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08-19 投稿


Agassiz 发音

英:  美:

Agassiz 中文意思翻译



Agassiz 短语词组

1、agassiz audubon ─── 阿加西·奥杜邦

2、agassiz bc ─── 公元前阿加西

3、Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid ─── 阿加西的矮人西克利德

4、agassiz bc canada ─── 加拿大阿 ─── 加西

5、agassiz valley grain ─── 阿加西谷谷物

6、Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz ─── [网络] 阿加西斯

7、agassiz drain tile buxton ─── 阿加西地砖

8、agassiz thunder strain ─── 阿加西雷霆株

9、Louis Agassiz ─── [网络] 阿加西;阿加西斯;美国博物学家阿加西

10、agassiz british columbia ─── 阿加西不列颠哥伦比亚省

11、agassiz sales ─── 阿加西销售

Agassiz 相似词语短语

1、-gassing ─── n.气体处理;放毒气攻击;吹嘘;n.(Gassing)人名;(俄)哈辛

2、damassin ─── n.金银线织锦缎

3、agasting ─── 进步

4、bagassosis ─── n.[医]甘蔗渣尘肺;[医]蔗尘沉着病

5、Talassio ─── 塔拉西奥。

6、assassin ─── n.刺客,暗杀者

7、amassing ─── n.积累;积聚

8、Agassi ─── 阿加西(人名)

9、Agassiz ─── n.阿加西(美国动物学家及地质学家)

Agassiz 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Agassiz immediately began to question him to find out what he knew. ─── 阿加西当即向他开始提问,想了解他都知道些什么。

2、Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates. ─── 最后,阿加西和其他人说服了地质学家和普通大众,一个巨大的大陆冰川作用已经把极地冰帽延伸到了现在享受温带气候的地区。

3、For five hours he talked, answering questions put to him by Agassiz and the other men. ─── 他连续讲了五个小时,回答阿加西和其他人对他提出的问题。

4、Shaler also attended Agassiz's lectures, and though he found them fascinating, they were a less important part of his work. ─── 谢勒也去听阿加西的课,虽然他觉得这些课很引人入胜,但这是他的工作中不那么重要的部分。

5、Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish. ─── 阿加西把一条腥臭难闻的鱼放在他面前。

6、Agassiz orogeny ─── 阿格赛兹造山运动

7、For the next fifty years most of the outstanding natural science teachers in the United States were pupils of Agassiz or one of his students. ─── 在以后的五十年里,美国大多数杰出的自然科学教师都是阿加西的学生或是他学生的学生。

8、All he heard from Agassiz each day was a friendly "Good morning. ─── 每天他从阿加西那里听到的,只是一句礼貌的“早上好”。

9、1 I entered Professor Agassiz's laboratory, and told him I had enrolled my name in the Scientific School as a student of natural history. ─── 我走进阿加西斯教授的实验室,告诉他我已经在自然科学学院报了名,成为了一名生物学专业的学生。

10、Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid ─── n. 阿氏短鲷(丽鱼科)

11、Agassiz now knew that Shaler was intelligent and physically capable of the work. ─── 现在阿加西知道,谢勒不仅聪明而且体格健壮,能够承担未来的学习工作。

12、Agassiz immediately began to question him to find out what he knew. ─── 阿加西当即向他开始提问,想了解他都知道些什么。

13、Many students today would not find Agassiz's method of teaching foreign or unusual. ─── 现在的学生大多不会觉得阿加西的教学方法是国外的或非同寻常。

14、The young man was seated at a table in Agassiz's laboratory. ─── 谢勒坐在实验室里的一张桌子旁。

15、" "That is next best," Agassiz said seriously. ─── “那已经非常不错了”,阿加西很严肃地说。

16、Shaler, who had grown up in Kentucky, had read an article by Agassiz on turtles. ─── 谢勒在肯塔基州长大,曾读过一篇阿加西写的有关海龟的文章。

17、Alexander Emmanuel Rodolphe Agassiz (1835~1910) ─── 阿加西,A.E.R.(1835-1910)

18、So of course Agassiz wanted his students, including Shaler, to perform well. ─── 因此阿加西很希望自己的学生--包括谢勒--能表现出色。

19、For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest. ─── 为了他的研究,阿加西访问了欧洲北部和北美的许多地方(从斯堪的纳维亚山脉和新英格兰到美国中西部起伏的丘陵)。

20、Then all through Harkness Commons, the lounge, the cafeteria, Then a wild sprint to look around Agassiz Hall at Radcliffe. ─── 我找遍了哈克尼斯公共食堂、休息室、自助餐厅,紧接着一阵急速短跑,来到瑞德科利弗的爱哥西兹大厅周围寻找。

21、Agassiz valleys ─── 阿格赛兹海下谷

22、Agassiz cautioned him, though, that the books might not be right. ─── 不过,阿加西告诫过他,书上的东西也可能是不对的。

23、At last, all the porting and optimizing methods are packed up and partially implemented in our Agassiz source-to-source tool. ─── 最后把所有的修改方案统一整理,开发出合适的算法,并且在我所研制的Agassiz源程序自动变换系统上实现了部分算法.

24、When he returned he found that Agassiz had left the laboratory for several hours. ─── 当谢勒回到实验室时,他发现阿加西已经离开实验室好几个小时了。

25、Agassiz was satisfied with Shaler's background knowledge, but this alone was not enough to admit him to the school. ─── 阿加西对谢勒的背景情况很满意,但仅仅有这些还不足以录取他。

26、Shaler felt that he was now ready to graduate and begin his own work as a naturalist.When he approached Agassiz on the subject the teacher said in surprise, "Why, you haven't learned half enough!" ─── 谢勒觉得自己可以毕业并且开始自己作为自然科学家的生涯了,可是当他找到阿加西谈到这一想法时,老师惊奇地说:“为什么,你连一半都还没有学到呢!”

27、This was the beginning of Agassiz's unusual teaching method. ─── 这只是阿加西不同寻常的教学方法的开始。

28、The next time the young man was asked what he had seen, Agassiz was pleased with his reply. ─── 当阿加西第二次询问年轻人同一个问题时,他得到了颇为满意的回答。

29、In Agassiz's day the sport was fencing, so he challenged Shaler to a bout. ─── 在阿加西的年代,体育运动主要是击剑,于是他就向谢勒提出挑战,要和他进行较量。

30、Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish. ─── 阿加西把一条腥臭难闻的鱼放在他面前。

31、Take Highway 11 towards Harrison Hot Springs from Agassiz and park at the gated dirt road that follows the north boundary of the ...... ─── 都可以,如果完了去泡一下温泉是值得常去的地方,我们以前登山也会下山后找个地方泡温泉,一个字“爽”

32、Fishes of genus Rhodeus Agassiz in Jiangsu Province, China ─── 江苏省??属(Rhodeus)鱼类的研究

33、This was the beginning of Agassiz's unusual teaching method. ─── 这只是阿加西不同寻常的教学方法的开始。

34、When he arrived at Harvard he went to a wooden shed-like building where Agassiz had his laboratory. ─── 到了哈佛后他就径直来到一座木棚般的建筑。阿加西的实验室就在这里。

35、I entered Professor Agassiz's laboratory, and told him I had enrolled my name in the Scientific School as a student of natural history. ─── 我走进阿加西斯教授的实验室,告诉他我已经在自然科学学院报了名,专业是生物学。

36、It is graduation day at Agassiz Gymnasium. ─── 这是阿嘎西兹预科结业日。

37、Agassiz was satisfied with Shaler's background knowledge, but this alone was not enough to admit him to the school. ─── 阿加西对谢勒的背景情况很满意,但仅仅有这些还不足以录取他。

38、"What can I do for you, Mr.Lawrence?" Agassiz invited him into the house. ─── 阿加西邀请他进屋并问道:“我能为你做些什么吗,劳伦斯先生?”

39、Many of the teachers had criticized Agassiz's new method of teaching, saying it wasn't thorough. ─── 许多老师都批评过阿加西的教学方法,认为他的方法不够深入。

40、Agassiz always felt a student could learn more. ─── 阿加西总是觉得学生能够学习更多的东西。

41、As more and more people learned about the world around them, Agassiz's fame spread. ─── 随着越来越多的人开始了解他们周围的世界,阿加西的名气也越来越响。

42、Prefessor Agassiz once told the Harvard students of a farmer who owned a farm of hundreds of acres of unprofitable woods and rocks, and concluded to sell out and get into a more profitable business. ─── 阿加西教授曾给哈佛大学的学生们讲过这样一个故事:一位农民决定卖掉一个数百英亩的农场转投更能赢利的事业。

43、In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation. ─── 在这些不同的地区,Agassiz 都能发现冰川侵蚀和沉降的痕迹。

44、Wearily he began all over again.Late that afternoon Agassiz approached him again."Do you see it yet?" the teacher asked. ─── 那天下午很晚的时候,阿加西再次来到他的身旁问道:“你弄明白这条鱼了吗?”

45、Sometimes Agassiz would look over his shoulder and say, "That's not right." But even that was a help. ─── 有时候,阿加西会在他身后看上一眼,说上一句:“那不对了”,但这毕竟也是一种帮助。

46、What Agassiz had to say, especially about fish and glaciers20, was news to practically everyone. ─── 阿加西所讲的,特别是有关鱼和冰川的内容,对每个人来说都堪称新闻。

47、The next time the young man was asked what he had seen, Agassiz was pleased with his reply. ─── 当阿加西第二次询问年轻人同一个问题时,他得到了颇为满意的回答。

48、During the four years that Shaler studied under Agassiz he was never given a single test, but the teacher often questioned him as he went along. ─── 谢勒师从阿加西的四年中,老师从未给过他一次测验,但在学习过程中老师经常给他提问题。

49、20 While training the students in the method of observing facts and their orderly arrangement, “Professor Agassiz urged them not to be content with just facts. ─── 在训练学生观察事物及其规律性的排列时,阿加西斯教授督促他们不要仅仅满足于事实。

50、" Agassiz replied."Don't read any books or talk to the other students. ─── 不要阅读任何书籍,也不要和其他学生交谈。

51、Agassiz traw ─── 阿格赛兹拖网

52、At the end of the hour's talking Agassiz turned away saying, "That's not right. ─── 一个小时的陈述结束后,阿加西只说了“不对”就转身离开了。

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