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08-19 投稿


ingrained 发音

英:[?n?ɡre?nd]  美:[?n?ɡre?nd]

英:  美:

ingrained 中文意思翻译




ingrained 网络释义

adj. 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的;生染的v. 使根深蒂固(ingrain的过去分词形式);生染;就原料染色

ingrained 短语词组

1、ingrained or engrained ─── 根深蒂固的或 ─── 根深蒂固的

2、ingrained into ─── 渗透进植入到

3、ingrained in ─── 根植于(ingrained是ingrain的过去式和过去分词)

4、engrained vs ingrained ─── 根深蒂固的

5、ingrained defined ─── 根深蒂固的定义

6、ingrained prejudice ─── 根深蒂固的偏见

7、ingrained definition ─── 根深蒂固的定义

8、ingrained define ─── 根深蒂固的定义

9、ingrained means ─── 根深蒂固的手段

10、ingrained habits ─── 根深蒂固的习惯

11、ingrained synonym ─── 根深蒂固的同义词

12、ingrained meaning ─── 根深蒂固的意义

ingrained 词性/词形变化,ingrained变形

动词第三人称单数: ingrains |动词过去式: ingrained |动词过去分词: ingrained |动词现在分词: ingraining |

ingrained 相似词语短语

1、ingrainedly ─── 根深蒂固地;染进纹理(或纤维)地;深染地

2、entrained ─── 夹带

3、grained ─── adj.有木纹的;除去毛的;漆成木纹的

4、-grained ─── adj.有木纹的;除去毛的;漆成木纹的

5、ingrafted ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

6、ingrainer ─── 忘恩负义者

7、engrainer ─── 工程师

8、ingrainers ─── 忘恩负义者

9、engrained ─── adj.彻底的;根深蒂固的;v.把…染成木纹色(engrain的过去分词形式)

ingrained 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is inbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations ─── 天生的对恰当的感觉。另一个词inbred既有与生俱来的意思同时又包含了从早期的训练或交往中积累而成的

2、She had an ingrained mistrust of politicians. ─── 她对政客有根深蒂固的不信任。

3、”Carlyle so said that and will express training battalion these principles very quickly ingrained in the player heart. ─── 卡莱尔如此说道,并表示训练营这些原则将很快地根深蒂固于球员心中。

4、The Depression of 1929-40 will be ingrained in the minds of Americans for generations to come. ─── 40的经济萧条将会根深蒂固的印在美国未来几代的思想里。

5、The belief that we should do our duty is deeply ingrained in most of us. ─── 人人应当尽职这一信念深深地铭刻在我们多数人的心坎里。

6、If the karmic test is failed, one must repeat past learning experiences until correct spiritual attitudes are so deeply ingrained that potential setbacks are thwarted and karmic progress is assured. ─── 如果这个人没能通过前世伤痕的测试,他必须重复前世的经历直到正确的灵魂态度被根深蒂固的植入,有能力抵御潜在的障碍,前世伤痕的考验才可以停止。

7、be deeply ingrained in the mind ─── 在头脑中根深蒂固

8、Support for human rights and human dignity is ingrained in America. ─── 对人类权利和尊严支持的思想在美国根深蒂固。

9、ingrained shyness ─── 天生的怕羞

10、Mr Clegg's overall argument is that Labour's ingrained statism has failed. ─── 克莱格的整体观点是,工党根深蒂固的国家主义已经溃败。

11、They are products of a political system riddled with feudalistic party structures, regional rivalries, and a deeply ingrained assumption that patronage is the main purpose of power. ─── 他们是一个充满封建党派结构、区域纷争、以权力为主要目标的政治制度的产物。

12、It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained Japanese customs ─── 它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。

13、In addition, well thought out rituals can help us ingrain positive habits and systemize the actions which will help us lead our best life. ─── 一些健康的早餐食品,如鸡蛋、水果或糖类谷物等都是一个人一天中所需的许多维他命和矿物质的很好的来源。

14、EXCEPT for his hands and a circle of his face, his body was grey all over with ancient, ingrained dirt. ─── 除了他的双手和脸上一圈以外,他全身发灰,污秽不堪。

15、The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture. ─── 人人都应该努力工作这个信念在我们的文化中根深蒂固。

16、thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot. ─── 厚厚的覆盖着根深蒂固的污垢或者煤烟。

17、ingrained principles ─── 天生的本性

18、As one of the monomers, 2,4,6-tribromophenyl acrylate was used to prepare the emulsion of ingrain fireproofing polyacrylate. ─── 以2,4,6-三溴丙烯酸苯酯为单体,通过乳液聚合得到了本体阻燃丙烯酸酯聚合物。

19、For most women, the altruistic, nurturing qualities that are so deeply ingrained as to be almost symbolic of womanhood are the basis of their identities and the essence of their roles. ─── 对于大多数女性而言,无私、体贴的特点根深蒂固,几乎成了妇女的标志,构成了她们身份的基础及角色的核心。

20、As in many countries the mentality of graft is deeply ingrained in China. ─── 与其他国家一样,那种利用不正当手段取得钱财的思想在中国是根深蒂固的。

21、Ingrain Security System Based on Foundation Local Bus ─── 基于基金会现场总线的本质安全系统

22、ingrain agent ─── [化] 显色剂

23、ingrain dyes ─── [化] 显色染料

24、At small companies especially, green benefits can be an easy and effective way to ingrain a workplaces eco-friendly mission. ─── 尤其是在小公司,这种激励措施可能会简单而有效地使公司环保使命深入人心。

25、An ingrained skeptic ─── 天生多疑的人

26、an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is Iinbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations: ─── 天生的对恰当的感觉。另一个词Iinbred既有与生俱来的意思同时又包含了从早期的训练或交往中积累而成的:

27、His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too. ─── 他坚持用户至上,注重优雅和简洁,这种思想在他自己的公司里已经根深蒂固,并正在竞争对手中流传。

28、The principle of serfdom was ingrained in medieval society ─── 在中世纪社会里,家奴制是根深蒂固的。

29、Like the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree, character requires time and nurture for growth and development. ─── 就像树木的年轮深刻于树木的中心,人格的成长与发育也需要时间和滋养.

30、One of the basic fundamentals of unarmed body combat which must be firmly ingrained in a pupil from the very start is body balance. ─── 从一开始就应该让学员牢牢记住的徒手格斗的一个最基本的基本原理就是身体平衡。

31、But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. ─── 但无论他们继承何种文化,从古远来的,从传统来的,都在他们里面根深蒂固,对他们来说,道德价值观是最高的,高于金钱和权力。

32、When you put things off once, it's easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken. ─── 一旦开始遇事推拖,你就很容易再次拖延,直到它变成一种根深蒂固的习惯。

33、Probe into the puzzlement of the male nurse's occupation from the point of view of social gender according to the concept that nursing is one feminine unique occupation was ingrained. ─── 在护理这样一个女性为主导的职业,社会偏见、传统观念的影响是导致男护士产生职业困惑的主要原因。

34、Technically azoic dyes may be classified as ingrain dyes In ingrain dyeing a colorant is formed in the fiber by reaction between intermediate compounds. ─── 在染色方法上,不溶性偶氮染料也可分为原纱染色染料,在原纱染色染料染色中,纤维中的中间产物形成色基。

35、A carpet disfigured by ingrained dirt ─── 一块被深嵌的灰尘弄脏了的地毯

36、ingrain good programming habits. Both of these topics are discussed more below. ─── 发布于:软件开发网来源:互联网作者:佚名时间:2008-12-26点击:

37、Even though most of us recognize the 1)fallacy of placing too great a value on appearance, our desire for physical beauty is so 2)ingrained in us that we cannot disassociate ourselves from it. ─── 尽管我们大多数人都认同把外表看得过重是种谬误,然而,对美的渴求根植于人心,我们难于摆脱。

38、Just ingrain it in your brain. ─── 只要把它深印在你的脑海中。

39、The ideal, ingrained in us early, persists even when we can , quite literally, no longer “stand on our own two feet. ─── 即使我们可以不这么做,早期根深蒂固的理想仍然执着地发挥着作用,这已经不再停留在“靠我们自己双脚站立”的文字层面上。

40、When these drills become ingrained into the practitioner's neuromuscular system they are ready for freestyle training. ─── 当这些训练根深蒂固进入练习者肌肉神经系统里后,他们就具备了自由方式的训练。。

41、Drinking on the job is hardly unique to China, but ritualized drinking is deeply ingrained in China’s business culture. ─── 今天,虽然白酒在中国的酒类市场扮演主要角色,但其全国产量却呈下降趋势,很多人选择黄酒、啤酒,或者戒掉白酒。

42、Ingrained in the minds of many, it remains one of the top sights to see when visiting Beijing. ─── 对于许多人来说,鸟巢是游览北京时的重要景点。

43、If your website has a name, it should be given logo to support it, to create an identity that visitors will remember and ingrain in their minds. ─── 如果你的网站已经有一个名字了,那么它需要一个与之相符的logo。你应该尽量创建一个生动的、能加深访问者映像的logo。

44、Hence, something that is merely imagined can become ingrained as an episode in our life story. ─── 因此,一些想像中的产物,会被渲染成我们生命中的一段故事。

45、ingrained prejudice against all foreigners ─── 反对一切外国的根深蒂固的偏见

46、"It is disappointing but it is not surprising to see that health professionals hae the same ingrained prejudice against obese people as the general public," he said. ─── “医护人员和大众一样对肥胖病人有根深蒂固的偏见,这一发现让我们感到失望但并不出乎意料,”他说。

47、The holier than thou attitute which they adopt towards anyone who doesn't have children is too deeply ingrained. ─── 他们对没有子女的人所持的轻蔑态度是太根深蒂固了。

48、His importance as son of Sir Geoffrey, and child of Wragby, was so ingrained in him, he could never escape it. ─── 他早就深知生在这查太莱世家的勒格贝,作佐佛来男爵儿子,是多么重要的,他决不能逃避他的命运。

49、"I wanted to keep the motion the same,'' said Wang, who repeated his delivery for about three minutes, just to further ingrain it into his muscle memory. ─── “我想要保持我的动作全都一样”持续重复做著同样投球姿势约3分钟的小王说,他只想能把一切都能深深的刻记在他的记忆里。

50、Exercises serve to ingrain the appropriate arm position for each finger. ─── 为巩固每个手指和上臂的适当的位置所提供的练习。

51、He incarnated into the earth with these most recent experiences ingrained in his soul. ─── 他带着这些深植于他灵魂中的经历投生至地球。

52、You could figure it out because you know that division is just repeated subtraction. The intuitive notion of division is deeply ingrained now. ─── 你也许能明白因为你知道除法就是反复的减。对除法概念的直觉是根深蒂固的。

53、ingrain carpet ─── 双面提花地毯

54、It was ingrained in the minds of many Lakers officials throughout theoff-season: How would season-ticket holders react to all the turbulence? ─── 在整个休赛期这是很多湖人官员头脑中根深蒂固的认为:季票持有人对于整个动荡的反应是如何的?

55、Kidder ingrain carpet ─── 基德无绒头地毯

56、It's difficult to forge a lasting partnership between former adversaries, it's hard to change habits that have been ingrained in our governments and our bureaucracies for decades. ─── 对于以往相互抗衡的对手而言,相互建立持久的伙伴关系有很大的困难,改变我们的政府和官僚机构数十年来形成的根深蒂固的习惯势力,任务也十分艰巨。

57、Similarly, a person, just like that unclosed figurine, could gradually learn from outside world, however once ingrained, they are hard to get rid of, which people call "habits" . ─── 其实,人也像开顶陶俑一样,一个人要在胸腹间装什么都可以,但是一装进去就很难改变了,这就叫做“习气”。

58、The 911's have a strong sense of social responsibility in the marrow of their bones, says Arizona State University psychologist Robert Cialdini. Heroic behavior? "It's so ingrained in them, it's who they are," he says. ─── 亚利桑那州大学心理学家罗伯特 - 恰尔迪尼说,“9 - 11英雄”们骨子里就有一种强烈的社会责任感,英雄行为早就“融人他们的血液中,与他们融为一体”。

59、Keywords Foundation local bus;Ingrain security(IS) system;Security fence;Current security isolator;Dangerous place; ─── 基金会现场总线;本质安全系统;安全栅;安全电流隔离器;危险场所;

60、Morals tend to be deeply ingrained. ─── 道德观念往往是根深蒂固的。

61、A custom is a traditional practice--a mode of individual behavior or a habit of social life--that is transmitted by word-of-mouth or imitation, then ingrained by social pressure, common usage, and parental authority. ─── 习俗即传统的风俗习惯,它或为个人的行为模式,或为社会生活习惯,经口头流传、动作模仿,加上社会的影响、祖辈的言传身教以及普遍被沿用,如是才根深蒂固。

62、In some respects the domestic issues seem more problematic because they often represent highly ingrained attitudes and behavior ─── 在某些方面,国内问题似乎更成问题,因为国内问题往往是根深蒂固的观念和行为。

63、The need for praise is such an ingrained part of my personality that I doubt I'd be able to change completely, but I can do better. ─── 对表扬的需要是我个性中根深蒂固的一部分。是否能彻底改掉令我我怀疑,不过我想能做得更好。

64、But their Christian virtue of Faith, Love and Hope are deeply ingrained in me and I thank God for them. ─── 但是他们的基督徒美德:信心、爱心和希望依然深深印刻在我心底,我为此向神献上感恩。

65、Even in people with genuinely egalitarian views, Banaji and her colleagues find that bias is ordinary and ingrained and remains active outside our awareness. ─── 巴纳吉和她的同事发现,即使对于真正抱持平等观点的人,偏见仍然很常见且根深柢固,并持续在意识外活动。

66、The religion itself is far more deeply ingrained than having to rely on just one figurehead for support and direction. ─── 宗教本身远比仅仅依靠一个有指导性的装饰头像根深蒂固,深入人心。

67、Habit, training and discretion were ingrained ─── 习惯、训练和谨慎是根深蒂固的。

68、In India, where the development potential of the past decade has been blunted by ingrained inequality, the richest 20% receive on average 6.7 years more schooling than the poorest 20%. ─── 在过去十年里被根深蒂固的不平等削弱了发展潜力的印度,20%最富裕家庭比20%最贫穷家庭平均多受教育6.7年。

69、For instance, can we say that the artist merely illustrates folklore, hewing its shapes from ingrained iconographies and orthodoxies of seeing? ─── 单凭几幅图画就能把人脑中根深蒂固的固有形象或被人们信奉已久的正统观念彻底扭转过来吗?

70、First and foremost, road safety consciousness is generally not firmly ingrained in Singaporeans. ─── 一个基本的问题是,国人并没有根深蒂固的公路安全意识。

71、Basiclly, it takes at least 21 days to get a feeling of new habit and it would take more time to form a ingrained habit. ─── 一般而言,最少需要21天才能获得对新习惯的感觉,还需要更长的时间才能建立根深蒂固的习惯。

72、In what HRW calls a "misplaced southern solidarity", India failed to speak out against repression in Burma, harbouring a "deeply ingrained view that conflates international rights with colonialism". ─── 在该组织所谓的“错定的南部合作”中,印度不敢大胆地就缅甸政府隐瞒了“根深蒂固的国际人权就是殖民主义观点”,讲出反对压制的观点。

73、This could go on indefinitely, unless you think it's such an ingrained habit that you won't need to review it anymore. ─── 这一阶段可能会无期限地进行下去,除非你认为该习惯已经根深蒂固,你不再需要审视它。

74、As a young nation where the family concept is deeply ingrained, Singapore is well placed to be a heritage-conscious country if we set our minds to it. ─── 如果我们下定决心,新加坡作为一个家庭观念根深蒂固的年轻国家,大可以成为一个关心文化遗产的国度。

75、an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is inbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations: ─── 天生的对恰当的感觉。另一个词inbred既有与生俱来的意思同时又包含了从早期的训练或交往中积累而成的:

76、Just master one breath English. Just ingrain it in your brain. The results will amaze you. ─── 只要掌握一口气英语牢牢把他们记住效果是很惊人的。

77、Millions of backyard fowl live in close proximity to humans, and keeping backyard chickens is ingrained in Indonesian culture. ─── 在家里的院子中养鸡是印尼人根深蒂固的文化传统,目前有几百万只家禽处于和人类的直接接触中。

78、an inborn sense of the appropriate.What is Iinbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations ─── 天生的对恰当的感觉。另一个词Iinbred既有与生俱来的意思同时又包含了从早期的训练或交往中积累而成的

79、Each finger must encounter, acquire, and ingrain the specific finger-hand-forearm-upper arm line-up unique and characteristic to that particular finger. ─── 对某个特定的手指而言,每个手指必须经过,获得和掌握这样一个唯一特定协调的顺序:手指-手-前臂-上臂

80、Experts say fear of hepatitis B is ingrained due to a lack of education and prominent advertising that exaggerates its hazards to tout fake remedies. ─── 专家表示:对于乙肝根深蒂固的歧视主要来源于缺乏正确的科普教育,一些夸大治疗疗效的,大行其道的虚假的医疗广告所致。

81、When the energy in a space has been stuck for a long time, or if your own behavior patterns are deeply ingrained, it can take a while for momentum to pick up. ─── 当一个空间中的能量在一个很长时间内都有些停滞的时候,或者自身行为方式已经相当固定了的时候,起步速度会有些慢。

82、ingrain stubbornness of character ─── 天生固执的性格

83、"Shoes were a measure of class, " saysFisher, "and we still have a bit of that mind-set ingrained in us. " ─── “鞋子是社会阶级的衡量标准,”,Fisher说,“而今天我们仍有藏有这种思维的根深蒂固的影子。”

84、The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul. ─── 这种联想式内疚在他心中根深蒂固。

85、Training camp, he said, will quickly ingrain those principles. ─── 他说训练营会很快让那些原则根深蒂固。

86、The ingrain security system based on the foundation local bus,including IS fence and IS current isolators. ─── 基于基金会现场总线的本质安全系统,包括本质安全栅和本质安全电流隔离器。

87、Across the Scottish political spectrum, there is common recognition of an ingrained left of centre political culture, comprising egalitarianism, social justice and collectivism. ─── 在苏格兰的政治体系中,有一种根深蒂固的、以左派为政治中心的共识,这包括了平等主义、社会公正和集体主义。

88、But with the worst news on the economy yet to come, Mr Bernanke can only keep his fingers crossed that inflation does not become ingrained. ─── 但经济上的坏消息也随之而来,贝南克先生只能祈祷通货膨胀不再继续。

89、Chinese people must not tolerate these habits as ingrained quirks of their culture. ─── 中国人必须不再容忍这些作为他们文化的根深蒂固的怪癖的习惯。

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