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08-18 投稿


explorator 发音


英:  美:

explorator 中文意思翻译



explorator 短语词组

1、explorator cheese ─── 探索者奶酪

2、explorator latin ─── 拉丁探险家

3、explorator files explorator ─── 文件

4、explorator fleet ─── 探险家舰队

5、explorator lu ─── 陆探险家

6、explorator 40k ─── 探险家40k

7、explorator list ─── 探险家名单

8、explorator media ─── 探索者媒介

explorator 相似词语短语

1、explorations ─── n.探索;探险(exploration的复数);勘查;[医]探察术

2、edulcorator ─── n.甜味剂

3、exprobratory ─── 实验者

4、expropriator ─── 征用者;没收者

5、implorator ─── 乞丐

6、exploratory ─── adj.勘探的;探究的;考察的

7、expectorator ─── n.咳痰者

8、exploration ─── n.探测;探究;踏勘

9、explicator ─── 解释者

explorator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why not at least try to explor the possibility that there may be a life after? ─── 为何不至少尝试着探索或许真有来世?

2、Keywords Natural gas;Predictive reserve;Explor ation policy;Sichuan Basin;East; ─── 天然气;预测储量;勘探方针;四川盆地;东;

3、CAM explorator in contour lathe is designed direct according to the contour of primary products with the mathematical analogue of the working course of the CAM. ─── 凸轮加工过程的数学模拟,利用原始产品凸轮外形来直接设计凸轮仿形车床的靠模。

4、This research is to explor pupils implicit attitudes towards the issue of bullying/victim in order to give some effetive new methods for bullying/victim prevention. ─── 本研究的目的是考察小学生对待欺负/被欺负问题的内隐态度,以期为欺负/被欺负行为的干预提出新的方法。

5、Objective To explor the therapeutic effect of Huoxue jiang zhi keli (HXJZKL) in treating primary byper-lipidemia. ─── 目的观察活血降脂颗粒对原发性高脂血症的调脂作用。

6、The target zones for prospecting include three reservoir-cap rock assemblages of Cenozoic dominated by explor... ─── 中生界与新生界主要是岩性圈闭与构造圈闭,而古生界的主要圈闭是断块潜山圈闭。

7、cylindrical explorator ─── 圆桶型靠模

8、To Explor the Legal Duty and Ethic of Hospital and Doctor in Premarital Check-up ─── 医院和医师在婚前体检中的伦理与法律义务探讨

9、Two main part : the explorator and juke box part. ─── 两个主要部分: explorator和juke方块的一部分。

10、AWOTV and Explorator are also useful and resources. ─── AWOTV和Explorator也是很有用的资源。

11、According to higher technological school s fact,explor and reform teaching methord of Chinese pharmacy. ─── 结合我校专科教学实际,探索改革中药药剂学教学内容及方法。

12、Keywords CAD;Cam explorator;Contour lathe; ─── 计算机辅助设计;凸轮靠模;仿形车床;

13、A method of computing rifle explorator solid contour curve ─── 求解膛线靠模实体轮廓曲线的一种方法

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