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08-18 投稿


estoppel 发音

英:[?'st?p(?)l]  美:[?'stɑpl]

英:  美:

estoppel 中文意思翻译



estoppel 短语词组

1、estoppel by deed ─── [法] 契约的禁反言

2、equitable estoppel ─── [法] 平衡法上的禁反言

3、licence by estoppel ─── [法] 不得退回的特许证

4、estoppel by convention ─── 禁止翻供

5、estoppel by representation ─── 不容否认的表述

6、estoppel by verdict ─── [法] 确定的判决不容推翻

7、guardians by estoppel ─── [法] 无权推诿的监护人

8、partner by estoppel ─── [经] 不容否认的合伙人

9、estoppel principle ─── 禁止反悔原则

10、issued estoppel ─── [法] 已决问题的不得推翻

11、estoppel by judgment ─── [法] 判决不容推翻

12、agency by estoppel ─── [法] 不可否认的代理

13、estoppel certificate ─── [经] 不可改悔证件

14、estoppel by matter of record ─── [法] 笔录的禁反言

15、lease by estoppel ─── [法] 不得废止的租借, 无可反悔的租借

16、estoppel by equitable ─── [法] 平衡法上禁反言

17、estoppel statement ─── 禁止反悔声明

18、promissory estoppel ─── [法] 允诺后不得否认的原则

19、estoppel in pais ─── [法] 不容推翻的事实

estoppel 相似词语短语

1、stopper ─── n.塞子;阻塞物;制止者;妨碍物;vt.用塞子塞住

2、stopped ─── v.停止;停下来(stop的过去式和过去分词);adj.停止的;停顿的

3、unstopped ─── adj.未塞住的

4、estopped ─── vt.禁止翻供;禁止;禁止反言;n.(Estop)人名;(西)埃斯托普

5、estopping ─── vt.禁止翻供;禁止;禁止反言;n.(Estop)人名;(西)埃斯托普

6、-stopped ─── v.停止;停下来(stop的过去式和过去分词);adj.停止的;停顿的

7、unstopper ─── 把堵塞物拿掉

8、ear stopper ─── 耳塞

9、estoppage ─── n.禁止翻供;阻止;堵塞

estoppel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Doctrine of promissory estoppel is the unique content of common law contracts.It imposes the legal liability on the basis of the promisee's reliance damage. ─── 摘要“允诺禁反言”是英美契约法的独特内容,它以受诺人的“信赖损失”为基础而追究允诺人的法律责任。

2、the doctrine of estoppel ─── 禁止反悔原则

3、Acknowledge and estoppel have been internationally recognized rules. ─── 承认与禁止反言已经成为一项公认的国际法准则。

4、On the Historical Development and Trend of Estoppel System ─── 禁反言制度的历史沿革和发展趋势

5、Corporation by estoppel is a difficult concept to grasp and courts and writers have "gone all over the lot" in attempting to define and apply the doctrine. ─── Corporation by estoppel是普通法里一条由法官制定的规则(judge-made doctrine.),这个规则在美国也只是少数几个州在施用,据我了解,我国没有相关的规定。

6、For example, the word estoppel is often used in the verb form estop. ─── 例如衡平法不得自驳这字词,常作不得的动词式 用。

7、Review of the Essentials,Form the Term of "gency by Estoppel"--Unilateral Essential? ─── - 论表见代理的构成要件--单要件说?双要件说?抑或区别说?

8、Comparison Between the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel and the Doctrine of Estoppel ─── 允诺禁反言规则与禁止反悔原则之比较研究

9、Agency by estoppel should be applied or not depend on whether the prevention cost of the counterpart is much more than the principal. ─── 表见代理是否成立,应当取决于相对人预防成本是否比本人的更大。

10、An Economic Analysis of Agency by Estoppel ─── 表见代理的经济分析

11、implication, estoppel or otherwise upon either party or any third party any license or other right except,solely as to the parties hereto, the rights expressly granted hereunder. ─── 本协议任何内容不得以推定、禁止反悔或其他方式被解释为授予任何一方或第三方任何许可或其他权利,只授予合同当事人本协议明确授权的权利除外。

12、estoppel in pais ─── [法] 不容推翻的事实

13、estoppel certificate ─── [经] 不可改悔证件

14、No license , express or implied , by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document . ─── 本文未授与任何知识产权方面的特许,无论是明示还是暗示、禁止或者其它方式。

15、Promissory Estoppel Principle and Its Effect on China's Contract Law ─── 允诺禁反言原则及对我国合同法的影响

16、On Agency by Estoppel System ─── 浅析表见代理制度

17、China leagal system belongs to continental law leagal system.And "promissory estoppel" can enrich our contract law in theory, as well as in judicial practice to realize justice. ─── 我国主要承袭大陆法系,借鉴英美合同法上的“允诺禁反言”原则实可丰富我国合同法理论,也可在司法实务中贯彻公平正义。

18、On this basis, the author puts forward the suggestion which is to learn from waiver and estoppel in order to contribute the author"s mite to perfecting Chinese marine insurance legal system. ─── 在此基础上,提出了借鉴弃权和禁止反言原则完善我国海上保险法律制度的具体构想,以期为完善我国海上保险法律制度贡献绵薄之力。

19、estoppel rules ─── 禁止反言规则

20、equitable estoppel ─── [法] 平衡法上的禁反言

21、For decoration companies, eliminating the future construction of a project on the consumer does not endorse or estoppel, prior Xieqing of quotations, decoration companies will save a lot of trouble. ─── 对于装饰公司来说,省去了日后施工中消费者对某个项目反悔或不认可,有事前写清的报价单,装饰公司会省去很多麻烦。

22、Direct Estoppel ─── 直接禁反言

23、From the angle of application in the administration of justice, estoppel could be defined as one of the fundamental law principles. ─── 从禁反言规则在司法中加以适用的角度,禁反言可以定位为一种诉讼法的基本规则。

24、The converse, however, is not true, as an estoppel need not be founded upon a waiver. ─── 但反之则不然,也就是说,禁反言并不一定建立在弃权之上。

25、The adjuster must carefully avoid mistakes involving the legal doctrines of waiver and estoppel, which might force an insurer to pay claims it otherwise might deny. ─── 保险理算人必须注意避免出现法律上的弃权与禁止反言的错误,这些错误可能会迫使保险公司对本可以拒赔的索赔案不得不予以赔付。

26、For example, the word estoppel is often used in the verb form estop. ─── 例如衡平法不得自驳这字词,常作不得的动词式用。

27、The Estoppel of Anglo-American law system, which is a substitute and supplement of consideration, is the result of application of the principle of good faith and equitable idea in order to protect transaction security. ─── 摘要英美法系的禁反言规则,是对价理论的代替物和补充,是诚实信用原则与衡平理念适用的结果,目的是保护交易安全。

28、promissory estoppel ─── [法] 允诺后不得否认的原则

29、estoppel by equitable ─── [法] 平衡法上禁反言

30、Estoppel by conduct or by matter in pais ─── 和依行为判定的禁止反言

31、in narrow sense has no appearance of right of agency, and the fault of principal is not the essential elements of agency by estoppel. ─── 关于无权代理理论,学界大多主张狭义无权代理不具代理权之表象,且本人有过失并非表见代理的构成要件。

32、But the allegations, Dong Qing three are accused in the first court trial denied collective estoppel, in the industry caused the sensation, but also to the verdict in this case has added uncertainty. ─── 不过对于上述指控,董正青等三被告在第一次庭审中集体翻供予以否认,在业内引起不小的轰动,也给本案的判决结果增添了不确定性。

33、I have room for estoppel, ─── 我有反悔的余地

34、When the agency tried to relitigate the identical issue against Stauffer in another court, the Supreme Court held that the agency vas precluded by collateral estoppel. ─── 当该机关试图就同样的问题在另一个法院对斯道弗再次提起诉讼时,最高法院裁定,司接禁止翻供的事实阻止其再次提出指控。

35、The receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that it does not, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, acquire any intellectual. ─── 接收方确认并同意,不存在,通过暗示、禁止反悔或其他任何知识,获得。

36、Information in this document is provided in connection with XXX products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. ─── 本文件的所提供的内容是关于XXX产品的,该文件没有明示或暗示地以禁止反言或其他任何方式,授予过任何知识产权许可。

37、or prohibit by estoppel. ─── 禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。

38、Surprisingly, estoppel王先龙court, saying the previous statement is "due to prompt others. ─── 出乎意料的是,王先龙当庭翻供,称此前的供述是“他人提示所致”。

39、under penalty of estoppel ─── 不准否认或提出抗辩的制裁

40、The Jurisprudencial Analysis of the Estoppel Rule in the Anglo - American Insurance Law ─── 英美保险法禁止抗辩原则的概念分析

41、the doctrine of promissory estoppel ─── 允诺禁反言原则

42、estoppel by matter of record ─── [法] 笔录的禁反言

43、partner by estoppel ─── [经] 不容否认的合伙人

44、With regard to estoppel, the representation made in relation to reducing the rent, was not a representation of an existing fact. ─── 关于禁止反言,表现关于减少租金制造, 现有的事实表现不是。

45、The Supreme Court held that the agency vas precluded by collateral estoppel. ─── 最高法院裁定,该机构因附带禁止反言而被排除在外。

46、The judges applied the laches and equitable estoppel to patent laches in America. ─── 法官们将“懈怠”和“衡平法禁止反言”应用于美国的专利懈怠。

47、Provide estoppel function; ─── 提供反悔功能;

48、The application and the nature of promissory estoppel is somewhat different in the contract law of the U.S. and U. ─── 英美两国契约法对“允诺禁反言”原则的适用不一样,对其法律性质的定位也不一样。

49、K.. Definitely the doctrine of promissory estoppel has posed great challenge against the traditional theory of consideration, but it cannot replace the latter. ─── “允诺禁反言”无疑是对约因法理的重要挑战,但它并不能完全取代“约因”。

50、No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. ─── 本文未授与任何知识产权方面的特许,无论是明示还是暗示、禁止或者其它方式。

51、Application of Promissory Estoppel to Contracts Relating to Foreign Trade ─── 允诺禁止反言原则在涉外合同中的适用

52、issued estoppel ─── [法] 已决问题的不得推翻

53、This thesis falls into five chapters to analyze and research the application of waiver and estoppel in marine insurance. ─── 本文共分为五章,对弃权和禁止反言原则在海上保险中的适用进行分析研究。

54、An agency by estoppel arises where one person (the principal) induces a third person to believe by his words or his conduct that a particular person is authorised to act as agent for the principal. ─── 一种表见代理出现在一人(主要)诱导第三人相信他的话或他的行为,特别是获授权的人作为代理校长。

55、Any subject abide by its commitments and promissory estoppel. ─── 任何主体信守自己的承诺及允诺后不得翻供。

56、patent prosecution history estoppel ─── 专利禁止反悔

57、estoppel by judgment ─── [法] 判决不容推翻

58、“Estoppel is broader than that of waiver, and may even embrace it within its scope in some cases, since an insurer, after waiving certain rights, would be estopped thereafter to insist upon them. ─── ”其所表达的意思就是:禁反言的适用范围比弃权要更广一些,在有些适用弃权的情况下,可能会进一步适用禁反言。

59、The Court explained that to allow such "nonmutual" collateral estoppel "would substantially thwart the development of important questions of law by freezing the first final decision rendered on a particular legal issue." ─── 法院解释如下:若允许这样的"非相互的"间接禁止翻供的事实,"冻结根据具体的法律问题作出的初审最后决定,就会严重阻挠重要的法律问题的发展。

60、agency by estoppel ─── 表见代理

61、Estoppel System ─── 禁反言规则

62、Abstract: Promissory Estoppel is an important doctrine in Anglo-American law of contracts.It came into being in the end of the 19th century, and has been fully developed in the 20th century. ─── 文章摘要: “允诺禁反言”是英美合同法中的一个重要原则,它于19世纪末形成,在20世纪得到充分发展。

63、The doctrine of estoppel that stemmed from Equity Law is a very important conception and principle in Englo-American legal system. ─── 禁止反言是英美法系的一个十分重要的概念和原则,它源自衡平法。

64、In civil law, it is realized through culpa in contrahendo liability, while in common law, it is based on the rule of " promissory estoppel". ─── 为建立充满信用的市场经济秩序,需要构建一个适用范围更广泛、内容更具体、操作性更强的信赖利益保护机制。

65、Although specific definitions have been given to Agency By Estoppel (ABE) in Article 49 in our state Contract Law, disputes on the concept and some important items (IIs) still exist in the academy. ─── 我国《合同法》49条虽然对表见代理制度作出了明确规定,但学术界至今对其概念、要件等仍存在一定的分歧。

66、file wrapper estoppel ─── 查档记录禁止翻供

67、lease by estoppel ─── 禁止推翻租借

68、Then we discuss how to use Doctrine of Equivalent, Superfluity Establishing, Estoppel principle, Plea Known Technology for business method patent. ─── 接下来对专利侵权判定原则运用于商业方法专利领域进行有针对性地分析,提出其在商业方法专利侵权判定领域的具体适用建议。

69、New Prospective on Element of Agency by Estoppel--focus on the Fault of Principal ─── 表见代理构成要件新论--以被代理人的过错问题为中心

70、It’s even possible he could use “estoppel” (a legal term) against you with regard to the purchase order argument. ─── 他还可以使用“不可反悔(法律术语)”反驳你对争端的看法。

71、estoppel by verdict ─── [法] 确定的判决不容推翻

72、No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. ─── 此处不以禁止翻供或其他方式,直接或暗示授出任何知识产权许可。

73、I will use my life to love you, love you, love you.! Never estoppel. ─── 我将用我的生命来疼你,爱你,呵护你.!永不反悔

74、Second, the analysis of the pros and cons of estoppel. ─── 从原被人领导的税务员成了领导人家的税务局局长。

75、(2)The law of estoppel shall apply under this act. ─── 本法适用禁止反言规则。

76、Res judicata and collateral estoppel may also limit an agency's discretion. ─── 已决事件和间接禁止翻供的事实恐怕也限制机关的自由裁量权。

77、insurance agency by estoppel ─── 保险表见代理

78、Housing outright sale contract, issue outright sale contract, adopt outright seller, no estoppel or othercomplication is allowed. ─── 房屋卖断契,立卖断契,立卖断人,不得反悔或节外生枝。

79、“Promissory estoppel”is different from the Culpa in Contrahendo, although there are some samilarities.and the two theories can work together. ─── “允诺禁反言”原则与大陆法系的缔约过失制度有相似之处,但更多的是不同,并有互补之作用。

80、licence by estoppel ─── [法] 不得退回的特许证

81、No waiver, privilege, or service voluntarily granted or performed by Okion to or for distributor shall be construed to vest any contractual right in distributor by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. ─── OKION不得将任何依据惯例、禁止抗辩或其他条款,而就此视为已赋予本合约自愿提供经销商或为经销商提供本合约相关的弃权声明权利、特许权或服务的权利。

82、On the Waiver and Estoppel Exercised in Insurance ─── 浅谈弃权和禁止反言在保险中的运用

83、Equitable estoppel is one such area, although the Supreme Court has confined this doctrine within very narrow limits. See pp. 186-88 infra. ─── 衡平法上的禁止翻供就是这样一个领域,尽管最高法院已把这一理论限制在极狭小的范围里(参见下文第五章之七)。

84、estoppel by deed ─── 禁止推翻契据

85、guardians by estoppel ─── [法] 无权推诿的监护人

86、Position of Self-fault in Agency by Estoppel ─── 本人过失在表见代理中的地位

87、No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. ─── 任何由违约所引起的许可证(无论是明示或暗示),以及任何知识产权许可证均不是由本出版物所授予的。

88、The Court has applied the general principle of estoppel in a number of cases, including disputes over islands. ─── 国际法院已经采取不得反悔的一般性原则处理了大量案件,包括对争议岛屿的处理。

89、Comparison Between the Liability of Faults During the Process of Conclusion of Contract and the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel ─── 缔约过失责任与允诺禁反言原则比较研究

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