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08-18 投稿


feminality 发音

英:[[fem?'n?l?t?]]  美:[[?fem?'n?l?t?]]

英:  美:

feminality 中文意思翻译



feminality 短语词组

1、feminality podcast ─── 女性播客

2、feminality define ─── 女性特质定义

feminality 相似词语短语

1、liminality ─── 阈限

2、femineity ─── n.女人风度

3、seminality ─── n.种子性

4、criminality ─── n.有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为

5、feminility ─── 女性气质

6、finality ─── n.定局;终结;结尾;最后的事物;最后的言行

7、feminity ─── 女性特征;女性气质

8、femininity ─── n.女子气质,女性本性;温柔,柔弱;女性

9、femality ─── n.女人的性格

feminality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Surverying many of works in ancient or modern times, we find there are countless things that the heroes of feminality existed and died for love.Anna Karenina of Leo Tolstoy drew is a typical case. ─── 列夫?托尔斯泰笔下的安娜卡列妮娜把爱情当作自己一生苦苦追求的事业,但却以悲剧告终。

2、The culture ofChinese ancient feminality is very rich, but the most important is that the feminality possessesa very low status. ─── 谚语中的中国古代女性文化内容复杂多样,但贯穿其中的一个最主要的特点就是男尊女卑,相比男性来说毫无地位可言。

3、Maybe it is related to the artist particular sensitive and subtle feminality, most of the figures are metropolitan women in the paintings. ─── 或许与画家独有的敏感细腻的女性特质有关,画中的人物多为现代都市女性。

4、Info:We use the high quality fabrics and adornments to create classic, glamorous styles to suit the femin ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉尺码:全码适用季节:夏

5、These proverbs describe the highspot of social status, living fashion, thinking ideaand so on of the Chinese feminality. ─── 这部分谚语描述反映了我国古代女性在社会地位、生活方式、思想观念、价值标准等方面独特的文化特征。

6、masculine versus feminality Uncertainty Avoidance ─── 文化五维度不确定性避免男性度与女性度

7、I think skirts can express feminality better. ─── 我认为裙子更能体现女性美。

8、you don't want to retain just a dash of your feminality? ─── 你就连一丁点女性特质都不想保留吗?

9、So the proverbs that relevant to feminality furthermore reflect the culturalhighspot of Chinese ancient feminality: follow after extrinsic beauty and immanent beauty; ─── 而谚语中一部分描写女性形象的谚语更是从不同方面展现了我国古代女性丰富的文化特征:追求外在美与内在美的统一的美文化;

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