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09-08 投稿



foxy 发音

英:[?fɑ?ksi]  美:[?f?ksi]

英:  美:

foxy 中文意思翻译



foxy 网络释义

adj. 狡猾的;赤褐色的;如狐的

foxy 短语词组

1、demented foxy ─── 精神错乱的狐狸

2、funny foxy ─── 有趣的狐狸

3、ft foxy ─── 狐狸精

4、unwithered foxy ─── 松软的狐狸

5、foxy plush ─── 狐狸毛绒

6、ignited foxy ─── 被点燃的狐狸

7、horrible dream foxy ─── 可怕的梦狐狸

8、foxy piggy ─── 狐狸小猪

9、old foxy ─── 老狐狸

10、foxy x mangle ─── 狐狸x失踪了

11、foxy costume ─── 狐狸精服装

12、foxy song ─── 狡猾的歌

13、withered foxy ─── 枯萎的狐狸

14、mangle x foxy %1 ─── 似乎不是有效的URL。

foxy 词性/词形变化,foxy变形


foxy 相似词语短语

1、poxy ─── adj.毫无价值的;鸡毛蒜皮的;无用的;令人讨厌的;有梅毒的

2、boxy ─── adj.四四方方的;矮胖的

3、fogy ─── n.顽固守旧者;赶不上时代的人(等于fogey)

4、fozy ─── adj.肥胖的;(蔬果等)过熟的;愚笨的

5、coxy ─── adj.骄傲的

6、fox ─── n.狐狸;狡猾的人;狐皮;狐狸精,性感的女子;v.使猜不透;欺骗,使迷惑;耍狡猾手段;n.(Fox)(英、美、德、丹、爱)福克斯(人名)

7、foy ─── n.饯行宴会;临别赠品;n.(Foy)人名;(西、巴基)福伊;(法)富瓦

8、doxy ─── n.情妇,淫妇;宗教教义

9、epoxy ─── n.环氧树脂;adj.环氧的,环氧树脂的;v.用环氧树脂胶合

foxy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails ─── 大眼睛树栖的原猴,脸象狐狸脸,尾巴长而有毛

2、What technical references are available in support of the FOXY Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensors? ─── 什么技术参考支持foxy光纤氧气传感器?

3、For more information on any of these FOXY probes, see the Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensor Manual. ─── 为获取关于foxy探测器的更多信息,见光纤氧传感器手册。

4、Providence's Foxy Lady held a job fair, seeking to fill about 35 positions for dancers, masseuse s, bartender s and bouncer s. ─── 省*夫人举办了一个工作集市,冀望能填补35个职位空缺,其中包括舞者、女按摩师、酒保以及保安。

5、FOXY: All I saw of her was CPU play. She fights with a European style rapier sword. ─── 我看到的都是电脑用的。她像一个欧洲的快剑手。

6、The oval equine faces.Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. lantern jaws ─── 一张张椭圆形马脸的坦普尔、勃克·穆利根、狐狸坎贝尔、长下巴颏儿。

7、Foxy tunes and video down loader are really good ones. ─── 狡音乐和视频下跌装载机是很好的。

8、The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a slightly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers. ─── 挪威梗,勇敢而矮小壮实,灵敏的小耳朵竖着,表情略带狡猾,是最小的工作梗之一。

9、Wow, don't you think she's foxy? ─── 哇,你不认为她很妩媚动人吗?

10、The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting. ─── 老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。

11、“What's the matter?” asked Foxy Loxy.“The sky is falling!”they all replied together.“We have to do something!”“Don't worry. ─── 火鸡大叔鲁克、鹅婶婶路茜、小鸭多多、小母鸡妮妮和小鸡点点跟着狐狸洛克斯进入他的家,到后台。

12、2.We can apply silicone overcoats to FOXY Probes to improve chemical resistance, exclude ambient light and eliminate refractive index effects. ─── 我们在FOXY探测器上使用硅橡胶保护涂层以改进抗化学性,排斥周围光线和消除折射率影响。

13、FOXY Sensors are designed for use with our modular components. You select these items to create complete systems. All system components are priced separately. ─── foxy传感器采用模块化设计。你选择相应的模块构建完整的系统。所有系统构件分别收费。

14、He's a very foxy singer and dancer. ─── 他是个魅力十足的歌手和舞者。

15、Crocidura foxi ─── n. 福克西麝鼩

16、The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a slightly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers . ─── 挪威梗,勇敢而矮小壮实,灵敏的小耳朵竖着,表情略带狡猾,是最小的工作梗之一。

17、Our FOXY probes range in thickness from sub-microns to a few microns. ─── foxy探测厚度从亚微细粒到几个微米。

18、His father's name was Herbert. His mother's name was Etta Janet, but she called herself Foxy. ─── 他父亲名叫赫伯特,他母亲名叫埃塔珍妮,但她自称“狐狸”。

19、He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face. ─── 他想到许·巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。

20、The temperature response of FOXY Sensors can be determined by the user, or can be supplied by a factory calibration( FOXY-CAL, at$199). ─── 使用者可决定foxy传感器的温度响应,或可由制造商校准((OXY-CAL,$99)定。

21、Foxy is full of charming kingdom. ─── 胡里是充满魅力的王国。

22、Jeff: No way! When someone says you are foxy, it means that they find you attractive. ─── 杰夫:不是!当有人说你像狐狸,是说你非常吸引人的意思。

23、Athesmia foxi ─── 福氏侧黄吸虫

24、foxy batch ─── 凡乐登红染槽

25、Be careful!She is a foxy girl ,don't be tricked by her. ─── 她是个狡猾的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

26、you should notice the date, 2002-8-27 23:45:00 BTW, you are more like foxy.... ─── 以下是引用哭金在2003-1-1413:14:00的发言:坛丫还在这开了个铺子呢,真是狡猾狡猾的

27、And I know she's not that foxy ─── 我知道她不是那么狡猾

28、What material is used for the FOXY Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensor probe coating and what is its thickness? ─── FOXY光纤氧气传感器探测涂层使用什么材料及其厚度?

29、Be carefull that she is a foxy girl,don't be beclouded by her blandishments letting her succeed. ─── 她是个的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

30、FOXY : All I saw of her was CPU play . She fights with a European style rapier sword . ─── 我看到的都是电脑用的。她像一个欧洲的快剑手。

31、Too bad that foxy groupie I picked up before the show stormed out of here. I was so looking forward to some real kinky action. ─── 我的学徒终于学会了主唱技能,因此现在我的技能也有了些许的增长。

32、Foxy wily ─── 诡计多端

33、Put your finger in Foxy's hole, Foxy's not at home; Foxy's at the back door Picking at a bone. ─── 指头放进狐狸窝,狐狸不在他的窝;他在后门地上坐,捧着骨头用嘴嘬。

34、So they ran with all their might, until they met Foxy Loxy. ─── 所以他们五个就死命地跑,直到他们遇到。

35、The parvenu was much too foxy to let slip even a hint of his working-class Background ─── 暴发户十分狡猾,他决不暴露自己是工人出身这一事实

36、cunning men often pass for wise;deep political machinations;a foxy scheme;a slick evasive answer;sly as a fox;tricky Dick;a wily old attorney. ─── 狡猾的人经常被看作是聪明人;老谋深算的政治诡计;狡诈的计划;狡诈回避的回答;狡猾得像只狐狸;狡猾的迪克;狡猾的老讼棍。

37、foxy crust ─── 赤褐色外皮

38、Put your finger in Foxy's hole, Foxy's not at home; Foxy's at the back doorPicking at a bone. ─── 指头放进狐狸窝,狐狸不在它的窝;它在后门地上坐,捧着骨头用嘴嘬。

39、large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails. ─── 大眼睛树栖的原猴,脸象狐狸脸,尾巴长而有毛。

40、Can I use a FOXY probe to measure the headspace in packaged products? ─── 我能使用FOXY探测器测量包覆产品的顶部空间吗?

41、Though the low temperature limit has not been tested, we can reasonably deduce that the FOXY Sensor operates successfully well below the freezing point of water. ─── 虽然低温限制未进行测量,我们能适当地推定FOXY传感器在低于水的凝固点的温度下运行也良好。

42、The Xiong Foxi Building was originally the college's performance building, built in 1903. Since then, countless master pieces have been played or taught here. ─── 熊佛西楼的前身是上海戏剧学院的演出科楼,建造于1903年。1903年以来,不知有多少大师的经典剧目在这里被传授与演绎。

43、Hot, dish(y), foxy, charming, sexy, busty, graceful, etc. ─── 看来形容美女的词还真不少。

44、Mrs. Fox: Oh, why did you have to get us into this, Foxy? ─── 狐太太:噢,阿狸,为什么你要让我们落入如此境地?。

45、The foxy Nixon had once again confounded his opponents ─── 像狐狸一样狡猾的尼克松又一次使他的对手不知所措。

46、Then we have foxy woxy.Now that the hunt is not allowed to (legally) kill them, everyone’s chicken run is full of nothing but feathers and feet.Mine looks like a voodoo preacher’s wet dream. ─── 还有狡猾的狐狸,如今,法律已经禁止捕杀它们,所有人的鸡除了羽毛和脚什么都不剩,我的则看上去像个巫毒牧师的梦遗。

47、FOXY-CAL (optional) Calibration option for FOXY systems configured with temperature-compensation accessories; users must specify the temperature and the concentration range for their applications. ─── 配置温度补偿附件的用于FOXY系统的校准选项;使用者必须指明他们使用的温度和浓度范围。

48、He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face ─── 他想到许?巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。

49、At my sister's house this afternoon we were helping her teenaged daughters get ready for their Victorian London party: one a foxy chimney sweep, the other a street urchin. ─── 今天下午在我姐姐的房子里,我们帮着她那两个十几岁的女儿为维多利亚风格伦敦(化妆)派对做好准备:一个(的目标风格)是妩媚的烟囱清洁工,另一个则是街头顽童。

50、He is a foxy fox. ─── 他是只狡猾的老狐狸。

51、- She said Jack was very foxy. ─── 她说杰克非常狡猾。

52、She was Foxy for a while. Then Julie Jordan, a name she took from the movie "Carousel. " ─── 一会儿叫福克西,一会儿叫朱丽叶-乔丹,这个名字是从电影《旋转木马》而来。

53、His father's name was Herbert. His mother's name was Etta Janet, but she called herself Foxy. ─── 他父亲名叫赫伯特,他母亲名叫埃塔珍妮,但她自称“狐狸”。

54、8.All FOXY Probes are available with an optional silicone overcoat -- at no charge -- that excludes ambient light, offers additional chemical resistance and eliminates refractive index effects. ─── 所有的FOXY探测器都可使用可选择的硅橡胶保护涂层-免费-排斥周围光线,提供额外的抗化学性和消除折射影响。

55、He was a foxy old trader ─── 他是个老奸商。

56、Optional coatings of silicone (both standard and medical-grade) can be applied to FOXY Probes to exclude ambient light, improve chemical resistance and eliminate refractive index effects. ─── FOXY探测器应用可选择的硅橡胶保护涂层(标准和医学等级)来排斥周围光线,改进抗化学性和消除折射率影响。

57、A foxy scheme. ─── 一个狡猾的阴谋

58、The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting. ─── 老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。

59、7.Can I use a FOXY probe to measure the headspace in packaged products? ─── 我能使用FOXY探测器测量包覆产品的顶部空间吗?

60、Foxy Cisticola ─── n. 狐色扇尾莺

61、HEAD: Head foxy in shape and appearance, with alert, intelligent expression, skull fairly wide and flat between ears, moderate amount of stop. ─── 头部:形状外观如狐,表情机警、明,头骨较宽且两耳间平坦,额段深度适中。

62、7.For more information on any of these FOXY probes, see the Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensor Manual. ─── OXY光纤氧气传感器是将分光计与化学结合的传感器,用于溶解氧和气态氧压力的全程光谱分析。

63、Foxy American grapes. ─── 散发着芳香的美国葡萄

64、Then Foxy Davis had seemed a debonair remotely superior, and glamorous personage ─── 当时的“狐狸”戴维斯还是个无忧无虑、稍带矜持、风流潇洒的人物。

65、The parvenu was much too foxy to let slip even a hint of his working - class background. ─── 暴发户十分狡猾,他决不暴露自己是工人出身这一事实。

66、"Well delivered, foxy," Slote all but sneered ─── “说得有理,‘狐狸’,”斯鲁特挖苦说。

67、There was not only a foxy flavour in proof of it, there was smoke coming out of the broken pail that served as a chimney. ─── 那里不仅有一股狐骚味证明了这一切,而且那个由一个破桶充当的烟囱正在冒着烟。

68、FOXY-CAL Probe calibration service available to buyers of FOXY systems having temperature-compensation accessories; ─── 配置温度补偿附件的用于FOXY系统的校准选项;

69、There was a faint smile on his face, a foxy smile. ─── 他脸上露出点狡猾的笑意。

70、humor, talent, love, and extraordinarily foxy great example, made this book rock. ─── 关爱以及绝妙的例子,造成了这本书的轰动。

71、a foxy scheme.See Synonyms at sly ─── 一个狡猾的阴谋参见

72、HEAD : Head foxy in shape and appearance, with alert, intelligent expression, skull fairly wide and flat between ears, moderate amount of stop. ─── 头部:形状外观如狐,表情机警、聪明,头骨较宽且两耳间平坦,额段深度适中。

73、Foxy Woxy, the sky is falling. We're going to tell the King. ─── 狐狸瓦希,天要塌下了,我们要去告诉国王。

74、I soon discerned that the foxy dealer was lying. ─── 我很快看出那个狡猾的商人在说谎。

75、The FOXY Sensor system will change the way you work. ─── foxy传感器系统将改变你的工作方式。

76、Optional coatings of silicone( both standard and medical-grade) can be applied to FOXY Probes to exclude ambient light, improve chemical resistance and eliminate refractive index effects. ─── foxy探测器应用可选择的硅橡胶保护涂层(准和医学等级)排斥周围光线,改进抗化学性和消除折射率影响。

77、In 2002 she appeared as Foxy Cleopatra in Austin Powers in Gold member. ─── 2002年,她在电影《王牌大贱谍》中扮演福克西·克莱奥帕特拉一角。

78、Abstract The aim of this essay is to establish whether or not the word foxy can serve to illustrate gender differences and gender stereotypes in English. ─── 本研究采用质性研究,以深度访谈、观察法以及文件分析的方式蒐集相关资料。本研究探讨排湾族妇女之性别观,最后再以主流社会之女性主义与之做对话,并比较其差异。

79、head shorter and wider than any other terrier and well furnished with hair giving a general foxy expression. ─── 头部比其他梗类犬短且宽,长有浓密的毛发,使表情显得狡猾。

80、FOXY-CAL Probe calibration service available to buyers of FOXY systems having temperature-compensation accessories; users must specify the temperature and the concentration range of their applications. ─── 对购买带温度补偿附件的买家的探测器校准服务;使用者必须指明他们使用的温度和浓度范围。

81、Jumping Jack Flash” x “Foxy Lady” these two are responsible for many different winners at all levels of competition. They are grandparents to 1st Open NIPA 12,229 birds in the year 2006. ─── “闪光杰克”和“狡猾女士”,他们两个和每个级别比赛得很多不同获奖者都有关系。他们也是今年NIPA公开赛,12229羽冠军鸽得祖父祖母。

82、There was not only a foxy flavour in proof of it, there was smoke coming out of the broken pail that served as a chimney. ─── 那里不仅有一股狐骚味证明了这一切,而且那个由一个破桶充当的烟囱正在冒着烟。

83、pages of book that had become foxy ─── 变了色的书页

84、He had wary, foxy eyes. ─── 他有警戒、狡诈的眼神。

85、Augusta (Sicily), Bagnoli, Bari, Brindisi, Gela, Genoa, La Spezia, Livorno, Milazzo, Naples, Porto Foxi, Porto Torres (Sardinia), Salerno, Savona, Taranto, Trieste, Venice (2001 ─── 主要港口有热那亚、那不勒斯、威尼斯、的里雅斯特、塔兰托、里窝那、锡拉库扎等。

86、1.cunning men often pass for wise; deep political machinations; a foxy scheme; a slick evasive answer; sly as a fox; tricky Dick; a wily old attorney. ─── 狡猾的人经常被看作是聪明人;老谋深算的政治诡计;狡诈的计划;狡诈回避的回答;狡猾得像只狐狸;狡猾的迪克;狡猾的老讼棍。

87、Xiong Foxi Building is now the administration building of Shanghai Theater Academy. ─── 如今,熊佛西楼已成为上海戏剧学院的行政楼。



在一篇英语阅读中曾出现过“foxyladies”这一乐队名称,原文是:“And my favorite rock band,the “Foxy Ladies" is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.”翻译为:并且我喜爱的摇滚乐队,“性感的女士们”是世界上一个最著名的摇滚乐队。

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