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08-19 投稿


legislator 发音

英:[?led??sle?t?r]  美:[?led??sle?t?(r)]

英:  美:

legislator 中文意思翻译



legislator 短语词组

1、legislator william spencer ─── 立法委员威廉斯宾塞

2、legislator meaning ─── 立法者意义

3、chief legislator ─── [法] 主要立法者

4、legislator definition ─── 立法者定义

legislator 词性/词形变化,legislator变形


legislator 相似词语短语

1、legislatures ─── n.立法机关(legislature的复数)

2、legislates ─── vt.用立法规定;通过立法;vi.立法;制定法律

3、legislation ─── n.立法;法律

4、legislating ─── 立法

5、legislate ─── vt.用立法规定;通过立法;vi.立法;制定法律

6、legislatorial ─── adj.立法者的;议会的

7、legislated ─── vt.用立法规定;通过立法;vi.立法;制定法律

8、legislators ─── n.[法]立法者(legislator的复数形式)

9、legislature ─── n.立法机关;立法机构

legislator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, legislator needs to take corresponding legislation countermeasure to protect their right. ─── 为此,需要立法者采取相应的立法对策保护他们的知情权。

2、Each constituency will return only one legislator. ─── 每一选区只能有一位“立委”。

3、PFP legislator Ku Chung-lien also very much disagrees with Taiwan's policy of purchasing Kitty-class frigates for its Navy. ─── 亲民党立法委员顾崇廉也对台湾购买海军纪德舰的政策有很多不同的意见。

4、A legislator should be the servant of his constituents, not their master. ─── 立委是选民的仆人而不是主人。

5、and the AEA, which threatened to defeat every legislator who voted for teacher testing. ─── 向每个赞同教师考试的议员发出下台威胁的阿肯色州教育协会。

6、Since the legislator is limited in the capabilities of prediction and expression, flaws and blanks are unavoidable in enacted law. ─── 因为立法者立法时的预见力和表达力是有限的,所以制定法中存在一些漏洞或空白也是不可避免的。

7、55.Ideally, congressional casework puts the legislator in the role of an "ombudsman" checking up on the quality of administration and helping citizens to obtain fair treatment from the agencies. ─── 最理想的是,国会的个别调查工作使议员承担“意见调查官”的角色,检查行政部门工作的质量并帮助公民获得有关机关的公正对待。

8、Suleiman, greatest of all Ottoman Emperors (Rhodes), legislator, educator, builder (Sinan) and worthy opponent of the Hapsburg.With his son the slow decline began. ─── 在奥斯曼帝国苏莱曼大帝领导下,土耳其达到光辉强盛的顶点,他是一名立法者,教育家,建筑家并被哈布斯堡王朝视为值得尊敬的对手。

9、I shall be asked if I am a prince or a legislator, to write on politics. ─── 有人会问,我是否是个王子或立法者,因为只有王子或立法者才发表政见。

10、One of them was Mack McLarty, son of the local Ford dealer, later governor of Boys State, all-star quarterback, state legislator, successful businessman, and then my first White House chief of staff. ─── 其中一个孩子名叫麦克.麦克拉蒂,他父亲是当地福特汽车的经销商,他自己则先后成为一名军训夏令营营长、全明星队四分卫、州议员、成功商人、我的第一位白宫办公厅主任。

11、05 Independent legislator, Chim Pui-chung, plans to run in the election for the chief executive so as to prevent the next chief executive being selected unopposed. ─── 立法会独立议员詹培忠计划参与新的行政长官补选,因为他不希望有人自动当选。

12、Legisl have it that the fairy princess fall in love with a pauper ─── 据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿

13、Cyd Ho - Former legislator. ─── 劳永乐-前立法会议员。

14、He is a legislator. ─── 他是个立法人员。

15、Legislator Tommy Cheung proposed that the Government's campaign to revitalise Hong Kong's economy should last for several weeks or one month. ─── 张宇人建议政府的振兴经济行动,应该维持数周至一个月,及研究是否可配合退税。

16、TSU Legislator Tseng Tsahn-deng said that some banned substances can be found in Chinese medicine stores, in the neighborhood of hospitals and even on Yahoo Taiwan's auction website. ─── 立委曾灿灯指出,这些禁药药房买得到、医院周边买得到、上了雅虎奇摩的拍卖网站更买得到,氾滥的程度已经出乎你我想像。

17、His families were booming him for legislator. ─── 他的家人力捧他竞选立法委员。

18、"The first duty of a legislator is to apportion penalties" (Walter Savage Landor). ─── “立法者的第一项任务就是分配刑罚” (沃尔特·萨维奇·兰道)。

19、The top legislator urged "in-depth reports" on the issues that most concern the public and ones that receive the most complaints. ─── 他希望媒体能对那些事关人民群众切身利益以及老百姓抱怨最多的事件进行深度报道。

20、A Malaysian legislator resigned Tuesday after photos of her sleeping in the nude were circulated among the public. ─── 因裸睡照片外泄,马来西亚37岁的女议员黄洁冰17日辞职。

21、Movement for Democratic Change legislator Douglas Mwonzora, who is on the parliamentary committee organizing the process, said people needed a new constitution to ensure essential freedoms. ─── 争取民主变革运动的议员道格拉斯.姆翁佐拉表示,人民需要新的宪法来保护基本自由。姆翁佐拉是负责组织这次会议的议会委员会成员。

22、When A takes money from B to give to C and A is a legislator, the process is called taxation. ─── 当甲从乙的身上拿钱给丙时,若甲是立法者,则这个过程叫做课税,

23、During the first half of the meeting, Legislator Lin poked fun of him for being a "Zen Buddhist expert" in terms of evasiveness. ─── 当初是因为三项军购在这边拜讬,现在随便。

24、Yang Jianchang, a legislator in Shenzhen, said he had been trying to get the central government's attention, with little success. ─── 深圳人大代表杨建昌(音)说,他一直试图引起政府对这个问题的重视,但收效甚微。

25、Seven people, including four government officials, a legislator, a teacher and a taxi driver, stood trial there early this month. ─── 本月初七个人包括四个政府官员,一个立法委员,一名教师和一个的哥被审判。

26、You can do science without believing in a divine Legislator, but not without believing in laws. ─── 从事科学研究可不信上帝立法之说,但决不可不信其法则的存在。

27、But the legislation was saved from a narrow defeat early in yesterday's debate only by the disa earance of a DAB legislator at a crucial moment. ─── 在昨日立法会辩论中,民建联议员(黄容根)在关键时刻失踪,以致杀局条例草案获通过。

28、Obama refused to offer his official papers as a state legislator in Illinois. ─── 奥巴马拒绝提供他作为伊利诺伊州立法委员的文件。

29、He was also active in community service and had been the former executive councilor and legislator and was honoured the Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE). ─── 社会服务方面,历任立法局非官守议员,行政局非官守议员,以勋劳卓著,获颁CBE勋衔。

30、Excerpts of the discussion, moderated by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Yu Ching, are presented here presents for Taiwan News readers consideration. ─── 座谈会由立法委员尤清主持。本报特别整理部分精采内容以飨读者。

31、Hamas legislator Mushir al-Masri, a spokesman for the militant Islamist group, rejected any attempt by Israel to link the release of Schalit to a longer-term cease-fire. ─── 激进的伊斯兰组织哈马斯的发言人、立法委员马斯里拒绝接受以色列把释放沙利特跟签署长期停火协议联系在一起的任何企图。

32、The legislator was laughed down by his colleagues when he proposed another freeze on wages ─── 当那个议员提议再次冻结工资时,他的同事们用嘲笑打断了他。

33、A former legislator was charged with a total of five offences, including accepting an advantage as a public servant and misconduct in public office. ─── 一名前立法会议员被落案起诉,控以共五项罪名,包括身为公职人员收受利益,及担任公职时行为不当。

34、The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers'Foundation. ─── 一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会,引起了公愤。

35、“It sounds to me like a connivance,” the Congressman replied. “I'm a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience .” ─── “你看这似乎是共谋吧,”议员回覆道,“我是一名尽职尽责的立法者,我有一颗严肃良心。”

36、Meeting with Mr Tam Yiu Chung, Legislator, to strive for representation in the Legislative Council. ─── 会见谭耀宗议员争取立法会及选委会议席.

37、He has been so good at it that his employer allowed him to clock his time on public duty as work, after he was elected legislator with a decisive majority. ─── 由于他表现异常出色,所以公司让他在大热获选为议员后,把处理公务的时间也计进工作时间内。

38、If you visit the house and fail to inquire what that accumulation is, the conversation will be brought around to it by that aforetime legislator ─── 如果你去他家,忘了问那是一件什么珍藏品,那位前任的立法议员就会硬把话题扯到它上面。

39、He ought rather to be remembered for his 47 years of manly toil in the Senate, where he was a staggeringly capable legislator. ─── 其实他更应该让人记住的是他在参议院里纵横47年的辛劳,在那里他是一名有惊世才能的立法者。

40、“It sounds to me like a connivance,” the Congressman replied.“I'm a very conscientious legislator and I have a serious conscience. ─── “你看这似乎是共谋吧,”议员回答道,“我是一名尽职尽责的立法者,我有一颗严正良心。”

41、One senior state legislator, a fellow Republican, says that “Arpaio is out of control” but is afraid to go on the record. ─── 同为共和党人的一名资深州议员称“阿尔帕约行为过度”,且担心继续这样做会形成不良记录。

42、Top legislator Wu Bangguo hailed the high support rate of the deputies for the law as epitomizing the "common will and strong resolve" of the entire Chinese people. ─── 国家以最大的诚意,尽最大的努力,实现和平统一。国家和平统一后,台湾可以实行不同于大陆的制度,高度自治。

43、His ads direct listeners to a website run by David Duke, a white supremacist and former Republican legislator. ─── 他的广告将听众引向了一个由大卫·杜克运行的网站,杜克是一个白人至上主义者,同时也是前共和党立议员。

44、Why refuse that title to the surgeon who sets a limb, the judge or legislator who confers security, and give it to the lapidary who cuts and polishes a diamond? ─── 为什么拒绝把这一称号给予绑扎肢体的外科医生、维护秩序的法官或议员,而把它给予切割和 磨光钻石的宝石工?

45、Error system involves many conflicts of interests, legislator should balance the conflict of interests when designing related rules of error. ─── 摘要错误制度关涉诸多法益的冲突,立法者在设计有关错误的规则时必须进行利益衡量。

46、The basic principle of military law is the fundamental rules which impenetrate the whole military law. It reflects the military policy of the legislator and the rules of social relationship. ─── 军事法基本原则是效力贯穿军事法始终的根本规则,是对作为军事法主要调整对象的军事社会关系的本质和规律,以及立法者在军事领域所行政策的集中反映。

47、In an hour long philippic,the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill. ─── 在一个小时的漫骂演说中,立法者猛烈抨击议案通过者反对他的议案。

48、A legislator said that the mislabelling of floor numbers as a sales tactic is not only misleading to consumers, but also poses many problems. ─── 有立会议员表示,失实的楼层编排的方法作为销售策略,不但误导消费者,而且造成许多问题。

49、A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year ─── 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。

50、Legislator Wu Den-Yih, Chief-Secretary of Kuomingtang of Republic of China, visited CCBA. ─── 中国国民党中央党部吴敦义秘书长访问纽约中华公所,受到侨领们热烈欢迎。

51、2. One who makes or enacts laws; a legislator. ─── 当地人选举了六名立法委员。

52、In his discussion with lawmakers from Chongqing Municipality, top legislator Wu Bangguo said it is a must to boost the people's confidence to tackle economic woes. ─── 吴邦国作为最高的立法者,在与来自重庆市的立法者的讨论时说道,我们必须增强人民战胜经济危机的信心。

53、A conscientious legislator could, however, vote in favor of a more restrictive abortion law, in place of a more permissive one already in force ─── 然而,一个有良心的立法者将会投票赞成一部更受限制的堕胎法,来代替已经生效的更为放任的堕胎法。

54、Mr.Holzer says.“He described himself as another skinny legislator from Springfield and saw in Lincoln a way to overcome the charges that he was too inexperienced to lead the country. ─── 我认为,他真的相信他完成林肯所说的未竟事业的继续,他本身就表明了机会对每个人均等.

55、The unsuccessful motion was put forward by independent legislator, Regina Ip. ─── 未获通过的动议由独立议员叶刘淑仪提出。

56、The Mathews test has been criticized as being so open-ended as to give courts little guidance: judges are put into the position of making policy choices much as a legislator would do. ─── "马修"案的标准因过分随意以及几乎没有为法院提供任何指导而受到批评:法官被置于作出政策选择的境地,恰如立法者所做的那样。

57、You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe ─── 在任何人间的政府存在之前,你已经有了各种权利;人间的法律不能剥夺或限制那些权利;那些权利来自于宇宙的伟大立法者

58、And legislator Cyd Ho will return to her home base in Hong Kong Island. ─── 立法会议员何秀兰,返回原有选区港岛区出选。

59、A senior Chinese legislator has called for sincere and practical talks on interfaith harmony on the basis of equality and mutual benefit at an Asia-Europe Meeting underway in Nanjing. ─── 在南京举行的亚欧会议上,一位资深人大代表呼吁在平等互利的基础上就不同信仰和谐共处开展真诚务实的对话。

60、As the yardstick by which the legislator conducts legislative activities, legislative principle is the embodiment of guiding legislative ideas in legislative practice. ─── 摘要立法原则是立法主体据以进行立法活动的重要准绳,是立法指导思想在立法实践中的重要体现。

61、Public anger intensified yesterday over the vulgar gesture pro-government legislator Philip Wong Yu-hong made at protesters on Wednesday night. ─── 保皇党议员黄宜弘在星期三晚向示威人士做粗口手势,市民的不满昨日继续升温。

62、opposition legislator ─── 反对党议员

63、One senior state legislator, a fellow Republican, says that "Arpaio is out of control" but is afraid to go on the record. ─── 同为共和党人的一名资深州议员称“阿尔帕约行为过度”,且担心继续这样做会形成不良记录。

64、Chief Secretary: All of us, whether we are a legislator or a member of the administration, have to be practical on constitutional development issues. ─── 政务司司长:各位,无论是议员或者政府做事,都要实事求是。

65、In a new colony, ample opportunity is open to the careful legislator who desires to purify the customs and manners of the people. ─── 在一个新的殖民地,希望使人民的风俗习惯纯洁的谨慎的立法者有很多机会。

66、Elisa Carrio, a former legislator known for her campaign against corruption, had the strong support of wealthier voters. She won the big cities of Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Rosario. ─── 一位以开展反腐运动而出名的前议员,确拥有富有选民的大力支持,她在布宜诺斯艾利斯、科尔多瓦、罗萨里奥等大城市取得了竞选胜利。

67、If I were a prince or a legislator, I should not waste time in saying what wants doing; I should do it, or hold my peace. ─── 如果我是个王子或立法者,那么我不会在什么事需要做等问题上浪费时间;所以我要做这件事,要么保持中立。

68、Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti says that means Israel's two-state solution is no solution at all. ─── 巴勒斯坦国会议员穆斯塔法说,这意味着以色列所谓的两国方案根本就不是什么解决方案。

69、chief legislator ─── 主要立法者

70、Chinese people aren't pets," Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator Leung Kwok-hung told The Associated Press. ─── 中国人不是动物,”香港民主派议员梁国雄对美联社说。

71、Valle Riestra -- himself a prominent legislator and former prime minister in the 1990s -- said that granting Rosales asylum should not be considered a move by Peru against Chavez. ─── 列斯特拉本人在上世纪90年代曾担任秘鲁总理,他表示,同意罗萨莱斯的避难请求不应被视为秘鲁对抗查韦斯的举动。

72、A legislator criticized the companies for lacking social responsibility by cancelling the discounts at a time of falling oil prices. ─── 有立法会议员批评巴士公司在油价下跌时仍取消优惠,缺乏社会责任。

73、Scientific research is therefore allowed and the legislator thereby has a broad freedom as regards policy as it has not been exactly determined which form of protection should be offered. ─── 因此,科学研究是被允许的,并且因为政策并未确切地规定应该提供何种保护形式,立法者因此享有广泛的自由。

74、But if nature is sufficiently invincible to regain its empire, why does not Rousseau admit that it did not need the legislator to gain it in the first place? ─── 但是如果大自然会战无不胜地夺回她的帝国,为什么卢梭不承认起初就根本不需要立法者得到它?

75、Which countries have the largest number of people per legislator? ─── 哪些国家的议员代表最多数的人?

76、Ruling Kuomintang legislator Chiu Yi argued however that this type of transparency would only work in China's favor when it came to the negotiating table. ─── 国民党立委邱毅则说,立法院资讯公开透明,先审后签的话,中国将马上得知台湾的底线,对台湾不利。

77、For noncontroversial votes, the chamber will take a voice vote, but if any legislator asks for a roll call, then each member's vote is made separately and publicly. ─── 对于无争议的表决,议院可以采用口头表决,但是如果任何一名立法者要求一个登记表,则每个成员的投票将独立及公开的完成。

78、A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year. ─── 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。

79、The sage-monarchs holding fast to Dao is the medium between Dao and Law and the real legislator, therefore he should he restrained by Dao and Law. ─── 作为执道者的圣王是道与法的中介,是现实的立法者,必须受到道和法的约束。

80、Top legislator: China "a strong advocator" of Asia-Europe cooperationWu Bangguo,... ─── 中国----亚欧议会合作会议的倡导者

81、A legislator generally must have resided in the district which elects him for at least a year before election. ─── 立法议员通常必须在选举前居住于选他做议员的选区至少一年。

82、“Here's a person who as a state legislator was a clear leader in Springfield on so many important issues that really made a difference. ─── “他就是这样一个人,在斯柏林费尔德,作为一个洲立法委员,他显然是领袖人物,在许多重大立法中,都有所成就;

83、Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator. ─── 程介南滥用立法会议员权利,谋取自身利益。

84、I love shopping! My mom(husband) says, I should become a legislator 'cause I bring so many bills into the house. ─── 我酷爱买东西!所以我妈(老公)说我应该当国会议员的。

85、Demonstrating remarkable foresight in 1993, Penghu's former New Party Legislator Chen Kwei-miew proposed that revenue be channelled into a construction fund earmarked for future developments. ─── 澎湖的前任新党立委陈癸淼在1993年就展现了卓越的远见,他建议将所得的收入转注至未来发展的建设资金。

86、In Wisconsin, a state legislator wants to raise more money for the juvenile criminal justice system via a tax on video games. ─── 在威斯康星,一个州立法委员想通过对视频游戏征税来为未成年罪犯司法系统筹集资金。

87、The task of the legislator thus “involves a complex and morally precarious balancing act. ─── 因此,立法者的任务是“将一种复杂的和道德上风险权衡的行为包含在内”。

88、The amendment passed the legislature easily with 71 votes for, 26 votes against and one legislator abstaining from the vote. ─── 此修正案在立法院内轻松地以71票赞成,26票反对,一票弃全通过。

89、a former legislator addressed as "Senator" by courtesy ─── 一位人们出于礼貌而称他为 "senator" (参议员)的前议员

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