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08-19 投稿


armpit 发音

英:['ɑ?mp?t]  美:['ɑrm'p?t]

英:  美:

armpit 中文意思翻译



armpit 词性/词形变化,armpit变形


armpit 短语词组

1、look at my armpit ─── 看 ─── 看我的腋窝

2、armpit pain ─── 腋窝痛

3、armpit pimples ─── 腋下丘疹

4、armpit rash ─── 腋窝皮疹

5、chapped armpit ─── 腋窝皲裂

6、armpit abscess ─── 腋窝脓肿

7、armpit waxing ─── 腋窝打蜡

8、armpit cysts ─── 腋窝囊肿

9、chest width armpit to armpit ─── 胸围腋窝至腋窝

10、armpit hair n. ─── 腋毛

11、armpit s n. ─── 腋窝(armpit的复数形式)

armpit 相似词语短语

1、tar pit ─── 沥青坑

2、sumpit ─── 污水坑

3、barmpot ─── 巴姆波特

4、ashpit ─── n.火炉的灰坑;灰池;出灰门

5、armet ─── n.(中世纪有活动脸罩的)头盔

6、armpits ─── n.腋窝(armpit的复数形式)

7、armlet ─── n.小海湾;臂章;臂环

8、armpad ─── n.椅子扶手上的小垫子

9、armil ─── 阿米尔

armpit 习惯用语

1、up to the armpits ─── 非常严重地陷入(债务等)

armpit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A: Oh, man. This room is an absolute armpit! When's the last time you cleaned this place? ─── 唉呀,老兄,这个房间真是臟得不象话。你上回打扫房间是什麼时候哇?

2、In one scene an exasperated parent gripped a youngster in each hand Each was semi-suspended, walking on one toe while the aprent kept the child's movements in check by firmly grasping a single armpit. ─── 其中一幕,是一个怒气冲冲的家长两手分别抓著他的小孩,在半悬空状态中,两个小孩要踮起脚走路,又为了保证他们不再乱闯,家长紧紧抓著小孩的腋。

3、18th, my head resists the wall, the husband sits cross-legged mine back high pad gets up, my leg cancels his back from his armpit, his mouth is parallel with mine lip of vulva. ─── 十八、我的头抵住墙,老公盘腿把我的背高高垫起,我一条腿从他的腋下勾住他的背,他的嘴与我的阴唇平行。

4、A: Oh, man. This place is an absolute armpit! When was the last time you cleaned your room? ─── 唉呀!老兄!这个地方真是脏乱得不像话。你上回打扫房间是什麽时候哇?

5、The Nazis did catch her (thinking she was a small cog, not the linchpin of the rescue scheme) but did not find the files, secreted in a friend's armpit. ─── 事态发展果然惊险,纳粹逮住了她(认为她只是个小角色,并非营救计划中的关键人物),但未发现藏于朋友腋下的文件。

6、It is the driving force of Chuanlao Da by (boatmen) valgus paddle with their feet, the ship's course is stroke, or when caught in the armpit using the rudder to control. ─── 它的动力是靠船老大(船夫)用脚躅桨,船的航向是用划桨,或夹在腋下当舵使用,来控制的。

7、All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets which reach up to the armpit level on a woman but only to waist level on the man lying beside her. ─── 所有的床上都有特殊的L形的被单,盖到女人的腋窝处,却只到她边上男人的腰际。

8、Yan-lang is a very interesting fellow.You're so biased;I think your heart must be way over in your armpit ─── 元朗这人顶有意思的,你全是偏见,你的心我想也偏在夹肢窝里。

9、The quantitative and qulitative analysis of acrobic microbial flora from the armpit skins of 16 women with armpit odour and 24 normal subjects was made. ─── 对16例女性腋臭患者腋窝皮肤菌群从微生态学的角度进行定性、定量分析,并将结果同24例正常女性腋窝皮肤菌群做了比较。

10、There are someswellings in his armpit. ─── 他的腋窝有些肿块。

11、Armpit of capitate only leaf, peduncular and long and thin and flimsy. ─── 头状花序单生叶腋,花梗细长而脆弱。

12、In that study, an armpit extract from male donors was also used to test whether exposure to it had any effect in its own right. ─── 在那项研究里,他们也使用了从男性腋下所取得的萃取物,来检测嗅闻后的女性是否会产生任何影响或效应。

13、round piece that protects armpit. ─── 保护腋窝的一块圆片。

14、All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets that reach to armpit level on a women ,but only to waist on the man lying beside her. ─── 所有床上都铺着特制的L形被子,一边能够盖至女人的腋窝,但躺在她身边的男人却只能盖至腰际。

15、* Persistent unexplained extensive lymph nodes (lymph nodes greater than 1 cm in diameter), common in the neck, armpit and the occipital, as well as liver and splenomegaly. ─── * 持续性原因不明的广泛淋巴结肿大(淋巴结直径大于1厘米),常见于颈、腋及枕部等,以及肝、脾肿大。

16、He folded it under his armpit, went to the door and opened it. ─── 他把报纸叠起来,夹在腋下,走到门前,将它打开。

17、a wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking ─── 安在腋窝底下支在地上的木制的或金属制的杖;残疾人行走时使用

18、Unifoliate opposite, rare 3 impeller are unripe, whole reason or have be short of crack, 3-5 of palm shape arteries and veins, armpit of arteries and veins often has gland spot below the leaf. ─── 单叶对生,稀3叶轮生,全缘或有缺裂,掌状脉3-5,叶下面脉腋常具腺斑。

19、The mammary gland tumor most major characteristic is easy to shift, if therefore the discovery armpit lymph node long time tumescent must be specially careful. ─── 乳腺肿瘤最大的特点就是容易转移,所以如果发现腋下淋巴结长时间肿大也要特别小心。

20、The nurse took the thermometer, shook it, and put it under my armpit. ─── 护士拿出体温计,甩了甩,然后放在我的腋窝下。

21、the foreman turned round to hear patiently and , lifting an elbow , began to scratch slowly in the armpit of his alpaca jacket. ─── 工长掉过身来,好耐着性子去倾听。他举起一只胳膊肘,开始慢慢地挠他身上那件羊驼呢夹克的腋窝底下。

22、Experimental Study on Apoptosis Induced By Semiconductor Laser to hair remove and armpit odor treatment ─── 半导体激光诱导细胞凋亡脱毛及除腋臭的研究

23、3.removal of a breast and the pectoralis minor and some lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit. ─── 切除乳房及其下面的肌肉(包括胸大肌和胸二肌)和附近腋窝的淋巴结的手术。

24、Probe into relationship between submaxillary temperature and armpit temperature of newborns; ─── 所有入组新生儿颌下温度与腋下温度差异无统计学意义(P>0。

25、The control group was given CAF chemotherapy 2 cycles continuously and radiotherapy from armpit and chest field under routine schedule,50Gy total dose. Four more chemotherapy was given at intervals of 4 weeks. ─── 对照组术后给予CAF方案先行化疗2周期,后行腋锁、胸壁野同时常规分割照射,DT总量50Gy,休息4周后追加4周期化疗。

26、Place the thermometer in the armpit with arms crossed over the chest. ─── 将温度计放在腋窝里面,用胳肢窝夹住它。

27、organic compounds of human armpit ─── 人体腋窝成分

28、detroit be consider the armpit of america in the 1970s ─── 在七十年代底特律是公认全美最龌龊的地方

29、Although it' s not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit( axillary) reading. ─── 尽管使用口腔温度计来量腋窝的温度读得的数不是最精确,还是可以采用这种方式。

30、A small tuber was detected in her armpit. ─── 发现她腋下有个小结节。

31、A: Oh, man. This room is an absolute armpit! Whens the last time you cleaned this place? ─── 唉呀!老兄!这个房间脏得是脏的不象话。你上回打扫房子是什么时候哇?

32、She was carrying her handbag under her armpit when I saw her. ─── 我看到她时, 她腋下夹着手提包。

33、The sparse hair,eyebrow and brow were all pallideflavens ,and no armpit hair or pubisure was noted. ─── 双唇外翻、突出、干燥,上、下牙槽嵴呈未发育状,仅有左上第三乳牙,畸形,无松动。

34、And found that the microbes in your armpit are more like those in someone else’s armpit than the ones on your own forearm. ─── 他们发现,和你自己前臂上的微生物相比,在你腋窝下的微生物与别人腋窝下的微生物更为相似。

35、I think of PCP as the armpit of drugs.It is dirty, explosive, poisonous(Ray Brett) ─── 我认为天使尘是药物中最令人厌恶的东西。它脏,易爆,有毒(雷 布雷特)

36、Lean in through your armpit until you feel the line is straight and your body is balanced. ─── 以腋窝为轴倾斜身体,体会身体在水中保持直线及水平的感觉。

37、I'll tell you what, it is too small and dirty --- a real armpit. ─── 你知道吗?那地方又小又脏---一个令人厌恶的地方。

38、Results analysis of PPD tests in 171 patients with lymphadenectasis of armpit ─── 171例腋下淋巴结肿大者PPD试验结果分析

39、My boyfriend can do anything he wants in my armpit. ─── 我的男朋友可以在我的腋窝做他想做的任何事。

40、removal of a breast and the pectoralis minor and some lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit. ─── 切除乳房和胸部以及腋窝附近淋巴结的手术。

41、The bacilli decomposes the organic compounds which are excreted by armpit big sweat glands, and creates unsaturated fatty acids such as dissociate fatty acid, and then causes the odor. ─── 不饱和脂肪酸容易氧化,产生大量的氧化物,过氧化氢,进而分解为醛类、醛酸类、醇类、烃类、酮类化合物,这就是异味的主要来源。

42、There were significant differences in armpit tempe-ratures 60 min after anesthesia and 60 min after operation and the occurrence of chills between the two groups (P

43、There is a swelling in my left armpit. ─── 我的左边腋窝有一个肿块。

44、The untattooed area is left only under the left armpit, half of the right leg, and most of the face. ─── 被纹身的部位也仅剩下其左侧腋下、右腿的一半以及大部分脸部。

45、Detroit was considered the armpit of America in the 1970s. ─── 在七十年代底特律是公认全美最龌龊的地方。

46、He is wearing white shirt to stand before bar to ask Gong Gong, is there 43 emancipatory shoe?Gong Gong is looking at the walking stick that boy right armpit is placing uncannily. ─── 他穿着雪白的衬衫站在柜台前问红红,有43码的解放鞋吗?红红惊异地望着小伙子右腋夹着的拐杖。

47、He strolled out of the shop, the newspaper baton under his armpit, the coolwrappered soap in his left hand ─── 他从药房里溜达出来,把卷起的报纸夹在腋下,左手握着那块用纸包着、摸上去凉丝丝的肥皂。

48、Injury and treatment of armpit skin after radiation of operated beast cancer ─── 乳腺癌术后放疗后腋窝皮肤的损伤和治疗

49、At his armpit Bntam Lyons' voice and hand said: ─── 从他的腋窝下边传来班塔姆·莱昂斯的声音,并且伸过一只手:

50、Treatment of Interatrial or Ventricular Septal Defect Through a Minimally Incision at Right Armpit With Beating Heart: A Report Of 45 Cases ─── 右腋下微创切口心脏不停跳治疗心脏间隔缺损45例的体会

51、removal of a breast and the pectoralis minor and some lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit ─── 切除乳房和胸部以及腋窝附近淋巴结的手术

52、Inhale once again and, as you exhale, slide your left armpit as close to your outer right thigh as it will go. ─── 吸气,当你呼气时,再进一步将左腋窝靠在右大腿外侧。

53、Keep in mind, if he wanted to hear the gentle rustle of armpit hair he'd have married a Wesleyan woman studies major. ─── 记住,如果他想听到细小的腋窝毛发的沙沙声,他还不如娶一个卫斯理公会派女人呢。

54、Discarding this, we will discard, also, the eternal yearning of the unsatisfied right armpit. ─── 丢弃这个,我们也将丢弃得不到满足的右腋窝的无休止的渴望。”

55、I am going to take your temperature./ Please put the thermometer under your armpit. ─── 我要测一下您的体温/把体温计放在您的腋下.

56、Keywords Centrum high fever Armpit temperature Ear temperature; ─── 中枢性高热;腋温;耳温;

57、Let me have your temperature, put this thermometer under your armpit. ─── 我给你量体温,把温度计放到腋窝下。

58、The slothful hideth his hand under his armpit, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth. ─── 懒惰人伸手到食盘,却懒于送回到口边。

59、Keywords Skin counterwork-pulling method;Breast modified radical mastectomy;Liquid gathering in the armpit; ─── 乳腺癌改良根治术;皮瓣对抗牵引法;腋窝积液;

60、Almost as if the man could feel the invisible line enter through his left armpit and exit just below his right, he swiped his credit chip against the counter and swiveled around on his stool. ─── 如同感受到一条无形的线从自己的左侧腋窝进入又从右侧穿出来,目标单位在柜台上刷卡付帐后,从桌旁转过身来。

61、On hand to hold the edge of bra. And another hand to press fat into bra from back and armpit. ─── 一手托住内衣下缘固定,另一手将背后、下的脂肪拨入罩杯内。

62、Timing for Armpit Temperature Taking in Lying-in Women ─── 产妇腋温测量时间的探讨

63、Inhale once again and, as you exhale, slide your left armpit as close to your outer right thigh as it will go. ─── 吸气,当你呼气时,再进一步将左腋窝靠在右大腿外侧。

64、Your moist armpit is like a tropical rainforest, whereas, not far away, your forearm is as smooth and dry as a desert. ─── 你最潮湿的腋窝就像热带雨林,而离这个“热带雨林”不远的前臂就像沙漠一样平整和干燥。

65、During the putting practice, just putting the frame under the armpit can shape a triangle for two arms so as to make the two arms stable naturally like pendulum. ─── 在进行推杆练习时,只需将横架架在腋窝之下,便可使双臂形成一个三角形从而达到在推杆时双臂犹如钟摆般稳定自如。

66、The scent of a woman is more attractive at certain times of the month, suggests a new study that had men sniffing women's armpit odor. ─── 一项新的研究通过男性闻女性腋窝的气味,来判断在每月的某些特定时段,一个女人的体味最吸引人。

67、All beds have special L-shaped sheets that reach to armpit level on a woman but only up to the waist of the man lying beside her. ─── 所有床上的棉被都有奇特的水平线,它们会一直拉到女人的腋下部位,但躺在身旁的男人却只有腹部以下会被盖住。

68、Probe into variation of measuring temperature from oral cavity and armpit at different time of a day and their relations ─── 一日内不同时间口温与腋温测量值变化及关系的探讨

69、There are some swellings in his armpit. ─── 他的腋窝肿大。

70、Keywords submaxilla temperature;armpit temperature;newborn;body temperature; ─── 关键词颌下温度;腋下温度;新生儿;体温;

71、Surgical arterial canal ligation with vertical incision under left armpit: 28 cases report ─── 左腋下直切口动脉导管结扎术28例

72、The patients is a 13-year girl with the eruption at cervix, armpit and hip.There is no discomfort and no abnormality in the systemic examination. ─── 患者系一13岁女孩,病史1年,表现为颈部、腋下、髋部皮疹,无自觉不适,系统检查未发现异常,病理表现典型。

73、40 Kuming mice were borne the mice sarcoma S180 in right armpit hypodermicly and then divided into 4 groups: ED, cyclophosphamide (Cyc), ED + Cyc and Control. ─── 将40只昆明小鼠右腑皮下荷S180肉瘤,然后随机分成四组:要素营养组(ED),环磷酰胺组(Cyc),要素加环磷酰胺组(ED+Cyc)和对照组。

74、Now they tell us to sneeze into our armpits. I've got to feel sorry for any soul that gets sneezed into an armpit. ─── 现在他们又叫我们往胳肢窝里打喷嚏了。我真为那些被喷进胳肢窝的灵魂感到惋惜。

75、Many of these names date back many centuries and are Arabic in origin (eg, "Betelgeuse" means "the armpit of the giant"! ─── 其中许多的命名时间要追溯到很多世纪以前,那时阿拉伯刚发源(例如,“参宿四”意思是“巨人的腋窝”!)

76、than the armpit of the athletes. In the Indoor Match Round team event, ─── 2望遠鏡必須為可調整型式,其最高部分不可超過選手的腋下高度。

77、Put that under your armpit. ─── 就四点这一趟看见没有,把这个头夹在胳肢窝裡。

78、a wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking. ─── 安在腋窝底下支在地上的木制的或金属制的杖;残疾人行走时使用。

79、Oh, man. This room is an absolute armpit! When's the last time you cleaned this place. ─── 哎呀!老兄!这个房间真是脏的不像话。你上回打扫房子是什么时候哇?

80、Oh, man. This room is an absolute armpit! When's the last time you cleaned this place? ─── 唉呀!老兄!这个房间真是脏得不像话。你上回打扫房子是什么时候哇?

81、Upper body bends right as far as possible, right hand touching ground, left hand curving and moving snugly to armpit, then bending left. ─── 上体尽量向右侧弯,右手触地,左手弯曲贴身向腋下移动,然后向左侧弯。

82、What Jack had learnt in jail, unfortunately, turned out to be the adoration of the armpit. ─── 不幸的是,杰克在监狱里学到的是腋窝崇拜。

83、Will blossom in July, globose capitulum, provide long power, female flower foreword is very unripe, armpit of male flower foreword is unripe. ─── 7月开花,球形头状花序,具长柄,雌花序顶生,雄花序腋生。

84、removal of a breast and the underlying muscles (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor) and lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit ─── 切除乳房及其下面的肌肉(包括胸大肌和胸二肌)和附近腋窝的淋巴结的手术

85、3.Marty the Zebra:[doing armpit farts] Yeah! ─── 3.玛蒂斑马:[做腋窝屁] 是的!

86、Commonly used reach at shucking off armpit hair, long eyelash mixed and disorderly growth brow. ─── 常用于脱去腋毛、倒长的睫毛及杂乱生长的眉毛等。

87、Respiratory management of postoperative patients underwent intracardiac operation under direct vision via armpit vertical incision ─── 右腋下直切口心内直视术术后病人的呼吸管理

88、"I think of PCP as the armpit of drugs. It is dirty, explosive, poisonous" (Ray Brett) ─── “我认为天使尘是药物中最令人厌恶的东西。它脏,易爆,有毒”(雷·布雷特)

89、Hello, HIV is the systemic lymphadenopathy the superficial lymphadenopathy, a more in groin, armpit, ears, cervical. ─── 你好,HIV的淋巴肿大是全身性的浅表淋巴肿大,多发于腹股沟,腋下,耳后,颈前。

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