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08-18 投稿


forsooth 发音


英:  美:

forsooth 中文意思翻译



forsooth 网络释义

adv. 实在;的确;真的(表示轻蔑、讥讽)

forsooth 短语词组

1、forsooth antonym forsooth ─── 反义词

2、forsooth meme forsooth ─── 模因

3、forsooth definition forsooth ─── 定义

forsooth 相似词语短语

1、to soothe ─── 安抚

2、forsook ─── v.抛弃;放弃,戒掉(喜爱的食物)(forsake的过去式)

3、forgot ─── v.忘记;轻忽;遗漏(forget的过去式)

4、forecloth ─── 前围网

5、dogtooth ─── n.犬齿;犬牙饰

6、to smooth ─── 使平滑

7、foretooth ─── 前齿

8、to resmooth ─── 重新平滑

9、forefoot ─── n.前脚,前肢;龙骨的前端部

forsooth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am rich enough, forsooth, to distribute his authority on this occasion . ─── 我很有钱,这件事情大可不必去占掉他那部门里的一部分预算经费。

2、"Fine chanters forsooth!" exclaimed the other, "their voices are sharper than the peaks of their caps! ─── “那倒是顶呱呱的唱诗班,”那一位接着说,“声音比他们头上的帽子还尖!

3、I am rich enough, forsooth, to distribute his authority on this occasion." ─── 我很有钱,这件事情大可不必去占掉他那部门里的一部分预算经费。”

4、He will NOT use the word "not" , forsooth! ─── 他将‘不’会用‘不’,确实!

5、A cloudless moon is rare forsooth to see, And pretty clouds so soon scatter and flee! ─── 又副册判词之一霁月难逢,彩云易散。心比天高,

6、Fine chanters forsooth ! " exclaimed the other, " their voices are sharper than the peaks of their caps! ─── 那倒是顶呱呱的唱诗班,”那一位接着说,“声音比他们头上的帽子还尖!

7、Every perfect product is standout、noble and forsooth and that is a kind of reverie of infinite life and a spigot of afflatus! ─── 款款精品,款款出色。点滴之间,高贵实在,生活无限的遐想,灵感源泉的龙头!

8、Forsooth, each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of revelation) spread out! ─── 不然,他们中的每个人都希望获得一些展开的天经。

9、But truly, forsooth, I find it hard to believe him the same man. ─── 不过,说老实话,我简直不敢相信他就是那同一个人呢。

10、And with her personage, her tall personage, Her height, forsooth, she hath prevail'd with him. ─── 她自夸她生得长,用她那身材,那高高的身材,赢得了他的心。

11、Instant, I was forsooth scared in my innermost only possess any other bitterness and haze, Even if modicum can makes myself incapable give melody music comeliness encounter. ─── 那一刹那真的怕极了自己内心里还有任何怨恨与阴骛,一点点,都会让自己无法与曲中的美丽邂逅。

12、If you are chosen town clerk, forsooth, you cannot go to Tierra del Fuego(1) this summer: but you may go to the land of infernal fire nevertheless. ─── 如果你真的被选为镇书记,这个夏天你就不能去南美洲的火地岛;不过地狱之火的滋味你倒不会少尝。

13、"It is her job to be loyal to me, " forsooth! ─── “效忠于我是她的本职工作,”确实如此!

14、Forsooth exasperating I . ─── 妈的!

15、I will not gainsay loe, called loe forsooth. ─── 我不想问:真有爱这回事吗?有就有吧--

16、Fine chanters forsooth!" exclaimed the other," their voices are sharper than the peaks of their caps! ─── 那倒是顶呱呱的唱诗班,”那一位接着说,“声音比他们头上的帽子还尖!

17、Forsooth,we lost..I gave the information which maybe too late for this tounament. ─── 确实,我们输了...我给点信息,不过大概对于比赛来说已经太迟了。

18、My brother, i will hit you forsooth! ─── 大哥,我真抽了!

19、Forsooth , we lost. . . I gave the information which maybe too late for this tounament. ─── 确实,我们输了…我给点信息,不过大概对于比赛来说已经太迟了。

20、"Yea, forsooth," replied the bond-servant, staring with wide-open eyes at the scarlet letter, which, being a new-comer in the country, he had never before seen. ─── “是的,在家,”那家奴一边回答,一边睁大眼睛瞪着那红字,他来到这地方只有几年,以前还从未见过那标记。

21、Nowaday Michael jackson,he forsooth lamentableners! ─── 20回复:我觉得科学怪人真的很可怜!

22、And wherefore doth Lysander Deny your love, so rich within his soul, And tender me, forsooth, affection, But by your setting on, by your consent? ─── 拉山德的灵魂里充满了你的爱的,为什么他反而要摈斥你,却要把他的热情奉献给我,倘不是因为你的指使,因为你们曾经预先商量好?

23、Then he straighted up to look at the beans again, and shaked his head. “Not much! Verily, not much, forsooth!” ─── 直起身又看一看豆,自己摇头说:“不多不多!多乎哉?不多也。”

24、If you are chosen town clerk, forsooth, you cannot go to Tierra del Fuego this summer: but you may go to the land of infernal fire nevertheless. ─── 如果你被挑选为市镇的办事员,那你今夏就不能到火地岛去旅行,但你很可能到地狱的火里去。

25、Much it concerns a man, forsooth, how a few sticks are slanted over him or under him, and what colors are daubed upon his box. ─── 当然,人很关心这几根木棍子是斜放在他上面呢,还是放在下面,他的箱子应该涂上什么颜色。

26、Because you have finical poppets of mistresses who hide under the bed when you put on a big voice, forsooth! ─── 就是因为你们有泼辣野婆娘,只要你们吼一声,她们就会躲到床底下去,不就是这样吗!

27、She had rather suspected some of those wanton trollops, who gave themselves airs because, forsooth, they thought themselves handsome. ─── 她怀疑的倒是那些水性杨花的浪荡女人,她们神气十足,总觉得自己长得多么标致。

28、She had rather suspected some of those wanton trollops, who gave themselves airs because, forsooth, they thought themselves handsome ─── 她怀疑的倒是那些水性杨花的浪荡女人,她们神气十足,总觉得自己长得多么标致。

29、What would you have forsooth, grasshopper? ─── 那你想吃点啥呢,蚂蚱?

30、She had rather suspected some of those wanton trollops, who gave themselves airs because, forsooth, they thought themselves handsome. ─── 她怀疑的倒是那些水性杨花的浪荡女人,她们神气十足,总觉得自己长得多么标致。

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