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09-15 投稿



harped 发音


英:  美:

harped 中文意思翻译




harped 短语词组

1、harped tendon ─── 竖琴形钢筋束

harped 词性/词形变化,harped变形

动词过去式: harped |动词第三人称单数: harps |动词过去分词: harped |动词现在分词: harping |名词: harper |

harped 相似词语短语

1、sharped ─── adj.急剧的;锋利的;强烈的;敏捷的;刺耳的;adv.急剧地;锐利地;突然地;n.尖头;vt.磨快;把音调升高;vi.升音演奏;n.(Sharp)人名;(英)夏普

2、jarped ─── v.敲碎

3、harmed ─── 损害;伤害;免于伤害;将不受损害

4、parped ─── 帕佩德

5、harper ─── n.竖琴演奏人

6、carped ─── n.鲤鱼;抱怨;鲤科属鱼;v.吹毛求疵;n.(Carp)(美)卡普(人名)

7、harked ─── vi.听(常用于命令句);n.(Hark)人名;(德、瑞典)哈尔克

8、hared ─── v.飞跑,疾走(hare的过去式及过去分词);n.(Hared)(美)海勒德(人名)

9、harled ─── n.麻的纤维;羽上的细毛;粗灰泥;vt.拖;(苏格兰)用泥涂;vi.拖着步子走;拖钓;n.(Harl)人名;(法)阿尔;(英)哈尔

harped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Does the earth,like a harp,shiver into songs with the touch of my feet? ─── 大地是否像竖琴一样在我双脚的抚弄下震颤成歌曲?

2、They take the timbrel, and the harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. ─── 他们伴著手鼓与竖琴歌唱,随著笛声欢呼。

3、Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. ─── 2你们应当弹琴称谢耶和华,用十弦瑟歌颂他。

4、With a chromatic harp you can play every note there is , which is pretty cool . ─── 带上一支半音口琴你能在这儿演奏任何一个音符,那是叫一个“酷”。

5、Oh! Quickly string the harp, I yet can brook to hear. ─── 啊!快调好竖琴琴弦,我还能耐心倾听。

6、Vega is blue-white in color.It's sometimes called the Harp star. ─── 它是白蓝色的,有时人们会称它为天琴星,许多人都是通过它识别天琴座。

7、quarter, Apple harped on the fact that this would be a transition quarter. ─── 苹果公司不断重申,第4季度是一个过渡季。

8、Do not take your harp to the party. ─── 勿反复罗嗦。

9、Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. ─── 你们应当弹琴称谢耶和华,用十弦瑟歌颂他。

10、The young people, at the countess's suggestion, gathered about the clavichord and the harp. ─── 伯爵夫人诱使年轻人聚集在击弦古铜琴和竖琴的近旁。

11、iPad's most glaring omission is one critics have harped on since launch -- the lack of any digital camera, which means for users, no video chat or still photos. ─── iPad最突出的缺点就是没有数字摄像头,这意味着用户无法视频聊天或是拍摄照片,关于这一点,自iPad上市以来就批评声不断。

12、They were not fighting men,and their harp was their passport. ─── 他们不是从战人员,他们的坚琴就是通行证。

13、A piano was used to accompany the harp during the the music recital. ─── 在音乐独奏会上,钢琴用来为竖琴伴奏。

14、They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. ─── 他们随着琴鼓歌唱,又因箫声欢喜。

15、KJV] Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. ─── [新译]愿他们一边跳舞,一边赞美他的名,击鼓弹琴歌颂他。

16、Harp not forever on the same string. ─── 不要老是弹奏同一根弦(莫老调重弹)。

17、"They sing to the timbrel and harp And rejoice at the sound of the flute. ─── 伯21:12他们随著琴鼓歌唱、又因箫声欢喜。

18、Harp, an ancient plucked stringed instrument. ─── 传我国后,古译为箜篌。

19、If you play well,the harmonica is not important,Any harp can be bending... ─── 如果掌握了技巧,口琴就不是问题,任何口琴都不是问题。

20、KJV] The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. ─── [新译]击鼓的喜乐止息,宴乐者的喧哗停止,弹琴的喜乐也止息了。

21、Therefore my heart intones like a harp for Moab And my inward feelings for Kir-hareseth. ─── 因此、我心腹为摩押哀鸣如琴.我心肠为吉珥哈列设、也是如此。

22、She's a wizard at playing harp. ─── 她是弹奏竖琴的奇才。

23、Her eggs were made of gold. He played the harp to calm down the goose. ─── 她的蛋是金子做的。他弹着竖琴好去稳定鹅的情绪。

24、He came when the night was still; he had his harp in his hands, and my dreams became resonant with its melodies. ─── 他在静夜中来到;手里拿着琴,我的梦魂和他的音乐起了共鸣。

25、He sat down on a block of stone and tuned his harp. ─── 他坐在一块大石头上,弹起他的竖琴来。

26、I can give the harp to Mother. ─── “我可以把竖琴送给妈妈,

27、Upon an instrument of ten strings, upon the psaltery: with a canticle upon the harp. ─── 他以自己的羽毛掩护你,又叫你往他的翼下逃避:他的忠信是盾牌和铠衣。

28、She said that people there did nothing all the day, simply singing song carrying a harp, and compliments never stopped. ─── 她说人在那里整天不用作别的事,只需要抱著竖琴弹琴歌唱,赞美永不止息。

29、She lounged the entire day on clouds and played the harp. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在云端,整个一天起到了竖琴。

30、These things make the harp more" efficient" as less of your breath is being wasted. ─── 如果琴格是木制的,潮气会使之膨胀,琴格和簧板会变得更紧密;如果琴格是塑料或者金属制成,你的口水等等也会逐渐密封那些漏气的缝隙。

31、To discuss repeatedly or at length; harp on. ─── 反复地或冗长地讨论;喋喋不休地讲。

32、I have played a Hohner "Happy Color Harp". ─── 就这样,我开始学口琴了,以至于有一天能做到这一点。

33、He played an Irish melody on the harp. ─── 他用竖琴演奏了一首爱尔兰曲调。

34、She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp. ─── 她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。

35、The jewel-encrusted harp leaning against the wall. ─── 倾斜的*在墙上的镶满珠宝的竖琴。

36、Wherefore my bowels shall sound like an harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kirharesh. ─── 因此我心腹为摩押哀呜如琴,我心肠为吉珥哈列设,也是如此。

37、Not to harp on the same string, I still insist that you go on with your study. ─── 不是我唠叨,我始终认为你应当继续你的学业。

38、Strike in chords from your harp fitful momentary rhythms. ─── 在你的琴弦上弹出无定的暂时的音调吧。

39、From now on you will live with me in my heart and in my song. My harp will play for you, and I will write a song describing your death. ─── 从现在起你将活在我的心中和我的歌里。我会为你弹奏竖琴,并写一首歌来歌颂你的英年早逝。

40、Fourth, it is flying and the bombs harp woman, symbol of poetry and music to bring happiness to mankind. ─── 四是飞翔的人与弹竖琴的女人,象征诗与音乐把人类带向幸福。

41、They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. ─── 他们不是从战人员, 他们的坚琴就是通行证。

42、even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? ─── 就是那有声无气的物,或箫、或琴,若发出来的声音没有分别,怎能知道所吹、所弹的是甚么呢?

43、Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. ─── 8我的灵阿,(原文作荣耀)你当醒起,琴瑟阿,你们当醒起。我自己要极早醒起。

44、The girl is sitting on the chair,playing the harp. ─── 女孩正坐在椅子上弹扬琴。

45、But, no matter how much we harp, nothing seems to be changing. ─── 但是,不管我们现在怎么竖琴,似乎没有任何改变。

46、And I cannot guarantee our visitors that they will enjoy sloe-eyed colleens playing the harp and singing Moves Mart. ─── 就像我不能保证我们的游客会喜欢一个小女孩边弹着竖琴边唱着“她从市场中走过”(爱尔兰民谣)一样。

47、You can't comprehend it, If I explain it, that is "to play the harp to a bull". ─── 你不明白,给你说也是“对牛弹琴”。

48、If this technique does not work, I would recommend returning the harp to the dealer or manufacturer. ─── 如果这个方法不好使,我将推荐把口琴退还给厂家或经销商。

49、He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the harp, as he usually did. ─── 大卫照常弹琴,扫罗手里拿着枪。

50、In the music of the harp which trembles round the world it is the insisting on this which thrills us. ─── 在全世界为之振鸣的竖琴音乐中,善的主题给我们以欣喜。

51、The violin and harp were a pleasing accompaniment to the voice of the singer. ─── 小提琴与竖琴为唱者的声音伴奏很悦耳。

52、The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. ─── 击鼓之乐止息,宴乐人的声音完毕,弹琴之乐也止息了。

53、My heart laments for Moab like a harp, my inmost being for Kir Hareseth. ─── 因此,我心腹为摩押哀鸣如15琴,我心肠为吉珥哈列设也是如此。

54、She played the harp beautifully. ─── 她弹的竖琴优雅动听。

55、Their harp was their passport. ─── 他们的竖琴就是通行证。

56、Another non-smoker, Paula Kershaw, 49, of Cudahy was drinking a beer at the Harp Irish Pub, 113 E. ─── 另一位来自Cudhy的不吸烟的朋友PaulaKershaw(49岁)正在HarpIrish酒吧喝啤酒。

57、Jack walked to the table and took the chicken and the harp. ─── 他走到饭桌前,拿走了鸡和竖琴,

58、They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. ─── 12他们随着琴鼓歌唱,又因箫声欢喜。

59、The gaiety of the tambourines is stilled, the noise of the revelers has stopped, the joyful harp is silent. ─── 击鼓之乐止6息;宴乐人的声音完毕;弹琴之乐也止息了。

60、Not good is it to harp on the same string. ─── 不要老是弹一根弦。

61、Last year he and his stepdaughter decided to make a concert-quality harp. ─── 去年,他和他的继女决定,做一架够得上音乐会水准的竖琴。

62、Because in a two-minute theme, maybe organized for harp and voice only, there's no room for embroideries and trimmings! ─── 因为在一个仅仅为竖琴和人声安排的两分钟的主题里,没有地方可以进行修饰!

63、She harped the Saint-Saens beautifully. ─── 她用竖琴很完美地演奏圣桑的作品。

64、Bush had not realised before how the Articles of War harped on this subject. ─── 布什以前没有意识到战争法典中对这些事儿喋喋不休到这种程度。

65、Even the web of spider can become the magic harp in your hands, as long as you can keep a poetic heart. ─── 只要你能保持一颗诗意的心灵,蛛网也能变成神奇的竖琴。

66、The mermaid is playing harp on the carved wall. ─── 人鱼在石刻墙壁弹奏著竖琴。

67、Instruments: Erhu、 Stell Guitar、 Piano、 E.Piano.、 YangQin、 Harp、 Dub.Bass、 Ethnic Percussion. ─── 回味 配器:二胡,民谣钢弦吉他,钢琴,电钢琴,扬琴,竖琴,爵士低音贝斯,民族打击乐器。

68、The giant fell into a big hole and disappeared. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with the hen and the harp. ─── 巨人跌入一个大洞,消失了。从此以后,杰克和他的母亲靠着母鸡和竖琴快乐地生活。

69、David, lion killer, who played the harp quite smartly, while fleeing evil son. ─── 大卫狮子杀手,演奏竖琴很聪明,在逃离邪恶的儿子。

70、Whatever the name ,many who pick up on the harp play this way. ─── 不论是谁,很多吹口琴的人用这种方法。

71、Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp. ─── 你们要以感谢向耶和华歌唱,用琴向我们的神歌颂。

72、Tonight, let's enjoy together the harp solo by the young performer Li Yange: Clear and Bright Upper River Picture. ─── 今晚,让我们一起欣赏青年演奏家李彦歌的箜篌独奏:《清明上河图》。

73、This quarter, Apple harped on the fact that this would be a transition quarter. ─── 苹果公司不断重申,第4季度是一个过渡季。

74、He can play the harp and violin. ─── 他能演奏竖琴和提琴。

75、She is a composer for the harp. ─── 她是位写竖琴曲的作曲家。

76、She continue to harp on the theme of her wasted life. ─── 她继续大讲她那虚度了的一生。

77、Harp not for ever on the same string. ─── 勿老调重谈。

78、Little Suite for Erhu and Harp I. ─── 二胡和竖琴的小组曲I.

79、David play on his harp, Hallel ! ─── 大卫弹竖琴,哈利路!

80、Heaven,... all a body would have to do there was go around all day long with a harp and sing, forever and ever. ─── 天堂是一个让人整日背着竖琴到处走,唱歌唱到永远没完没了的好地方。

81、He puts a golden harp on the table. ─── 他在桌上放了一把黄金打造的竖琴。

82、Awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. ─── 2琴瑟阿,你们当醒起。我自己要极早醒起。

83、Don't harp on him, he is at best a child! ─── 不要责骂他,他只不过是个孩子!

84、She touched the strings of the harp. ─── 她轻轻地弹拨竖琴的弦。

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