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08-18 投稿


cairn 发音

英:[ke?n]  美:[k?rn]

英:  美:

cairn 中文意思翻译



cairn 网络释义

n. 石冢;堆石界标;石堆纪念碑

cairn 短语词组

1、cairn creek ─── 凯恩溪

2、cairn terrier for sale ─── 出售的凯恩梗

3、cairn terrier puppies ─── 凯恩梗小狗

4、cairn university ─── 凯恩大学

5、col potter cairn rescue ─── 波特·凯恩上校营救

6、cairn dog ─── 凯恩狗

7、cairn terrier ─── 凯恩狗

cairn 词性/词形变化,cairn变形

形容词: cairned |

cairn 相似词语短语

1、caiman ─── n.[脊椎]凯门鳄(等于cayman);(美洲热带所产之)鳄鱼

2、bairn ─── n.(苏格兰)小孩;(苏格兰)幼儿

3、cain ─── n.该隐(亚当之子);凶手;杀兄弟者

4、carn ─── n.堆石标记;肉欲(等于flesh);肉(等于flesh);abbr.肌肽(carnosine)

5、cairned ─── 凯恩德

6、caird ─── n.游民;挑担铜匠;流动铜匠;n.(Caird)人名;(英)凯尔德

7、cairns ─── n.凯恩斯(澳大利亚港口)

8、cairny ─── 凯恩

9、Nairn ─── n.奈恩(英国苏格兰北部旧郡);耐恩(姓氏)

cairn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Affected breeds include the Swedish Lapland Dog, Brittany Spaniel, English Pointer, German Shepherd Dog, Rottweiler, and Cairn Terrier. ─── 见于瑞典拉普杭犬、不列塔尼猎犬、英国指示猎犬、德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬和凯恩梗。

2、Cairn plugged and abandoned both Wells as the summer drilling season ended. ─── 夏季钻探季节结束后,凯恩能源放弃了这两口油井。

3、It provides a direct link between Sha Tin and West Kowloon.It also provides additional road capacity to cope with the increasing traffic in the Lion Rock, Tate's Cairn and Shing Mun Tunnels. ─── 除提供直接通道让车辆往返沙田与西九龙,还可增加道路容车量,以应付狮子山隧道、大老山隧道及城门隧道不断增加的交通量。

4、The Tate's Cairn Tu el may be allowed an average toll rise of24 per cent in January. ─── 政府可能批准大老山隧道明年一月加价,平均加幅达百分之二十四。

5、Kam Ying Road, Sai Sha Road, Ma On Shan Town Centre Bus Terminus, Sai Sha Road, Hang Hong Street, Ma On Shan Road, Tate's Cairn Highway, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, ─── 锦英路,西沙路,马鞍山市中心巴士总站,西沙路,恒康街,马鞍山路,大老山公路,大老山隧道,观塘绕道,鲤鱼门道,东区海底隧道,东区走廊

6、small grayish wire-haired breed of terrier from Australia similar to the cairn ─── 产于澳大利亚类似于狮子狗的灰色硬毛小狗

7、The Tate's Cairn Tunnel was opened to traffic in 1991, providing an additional direct road link between the north-eastern New Territories and Kowloon. ─── 大老山隧道在一九九一年通车,为九龙与新界东北部提供另一条直接连接通道。

8、The modern Chinese educationalist Zheng Xiaocang was expert in Chinese and Western studies, and his cairn and unpretentious poetry reflected the man himself. ─── 摘要郑晓沧是中国近代学贯中西的教育家,他的诗作清和拙朴一如其人。

9、The Comet, the Cairn and the Capsule ─── 彗星、纪念石堆与文物囊

10、Cairn is hiding it from the people of Greenland whose real economy depends on fisheries and a clean environment. ─── 凯恩对格陵兰的人民隐藏了计划书,而后者的实际经济却以渔业和清洁的环境为依托。

11、Tate'S Cairn Highway ─── 大老山公路

12、In the foreground sits a cairn of red-brown volcanic stones, likely built by tourists. Locals usually dismantle the visitors' handiwork though. ─── 前景立着一个棕红色火山石的堆石标,可能是旅游者立的。尽管当地人通常会拆除观光客的手工作品。

13、Tate's Cairn Tunnel Company Limited ─── 大老山隧道有限公司

14、I remember our first meeting, when she was barely a young woman-more a girl, actually- and I saw her on the side of Kelvin's Cairn. ─── 我记得我们第一次相遇,那时她只是一个年轻的女人——实际上更接近一个小女孩——我在凯恩巨锥的边上看见她。

15、A daily average of 86 000 vehicles used the two-kilometre tunnel in 1997. Tolls ranged from $5 to $30. On the Kowloon side,the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel. ─── 1997年内,使用东区海底隧道的车辆平均每日达86000架次,每程收费由5元至30元不等。在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。

16、Siu Lek Yuen Road, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, Hammer Hill Road, Roundabout, Hammer Hill Road, Choi Hung Road, Chung Hung Access Road, Prince Edward Road East, ─── 小沥源路,大老山隧道,斧山道,斧山道迴旋处,斧山道,彩虹道,彩虹邨通道,太子道东,观塘道,开源道,观塘码头通道

17、Lung Poon Street, Tai Hom Road, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Highway, Access Road, Chak Cheung Street, Sui Cheung Street, Science Park Road, ─── 龙蟠街,大磡道,大老山隧道,大老山公路,支路,泽祥街,瑞祥街,科学园路,科技大道西

18、small grayish wire-haired breed of terrier from Australia similar to the cairn. ─── 产于澳大利亚类似于狮子狗的灰色硬毛小狗。

19、On Chee Road, On Cheung Road, Po Heung Bridge, Po Heung Street, Kwong Fuk Road, Tai Po Road (Yuen Chau Tsai), Tolo Highway, Tate's Cairn Highway, ─── 安慈路,安祥路,宝乡桥,宝乡街,广福道,大埔公路元洲仔段,吐露港公路,大老山公路,大老山隧道,斧山道,斧山道迴旋处,斧山道,彩虹道

20、Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel: Great Deals Available Now! ─── 尼亚加拉大瀑布:在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

21、A Cairn terrier called Terry played the role of the dog Toto. ─── 一只叫特里的凯恩梗狗饰演了小狗托托。

22、Science Park Avenue West, Science Park Road, Sui Cheung Street, Access Road, Tate's Cairn Highway, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, Hammer Hill Road, Roundabout, ─── 科技大道西,科学园路,瑞祥街,支路,大老山公路,大老山隧道,斧山道,迴旋处,凤德道,龙蟠街

23、In addition, Shell, British Petroleum Tallo, the United Kingdom Cairn Energy, Scottish and Southern Energy, British Gas has also suffered a 3.32 percent decline between -8.42%. ─── 另外,壳牌、英国塔洛石油、英国凯恩能源、苏格兰和南部能源、英国燃气也遭受了3.32%-8.42%之间的跌幅。

24、Gordon the Church, the Tate's Cairn Tunnel wall complex, monensin also investigate. ─── 登其堂,复壁大隧,莫能诘也。

25、The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement. ─── 天文台设于大老山的天气雷达,能监察香港约500公里范围内的降雨区,和估计雨势及雨区的移动。

26、Cairn says it has found natural gas in thin sandpaper in one of its test wells, indicating the presence of oil. ─── 凯尔恩能源公司说在其钻探的所有试验井中,有一口井的薄沙层内发现了天然气,证明石油资源的确存在。

27、Ocular Melanosis (OM) is a disease of the eye which in dogs is almost found exclusively in the Cairn Terrier. ─── 眼黑变病(OM)是一种犬类中仅见于凯恩梗的眼科疾病。

28、Cairn said pre-placing of some shares was a common practice in India ahead of a float, to help in setting the price. ─── 凯恩能源表示,在印度,公开上市前先行发售部分股票是一种常见做法,它有助于设定公开上市的发行价格。

29、In addition to slightly higher outside Shell, British Gas, British Petroleum and Cairn Energy have varying degrees of decline, but not decrease. ─── 除壳牌微幅收高外,英国燃气、英国石油和凯恩能源都有不同程度的下滑,但是跌幅不大。

30、I have witnessed many wealthy humans venturing to Ten-Towns for holiday, to sail on the cold and deadly waters of Maer Dualdon, or to climb rugged Kelvin's Cairn, a dangerous prospect. ─── 我曾目睹许多富有的人类冒险到十镇度假,在都尔登湖冰冷致命的水域航行,或者攀登险峻的凯恩巨锥,这是多么危险的境界。

31、Britain Cairn Energy rose 12.28 percent, other companies such as Shell, British Petroleum, British Gas and British Petroleum Tallo increase of 5.5 percent over all. ─── 英国凯恩能源上涨12.28%,其他公司如壳牌、英国石油、英国塔洛石油和英国燃气的涨幅都在5.5%以上。

32、He sat stock-upright on the grass, in the lap of the ancient cairn. ─── 他突然直起身子,坐在草地上,坐在这古老的石冢上面。

33、Joshua Cairn: Do you ever feel weird about me? Your weird son? ─── 约书亚·凯安:你从没觉得我很神秘吗?你那神秘的儿子?

34、On a scale of one (cairn) to six (unraftable), this section of the river rates as five-plus, but the advertising proclaimed "No experience necessary". ─── 如果按1级(平静)到6级(不适于筏子)来划分,这段河流可标为5十级,但是广告称“不需要经验”。

35、To open it, one must stand within the circle of cairn stones and touch them in a certain order. ─── 要开启它,必须有一个人站在石冢之中,并以特定的顺序触动它们。

36、CAIRN Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network ─── 先进组织合作研究网络全自动操作系统

37、He looked up at the mountai ide, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cro , the white heat bleaching the rock. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。

38、King's Road, Sau Kei Wan Road, Tai Hong Street, Island Eastern Corridor, Eastern Cross Harbour Tunnel, Lei Yue Mun Road, Kwun Tong By Pass, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, ─── 英皇道,筲箕湾道,太康街,东区走廊,东区海底隧道,鲤鱼门道,观塘绕道,大老山隧道,大老山公路,吐露港公路,大埔公路元洲仔段,南运路

39、The Cross-Harbour Tunnel,the Eastern Harbour Crossing,the Tate's Cairn Tunnel,the Western Harbour Crossing and the Tai Lam Tunnel were built by the private sector under "build,Operate and Transfer" franchises. ─── 海底隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道、西区海底隧道和大榄隧道,均由私营公司按“建造、营运及移交”的专营权合约方式建造。

40、cairn terrier ─── 石冢犬

41、add (a) stone to one's cairn ─── 人死后对他倍加推崇

42、These are feisty, energetic dogs whose sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or West Highland White Terrier, to the grand Airedale Terrier. ─── 这些活泼、精力旺盛的梗类犬,体形从小到大都有,体形较小的有罗福梗、凯安梗及西部高地白梗,体形高大的有万能梗等。

43、On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel. ─── 在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。

44、3.Newgrange is a chambered cairn, a 90 m diameter heap of stone and turf with a ring of 97 kerbstones around the base. ─── 新庄园是一座带有内厅的石冢,一个直径90米、底部环绕着97块镶边石的草石堆。

45、He passed a cairn of stones that once had been a chimney, and a dry well covered with a slab of the tin so rusty it served as more warning than a safeguard. ─── 他经过了一个曾经是烟囱的石冢,以及一口盖着生锈的锡板的枯井,井盖已经绣得与其说是一种防护,不如说是一种警告。

46、These are feisty, energetic dogs whosesizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or WestHighland White Terrier, to the grand Airedale Terrier. ─── 但是,不要被它们小巧的外表所愚弄,许多玩赏犬具有钉子一样的坚强意志。

47、The Cross-Harbour Tunnel, the Eastern Harbour Crossing, the Tate's Cairn Tunnel, the Western Harbour Crossing and the Tai Lam Tunnel were built by the private sector under 'build, Operate and Transfer' franchises. ─── 海底隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道、西区海底隧道和大榄隧道,均由私营公司按“建造、营运及移交”的专营权合约方式建造和经营。

48、Gusts in many places reached 100 km/h, with Tate's Cairn and Green Island recording 158 km/h (85 knots) and 152 km/h (82 knots) respectively. ─── 很多地区亦录到高逾每小时100公里的阵风,例如大老山和青则分别录得阵风达每小时158及152公里(85和82节)。

49、Brad and Abby Cairn (Sam Rockwell and Vera Farmiga) seem to have it all: a happy marriage, a spacious Manhattan apartment, a gifted nine-year-old son and a new arrival on the way. ─── 天生聪颖而早熟的他变得更沉默寡言、行为反常,并渐渐对死亡、魔鬼等神秘事物著迷。

50、Most of the New Grange site is an earth-covered cairn. ─── 新格兰奇的大多数遗迹是被泥土覆盖的石堆。

51、To open it, one must stand within the circle of Cairn Stones and touch them in a certain order.The proper order can be found in the runes written on the bark of the Tree of Inifuss. ─── 您站在石冢中以特定的顺序触动刻有符文的石柱才能开启传送门,石柱的激活顺序您可以在艾尼弗斯之树的树皮上找到。

52、On energy stocks, British Petroleum, Shell, Cairn Energy and British Gas of Britain in decline from 6.1 to 9.3 percent between; ─── 就能源个股方面,英国石油公司、壳牌、英国凯恩能源和英国燃气的跌幅在6.1%至9.3%之间;

53、Tibetan Buddhism becoming popular in Mongolian area not only indicates the end of Mongolian blood sacrificing cairn,but also promotes the mutual acceptance relation of Tibetan and Mongolian cairns. ─── 藏传佛教在蒙古地区的兴起标志“着血祭敖包”的结束,也标志“着敖包”“和玛尼堆”的另外一种相互包容关系的发展。

54、Tolls ranged from$5 to$30. On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel. ─── 年内,使用东区海底隧道的车辆平均每日达86000架次,每程收费由5元至30元不等。在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。

55、Tates Cairn Tunne ─── 大老山隧道

56、Cairn's response was an attempt to silence peaceful protest with a massive lawsuit against Greenpeace International. ─── 凯恩能源的反应,是试图通过对绿色和平国际组织的大规模法律诉讼,让和平抗议噤声。

57、With international crude oil prices, BP, Shell, British Gas and British Cairn Energy shares rose 8.8% to 16%. ─── 随着国际原油期货价格的回升,英国石油公司、壳牌、英国燃气和英国凯恩能源的股价涨幅在8.8%至16%之间。

58、Add a stone to sb.'s cairn ─── 在某人死后对其备加赞扬率先指责别人;挑衅,带头攻击

59、The standard ADO component?TTimer in C++ Builder,the free ADO component?TCairnTimer of Cairn Research Company Ltd. in London and the functions of Windows API are all used to operate and control the calculagraph of computer. ─── C++Builder中的标准控件TTimer以及由英国cairnResearch有限公司出品的自由控件TcairnTimer和WindowsAPI中的计时函数都是用来对计算机计时器进行操作和控制的。

60、Rig 5001 of ZPEB,had drilled two wild cat wells that were located by Cairn Energy PLC on the 15th block of Bangladesh. ─── 中原油田5001钻井队,承钻了英国凯恩能源公司部署在孟加拉国15区块上的两口探井。

61、Due to special request of local government,Cairn Energy PLC performed environmental protection measure in every operating sequence from predrilling engineering to finish drilling. ─── 由于当地政府的特殊要求,甲方从钻前工程到完井的每一道工序,严密的实施了环境保护措施。

62、A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996. ─── 石冢和石碑纪念登山者斯科特.菲舍尔,他1996年死于珠峰。

63、Tate's Cairn Radar Station ─── 大老山雷达站

64、Cairn terrier [United Kingdom] ─── 金安铁利亚[英]

65、A daily average of 86 000 vehicles used the two-kilometre tunnel in 1997. Tolls ranged from $5 to $30. On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel. ─── 年内,使用东区海底隧道的车辆平均每日达86000架次,每程收费由5元至30元不等。 在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。

66、Months after the death of the great hound, Llywelyn, still beside himself with grief and filled with remorse, buried Gelert in a meadow nearby and marks the grave with a cairn of stones. ─── 在猎犬死后利威林一直陷入深深的悲痛和内疚之中。他在附近的草地安葬了爱犬杰里特,用一堆石头作为坟墓的标记。

67、The Cross-Harbour Tunnel, the Eastern Harbour Crossing, the Tate's Cairn Tunnel and the Western Harbour Crossing were built by the private sector under 'Build, Operate and Transfer' franchises. ─── 海底隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道和西区海底隧道,均由私营公司按"建造、营运及移交"的专营权合约方式建造。

68、add a stone to someone's cairn ─── 在某人死后对之备加推崇

69、Journeys may be diverted via Tate's Carin Highway, Siu Lek Yuen Road, and Tate's Cairn Highway depending on traffic condition. ─── 巴士路线可能因应交通情况而经大老山公路、小沥源道,再经大老山公路。

70、Filled with remorse, he buries Gelert in a meadow nearby and marks the grave with a cairn of stones, though he could still hear its dying cries. ─── 充满悔恨的利威林在附近的草地安葬了爱犬杰里特并用一堆石头作为坟墓的标记。尽管他仍能听见他临死前的悲嗥。













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