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08-18 投稿


blaster 发音

英:['bla:st?]  美:['bla:st?]

英:  美:

blaster 中文意思翻译



blaster 短语词组

1、atom blaster ─── 原子爆炸机

2、hand blaster ─── 手动喷砂机

3、core blaster ─── 堆芯爆炸机

4、creative sound blaster live creative sound blaster live

5、fat blaster fat ─── 爆炸机

6、sand blaster ─── [化] 喷砂机

7、centrifugal blaster ─── [机] 离心喷光机

8、ghetto blaster n. ─── 大功率手提式 ─── 大型收音录音机

9、sand-blaster ─── [机] 喷砂机

10、ball blaster ─── 球形爆炸机

11、chicken blaster ─── 炸鸡机

12、glass blaster ─── 玻璃喷砂机

13、rust blaster ─── 除锈机

14、turbine sand blaster ─── [机] 叶轮式喷砂机

15、crossbow blaster ─── 弩炮爆炸机

16、color blaster ─── 彩色喷砂机

17、fire blaster ─── 消防爆炸机

18、compressed air sand blaster ─── [机] 压缩空气喷吵机

19、ghetto-blaster ─── 手提式录音机

blaster 词性/词形变化,blaster变形

名词复数: blastemas |形容词: blastemal |

blaster 相似词语短语

1、arblaster ─── 阿布拉斯特

2、ballaster ─── n.[公路]铺碴机

3、blatter ─── v.唠叨,滔滔不绝地说;(非正式)咔嗒咔嗒地移动;噼里啪啦地不停击打;n.唠叨,一连串的话;n.(Blatter)(美)布拉特(人名)

4、boaster ─── n.自夸的人;大言不惭的人;吹牛者

5、baster ─── n.润肉者;n.(Baster)人名;(英)巴斯特

6、blastier ─── 爆破药

7、plaster ─── n.石膏;灰泥;膏药;vt.减轻;粘贴;涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;使平服;n.(Plaster)人名;(英、德)普拉斯特

8、laster ─── n.持久之人;上鞋楦的人;n.(Laster)人名;(英、法、德)拉斯特

9、blasted ─── adj.枯萎的;被害的;被咒的

blaster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He gave a blast on his trumpet. ─── 他突然吹起喇叭。

2、We'd just blast away in a trial-and-error process. ─── 我们在反复实验的过程中不断地轰炸肿瘤。

3、They're trying to blast away the face of the rock. ─── 他们试图炸开岩石的表面。

4、I saw Jack in the bookshop. Blast my old shoes if I didn't. ─── 我在书店看见了杰克,如果不是就砍我的头。

5、The space rocket will blast off at then a.m. local time. ─── 宇宙火箭将于当地时间上午10点发射。

6、The note taker blows a piercing blast. ─── 作记录的人用力吹了一下哨子。

7、The controllers counted down to blast off. ─── 控制器倒读数到发射时间。

8、The accordion was in full blast in the hall. ─── 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。

9、The outer wall and casing of a blast furnace above the hearth. ─── 壁炉上的外墙壁炉地面上方鼓风炉子的外墙或铸件。

10、The factory is going at full blast. ─── 工厂正在全力生产中。

11、The boring party turned out to be blast! ─── 原来没什么意思的派对结果变得很有意思!

12、He is always playing his radio at full blast . ─── 他听收音机总是把音量放得很大。

13、I'll have to swallow about a handful of pills to get to sleep, and then I won't wake up if the phone rings, damn and blast it. ─── 我得吃一把药片才能入睡,可那样一来,电话铃响我也醒不过来了,真是糟糕透顶。

14、Blaster:How it would like, a big house? ─── 布拉斯特:“那想怎麽,一栋大房子?”

15、The strong blast of wind broke my vase. ─── 一阵强风打破了我的花瓶。

16、A pair of forward-facing short range blaster cannons round out the AAT's energy-weapon complement. ─── 一对前向的近距离爆能炮,就构成了AAT的能量武器组。

17、She turned to see Zey Nep disguised as a refugee holding a blaster on her. ─── 她转过头,看见假扮成难民的泽伊·内普正用枪指着她。

18、They set themselves to blast away the barriers to progress . ─── 他们着手炸去前进路上的障碍。

19、Oh, damn and blast John, what are you doing there? ─── 哦,该死的约翰,你在那里搞什么玩意儿?

20、This whistle blew full blast and woke everyone up. ─── 哨声使劲地响个不停,把大家都吵醒了。

21、The crowd waved and the liner responded with a blast on its siren. ─── 人群挥手相送,大客轮鸣响汽笛作答。

22、Diabetes From Kidney Stone Blaster? ─── 打碎肾结石招来糖尿病?

23、Hey, turn down that ghetto blaster in here! ─── 嗨!把这儿的收音机声音开小点!

24、Remote control blaster system is one of seismic exploration instruments. ─── 遥控爆炸系统是地震勘探的主要辅助设备之一。

25、The blast tore a hole in the wall. ─── 墙被炸开了个洞。

26、No wonder it's hot in here; you've got your fire going full blast. ─── 怪不得这里面这么热,你们已经干得热火朝天了。

27、My neighbor plays his records full blast every night. ─── 我那邻居每天晚上都把录音机开得震耳欲聋。

28、A brief gust or blast of wind. ─── 一阵强风短时期的狂风或阵风

29、Did you stare into oncoming car headlights or blast your stereo? ─── 你是否直视过迎面而来的汽车头灯或把你的音响开得震耳欲聋?

30、Blaster:How it would like, a big house? ─── 布拉斯特:“那想怎么,一栋大房子?”

31、A bitter blast swept across the square. ─── 一阵疾风扫过广

32、Rita: I am having a blast, and I have become a much better skier. ─── 丽塔:我玩得好过瘾,我的滑雪技巧也精进了许多。

33、A blast of wind blew my hat off. ─── 一阵风吹走了我的帽子。

34、He had the blaster aimed and ready, but he knew he would get only one shot, and it had to be a good one. ─── 洛里安瞄准爆能枪准备射击,他知道他只能射最后一枪了,而且这一枪务必精准、完美无误。

35、Our work grows out of a small blast furnace plant which is set up in1913. ─── 我们厂的前身是一家小炼铁厂,建于1913年。

36、We waited in great anticipation for the ship to blast off. ─── 我们怀着极大的期望等待着飞船的发射。

37、Turret-mounted on the rear spoiler is a blaster cannon. ─── 后方扰流器上方竖立了一门雷射炮。

38、A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. ─── 他打开窗,一股寒冷的空气直向他扑来。

39、Gave a blast on his trumpet. ─── 他让喇叭发出尖响

40、Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. ─── 不像一般武器的不灵活,轻率

41、Can be dot tonsil agnail caused blast a dry cough? ─── 小孩子扁桃体发炎会引起阵阵干咳吗?

42、Like a blast from out of sight. ─── 恰似视线之外的一阵风。

43、Turned the radio up full blast;played the stereo at full blast. ─── 把收音机拧到最大音量;把立体音响开到最大音量

44、I was woken up by a sudden blast of music from the next room. ─── 我被隔壁突然传来的一阵乐声吵醒。

45、The source-initiation unit in the case of an explosive source is likely to be an electric blaster. ─── 震源的起震装置,在爆炸震源的情况下,可能是一个爆炸机。

46、This mixture is then fed into a blast furnace. ─── 将此混合料送入高炉。

47、The chemistry lab threw off a blast of odor. ─── 化学实验室里散发出阵阵的臭味儿。

48、A late inning blast allowed them to win. ─── 后面一局的高飞球让他们赢得了比赛。

49、A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane. ─── 我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。

50、Blast! Look, why don't you set the table while we are waiting? ─── 倒霉!看,你为什么不在我们干等的时候去摆桌子呢?

51、I got him a Lego Blaster game. ─── 我送给他一盒拼积木。

52、Ya! Boogie blaster! Boom chaka-laka boom! ─── 呀!布吉冲击波!嘣洽卡拉卡嘣!

53、Blobel has to recoil a bit from the blast of heat. ─── 布洛贝尔在灼热的气浪冲击下不得不稍微后退。

54、Not until last week was the project in full blast. ─── 工程直到上星期才全部开工。

55、The candidate leveled a blast at her opponent. ─── 候选人向她的对手发出口头攻击

56、I heard a blast of the whistle in the distance. ─── 我听到远处一阵口哨声。

57、They are constructing the building at full blast. ─── 他们倾全力建造这栋大楼。

58、To sound(a blast, for example)on a horn or whistle. ─── 使发嘟嘟声用喇叭或号角发出(尖利的声音)

59、You can't take my own umbrella from me,blast it all! ─── 你不能把我的伞拿走,该死的!

60、She had the radio on full blast. ─── 她把收音机开到了最大音量。

61、Blast you! =blow you! =bugger you! ─── 你真该死!

62、Equipped with an IR blaster to change channels, Google TV can sit on top of your existing infrastructure. ─── 配有红外线光束来转换频道,Google电视可以架设在您已有的设施上。

63、A strong blast of wind blew the car sideways off the road. ─── 一阵狂风把汽车吹到了路边。

64、What he said aroused a blast of guffaw . ─── 他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。

65、The accordion is at full blast in the room. ─── 在房间里,手风琴拉得震耳欲聋。

66、The leader of the opposition delivered a blast at the President. ─── 反对党领袖对总统进行了猛烈抨击。

67、She had the stereo on at full blast. ─── 她把立体声音响开到了最大音量。

68、Work on the construction site was at full blast. ─── 建筑工地的工作已经全面展开。

69、They're trying to blast away the face of this rock. ─── 他们试图炸掉这块岩石的表面部分。

70、A trumpeter sent out a warning blast . ─── 号兵吹出告警的号声。

71、A blast of wind blew the window open. ─── 一阵风把门吹开了。

72、Oh,damn and blast John,what are you doing there? ─── 哦,该死的约翰,你在那里搞什么玩意儿?

73、A blast of wind blew the window and the door agape. ─── 一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。

74、Later blast of is very fullmouthed voice! ─── 后来一阵很大声的声音!

75、A blast of hot air came from the furnace. ─── 一股热风从火炉里吹出来。

76、The Jedi caught the lip of the platform and with a free hand, dragged Grievous' discarded blaster pistol to him with the Force. ─── 所幸绝地武士抓住了平台的边缘,并腾出一只手,用原力吸起了格里弗斯丢落的爆能手枪。

77、Damn and blast you!(to Susannah) Damn you too. ─── (对苏珊娜)你也该死!

78、She had the car stereo on at full blast. ─── 她把汽车立体声音响开到了最大音量。

79、Firing one regular sized marshmallow (not included) at a time, the Marshmallow Blaster has the power to hit targets up to 40 feet away. ─── 一次烧成一个普通大小的棉花糖(不包括),棉花糖冲击波击中目标距离高达40英尺的权力。

80、He was working at full blast. ─── 他正以最高的效率工作著。

81、They have started tapping the new blast furnace. ─── 新炉出铁了。

82、The meeting was in full blast when he arrived. ─── 他到达时会开得正热闹。

83、The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron . ─── 从高炉中提炼出的铁叫生铁。

84、My brother plays his records full blast in his bedroom every night. ─── 我弟弟每天晚上在他的卧室里大声放录音机。

85、A blast of wind almost blew her umbrella away. ─── 一阵强风几乎要把她的伞给吹走了.

86、We had a blast at the party. ─── 我们在聚会上玩得很开心。

87、Me and my friends had a blast last night. ─── 我和我朋友昨天晚上玩得很痛快。

88、A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion. ─── 吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流

89、Darwin: You have to understand their mission. Blaster: I understand their hungry bellies. Darwin: God, can you think of Do not eat all day? ─── 达尔文:“你要明白自己的使命。”布拉斯特:“我就知道一点,自己的肚子很饿。”达尔文:“老天,你能不能别整天想着吃?”




新增物品禁止盔甲(Forbidden Armor)套装Ancient Horn(蜥蜴坐骑)Onyx Blaster(枪)

Sky Fracture(剑)

Mandible Blade(武器)

神灯(Spirit Flame,武器)

化妆镜(Pocket Mirror,饰品)神灵诅咒(Djinn's Curse,时装)拉弥亚套装(Lamia Vanity)

古版拉弥亚套装(Ancient Vanity)

沙漠神灯(Desert Spirit Lamp,神灯的合成材料)魔法砂滴管(Magic Sand Dropper)

沙尘暴音乐盒(Sandstorm Music Box)

一堆新旗帜游戏变化Sand Poachers(沙漠大蝎子)现在会释出毒液攻击Dune Splicers(沙漠大蠕虫)现在有更多的HP和防御Dune Splicers和Tomb Crawlers(两种沙漠蠕虫)现在更具攻击性,尤其是沙尘暴天气新增分块采矿的视觉效果多人联机性能改进地下沙漠刷怪率提高

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