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09-15 投稿


burnisher 发音

英:[?b??n???]  美:[?b?rn???r]

英:  美:

burnisher 中文意思翻译



burnisher 词性/词形变化,burnisher变形


burnisher 短语词组

1、burnisher rod ─── 抛光棒

2、burnisher define ─── 抛光器定义

3、burnisher file ─── 抛光器文件

4、burnisher 1500 ─── 抛光机1500

5、burnisher ball ─── 抛光球

burnisher 相似词语短语

1、furnisher ─── n.家具商;供给者

2、burnishes ─── vt.擦亮;使…光亮;将…打磨光亮;n.光泽;抛光;闪闪发光;vi.磨光发亮

3、furnished ─── adj.家具,有家具的;v.供应;装备(furnish的过去分词)

4、furbisher ─── furbisher公司

5、banisher ─── 放逐器

6、burnish ─── vt.擦亮;使…光亮;将…打磨光亮;n.光泽;抛光;闪闪发光;vi.磨光发亮

7、furnishes ─── vt.提供;供应;装备

8、burnished ─── adj.铮亮的;光洁的;v.擦亮;磨光(burnish的过去式和过去分词)

9、garnisher ─── 装饰器

burnisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Standard Test Method for Burnish Resistance of Latex Paints ─── 乳胶涂料的耐抛光性的试验方法

2、to burnish copper ─── 把铜抛光擦亮

3、The burnish machine is used for surface treatment before the cold rolling for compound material, and hence is one of the key inst allations for compound material production. ─── 冷连轧复合材料打磨机用于复合材料冷连轧前的表面处理,是钢基复合冷连轧材料生产的关键设备之一。

4、(3) skin damage comes for grain of rice the hemisphere form papula of pea size, the center is small sunken, the surface has candle appearance burnish, show hoar or pearl scene. ─── (3)皮损为米粒至豌豆大小的半球形丘疹,中心微凹,表面有蜡样光泽,呈灰白色或珍珠色。

5、burnisher band ─── 带环边缘修整器

6、Unreal colour refracts cause of formation: Use the principle of the different colour different reflex to the light and diffusion, improve the burnish of skin, won't add glossy again at the same time. ─── 幻彩折射成因:利用不同色彩对于光线的不同反射和漫射的原理,改善肌肤的光泽,同时又不会增添油光。

7、burnish; polishing ─── 抛光

8、Perhaps use burnish of fine sand paper, tatty mark leaves on furniture. ─── 或者用细砂纸打磨,在家具上留下磨损的痕迹。

9、burnish steel ─── 擦亮钢。

10、But such, after floor laid ends, often need to pass a surname on the time ability burnish with a longer even month. ─── 但这样,地板铺设完毕后,往往需要经过一个月甚至更长的时间才能打磨上漆。

11、I rub my scars the way other people fret a rabbit's foot or burnish a lucky penny. ─── 我抚摸自己疤痕的方式,就像其他烦恼之人抚摸兔脚或幸运便士一样。

12、The brick of a kind of brightness that the surface that brick of polishing brick polish is the base substrate that open system passes burnish and becomes is planted. ─── 抛光砖抛光砖就是通体坯体的表面经过打磨而成的一种光亮的砖种。

13、Dry do obeisance to with furrow, the skin of stretch burnish came back! ─── 干燥和皱纹拜拜,弹性光泽的肌肤回来了!

14、A generation of executives cut its teeth on Sun Tzu's “ The Art of War”.America's navy has put the combat boot on the other foot, using civilian executive courses to burnish leadership. ─── 一大批的管理者是从学习孙子兵法起家的,而美国的海军却不走寻常路,他们通过民间的管理课程来升华自己的领导才能。

15、Condition of sex of level off of burnish of contented and former mammiferous flexibility, full status, color, local skin, tit; ─── 前者有乳房的弹性、充实饱满状态、颜色光泽、局部皮肤平整性、乳头状态等;

16、Songjiang Metro, after burnish, Shanghai has become a new bright spot, but also the next most liveable cities. ─── 松江新城,几经打磨,现已成为上海的一个新亮点,也是未来最适宜居住的城市之一。

17、According to burnish different, still can divide for below two kinds: Light glazed pottery, agree with make " clean " the effect. ─── 根据光泽的不同,还可以分为下面两种:亮光釉面砖,适合于制造“干净”的效果。

18、Let's abandon the familiar mode without suprise, burnish our eyes and observe carefully. ─── 但是爱对于我们的改变,到底有多么惊人,其实是我们因为习惯而不觉察的宇宙奥秘。

19、Syria's Mr Assad, like his Iranian counterpart, may have enlisted Hizbullah's boldness and Lebanon's agony to burnish his own credentials of defiance. ─── 叙利亚总统巴沙尔,像他的伊朗伙伴一样,可能助长了真主党的冒失和黎巴嫩的痛苦,从而好亮出他们自己的挑战书。

20、polishing brick passes mechanical and abrade, polish, the surface shows the contented ceramic tile of lens face burnish. ─── 抛光砖经过机械研磨、抛光,表面呈镜面光泽的陶瓷砖。

21、I've ever get time to sculpt a bust of my fatIT or to burnish it. ─── 我甚至花具体光阴雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。

22、Polishing brick: A kind of shining brick that the surface that opens body adobe system namely passes burnish and becomes, one kind when belong to the brick that open system. ─── 抛光砖:就是通体砖坯体的表面经过打磨而成的一种光亮的砖,属于通体砖的一种。

23、a tool with agate parts,such as a burnisher tipped with agate ─── 一种装有玛瑙的工具,如顶端装有玛瑙的抛光器

24、Inwrought gauze should see bottom gauze quality, inwrought needle is counted, pin number is secretter, stereo sense is stronger, good embroider line burnish feels strong, coloring is sterling. ─── 刺绣纱则要看底纱质量,刺绣针数,针数越密,立体感越强,好的绣线光泽感强,染色纯正。

25、Teach you crock of bath of cleanness of a few action and the little skill that maintain bath crock burnish here. ─── 在这里教您几招清洁浴缸及保持浴缸光泽的小技巧。

26、Choose those who have burnish to glance cloth decorates wall, ceiling and wooden furniture character. ─── 挑选具有光泽的反光布质来装饰墙壁、天花板和木家具。

27、pivot burnisher ─── 枢轴研磨机

29、In the spring a livelier iris changes on the burnish'd dove; ─── 在春天终身卧躺的鸢尾花改变了磨光的鸽子(???)

30、Alleged simple sense coating, it is to show colour, burnish or grain present Protean painting. ─── 所谓质感涂料,是指色彩、光泽或纹理呈现千变万化的涂料。

31、contact burnisher ─── 接点擦试器

32、Return them as adornment bridge wood or floor furnished, those " the lumber that be saved " course worm, suffocating, burnish, go up sometimes protective lacquer, or reservation is unvarnished. ─── 把他们做为装饰梁木或地板还有家具,那些“被拯救木材”经过除虫、熏蒸、打磨,有时上保护漆,或保留原样。

33、Spray sand to burnish with an import sand-spraying machine and operate dust suction if necessary. ─── 根据需要,也可用进口喷砂机进行喷砂打磨并吸尘。

34、Make the coriaceous layer embezzle of the hair contains moisture content, with Chang Baozi embellish burnish. ─── 使头发的皮质层中饱含水分,以常保滋润而光泽。

35、After burnish is over, must blow be bored with child, use Sweden goes out with compound of floor wood chip be bored with child, what can assure a floor is ecru, the floor won't be blown to spend; ─── 打磨完后,一定要刮腻子,使用瑞典出的与地板木屑混合的腻子,可以保证地板的本色,地板不会被刮花;

36、The lacquer when Tang Dynasty adds bullion to do model enchase lacquer, exquisite burnish. ─── 唐代时漆器加金银做型镶嵌到漆器,讲究磨光。

37、double burnisher ─── 双头磨光器

38、The eastern humanism burnished my right eye.I am expecting the light of western democracy and rationalism to burnish the left one, so that I will be enabled to explore a complete world. ─── 东方的人文思想擦亮了我的右眼,同时我期待沐浴西方民主理性的光华以明亮我的左眼,让我探索一个完整的世界。

39、Main effects: Double moisturizing, cleaning and whitening skin, recovering skin natural burnish. ─── 主要功效:双重保湿,同时净白肌肤,改善肌肤缺水现象,恢复肌肤自然光泽。

40、Scagliola diaphaneity is bad, and without burnish. ─── 人造大理石透明度不好,而且没有光泽。

41、In Nirenberg's own mind, anyway, he had better things to do than burnish his reputation. ─── 不管怎麽说,尼伦伯格自己晓得,他还有比打响名声更值得做的事,他把自己的才能转向研究大脑。

42、 双语使用场景

43、Maweier becomes proposal choice United States velar light emulsioni paint, because it has very good burnish. ─── 建议选择美国摩威尔成膜亮光乳胶漆,因为它有很好的光泽。

44、Reuse small sandpaper carefully burnish walls, walls with sleek clean, and then brush primer, aimed at removing red dust, and enhance Zhegeli Qimo thickness. ─── 再用细砂纸仔细打磨墙面,将墙面处理光滑干净,然后刷底漆,目的在于去除墙面粉尘,增强遮盖力和漆膜厚度。

45、The steel constructions workshop building of Bao ji bridge girder plant is typical largeworkshop, in which the main work procedure of sparge little steel ball and burnish is to eliminaterust and polish the surface of steel bridge workpiecs. ─── 宝鸡桥梁厂钢结构车间喷丸打磨厂房是典型的高大厂房建筑,其工序是对桥梁钢型结构件表面进行喷丸打磨、抛光除锈。

46、2, elliptic fingernail: The hand is grasped arenaceous, buffed surface points to upper part, below edge fingernail leading edge burnish. ─── 2、椭圆形指甲:手握砂条,打磨面指向上方,沿指甲前缘下面打磨。

47、Produce the hammer rubber, rubber and plastic hammer, rubber glass sucker, rubber suction drum, rubber burnisher, rubber wheel and sealing the products of enclosing etc. ─── 本厂设备精良,工艺先进,产品优良,可满足不同客户的设计需要。

48、smooth burnisher ─── 光头研光器

49、The burnish machine is used for surface treatment before the cold rolling for compound material, and hence is one of the key installations for compound material production. ─── 摘要冷连轧复合材料打磨机用于复合材料冷连轧前的表面处理,是钢基复合冷连轧材料生产的关键设备之一。

50、A polished stone tool used in bookbinding to burnish the edges of books after applying metal leaf. ─── 中义一种用来使装订上金属叶的书背磨光的石材工具。

51、If the graph is medium what metope place besmears is muti_function counterfort lacquer, it is a kind special the low burnish that makes up for indoor wall body is high grade emulsioni paint. ─── 如图中墙面所涂的多功能护墙漆,它是一种非凡为室内墙身而配制的低光泽优质乳胶漆。

52、Whether or not that is true, organic cotton certainly looks attractive to retailers trying to burnish their socially responsible images. ─── 无论这是不是真的,有机棉花的确对那些试着改善自己社会责任形象的零售商来说很有吸引力。

53、It shows polish after burnish and resplendent after carving. ─── 攻措生光,精描璀璨,雕琢成器,巧制玲珑。

54、It was smoothed down by rubbing with a burnisher. ─── 它通过磨光器反复地擦变得光滑。

55、I this lacquer relapses burnish 7, 8, worked, emery wheel is ground, the watercolour color with very light reoccupy is brushed, lacquer a month. ─── 我这个漆反复打磨了7、8次,干了,砂轮磨掉,再用很淡的水彩颜色刷,漆了一个月。

56、Give blast tuyere, steering wheel to prop up sending out with many control key aluminium makes metallic burnish, the MMI system that already was used by much money model also appears on TT. ─── 出风口、方向盘支撑与大量控制键都散发着铝制金属光泽,已被多款车型使用的MMI系统也出现在TT上。

57、The proposal uses those who have burnish to glance the cloth of material art will decorate wall, for instance, cotton adds the curtain of filar fabrics. ─── 建议采用具有光泽的反光材料的布艺来装饰墙壁,比如,棉加丝面料的窗帘。

58、a high burnish ─── 很亮的光泽

59、"Decorate to burnish from model lines, had had the change of thoroughly remould oneself. ─── 从造型线条到打磨装饰,已经有了脱胎换骨的变化。"

60、Keywords compound material;burnish machine;cold rollin g; ─── 复合材料;打磨机理;冷连轧;

61、Any incentive systems are put possibly in secret worry, so they also are in practice ceaseless burnish. ─── 任何激励制度都可能存在隐忧,所以他们也正在实践中不断打磨。

62、16 I have given it over to the burnisher that he might hold it in his hand, A sword sharpened and burnished to be put in the hand of a slayer. ─── 把它拿去擦亮,好握在掌中;这把磨快的剑,这把擦亮的剑,是为交在屠杀者的手中。

63、There's nothing like a little golden statuette on the mantelpiece to burnish a fragile ego. ─── 对于明星们来说,如果能够在壁炉上摆放上一座小小的金质奖杯,该是多么的荣耀啊!

64、My skin is not very smooth. Those who do not have burnish the sort of. It is to belong to mix model the skin, what good method can be solved? ? ─── 我的皮肤不是很光滑。没有光泽的那种。是属于混合型皮肤,有什么好方法可以解决??

65、inverted-cone burnisher ─── 倒锥形研光器

66、The feel before and burnish, become wrinkled, dirty, greasily. ─── 一张崭新的人民币,经过千百次易手早已失去先.前的手感和光泽,变得皱巴巴、脏兮兮、油腻腻。

67、vibrating burnisher ─── 振动光饰机

68、Action: Can remove wrinkle, maintain skin burnish. ─── 作用:可消除皱纹,保持肌肤光泽。

69、Several of those elected, after all, tried to burnish their environmental credentials by running uplifting advertisements of themselves roaming the countryside amid majestic wind turbines. ─── 其中几个民主党议员拍了一些振奋人心的竞选广告,倘佯在高大的风力涡轮机中间的乡村,以塑造他们的环保形象,而且其中几个当选了。

70、Cannot use sand paper, burnish implement, steel is brushed, puissant household cleanser or metallic tool clear compound wood floor. ─── 不能使用砂纸、打磨器、钢刷、强力去污粉或金属工具清理复合木地板。

71、burnish power station ─── 地下电站

72、It is good that tinea of burnish liver mosses got how long? ─── 光泽苔癣得了多长时间能好?

73、With just like drenched the colour developing effect of the transparent burnish of kind of jade-like stone embellish and bright, the lip that deduces rich and full, stereo feeling is sweet. ─── 以宛如湿透般莹润的透明光泽与璀璨的显色效果,演绎饱满、富有立体感的唇蜜。

74、burnish Burnish is a kind of character of material surface, when assess decorates material, its importance is next to color. ─── 光泽光泽是材料表面的一种特性,在评定装饰材料时,其重要性仅次于颜色。

75、burnish resistance ─── 抗磨亮性

76、a shoe burnisher ─── 以擦皮鞋为业者

77、Constant drink rice wine, the skin is lubricant burnish, puerpera and woman period are drinkable, have profit especially. ─── 常饮米酒,皮肤润滑光泽,产妇和妇女经期饮用,尤有益处。

78、Gloss meter of commonly used photoelectricity will determine the burnish of material surface. ─── 常用光电光泽计来测定材料表面的光泽。

79、Willmott's stopper and burnisher ─── 威尔莫特(氏)充填研光器

80、Can appear bright with a kind of color Yi Kexian gets dark and gloomy, this and exterior burnish are concerned. ─── 一同一种颜色可显得鲜明亦可显得晦暗,这与表面光泽有关。

81、I've ever had time to sculpt a bust of my father and to burnish it. ─── 我甚至花时候雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。

82、Action: Prevent furrow to appear gradually, hypodermic grease gland is secreted decrease, skin burnish feels abate, coarse feeling increases. ─── 作用:防止皱纹逐渐出现,皮下的油脂腺分泌减少,皮肤光泽感减弱,粗糙感增强。

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