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08-18 投稿


infirmly 中文意思翻译



infirmly 相似词语短语

1、firmly ─── adv.坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地

2、uniformly ─── adv.一致地

3、inferably ─── 推断

4、deny firmly ─── 坚决否认

5、grip firmly ─── 握紧

6、confirmedly ─── adv.坚定地;根深蒂固地

7、infirmity ─── n.虚弱;疾病;衰弱;缺点

8、infirmary ─── n.医务室;医院;养老院

9、infirm ─── adj.衰弱的;意志薄弱的;不坚固的

infirmly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the status of the right of private ownership of property in the Constitution is more infirm than that of the right of public ownership of property. ─── 但是,私有财产权在我国宪法中仅是一种经济权利、物质权利,相对公有财产权来说,它处于弱势地位,同时该权利的实现缺乏可操作性。

2、He's old and infirm, and his movements are getting slower and slower. ─── 他年迈体衰,举动越来越缓慢。

3、Cramming infirm people into one place creates the ideal breeding ground for disease. ─── 医院挤满了抵抗力减弱的病人,是滋生疾病的温床。

4、Infirm consistency ─── 弱一致性

5、Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill, the young. ─── 在左边那些可怜地挤作一团的人都是年老体弱,疾病缠身和年纪幼小的人。

6、an infirm title to property ─── 不牢靠的产权

7、Not ailing,infirm,or diseased;healthy. ─── 健康的没病的、非体弱的或没得病的;健康的

8、Thus, it appears especially essential to improving the readability of economic news with the purpose of catching the infirm group's attention to gaurantee the position of economic report. ─── 如何增强经济新闻的可读性,以达到吸引“弱势群体”注意力而保证经济报道地位的目的就显得尤为重要。

9、If you should hear of this person being infirm, you will want to be there for that person, of course - keep your schedule open so that you can be there when that person needs you. ─── 如果你听到这样一个亲属不好的的消息,你会很想去她身边探望她。所以,空出你的时间表,在她需要你的时候到达她身边。

10、In rural areas, childless and infirm old people are guaranteed food, clothing, housing, medical care and burial expenses by society and collectives. ─── 对农村无依靠的老年人,由社会和集体对他们实行保吃、保穿、保注保医、保葬。

11、"Madam, I know not of what you speak," answered Hester Prynne, feeling Mistress Hibbins to be of infirm mind; ─── “夫人,我实在不明白你讲的话,”海丝特 - 白兰觉得西宾斯太大有点老糊涂了,就这么回答说;

12、But on the other hand, people also is changed infirmly somewhat to the expectation of the TV program. ─── 但另一方面,人们对电视节目的期待也有所弱化。

13、It is the custom that aged or infirm Striders make a final journey into the Umbra, never to return. ─── 年老或者衰弱的漫游者会根据传统最后一次出发去影界,一去不归。

14、care for the elderly and infirm ─── 对年老体弱者的照顾

15、Distortion Analysis of Outward Staggered Roadway in Firm and Infirm Surrounding Rock ─── 外错式巷道在稳定与非稳定围岩中的变形分析

16、Sad: Although I have dragged back many infirm people,but the fact maybe worse. ─── 哀的是有很多弱势群体我虽然暂时把他们拉了回来,但困难的现实仍然让他们生不如死;

17、Turn resource and environmental pressure infirmly ceaselessly; ─── 不断弱化资源和环境压力;

18、An infirm support. ─── 不坚定的支持

19、Decision-making balance should hold to measurable, orderly, connection, fill to wait for a principle infirmly. ─── 决策平衡要坚持适度、有序、联系、补弱等原则。

20、The burst of traditional and human relation, bring social structure necessarily " fragile change " with social standard " change infirmly " . ─── 传统人际关系的破裂,必然带来社会结构的“脆化”和社会规范的“弱化”。

21、The infirm ability to develop domestic market for NC machine tool is the important reason of lower market occupancy. ─── 市场营销能力不强是国产数控机床市场占有率偏低的一个重要原因。

22、A relation- tie model of infirm network and interorganizational learning ─── 企业网络与组织间学习的关系链模型

23、Keywords layered composite;shear horizontal wave;infirm interface;shear spring model; ─── 复合材料层合板;水平剪切波;弱界面;剪切弹簧模型;

24、An analysis of farmers as an infirm group in a dual society ─── 城乡二元社会结构下农民弱势状况分析

25、Public transport would be on hand to take children the old and the infirm to some 61 sites around the city that have been equipped with toilets and provisioned with food and water. ─── 公共交通工具将用于转移儿童老人和行动不便者。他们将被运往绵阳市周边61个安置点,那里已经配备了卫生间,并提供饮食饮水。

26、A place for the care of the infirm, sick, or injured, especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution. ─── 医院,医务室一个照料老人、病人或伤员的地方,尤指小型医院或诊所

27、Even the Eutopian Council, which had complained about our custom of leaving the old and the infirm out for the hyenas, left us completely alone. ─── 就连一向对我们将老弱驱逐给鬣狗的传统,颇有微词的尤托比亚议会,此时也放任不管了。

28、It rendered this assumption infirm. ─── 它使这个假定基础不稳。

29、The substance that can develop continuously is the harmonious development of PREE, change infirmly namely, remove the negative impact between them and negative effect. ─── 可持续发展的实质是PREE的协调发展,也就是弱化、消除它们之间的消极关系和消极影响。

30、Pure style is changed infirmly further in the in decorating meeting henceforth, healthy nature will become the subject with long constant. ─── 单纯的风格在今后的装修中会进一步弱化,健康自然将成为恒久的主题。

31、It reflected market mechanism effect increase and of traditional system feature change infirmly, more important is, it mirrorred economy to develop the major change of level. ─── 它反映了市场机制作用的增强和传统体制特征的弱化,更重要的是,它反映了经济发展阶段的重大变化。

32、Looking visibly infirm, 82-year-old leng Sary appeared in court today to appeal for his release from pre-trial detention on the grounds of ill-health. ─── 82岁的英萨利看上去身体非常虚弱。他星期一在法庭上以身体有病为由呼吁法庭不要再对他进行审前羁押。

33、The wind of western-worship is blown infirmly gradually, one ancient head the consumptive convention that seeks foreign product has been abandoned by the consumer place of a lot of reason. ─── 崇洋的风渐渐吹得弱了,一古脑儿追求洋产品的消费习惯已经被很多理智的消费者所抛弃。

34、Serious welding spatter,bad formation,infirm self-adjustability of welding arc are the main disadvantages of CO2 gas shield arc welding which limit its further application. ─── CO2气体保护焊存在飞溅大、焊缝成形差、电弧自调性能差等缺点,制约了其推广和应用。

35、Several teams are scrapping for playoff spots with previously or still slightly infirm employees pulling full work shifts. ─── 一些球队正在为季后赛的名单而拼搏,而一些球队则在为联盟第一的位置而奋斗着。

36、Some examples of people who might be granted an absentee ballot are those serving in the armed forces, the infirm, the elderly and citizens living overseas. ─── 可以行使不在籍投票权利的例子如:正在服兵役的人、生病体弱的人、年迈的人和旅居国外的公民。

37、" Since the ancient times, there are a number of "filial piety" example: the Spring and Autumn Period, a well-known disciple of Confucius Lu small, the parents become infirm poor family. ─── 古往今来,就有许多“孝”的例子:春秋时期,孔子有名的弟子子路小的时候,父母体弱多病,家里很穷。

38、"Who else is old and infirm and due to die?" asked Koinnage. ─── “那还有谁又老又弱,差不多该死了?”阔尼纳格问道。

39、In the meantime, the light of the room also has particular demand by force to the curtain infirmly. ─── 同时,房间的光线强弱也对窗帘有一定的要求。

40、Returned somebody to always do not forget Chinese football, ask losingly infirmly " can let Chinese football take a world cup " . ─── 还有人总忘不了中国足球,弱弱地问“能让中国足球进世界杯吗”。

41、The steel that the arc that the coping of the space that wash bath and ground use turned straight line infirmly is hard. ─── 洗浴空间的顶部和地面采用的弧线弱化了直线条的钢硬。

42、He took to biting the rosebuds now, and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled like an infirm old man's ─── 他现在开始咬着玫瑰花苞,又用手把花从牙齿中扯了出来,他的手颤抖着象一个虚弱的老年人的手一样。

43、That is to say, radiative phenomenon has in nature, and exist extensively, it is its only Potassium of phyletic, sex differs character, by force infirmly just. ─── 也就是说,放射现象在自然界从来就有,而且广泛存在,只是其种类、性钾质、强弱不同而已。

44、Meanwhile, domestic price level still is in low move smoothly, the periodic wave motion that economy grows is changed infirmly apparently. ─── 与此同时,国内物价水平仍在低位平稳运行,经济增长的周期波动明显弱化。

45、But we maybe able to help infirm that decision. ─── 但我们可以为那些决定提供一些资讯。

46、infirm of purpose ; give me the daggers - Shakespeare. ─── 优柔寡断;把匕首给我-莎士比亚。

47、Also because of such, our great party gift by become strong infirmly, ceaseless trend is brilliant. ─── 也正因如此,我们伟大的党才能由弱变强,不断走向辉煌。

48、“a poor, infirm, weak, and despis'd old man” (Shakespeare). ─── “一个可怜的、蹒跚的、虚弱的且被人看不起的老人”(莎士比亚)。

49、He was over eighty years of age, infirm and totally blind. ─── 他八十多岁了, 身体虚弱, 双目失明。

50、Be changed infirmly and eliminate structure of n duality of urban and rural economy to should become the basic orientaton of our country macroscopical economic policy. ─── 弱化和消除城乡经济二元结构应成为我国宏观经济政策的基本取向。

51、" He created at his own expense an infant school, a thing then almost unknown in France, and a fund for aiding old and infirm workmen. ─── 他又用自己的钱创设了一所贫儿院,这种措施当时在法国还几乎是创举,他又为年老和残废的工人创办了救济金。

52、Because,be such, agricultural development was lost accumulate necessarily, from lack at the beginning necessary " nutrition " , brought about agriculture " pledge infirmly " . ─── 就是因为如此,农业发展失去了必要的积累,从一开始就缺乏必要的“营养”,导致了农业的“弱质”。

53、He shouldn't commit a theft, shouldn't speak a lie, should touch with thoughts of good will beings firm & infirm. ─── 他不应该偷盗,不应该说谎;他应该仁慈地对待弱者和强者;

54、If you see someone with their lights on, lecture them about wasting energy.Yes, that includes the old and infirm. ─── 5. 当你看到有人在这一时段内点灯,即使是老人,你也可以严厉的批评他们浪费能源.

55、She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house. ─── 她因年老体弱而足不出户。

56、Pure style is changed infirmly further in the in decorating meeting henceforth, healthy nature will become the subject with long constant. ─── 单纯的风格在今后的装修中会进一步弱化,健康自然将成为恒久的主题。

57、The person that D aged body does not suit an operation infirmly. ─── d 年老体弱不适合手术者。

58、infirm allegations of fact ─── 使事实的主张发生动摇

59、old and infirm; senile ─── 年迈力衰

60、In video of Mr.Kim's rare media appearances, he appears gaunt and infirm . ─── 在金正日极少数的媒体露面中,他看上去非常憔悴,虚弱。

61、We will improve the "five guarantee" relief program for childless and infirm people in rural areas and ensure funding for it. ─── 完善农村“五保户”生活保障制度,确保供养资金。

62、Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you, and many sleep. ─── 为此,在你们中有许多有病和软弱的人,死的也不少。

63、He was over eighty years of age,infirm and totally blind. ─── 他80多岁了,身体虚弱,双目失明。

64、Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products. ─── 因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。

65、Sea orchid the Ni was weak to infirmly come a , the vision moves to open in a moment, in case this'crazy dog'misunderstanding. ─── 海兰妮弱弱地来了一句,目光赶快移开,免得这条‘疯狗’误会。

66、She' s old and infirm and has to keep to the house. ─── 她因年老体弱而足不出户.

67、fixed position of cross-stitch is arts and crafts only inside a of folk art branch that loses infirmly. ─── 十字绣的定位只是工艺美术里面民间艺术的一个弱弱的分支。

68、Not ailing, infirm, or diseased; healthy. ─── 健康的没病的、非体弱的或没得病的; 健康的

69、To video website, best cooperative mode, advertisement of nothing is more... than is divided into mode, because this will be on certain level,change copyright to purchase cost infirmly. ─── 对视频网站来说,最好的合作模式,莫过于广告分成模式,因为这将在一定程度上弱化版权购买成本。

70、"Household enjoying the five guarantees(childless and infirm old persons who are guaranteed food, clothing, medical care, housing and Burial expenses)" ─── 五保户

71、As the developing zone that is in the forward position that China opens, the front is facing policy advantage to be changed infirmly. ─── 作为处于中国开放的前沿阵地的开发区,正面临着政策优势弱化。

72、Old and infirm, Henry was hounded from castle to castle, but what finally broke him was the discovery that John had betrayed him and gone over to Richard's side. ─── 年老体弱的亨利真是处处城堡不得安生,但是最后让他心碎的是约翰居然反水到了理查这边。

73、Meanwhile, social the Democratic Party however by become strong infirmly. ─── 与此同时,社会民主党却由弱变强。

74、7.Some people, particularly the elderly and infirm, are being “encouraged” to vacate their family homes by property agents working on behalf of unscrupulous developers. ─── 一些人,尤其是老弱人口在代表肆无忌惮的开发商的利益的房产代理人鼓动下腾空了他们的家。

75、Your main responsibility is attending to the old and the infirm. ─── 你的主要职责是照料老弱人员。

76、The integral technology level of the town enterprise is not high, make the problem that integrated competition ability turns the company infirmly increasingly serious. ─── 乡镇企业的整体技术水平不高,使得企业综合竞争能力弱化的问题日益严重。

77、Ask infirmlyinfirmly wash lavatory fluid to you can use gastric lavage? ─── 弱弱问问洗厕液可以用来洗胃么?

78、"a poor, infirm, weak, and despis'd old man" (Shakespeare). ─── “一个可怜的、蹒跚的、虚弱的且被人看不起的老人” (莎士比亚)。

79、Domestically, except Rossini, Tianwang, Fiyta, everbright, Tianba &Harpo, strength is quite infirm, so that cannot be promoted in a large scale throughout the whole country. ─── 国内除罗西尼、天王、飞亚达、依波、天海霸外,实力都较小,无法大规模在全国进行推广。

80、The furniture design of pure style will be changed infirmly further. ─── 单纯风格的家具设计将进一步弱化。

81、Hunter is infirm of purpose. ─── 亨特为人优柔寡断。

82、Chemical pollution is the kitchen housewives to the old and infirm. ─── 厨房中的化学污染是家庭主妇容易衰老和多病的原因。

83、Zhu Chen is in Shanghai last month, but regretful is, daughter year the young caught disease infirmly, zhu Chen remands her rapidly lukewarm city recuperation. ─── 上个月诸宸一家就在上海,但遗憾的是,女儿年幼体弱染了病,诸宸赶紧把她送回温州调理。

84、a place for the care of the infirm,sick,or injured,especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution ─── 一个照料老人、病人或伤员的地方,尤指小型医院或诊所

85、The article analysed accountant of round field interior to control the account that changes infirmly. ─── 本文分析了团场内部会计控制弱化的原因。

86、From do not have have arrive as a child big from review to strong infirmly dark amount to 20 old development, can divide for two phase. ─── 从无到有从小到大 从弱到强 纵观森达 20多年的发展,可分为两个阶段。

87、Keep your line of sight,normal breath and broad smile can let the employer to feel that you had provision for some infirm questions. ─── 保持视线接触、正常呼吸和明朗的微笑可以让雇主觉得“你对有关弱点的问题有所准备”。

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