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08-18 投稿


lobelia 发音

英:[l???bi?li?]  美:[lo??bi?li?]

英:  美:

lobelia 中文意思翻译



lobelia 短语词组

1、Lobelia cardinalis ─── [医] 红山梗菜

2、genus Lobelia ─── [网络] 山梗菜属

3、water lobelia ─── 水生半边莲

4、lobelia seeds ─── 半边莲种子

5、Lobelia syphilitica ─── [医] 蓝山梗菜

6、lobelia plant ─── 半边莲属植物

7、lobelia herb ─── 半边莲

8、lobelia flower ─── 半边莲花

9、lobelia family ─── [网络] 小叶家族

10、Lobelia sessilifolia ─── [医] 山梗菜, 大半边莲

11、lobelia blue ─── 半边莲蓝

12、Lobelia siphilitica ─── [网络] 山茱萸

13、lobelia uses ─── 半边莲

14、Lobelia inflata ─── [医] 北美山梗菜, 去痰菜

15、lobelia baggins ─── 半边莲

16、great lobelia ─── [网络] 伟大的小叶

17、Lobelia dortmanna ─── [网络] 半边莲

18、lobelia poultice ─── [医] 北美山梗菜泥罨

19、Lobelia radicans ─── [医] 半边莲

lobelia 词性/词形变化,lobelia变形


lobelia 相似词语短语

1、lobeline ─── n.洛贝林;[有化]山梗烷醇酮;袪痰菜素

2、lobelias ─── n.半边莲;山梗莱属的植物

3、abelia ─── 六道木属

4、lobelet ─── n.小叶,小裂片

5、lobola ─── n.(非洲南部民族)男方为娶亲送给新娘的彩礼

6、Morelia ─── n.莫雷里亚(墨西哥西南部城市)

7、Gobelin ─── n.仿哥白林挂毯;(哥白林厂制)壁饰挂毯

8、obelia ─── 薮枝虫;[动]薮枝螅

9、lobefin ─── 肉鳍鱼亚纲,肉鳍鱼类

lobelia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paris chinesis Franch total saponin and alkaloid in lobelia chinensis lour on the synthesis of endothelin and endothelial nitric oxide synthase: a contrast study ─── 蚤休总皂甙与半边莲生物碱对内皮素及内皮型一氧化氮合酶表达的对比研究

2、Lobelia alsinoides ─── n. 短柄半边莲

3、Lobelia Chinensis Lour Alkaloids Inhibiting Rat Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation Induced by Endothelin ─── 半边莲生物碱抑制内皮素诱导的大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞增殖

4、sequin lobelia root or leaf ─── 野烟

5、Lobelia seguinii Levl.et Vant. ─── 破天菜

6、Giant Lobelia ─── 大山梗菜(桔梗科)

7、lobelia alkaloid ─── 北美山梗菜生物碱,半边莲生物碱

8、4 Cases of allergic reaction caused by Complex Lobelia Injection ─── 复方半边莲注射液致过敏反应4例分析

9、Lobelia pleotricha ─── n. 毛萼山梗菜

10、water lobelia ─── 水生半边莲

11、Lobelia hancei ─── n. 假半边莲

12、A messenger from God. Asked Alphonse if she could assist him in any way. Alphonse said there was, so Lobelia joined him. ─── 神的使徒。她向阿尔丰斯提出自己可以给予他所需的帮助,并加入了他的队伍。

13、Lobelia colorata ─── n. 狭叶山梗菜

14、Lobelia davidii ─── n. 江南山梗菜

15、Lobelia doniana ─── n. 微齿山梗菜

16、lobelia fluidextract ─── 北美山梗菜流浸膏

17、Lobelia cardinalis ─── [医] 红山梗菜

18、Keywords Erding Granules;Viola yedoensis;Taraxacum mongolicum;Isatis indigotica;Lobelia chinesis;TLC; ─── 关键词二丁冲剂;紫花地丁;蒲公英;板兰根;半边莲;TLC;

19、any plant or flower of the genus Lobelia. ─── 半边莲属的植物或花。

20、Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloids ─── 半边莲生物碱

21、a messenger from god . asked alphonse if she could assist him in any way . alphonse said there was , so lobelia joined him. ─── 神的使徒。她向阿尔丰斯提出自己可以给予他所需的帮助,并加入了他的队伍。

22、Chinese Lobelia ─── 半边莲

23、2.North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic. ─── 北美野半边莲,开蓝色小花,以前充入胶囊里作镇痉药。

24、8.North American lobelia having brilliant red flowers. ─── 长有鲜艳红花的北美半边莲。

25、Patterns in Nature: Plants The leaves of a giant lobelia plant, photographed on Mount Kilimanjaro's Shira Plateau in Tanzania, spiral around the center. ─── 意译:植物在自然界的模式。这是巨大的山梗莱属植物,摄影取自坦赞尼亚的克里马扎罗的高原山脉,螺旋形环绕的中心。

26、any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia,having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla ─── 半边莲,一种半边莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色

27、In vitro Rapid Propagation of Lobelia chinensis ─── 半边莲的离体快速繁殖

28、Lobelia sequinii ─── n. 西南山梗菜

29、Compositions of Amino Atids in two Kinds of lobelia Plant from Yunnan ─── 云南产两种半边莲属药用植物氨基酸分析

30、Upon a cellular level, Lobelia assists with proper distribution of blood sugar making sure all cells within the crystalline form are fed. ─── 在一个细胞水平上,南非半边莲分配合适的血糖,保证水晶体中的所有细胞都被滋养。

31、Lobelia Chinensis Lour Alkaloids Inhibit Expression of Endothelin-1 mRNA and Protein in Renal Hypertensive Rats ─── 半边莲生物碱抑制肾性高血压大鼠内皮素1 mRNA和蛋白表达

32、) A.Br.et Ascher. [Lobelia nummularia Lam.; ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Pratia nummularia (Lam.

33、Upon a cellular level, Lobelia assists with proper distribution of blood sugar making sure all cells within the crystalline form are fed. ─── 在一个细胞水平上,南非半边莲分配合适的血糖,保证水晶体中的所有细胞都被滋养。

34、Keywords Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloids;Lobeline;Endothelin;human vascular endothelial cells;atherosclerosis; ─── 半边莲生物碱;山梗菜碱;内皮素;人血管内皮细胞;动脉粥样硬化;

35、Objective: To observe the injury effect of endothelin on human vascular endothelial cells(HVECs) and study the inhibitory role of Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloids (LCLAs) on this effect. ─── 目的:研究半边莲生物碱对内皮素诱导损伤的人血管内皮细胞的保护作用。

36、A poisonous North American plant (Lobelia inflata) having light blue to white flowers and rounded seedpods enclosed by an inflated, persistent calyx. ─── 路单利草:一种产于北美的有毒植物(路单利草半边莲属),开有淡蓝色或白色花朵,以及被充气的坚硬的花萼包围着的圆形心皮

37、Lobelia terminalis ─── n. 顶花半边莲

38、Lobelia zeylanica ─── n. 卵叶半边莲

39、Micropropagation of Lobelia chinensis Lour induced by TDZ ─── TDZ诱导半边莲离体快速繁殖

40、Olive oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax, honey, comfrey root, white oak bark, mullein leaf, black walnut leaf, marshmallow root, wormwood leaf, gravel root, scullcap leaf and lobelia leaf. ─── 注意事项:本品非医用品,无具医疗功效;乃日常生活保健用品。仅限外用。避免接触眼睛。请勿使用于皮肤的伤口。

41、Lobelia heyneana ─── n. 翅茎半边莲

42、Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla. ─── 莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色。

43、Keyword: Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloids; ─── 关 键 词: 半边莲生物碱;

44、Over there is the inn, with its moss-lined baskets of geraniums, lobelia and gypsophila hanging by the door ─── 那边是个客栈,长满苔藓的门口是一簇簇的天竺葵,半边莲和攀缘着的满天星。

45、Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla. ─── 半边莲一种半边莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色

46、Lobelia melliana Wimm. ─── 线萼山梗菜

47、Lobelia syphilitica ─── [医] 蓝山梗菜

48、Sect. Lobelia ─── n. 下髯组

49、Objective: To investigate and compare the effects of paris chinesis Franch total saponin and alkaloid in lobelia chinensis lour on the synthesis and release of endothelin(ET) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase(ecNOS). ─── 目的:探讨蚤休总皂甙与半边莲生物碱对内皮素和内皮型一氧化氮合酶表达的影响,并比较两种制剂的药效差别。

50、Lobelia taliensis ─── n. 大理山梗菜

51、herb of sessile lobelia ─── 山梗菜

52、Lobelia radicans ─── [医] 半边莲

53、Experimental Study of Hepatoma Cells Apoptosis Induced by Lobelia Chinensis Lour. Through Calcium Pathway ─── 半边莲通过钙信号诱导肝癌细胞凋亡的实验研究

54、Subgen. Lobelia ─── n. 类半边莲亚属

55、Influence of Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloids on fibrinolysis system of human vascular endothelial cells treated with endothelin ─── 半边莲生物碱对内皮素诱导损伤的人血管内皮细胞纤溶系统的影响

56、Lobelia pyramidalis ─── n. 塔花山梗菜

57、Tali lobelia herb ─── 紫燕草

58、The methanol extract of Lobelia chinensis Lour. was separated well in the above condition and 11 peaks with good resolution were obtained. ─── 半边莲提取液在此条件下能够得到较好的分离,得到了11个分离效果比较好的色谱峰。

59、Lobelia melliana ─── n. 线萼山梗菜

60、lobelia violet ─── 半边莲紫色

61、Keywords Lobelia chinesis Lour;fingerprint:RP-HPLC; ─── 半边莲;指纹图谱;反相高效液相色谱法;

62、[Lobelia zeylanica L.;Dortmannia succulenta (Bl.) O. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lobelia succulenta BL.

63、Keywords Lobelia chinensis Lour.;fingerprint;HPLC;comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography;mass spectrometer with multimode ionization source; ─── 半边莲;指纹图谱;高效液相色谱;全二维液相色谱;混合离子源模式质谱;

64、Lobelia clavata ─── n. 密毛山梗菜

65、North american wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic. ─── 北美野半边莲,开蓝色小花,以前充入胶囊里作镇痉药。


67、Lobelia erectiuscula ─── n. 直立山梗菜

68、lobelia poultice ─── [医] 北美山梗菜泥罨

69、Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lobelia cardinalis ─── 罗贝力的组织培养和快速繁殖

70、Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Compound of Chinese Lobelia in Treating Acute Bronchitis of Childhood ─── 复方半边莲治疗小儿急性支气管炎疗效观察

71、Over there is the inn, with its moss-lined baskets of geraniums , lobelia and gypsophila hanging by the door. ─── 那边是个客栈,长满苔藓的门口是一簇簇的天竺葵,半边莲和攀缘着的满天星。

72、The leaves of a giant lobelia plant, photographed on Mount Kilimanjaros Shira Plateau in Tanzania, spiral around the center. Photograph by George F. Mobley. ─── 植物在自然界的模式。这些叶片是来自巨大的半边莲属植物。生长在乞立马扎罗山脉,坦桑尼亚国,螺旋形叶片围绕中心。

73、Lobelia cardinalis chlorsis virus ─── 山梗菜退绿病毒

74、Other flowers you could send include basil (hatred) and lobelia (malevolence). ─── 其他可以选用的还有罗勒(仇恨)、半边莲(恶毒)。

75、lobelia alkaloids ─── 半边莲生物碱, 半边莲属碱

76、Lobelia chinensis ─── n. 半边莲

77、Lobelia davidi Franch. ─── 大种半边莲

78、Lobelia inflata ─── [医] 北美山梗菜, 去痰菜

79、North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic ─── 北美野半边莲,开蓝色小花,以前充入胶囊里作镇痉药

80、Lobelia iteophylla ─── n. 柳叶山梗菜

81、A perennial lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) native to central and eastern North America, having an elongate cluster of showy, brilliant red flowers. ─── 红花半边莲:一种北美洲中部和东部的多年生半边莲(红花半边莲半边莲属),有艳丽耀眼的红色细长花簇

82、The leaves of a giant lobelia plant, photographed on Mount Kilimanjaros Shira Plateau in Tanzania, spiral around the center. Photograph by George F. Mobley ─── 意译:植物在自然界的模式。这些叶片是来自巨大的半边莲属植物。生长在乞立马扎罗山脉,坦桑尼亚国,螺旋形叶片围绕中心。此主题相关图片如下:

83、Lobelia hainanensis ─── n. 海南半边莲

84、Keywords Lobelia Chinensis Lour alkaloid;Lobeline;Endothelin;Proliferation;Human umbilical arterial smooth muscle cell; ─── 半边莲生物碱;山梗菜碱;内皮素;增殖;人脐动脉平滑肌细胞;

85、North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic. ─── 北美野半边莲,开蓝色小花,以前充入胶囊里作。

86、Keywords Lobelia chinensis Lour;alkaloid;stomach cancer cells;inhibitory effects; ─── 半边莲;生物碱;胃癌细胞;抑制作用;

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