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08-18 投稿


tacks 发音

英:[t?ks]  美:[t?ks]

英:  美:

tacks 中文意思翻译



tacks 短语词组

1、tacks lunch menu ─── 大头钉午餐菜单

2、tacks lewis run pa ─── 大头钉刘易斯跑pa

3、tacks definition ─── 图钉定义

4、tacks on crossword ─── 纵横填字游戏

5、get down to brass tacks ─── 讨论重要问题,触及问题实质

6、tacks on ─── 附添;粗缝

7、come down to brass tacks ─── 讨论重要问题,触及问题实质

8、tacks meaning ─── 抓住意义

9、getting down to brass tacks ─── 实质问题

10、brass tacks n. ─── 基本事实, 实质问题

11、tacks on clue ─── 线索上的大头钉

tacks 词性/词形变化,tacks变形

动词过去式: tacked |形容词: tackless |动词现在分词: tacking |动词过去分词: tacked |名词: tacker |动词第三人称单数: tacks |

tacks 相似词语短语

1、lacks ─── n.缺乏,不足;v.缺乏,不足,没有;需要;n.(Lack)(美、德)拉克(人名)

2、Sacks ─── 麻布袋;n.(Sacks)人名;(英、西)萨克斯

3、jacks ─── n.抓子游戏;家伙;小伙子(jack的复数);v.抬起;提醒(jack的三单形式);n.(Jacks)人名;(德)雅克斯;(英、意)杰克斯

4、Backs ─── n.后背,脊背;后卫(back的复数形式);v.后退(back的三单形式);n.(Backs)人名;(德)巴克斯

5、hacks ─── 出租汽车;老马(hack的复数);n.(Hacks)人名;(德)哈克斯

6、dacks ─── n.达克(男子名)

7、tracks ─── n.[铁路]轨道(track的复数);[计]磁道;轮胎

8、stacks ─── n.堆叠;[图情]书库(stack的复数);进程堆栈应用

9、cacks ─── n.小儿用平底靴

tacks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When threats failed, she decided to try/take a different tack. ─── 威胁不成,她便决定变换策略。

2、If you have ever sat on a tack by mistake, you'll know that tacks are very sharp. ─── 如果你曾经不小心坐在一个大头针上面,你就会知道大头针是非常锋利的。

3、"He looks as if he had plenty of determination, " he said, "but when you come down to brass tacks he has no backbone. " ─── “他看起来很果断,”他说,“可是一落实到具体问题,他就没有魄力了。”

4、The plan for the tack was set. ─── Z字形航行计划已经确定。

5、Perhaps Mr Kim has decided it is time to change tack and start talking again. ─── 也许金正日已经决定这是时候改变航行并且开始重新对话。

6、Tack that develops after an ink should have dried or after a heat-drying operation. ─── 中义当印墨应该乾了或已经经过乾燥手续后又产生黏性。

7、This means, to get down to brass tacks, that it could hit Alaska. ─── 这意味着须认真对待的基本事实:它可以打击阿拉斯加。

8、It was like him to come down to brass tacks. ─── 他就是这个脾气,说话单刀直入。

9、Gentlemen, now that we understand the principle of the matter, let's get down to brass tacks. ─── 好了,各位先生,现在既然了解了此事的基本方针,我们就直接了当地讨论吧。

10、Go or cause to go from one tack to another. ─── 从一个航向转到另一个航向。

11、If you can't persuade him, try a new tack. ─── 如果你不能劝服他,那就试试新的方法吧。

12、Then tack all the patterns onto the cambric cloth with sewing thread. ─── 将所有的花样都用缝线固定在胚布上。

13、With the dawning realization of what he had done, he was back on the deflationary tack. ─── 当他依稀察觉到自己的所作所为时,又重新采取了通货紧缩的政策。

14、Gregg Easterbrook of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, says that politicians also need a new tack. ─── 作为布鲁金斯研究院智囊团之一的格雷格易斯特布鲁克表示,政治家们还需要一个新的方针。

15、His brother is sharp as a tack; he got100 on every test. ─── 他弟弟十分聪明伶俐,每次考试都得100分。

16、She thinks I'm going out with Jeremy but she's completely on the wrong tack. ─── 她认为我准备同杰里米外出,但是她的想法完全错了。

17、We have talked about replacing this machine for a long time, but we must now get down to brass tacks and decide what type to buy. ─── 关于更换这台机器,我们已讨论了很长时间。不过我们现在必须讨论实质问题,决定购置哪种类型的机器。

18、Never mind the side-issues; let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. ─── 别管枝节问题,让我们讨论问题的实质,以求得基本的一致。

19、Ships on starboard tack have right of way. ─── 在右舷航向的船有先行权。

20、They decided to tack an amendment to the bill. ─── 他们决定在议案中附加一个修正案。

21、When they have removed all the dirt, they are down to the brass tacks, the copper pieces that hold the boat together. ─── 当他们大扫除的时候,他们要清洁铜带的下面,这些铜带是用来箍紧船体的。

22、Mrs.Stevenson always looks sharp as a tack. ─── 史蒂文森太太穿老总是,整齐入时。

23、With the dawning realisation of what he had done, he was back on the reflationary tack. ─── 当他依稀察觉到自己的所作所为时,又重新采取了通货膨胀的政策。

24、The tack was set for optimal speed. ─── 固定好拉帆绳以取得最高航行速度。

25、He took the wrong tack to get what he wanted. ─── 他采取错误的手段来获得他想得到的东西。

26、His thoughts wandered off on another tack. ─── 他离开了原来的思路。

27、So the council and police have switched tack. ─── 因此委员会和警署开始调整战略。

28、Why not tack the two plans together? ─── 何不把两个计划合并在一起呢?

29、You would better tack down the edge of the carpet . ─── 你最好把地毯的边缘用钉子固定住。

30、Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton takes a new tack in Iowa State. ─── 参议员希拉蕊克林顿在爱荷华州采取新策略。

31、Joe hammer a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 乔用锤子把一只大头钉敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。

32、It was like his brother to come down to “brass tacks. ─── 好象他的兄弟是不肯回头的了。

33、Other drugs take different tacks. ─── 另外一些药物有不同的作用机制。

34、If you're afraid of capsizing, your tacks will be mediocre. ─── 如果您怕翻船,您的大头针将平庸。

35、Tack the kick at my whistle! ─── 听我的哨声踢球!

36、But it is apt that the oversized tack points at the chief executive's door. ─── 不过,这个超大号的大头钉指向这位首席执行官的大门还是挺合适的。

37、Gentlemen, now that we understand the principle of the matter, let's get down to brass tacks. ─── 好了,各位先生,现在既然了解了此事的基本方针,我们就直接了当地讨论吧。

38、let's get down to brass tacks. How much does this computer cost? ─── 咱们就值说了吧,这部电脑要多少钱?

39、Tack the folds down before you sew them firmly into place. ─── 先用大针脚将褶子松松地缀住,然后再将其缝纫到位。

40、In April she was away again on the housing tack, full of confidence. ─── 四月,她又充满信心地谈到住房问题。

41、I couldn't find any tacks, so I had to use tape. ─── 一个图钉也找不到,我只好用带子了。

42、"Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something? ─── "“你不会是像大头钉一样扎人的律师吧?

43、Buying on the dips might make you feel better, just as it feels good to go shopping when a department store tacks up the sale signs. ─── 逢低买进也许能让你感觉好一点,这就像在百货商场打折时购物感觉良好一样。

44、Don't guess, get down to brass tacks. ─── 别乱估计,用铜钉量清楚了。

45、Many schools continue to charge admission, or tack on fees for everything from pencils to exams. ─── 很多学校继续收取学费,或者变相收取从铅笔到考试费用等的各项费用。

46、"Young man, why don't you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time? " said the blacksmith. ─── 年轻人,为什么不亲自尝试一下如何制作鞋钉呢,哪怕只是为了消磨时间?

47、You get down to brass tacks when you say, " it sounds good, but how much does it cost? " ─── 你探究到底的时候会说,“听起来不错,但它到底值多少钱?”

48、Ralph, Jr. unrolls a poster of the Marines and tacks it on the wall of his room. ─── 小拉尔夫打开一张舰队海报贴在自己卧室的墙上。

49、As Prufrock vacillates, so the voice of the Quartets hesitates and changes tone and tack. ─── 就象普鲁弗洛克优柔寡断一样,《四重奏》中的声音也犹豫不定。

50、You'd better just tack down the edge of the carpet, people keep tripping over it. ─── 你最好把地毯边钉住,人们老在上面绊脚。

51、A change of tack, they feel, is necessary to avert a public backlash . ─── 他们感觉到,要避免公众反弹的压力,改变政策方针是必要的。

52、If you cannot persuade him, try a new tack and offer him money. ─── 如果你说服不了他, 那就换一种方法, 给他钱。

53、She usually tacks 20 minits to come to her office. ─── 她到办公室通常要用20分钟。

54、If you can not persuade him, try a new tack. ─── 如果你不能劝服他,那就试试新的方法吧。

55、Henry told Bill to go sit on a tack. ─── 亨利告诉比尔闭嘴走远点。

56、"How funny it seems," he used to say, "even making tacks can bring a fortune. ─── “看起来可真有趣,”他常常会说,“即便是做鞋钉也会带来财富。

57、Tack the sleeves on then sew them up. ─── 先缝上袖子,然后再把他们缝制好。

58、He hammered a tack into the wall and hung the picture from it. ─── 他把一个大头订敲进了墙,并且在上面挂了一幅画。

59、You seem to be sharp as a tack. ─── 你看起来还很硬朗。

60、And it tacks new services onto a bright, cluttered homepage. ─── 而它会将新业务添补到一个艳丽炫目、杂乱无章的主页上。

61、They tack a truck onto the passenger train. ─── 他们在客车屁股上挂一辆敞车。

62、Optimum tack time after printing to reflowing of components is about 26 hours. ─── 印刷完毕后到进入回流炉前放置时间最长为26小时。

63、Cost-plus pricing is easy if the seller can quickly determine costs; then it just tacks on a profit and sells the item at that price. ─── 如果销售者很快地确认成本,那么成本加价法就容易了,将利润加上去,再以此价格销售产品。


65、He thought for a moment, and then tried another tack. ─── 他想了一想,就转过口气来说道:

66、The high winds forced the sailboat to sail a tack. ─── 强风迫使帆船转变了航向。

67、A busy doctor wants ms patients to get down to brass tacks. ─── 忙碌的医生希望病人能直接说出病情。

68、She avoided getting down to Brass tacks. ─── 她回避谈基本问题

69、He hammered a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 他在墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。

70、They were sailing on (a) port/starboard tack(= with the wind coming from the left/right side). ─── 他们正在左/右舷抢风行使。

71、Slide 2-Piece outer shell over insulation snugly and then use fastening tacks on top and bottom to secure shell as shown in fig. 4. ─── 将2件式外壳紧贴着移到,然后在顶部和底部采用紧固钉,使得外壳如图4所示安全可靠。

72、The carpet was fastened to the floor with tacks. ─── 地毯被用大头订固定在地板上。

73、He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。

74、You'd better tack down the edge of the carpet. ─── 你最好把地毯的边缘用钉子固定

75、They tack a truck on to the passenger train. ─── 他们在客车屁股上挂一辆敞车,就算货车。

76、We know very well that master's on a wrong tack, and that she's quite in the dark, and we should let'em know at once. ─── 咱们都很清楚,主人走错路了,她也几乎是蒙在鼓里,咱们应该马上让他们知道。

77、Can you tack (part) in the running race tomorrow? ─── 你能参加明天的跑步比赛吗?

78、Get through a dense crowd in a series of tacks. ─── 东弯西拐地穿过密集的人群。

79、A tack with a smooth, rounded head that can be pressed into place with the thumb. ─── 图钉一种可用拇指揿入某处的有光滑圆形头部的平头钉

80、It was a brave decision to change tack in the middle of the project. ─── 在项目进行过程当中改变方针是个大胆的决定。

81、He had no taste for shame, tack or pretension, and his credo as a professional soldier was unified and concise. ─── 他不喜欢装假、做作,或是八面玲珑,作为职业军人,他的信条是:表里一致,言简意赅。

82、With Iran so obdurate, why the changed tack over Bushehr? ─── 伊朗如此冥顽不灵,何以俄罗斯在布什尔问题上还会改变策略?

83、B: The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir. ─── B:墨水应该在文具部的回形针和图钉旁边,先生。

84、Like the leader in a sailboat race, one must not let the second boat split tacks but cover it to protect one's lead. ─── 就象帆船比赛中的领先者那样,他决不能让第二条船夺路抢先,而必须压住它,以保护自己的领先地位。

85、Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. ─── 别管枝节问题, 让我们讨论问题的实质, 以求得基本一致。

86、He may not say much, but he is as sharp as a tack. ─── 他没有多说话,是因为他很聪明。

87、The distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack. ─── 一段船泊行程帆船在一个抢风直驶中所行的一段航程

88、Bruce: Imagine what I could do with seven. Jack. let's just cut me crap and get down to brass tacks here. ─── 布鲁斯:想象一下我用7天能干什么吧。杰克,咱们别闲扯了,直接说正事吧。

89、He was looking for my office and went to Carlisle Street instead of Carnaby Street, so he was on the wrong tack altogether. ─── 他要找我的办公室,结果他去了卡称列索街,而不是卡纳毕街,因此他完全走错路了。

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