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09-08 投稿


depravation 发音

英:[?depr??ve???n]  美:[?depr??ve???n]

英:  美:

depravation 中文意思翻译



depravation 短语词组

1、depravation deprivation ─── 堕落剥夺

2、depravation definition ─── 堕落定义

depravation 相似词语短语

1、depreciation ─── n.折旧;贬值

2、aggravation ─── n.加剧;激怒;更恶化

3、deprecation ─── n.祈免;贬低;反对

4、deprivational ─── 剥夺的

5、derivation ─── n.起源;推导;词源,派生词;导数

6、depredation ─── n.掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹

7、depredations ─── n.掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹

8、deprivation ─── n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困

9、deprivations ─── n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困

depravation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper try to set about the background of Irish Famine, to analyse the depravation of Famine and the cause of this crucial tragedy. ─── 本文试图从爱尔兰饥荒爆发的背景入手,浅析浅析饥荒恶化并造成重大灾难的理由,揭示其对爱尔兰人和世界其他国家产生的影响。

2、They shamble, unused to walking on two legs, and find the human's mild sensory depravation unnerving. ─── 他们摇摇晃晃,不习惯用两条腿走路,并且觉得人类温和的感观会使他们失常堕落。

3、The paper includes that investigation and prevention of environmental geologic disaster and environmental depravation of Wuhan City should be considered as an important and lo... ─── 从而认为应把研究和防治武汉城市环境地质灾害及环境恶化作为一项重要的、长期的工作来开展,并纳入城市总体规划和管理的大系统之中.

4、Economists interviewed by the media agency think that the foreground of American job market is gloomy and goes to depravation. ─── 新闻机构采访的经济学家认为美国的就业市场前景黯淡,越来越恶化。

5、Last depravation. ─── 上的恶化。

6、With the depravation of geology condition in colliery, the roadway distortion with small protection pillar increases distinctly and it is hard to meet production need. ─── 但随着煤矿地质条件的不断恶化,采用小煤柱护巷技术的巷道变形量明显加大,难以满足生产要求。

7、We can admit the intractability of depravation, and still strive for dignity. ─── 我们可以认为,腐化难以消除,但我们仍积极要求获得尊严。

8、If not hurriedly medical treatment, condition will depravation. ─── 如果不赶紧医治,病情将会恶化。”

9、Metamorphosis, when depravation becomes a habit, an angel will turn into a devil demon. ─── 意思是:脱变,当堕落成为一种习惯,天使也会变成魔鬼!

10、Make to break the law crime phenomenon severity, social public order depravation, violence crime of the amount keep on ascension. ─── 使得违法犯罪现象严重、社会治安恶化,暴力犯罪的数量持续上升。

11、The finance crisis of the business enterprise from rise to the depravation usually has experienced a process advancing gradually, accumulating, and changing generally. ─── 企业的财务危机由萌生到恶化,通常都经历了一个渐进、积累、转化的过程。

12、The nosegay for lover to dreams appointment fallen off, relating to depravation. ─── 恋人梦见约会时花束掉落,关系恶化。

13、Along with the rapid developing of economy, the problems of water resources missing and water environment depravation are increasingly outstangding. ─── 随着经济社会的快速发展,水资源短缺、水环境恶化等问题日益突出,可开发利用的水资源越来越少。

14、Let love become the ultimate arbitration, and make all options, no matter depravation or rise up, be tested by it. ─── 让爱成为最终的裁判者吧,让它去检验所有的选择,是沉沦还是奋起。

15、Along with industrialization boosting and urbanization accelerating, more and more pressure for human being due to the shortage of resource and depravation of environment. ─── 随着工业化不断推进,城市化步伐加快,资源供需矛盾和环境压力将越来越大。

16、This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urbanization,and puts forward prevention method. ─── 文章分析城镇化进程中水环境恶化的原因,并提出防治对策。

17、In addition, corruption damages the social equity and justice, causing the depravation of the social values. ─── 此外,腐败还损害社会的公平与正义,从而最终导致社会风气的恶化。

18、With the environmental depravation of Tongchuan, the Developing Model of Tongchuan New-district (TN) has been a focus that people pay attention to. ─── 铜川市生态环境的严重恶化,使铜川新区的城市发展模式成为人们关注的焦点。

19、Deep in the bottom of our hearts, ideal of the youth is up and down;depravation and passion are in length and breadth, while desperation and hope are under violent fight. ─── 青春的理想在内心深处跌落又升腾,颓废与激情纵横交错,绝望与希望彼此厮杀。

20、In addition, corruption damages the social equity and justice, causing the depravation of the social values. ─── 此外,腐败还损害社会的公平与正义,从而最终导致社会风气的恶化。

21、Nursing for intervention of depravation of 0 grade diabetic foot with herbal medicine immersion ─── 中药浸泡干预0级糖尿病足恶化的护理

22、With the increasingly prominence of the resource shortage and environment depravation, the continuable development has become a strategy of many nations. ─── 随着资源短缺和环境恶化等问题的日益突出,可持续发展已成为许多国家的发展战略。

23、The development of environmental moral and the depravation of global environment provide proper moral conditions and urgent requirements for the punishment of criminal environment infraction. ─── 摘要环境伦理的发展和地球环境的恶化,为环境刑事违法的惩治提供了坚实的道德基础,提出了迫切的现实诉求。

24、A Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between the Environment Depravation and the Dwindling in the Aibi Lake Area ─── 艾比湖湖面萎缩与流域生态环境恶化之间的关系

25、gestures tell about easiness;gestures tell about laziness;gestures tell about depravation;gestures tell about fantasies, gestures tell about love etc. ─── 姿态表现着欢乐,姿态表现着轻松,姿态表现着慵懒,姿态表现着幻想,姿态表现着爱恋,等等。

26、In the process of maintenance contradiction solving, the depravation of other the parameters is dissolved when maintenance was improved, or the depravation of maintenance is dissolved when o... ─── 维修性冲突解决过程中,可将维修性作为改善一方解决其他工程参数恶化,或将其他工程参数作为改善一方解决产品维修性恶化问题。并以法兰螺栓连接维修性设计为例给予说明。

27、Planned works for Hella Chihuahuas include-visual depravation tanks and sculptures that breathe. ─── 嘿啦嗤哇哇的参展作品将包括反视觉的柜子和会呼吸的雕塑。

28、This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urhanization, and puts forward prevention method. ─── 摘要文章分析城镇化进程中水环境恶化的原因,并提出防治对策。

29、Metamorphosis, when depravation becomes a habit, an angel will turn into a devil / demon. ─── 引:(;蜕变,当堕落成为一种习惯,兲使也会成为魔鬼!

30、Childhood was nothing but depravation and humiliation. ─── 堕落与羞辱充塞著他的童年。

31、The analysis indicated that the water depravation in China tended to be mostly controlled in the past ten years. ─── 分析表明我国陆地地面水环境近十年来呈现由恶化到基本控制的变化态势;

32、No aggravation or depravation was found during the therapy. ─── 总有效率89%.全部病例在治疗期间无加重或恶化;

33、Soil erosions and the ecological environment depravation in agro-pastoral zigzag zone and its cause--A case study on the Siziwang Qi Southeast of Inner Mongolia ─── 农牧交错带水土流失与生态环境恶化及成因--以内蒙古四子王旗东南部为例

34、Keywords water resource;entironment;Environment depravation;Aibi Lake; ─── 水资源;生态环境;环境恶化;艾比湖;

35、This kind of value, which pursues merchandise unilaterally, caused problems such as the pollution of the environment, the ecosystem depravation and the shortage of resources inevitably. ─── 这种对商品片面追求的价值观,不可避免地导致了环境污染、生态恶化和资源短缺等问题。

36、The dwindling of the Aibi Lake causes the environment depravation. ─── 艾比湖湖面不断萎缩,流域生态环境问题十分严峻。

37、I think such change is always companied by some desolation and depravation, and I sincerely hope "she" will still be a bleak but beautiful fairy tale in everybody's heart! ─── 我想,这转身总该带着些许的忧伤与颓废,也由衷地希望在大家心中的‘她’还是一部凄美的童话。”

38、5:The natural environment of[with] animal growth always in the depravation. ─── 5:动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化。

39、They shamble, unused to walking on two legs, and find the human's mild sensory depravation unnerving. ─── 他们摇摇晃晃,不习惯用两条腿走路,并且觉得人类温和的感观会使他们失常堕落。

40、Abstract: The depravation of environment and the increasing pressure of working and living during the last decades make people try to find a way to close the nature and relax themselves. ─── 摘 要 随着环境的恶化,人们生活工作节奏和压力的增加,农业旅游作为一种新兴的旅游得到了人们的关注并在近几年蓬勃的发展起来。

41、But at the same time plantation decreasing, resource shortage and environment depravation also emerge increasing in the progress of ocean space exploitation. ─── 但耕地减少、资源短缺、环境恶化这三大危机在人类开辟海洋空间过程中也日益显现。

42、This left the Caucasus unprotected, and the Caucasian and Persian civilians starving after years of war and depravation. ─── 这留下了不受保护的高加索山脉。在战争和堕落后数年,高加索和波斯平民在忍饥挨饿。

43、Stone desertion is one of the most serious crises among the environmental problems in the world,and it also becomes the zoology symbol of the environmental depravation. ─── 土地石漠化是环境恶化的生态标志,亦是国土资源开发整治的重要内容。

44、The nosegay for lover to dreams appointment fallen off, relating to depravation. ─── 恋人梦见约会时花束掉落,关系恶化。

45、Caused the depravation of the realistic social ecosystem directly to the cover up of history; ─── 对历史的掩盖,直接导致了现实社会生态的恶化;

46、He carried out the caesarian operation but it was too late to save the baby from brain damage due to oxygen depravation. ─── 林陈立医生帮妇人进行剖腹生产,但是遗憾的是小婴儿脑部缺氧,变成脑性麻痹。

47、During this period, the destruction of the vegetation in Wenyu drainage area leads to the ecology environment depravation of the area. ─── 这一历史时期,文峪河上游植被的破坏,直接导致了流域生态环境恶化。

48、As the main source of environmental depravation, manufacturing has been attached great importance on its environment management to improve environment management to reduce the impact on environment. ─── 制造企业作为环境恶化的主要来源,受到社会各界的重视,要求其提高环境管理水平,减少对环境的影响。

49、We also use information economics to demonstrate the cause and manner of cluster brand depravation. ─── 再运用信息经济学,对集群区域品牌出现劣化的原因及方式进行了论证;

50、Elementary discussion on causes and prevention and cure measures for ecologic depravation in western area ─── 浅谈西部生态恶化原因及防治措施

51、When you come across depravation, they would sit down with you chatting and communicating, who would never scold you. ─── 当你心情闷生活颓废时,她可以会跟你坐下来聊聊天,相互沟通,从不会有务何的指责。

52、Work banished three devils: bored、depravation、 poverty. ─── 1 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他不能从事他从事的工作。anybody who in haste can't affort his own work. 2 工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

53、This article discusses global depravation trend of ecological environment, expounds significance and necessity of actualizing great ecological strategy. ─── 本文从目前全球生态环境恶化趋势状况出发,阐述了实施大生态战略的重要意义,论述了实施大生态战略的重要性和紧迫性。

54、This left the Caucasus unprotected, and the Caucasian and Persian civilians starving after years of war and depravation. ─── 这留下了不受保护的高加索山脉。在战争和堕落后数年,高加索和波斯平民在忍饥挨饿。

55、The acceleration of urbanization causes depravation of residential conditions, which reminds people that in the developing process the social subject, human, must be paid attention to. ─── 城市化的加速导致人居环境恶化,这提醒人们在发展社会的同时更应关注社会的主体“人”。

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