喘和抗过敏作用。

47、CDCA has antitussive,antiasthmatic,expectorant actions. ─── CDCA具有镇咳、平喘及祛痰作用。

48、Effective part screening on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensis ─── 湖北贝母镇咳、祛痰、平喘药效部位的筛选

49、Conclusion : GS has evident effects of antifebrile , antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic. ─── 结论:感康灵喷雾剂具有良好的解热、镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用。

50、Antitussive test,expectorant test and antiasthmatic test were made with sodium cholate(CANa) and TCANa. ─── 并将牛磺胆酸钠与胆酸钠进行镇咳、祛痰和平喘对比实验。

51、Antiasthmatic and antitussive ─── 平喘镇咳

52、Has bronchial smooth muscles relaxation, antitussive, expectoant and antiasthmatic activities, with very low toxicity. ─── 药理作用可松驰气管平滑肌和镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用,毒性很低。

53、Objective: Our purpose was to compare the antitussive,antiasthmatic and expectorant effects betwen aqueous extract of Wuhu Tang complex prescription and the crude product. ─── 目的:对五虎汤制剂及其有效部位群的镇咳、平喘、化痰作用进行药效学比较。

54、Experimental studies on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of extract from Citrus grandis var. Tomentosa ─── 化州柚提取物止咳化痰平喘作用的实验研究

55、Keywords Antitussive and antiasthmatic film;Pharmacodynamic study;Chronic bronchitis;Therapeutic action;Action mechanism; ─── 止咳平喘膜剂;药效学研究;慢性支气管炎;治疗作用;作用机理;

56、Methods: Histamine was used to induce tracheaspasm in whole body and Guinea pig s isolated trachea test was used to observe the antiasthmatic action Of Qiguanye pill . ─── 方法:采用豚鼠离体气管法和拘橼酸引喘法观察气管炎丸的平喘作用;

57、OBJECTIVE To investigate into the antiasthmatic effect of Xuetie Dingchuan Plaster. ─── 目的探讨穴贴定喘膏的平喘作用。

58、In medicine with expectorant antiasthmatic, thirst Sheng Jin, the role of Runchang appetizer. ─── 在医药上具有祛痰平喘、止渴生津、开胃润肠的作用。

59、Objective To study the antitussive,eliminating phlegm and antiasthmatic effects of Souning oral liquid. ─── 目的观察嗽宁口服液的镇咳、祛痰及平喘作用。

60、Studies on mechanism of antiasthmatic and anti-inflammatory actions of CDCA ─── 鹅去氧胆酸的平喘及抗炎作用机理研究

61、Objective:To obserrve antiasthmatic and anti inflammatory actions mechanisms of CDCA. ─── 目的 :研究鹅去氧胆酸 (CDCA)的平喘及抗炎作用机理。

62、antiasthmatic pill of perilla fruit ─── 苏子降气丸

63、Conclusion The study suggests that Souning oral liquid has antitussive,eliminating phlegm and antiasthmatic effects. ─── 结论嗽宁口服液的中医处方具有镇咳、祛痰及平喘的功效。

64、Keywords Antiasthmatic and antitussive;Chinese patent medicine;Chemicals;HPLC;Identification method; ─── 平喘镇咳;中成药;化学药品;高效液相色谱法;检验;

65、Objective:To investigate the antiasthmatic effect and mechanism of shaddock peels extract on bronchial asthma. ─── 目的:观察柚皮提取物对哮喘的药效作用及机理。

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