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08-19 投稿


outcrop 发音


英:  美:

outcrop 中文意思翻译



outcrop 词性/词形变化,outcrop变形

动词第三人称单数: outcrops |动词现在分词: outcropping |动词过去式: outcropped |动词过去分词: outcropped |

outcrop 短语词组

1、outcrop data ─── 露头资料

2、outcrop definition ─── 露头定义

3、outcrop gold ─── 露头金

4、argentite outcrop ─── 银矿露头

5、outcrop spring ─── 露头的春天

6、outcrop gold corp ─── 露头黄金公司

7、outcrop bd ─── 露头bd

8、outcrop define ─── 露头定义

9、rock outcrop ─── [网络] 岩石露头;外露岩石;地表岩层

10、outcrop pa ─── 露头pa

outcrop 相似词语短语

1、outro ─── n.结尾部分

2、outcrows ─── 露头

3、outcrowd ─── 露头

4、outcrew ─── 露头

5、outcrops ─── n.露头;露出地面的岩层;vi.露出

6、outcook ─── 出类拔萃

7、outcross ─── n.异型杂交的后代;异型杂交的过程;vt.使……进行异型杂交

8、outcry ─── n.强烈抗议;大声疾呼;尖叫;倒彩

9、outcrow ─── 露头

outcrop 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Generally, outcrop of many rocks in the field could be the best examples of rheological deformation occurred during geological time. ─── 地质作用具有充分漫长的时间,所以野外露头成为研究天然流变学最好的现场,流变学理论在力学中自19世纪下半叶以来已经有迅速的发展,但用于解释地质作用的文献仍然很少。

2、According to sequence stratigraphy, on the basis of integrated study on outcrop, well drilling, well logging and seismic data, one third-order sequence has been recognized in the Yijianfang Formation. ─── 摘要依据层序地层学理论,通过露头、钻井、测井及地震资料的综合研究,将一间房组划分为一个三级层序;

3、buried outcrop ─── 埋没露头隐臧露头


5、First discovered in 1805, the outcrop was 1,200 feet above Profile Lake, and measured 40 feet tall and 25 feet wide. ─── 从侧面的一定角度观看,参差不齐的断岩构成了一张人脸。

6、A typical terrigenous lacustrine deltaic distributary channel sandbody is investigated in the outcrop of Pliocene series at Youshashan, west Chaidamu basin, Qinghai province. ─── 柴达木盆地西部油砂山上新统底部是一个典型的陆源湖成三角洲分流河道露头砂体。

7、Study on Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Strata in Keping Tarim Basin ─── 塔里木盆地柯坪地区中下奥陶统碳酸盐岩露头层序地层学研究

8、outcrop of ground water ─── 地下水露头

9、6. The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well. ─── 主铬铁岩矿层及麦仑斯基矿层出露不好。

10、According to outcrop research, drilling core analysis, and sand distributed system drawing, we analyzed the lower member of Zhiluo Formation, northeastern Ordos basin. ─── 作者通过露头调查、钻孔岩心分析和砂分散体系制图,对鄂尔多斯盆地东北部直罗组下段进行了成因分析。

11、subterraneous outcrop ─── 掩盖露头

12、Located on a rocky outcrop, the pagoda's internal staircase winds upward for 12 stories. The builders used no nails. ─── 塔身位于嶙峋的岩石上,塔内的楼梯蜿蜒向上12层。建筑者完全不用钉子

13、A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great Salt Lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere. ─── 一个孤独的人坐在冈尼森岛露出地面的岩层上,他被闪闪发光的广袤大盐湖环绕着。大盐湖是西半球最大的盐湖。

14、In this paper, the petrologic characteristics of the lacustrine limestones are studied in detail on the basis of core observation and outcrop. ─── 本文在实测地表剖面和详细观察岩心的基础上,仔细研究了此套灰岩的岩石学特徵。

15、We' d perch on the gate or stretch out on the large flat limes tone outcrop that marked the end of the Woods Behind Our House. ─── 我们会倚坐在门上休息,或者摊开四肢躺在露出地面的又大又平的石灰岩上。这些岩石标志着“屋后树林”的尽头。

16、The afternoon I finished the fence, I found my father sitting on a granite outcrop in the south pasture. ─── 围栏完成的那天下午,我发现爸爸在南牧场一块露出地面的花岗岩上坐着。

17、Yosemite is famous for its rock formations caused by glaciation and the rocks are pretty much exclusively granite. I just LOVE them. See the beautifully fractured rock outcrop. ─── 优胜美地是以冰川作用形成的岩层而闻名,岩石几乎都是花岗岩,我爱死它们,瞧露出岩石上面的美丽裂缝.

18、Discussed application of sequence stratigraphic analysis of outcrop in stratigraphic framework of coal-bearing formation according to Carbniferous-Permian standard profile in Xishan,Taiyuan. ─── 从太原西山石炭二叠系标准剖面入手,探讨了露头层序地层分析方法在含煤地层格架研究中的应用。

19、When extracting steeply-inclined thin orebody near outcrop, there normally exists triangle stopes.Many technological problems occur when extracting such stopes with common method of shrinkage stoping. ─── 摘要急倾斜薄矿体露头附近开采时,常形成三角形不规则采场,采用普通浅孔留矿法回采存在一系列技术问题。


21、Keywords spontaneous combustion disaster of seam outcrop;radon measuring method;complex glue; ─── 关键词露头火灾;测氡法;复合胶体;

22、Application of outcrop geological knowledge database to prediction of inter-well reservoir in oilfield ─── 应用露头知识库进行油田井间储层预测

23、Provide numerous analogs (outcrop, subsurface, and shallow sea floor models) for various reservoir types ─── 提供大量不同类型油藏类比(岩石露头,地下,浅海海底模型)

24、Dahenan granite mass with an outcrop area of about 900 Km 2 is located in the northern part of Taihang Mountains. ─── 太行山北部的大河南岩体内部分布有一些金矿床及大量金矿化点,其中最具代表性的是上明峪金矿。

25、Mr. Knecht was searching for fossils near a swamp and found a promising rock outcrop. ─── 耐克特先生在泥沼旁找寻化石时发现了一块感觉会有化石的外露石块。

26、At one point, Perks lost his grip and the man slipped further but landed on a chalky outcrop just a few feet below ─── 在整个救人的过程中,珀克斯曾经脱手,这名轻身者随即滑落,不过好在他掉在了脚下几英尺处的一块突出的岩石上。

27、By employing sedimentary facies analysis on 3 outcrop sections and well-log stratigraphic studies the depositional systems and early development of the central Taiwan foreland basin have been established. ─── 中文摘要台湾中部的桂竹林层沉积年代为晚中新世至早上新世,为台湾前陆盆地最老的地层,本层记录了由被动大陆边缘转变为前陆盆地的过程。

28、fault outcrop ─── 断层露头

29、Bamburgh Castle, in Northumberland, which sits on a volcanic outcrop overlooking the North Sea, was in joint eighth place. ─── 堡城堡在诺森伯兰郡,坐落在火山顶端俯瞰北海,在并列第八位。


31、”She was sitting on an outcrop, her slim body supple and salt-caked. ─── ”她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她的苗条的身材丰满,咸咸的。

32、rock outcrop soil ─── 岩石露头土

33、The apse of the basilica of the Agony is built on a rocky outcrop which must have once formed the eastern boundary of the "Garden of Olives. ─── 在大教堂半圆型壁龛上建有一个突出的造型,之前它是橄榄园的东边边界。

34、ZENG Yun-fu,SHEN Li-juan,HE Yan-gui,et al.Preliminary analysis of the outcrop sequence stratigraphy for phosphatic series of Early Cambrian in eastern Yunnan[J].Mineral Petrol,1994,14 (3):43-53. ─── [14]曾允孚,沈丽娟,何延贵,等.滇东早寒武世含磷岩系层序地层分析[J].矿物岩石,1994,14(3):43-53.

35、You can also outcrop, which adds a margin around a picture. ─── 也可以进行“反裁剪”,即在图片周围添加边距。

36、She was sitting on an outcrop,her slim body supple. ─── 她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她苗条的身材柔软。

37、She sat on a rocky outcrop at the crown of the hill. ─── 她坐在山顶一块凸起的石头处。

38、The Heshang area of Hangzhou region in northwest Zhejiang is a typical place where the Upper Proterozoic volcanic rocks of Shangshu Formation outcrop. ─── 摘要杭州河上地区是浙西北上元古界上墅组火山岩发育的典型地区,同时还发育新元古代辉绿岩和碱长花岗岩板状复合浅成侵入体。


40、AM departure to visit Krak des Chevaliers, the best preserved castle in the world, stands 650 m above sea-level on a massive outcrop overlooking the plain. ─── 上午出发参观克拉克骑士城堡,世界上保存最完好的城堡,挺立于海拔650米的高度上俯瞰着平原。

41、Problem sets provide hands-on experience in interpreting subsurface structures using surface, seismic, outcrop, and well log data. ─── 成组的问题提供利用地表、地震和测井资料解释和证实地下构造的实践练习。

42、The sedimentary facies of the Shanxi Formation in this area is comprehensively studied based on previous understandings and in combination with the logging, seismic, core and outcrop data. ─── 为此,在前人研究的基础上,结合测井、地震、岩心、露头等资料,对该区山西组沉积相进行了综合研究。

43、The rocky formation is known as a mesa, a large rocky outcrop with a flat top and steep, cliff-like sides. ─── 照片显示,这块岩石层是一座平顶山,中间平坦隆起,周边陡峭如悬崖。

44、The best sequence stratigraphic models of the sedimentary fill of basins are provided by a combination of seismic data,well logs and cores and outcrop studies in conjunction with biostratigraphy. ─── 本文采用经典层序地层学理论,在前人研究的基础上设计了几种基于测井资料的深度域和频率域分析方法,并应用于层序地层单元的划分。

45、Most geology professors concerned with stratigraphic research direct their attention to outcrop stratigraphy rather than to subsurface stratigraphy ─── 从事地层学的多数地质学教授的注意力主要放在露头地层学而不放在地下地层学上。

46、Depositional Controls of Structural Fault Terrace: Examples from Seismic, Logging and Outcrop Data ─── 构造断阶对沉积的控制:来自地震、测井和露头的实例

47、The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. ─── 化石发现的地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面的岩层。

48、Signal Hill is the rocky outcrop where Guglielmo Marconi is thought to have received the first transatlantic radio transmission, sent from Poldhu in Cornwall, 2,850km away. ─── SignalHill其实就是突出地面的一个石台,据说GuglielmoMarooni就是在这里首次收到从位于Cornwall的Poldhu发射出来的跨越大西洋的无线电波,二者相距2,850公里。

49、Practically every rock outcrop shows numberless joints ─── 实际上所有岩石的露头都显示许许多多的节理。

50、Here, just north of Sacramento, we came upon Sutter Buttes, a volcanic outcrop in the central valley. ─── 好吧!离题太多了,让我们回到原本的飞航路线.

51、The outcrop that we found proved to be very rich in gold. ─── 我们发现的露头岩石被证明富含金矿。

52、A Falkland Islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off New Island, where seafood-rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number. ─── 图中一头福克兰岛海狗正栖息在新岛外的一块礁石上,这片海产丰富的水域滋养了种类繁多的野生动物群体,有些的数量非常惊人。

53、outcrop section ─── 天然露头剖面


55、We' d perch on the gate or stretch out on the large flat limes tone outcrop that marked the end of the Woods Behind Our House. ─── 我们会倚坐在门上 休息,或者摊开四肢躺在露出地面的又大又平的石灰岩上。这些岩石标志着“屋后树林”的尽头。

56、O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally. ─── 奥灰水通过基岩隐伏露头侧向补给矿井。

57、Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations outcrop most completely in the Kuqa region in Tarim basin, and Kuqa river profile is the most representative one. ─── 库车地区是塔里木盆地中、新生界出露最全的地区,库车河地质剖面最有代表性。

58、"She was sitting on an outcrop, her slim body supplesalt-caked. ─── 她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她的苗条的身材丰满,咸咸的。

59、Logging data could be apply to identify sequence strata interfaces in case of being short of outcrop or core data and being limited by the resolution of seismic data. ─── 摘要在露头和岩心资料不足、地震资料分辨率有限时,可利用测井资料识别层序地层界面。

60、By Scanning Electro Microscope、X radial-diffract analysis、casted thin section and stained-thin section,the diagenetic features of outcrop sandstones and core sandstones’ have been determined. ─── 利用扫描电镜、X射线-衍射分析、铸体薄片及茜素红-S与铁氰化钾混合溶液染色分析,确定了露头砂岩和岩芯砂岩的成岩作用特征。

61、The example from field outcrop in Jiaolai Basin confirms this controlling process. ─── 来自胶莱盆地野外露头的实例从另一方面证实了这种控制作用。

62、The displacement experiments were made by using artificial core, natural outcrop sandstone core,natural sandstone core in oil field and simulated oil. ─── 使用人造岩心、天然露头砂岩岩心,天然油田砂岩岩心及模拟油进行了驱替实验。

63、water-table outcrop ─── 地下水露头处

64、Lovers kiss on a rocky outcrop with a view of the Acropolis of Athens. ─── 意译:雅典地标图片。情侣亲吻在一处岩石露出以雅典的卫城为目的。

65、By the end of Tertiary time the area have evolved an outcrop pattern not unlike the present. ─── 到第三系时期晚期,这片区域已经演变成为现在不同的一种露头模式。

66、Keywords geology;greenstone type gold deposit;micro-mineralization outcrop;geophysical exploration;geochemical exploration;geochemical block;Xindigou;Maoduqing; ─── 地质学;绿岩型金矿;微矿化露头;物探;化探;地球化学块体;新地沟;卯独庆;

67、noah outcrop ─── 北缘露头

68、Xingshan Daxiakou outcrop ─── 兴山大峡口

69、The burial history and thermal history of the outcrop are modelled firstly in China, and the organic matter maturity (Ro% of subsurface source rock is predicted by artificial changing burial trace. ─── 本文在国内首次模拟了野外露头的埋藏史和地热史,并通过人工改变埋藏轨迹,预测了盆地内中侏罗统地下烃源岩的有机质成熟度。

70、The paper indicates that in extensive outcrop distribution areas in southern part of China, paying great attention and carrying out the above m... ─── 在我国南方广大露头分布区,重视及积极开展这一工作,将为油气勘探部署的制订,勘探靶区的确定,提供有一定价值的依据。

71、We circled the top of the hill where the drill rig was turning and most of the work had been done and then flew halfway down the hill so we could see visually where the outcrop from the top of the hill continued down the hill. ─── 我们绕着山顶飞行,山顶上,钻机在转,钻探工作已完成过半,然后我们往下飞,在半山腰我们可以看见露出地面的岩层从山顶绵延而下。

72、hidden outcrop ─── 掩蔽露头

73、They didn't build a temple on a beach, the temple was built on a rocky outcrop in the sea near the beach. ─── 他们没有在沙滩上造,他们是在海里靠近海滩的一个岩石上造了一座庙。

74、So the distribution and the content of conglomerate were different, and its geological phenomenon in the data of drilling, outcrop, logging and seismal section in different area. ─── 发现因保山盆地主控断层的西边在盆地演化过程中一直处于隆升状态,从而造成不同地带砾岩的分布和含量存在差异,在钻测井、地震资料中的体现也不相同。

75、Outcrop data have been used to model facies geometry, size and distribution, which have implications on reservoir behaviour. ─── 利用露头数据来模拟岩相的几何形态、尺寸和分布,这些特性都可以推断出油藏动态。

76、On the basis of outcrop survey,seismic interpretation and a lot of coring data,the evolution and exploration potential of Dabashan foreland basin were analyzed. ─── 根据野外地质调查、地震资料解释以及大量岩心分析化验等资料,探讨了大巴山前陆盆地的形成及演化,分析了油气勘探潜力。

77、So, we have found the two groups of islands and someone yelled "Look, there is the hawk".Yes, there was a hawk casually trying to catch the thermal current hovering above a huge rocky outcrop. ─── 因此,当我们发现了两群岛屿,有人大声叫出”看,那里有老鹰”,没错,有只老鹰若无其事地试著要抓住温热的气流,而盘旋在露出的巨大岩石上面.

78、But with a little light left at the end of that first day, everyone rushed back to the outcrop. ─── 但那天在安顿结束以后,趁着还有一丝光亮,所有人都冲到了化石发掘地。

79、The Aketeshi Formation volcanic rocks of the Boluohuoluo stratigraphic group outcrop on the north side of the Kashi River in Nileke County in Xinjiang. ─── 摘要分布在尼勒克县喀什河北部一带的阿克塔什组火山岩归属博罗霍洛山地层小区。

80、The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. ─── 化石发现的地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面的岩层。

81、Plagioclase outcrop heads toward the center area of ringed mountains, displaying a symmetrical distribution, and this feature weaken as the size of ringed mountains increase. ─── 斜岩露头朝向环形山系中心区,呈对称性分布。该特征随环形山系规模增大而减弱;

82、Based on facies, paleontology, magnetism stratigraphy and geological events from outcrop sections, this paper has dealt with models and mechanisms of sequences from Triassic to Cretaceous. ─── 基于露头剖面的沉积相、古生物、磁性地层以及地质事件的综合研究 ,探讨了三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪的层序地层模式及其形成机制。

83、This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herdlife, the military system,which I abhor. ─── 我相信美国在 这方面已经找到了正确的道路。

84、David Walker, head of the Nottingham Caves Survey, surveys the base of Castle Rock, a large sandstone outcrop in the heart of the city. ─── 大卫·沃克是诺丁汉洞穴勘测组的组长,他负责勘测石头城堡的地基,这是一块位于城市中心的巨型砂岩露头。

85、Under many conditions, as verified from outcrop data, fracture length is theoretically expected to follow an exponential distribution. ─── 根据许多条件,并验证了从野外露头资料,断裂长度理论的预想为后续指数分布。

86、closed annular outcrop ─── 封闭环形露头

87、The No. 20 contact of shielding tunnel in Beijing Metro Line 4 project is located in Yongding River piedmont alluvial-pluvial fan, where the outcrop of rock is discontinuous and uneven. ─── 摘要北京地铁4号线20标盾构隧道位于永定河冲洪积扇,岩石不均匀出露,在掘进过程中遭遇水下、软硬不均岩石地层和全断面极硬岩等不良地质情况。

88、Ealy acidity、acidity and nowadays alkality are common fluid phases beyween outcrop sandstones from core sandstones, and the evolution character is basic identical. ─── 其中,早期酸性流体、酸性流体、碱性流体阶段是埋藏期露头砂岩与岩芯砂岩共同经历过的流体阶段,流体的演化特征基本相同。

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