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09-07 投稿


commodities 发音

英:[k??m?d?tiz]  美:[k??mɑ?d?tiz]

英:  美:

commodities 中文意思翻译



commodities 短语词组

1、non-perisable commodities ─── [经] 不易腐烂商品

2、commodities market ─── 农业市场

3、traditional commodities ─── [经] 传统商品

4、competitive commodities ─── [法] 竞争商品

5、complementary commodities ─── 互补商品

6、petty commodities ─── [经] 小商品

7、primary commodities ─── [经] 初级产品

8、integrated programme for commodities ─── [经] 商品综合方案

9、monopolized commodities ─── [经] 专卖商品

10、surplus agricultural commodities ─── [经] 剩余农产品

11、commodities exchange ─── [网络] 商品交易所;商品交易会;商品交换

12、price of commodities ─── [经] 物价

13、free commodities ─── [经] 免税品, 自由货品

14、manufacturing areas for export commodities ─── [经] 加工出口区

15、commodities trading ─── [经] 商品交易, 农产品交易, 期货交易

16、monopoly commodities ─── [法] 专卖商品

17、arbitrage in commodities ─── [法] 套购商品

18、circulation of commodities ─── [经] 商品流通

19、trade by commodities ─── [经] 商品贸易, 对外贸易的商品结构

commodities 词性/词形变化,commodities变形

名词复数: commodities |

commodities 相似词语短语

1、commoditise ─── 商品化

2、commoditised ─── 商品

3、incommodities ─── n.不便利之处;不舒适

4、commoditizes ─── 商品化

5、commoditises ─── 商品化

6、commoditized ─── v.使商品化;把……看作商品(commoditize的过去式和过去分词)

7、commoditize ─── v.使商品化

8、commodifies ─── vt.使商品化,把……视作商品

9、commodified ─── 商品化的

commodities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of course, a significant portion of this trade has been in commodities. ─── 当然,这种贸易中有很大一部分是大宗商品贸易。

2、He has agreed to bring down the cost of several basic commodities. ─── 他已经同意降低某些日常用品的成本。

3、Spices were the most sought-after commodities. ─── 香料是最受欢迎的商品。

4、Products of labour are transformed into commodities. ─── 劳动产品转化为商品。

5、By 2005,expand access to essential commodities,including male and female condoms and sterile injecting equipment. ─── 到2005年,扩大男女获得基本计生用具的渠道,包括避孕套和节育注射设备。

6、Good quality is what the consumers require first of commodities. ─── 品质优良,是消费者对商品的第一要求。

7、The amount of securities or commodities held by a person, firm, or institution. ─── 个人资产,公司资产被个人、公司或机构持有的证券或商品的数量

8、And she urges efforts to revitalize the circulation of rural commodities. ─── 同时,她也敦促加大力度实现农村商品流通的复兴。

9、Speculating in commodities is done primarily on a commodities exchange. ─── 商品投机主要是在商品交易所里进行的。

10、The manufacturers in some countries dumped their surplus commodities abroad. ─── 一些国家的制造商向国外倾销过剩产品。

11、The state levies certain business taxes on all commodities. ─── 国家对所有商品均征收一定的营业税。

12、Florence is the best market in Italy for such commodities as yours. ─── 像你这样的货色,佛罗伦萨是意大利最好的市

13、What interested you most at the Export Commodities Fair? ─── 在出口商品交易会上什么商品最使你感兴趣?

14、The Export Commodities Fair was inaugurated yesterday. ─── 出口商品交易会昨天开幕了。

15、The producers of oil and other nonperishable commodities have an advantage. ─── 产石油和其他不易坏物品的生产者有其优势。

16、Coordinate the movement and consignment of USG relief commodities. ─── 协调美国政府援助物资的调集和交付。

17、In Shandong,Fujian and Shanxi three provinces,2.8 million women are engaged in the circulation of commodities. ─── 仅山东、福建、陕西三省就有280万妇女进入流通领域。

18、The TSE handles 95 per cent of Japanese spot market trades and might soon absorb two smaller commodities exchanges. ─── 东京证交所处理95%的日本现货市场交易,并且可能很快将要兼并两家规模较小的商品交易所。

19、Chinese commodities available for export are varied. ─── 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。

20、Among all commodities, nickel and copper are under particular stress. ─── 在所有大宗商品中,镍和铜尤其承压。

21、Commodities are transported to border areas by truck. ─── 卡车把货物输往边疆地区。

22、Generally speaking, futures contracts, not the commodities, are sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

23、Jim Rogers: Commodities have not correlated to stocks for many decades. ─── 吉姆·罗杰斯:商品与股票不相关已经好几十年。

24、The gross sales of commodities reached 330.2 billion yuan,up by 1.3 percent. ─── 商品销售总值3302亿元,增长1.3%。

25、Counterfeit or poor-quality commodities are not worth a penny. ─── 假冒伪劣商品都不名一文。

26、They exported commodities there without restriction. ─── 他们出口商品到那里没有限制。

27、He made a fortune selling commodities in the futures market. ─── 他在期货市场卖货赚了很多钱。

28、Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen. ─── 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。

29、In foreign trade visible physical goods or commodities move between countries as exports or imports. ─── 在对外贸易中,国与国之间进行有形货物和商品的进出口业务。

30、Did you ever find that most commodities are labelled by English? ─── 你觉得大学英语和高中英语有联系吗?

31、MARK COLVIN: But a huge amount of our exports were commodities going to China? ─── 但是巨额的矿产我们都出口到了中国啊?

32、It also entertains requests from the Trade Department for technical advice regarding applications for import/export licence of strategic commodities. ─── 化验所亦应贸易署的要求,在处理战略物品进出口许可证的申请事项上提供专业咨询服务。

33、Payment by L/C is our method of financing trade in such commodities. ─── 对这种商品,以信用证付款是我们金融贸易的方法。

34、Commodities especially energies were among the biggest gainers of the session. ─── 商品特别是能源当中涨幅居前。

35、He made a small fortune in the commodities market. ─── 他在农业市场赚了一大笔钱。

36、The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year. ─── 今年各种物价相当稳定。

37、The first quarter of this year saw a steady growth in the nation's commodities market and a good start. ─── 今年一季度,全国商品市场平稳增长,开局良好。

38、Prices went up on several basic commodities like bread and meat. ─── 面包、肉等几种基本商品的价格上涨了。

39、No competent Chinese authorities has ever given any reform-through-labour unit the right to export commodities. ─── 中国的主管部门从来没有批准给予任何劳改单位以出口商品的经营权。

40、One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices. ─── 卖空者,做空头者抛售股票或商品希望造成价格下跌的人,如某位投资者

41、And seek to the realize the optimization of export commodities structure. ─── 努力实现出口商品结构的优化。

42、There are serval commodities which are not sold out. ─── 只有几件商品未售出。

43、China recently lifted its import restriction of five commodities. ─── 中国最近解除对五项商品的进口限制。

44、Commodities supplied on presentation of coupons. ─── 凭票证供应商品。

45、The pullback has spread to other commodities as well. ─── 其他大宗商品也遭受了池鱼之殃。

46、If the data falter, commodities will fall as quickly as they have risen. ─── 一旦数据再度疲软,日用品价格的下跌将会如同其上涨般迅速。

47、The value of commodities often fluctuates. ─── 商品的价值是经常变动的。

48、But prices of agricultal commodities are low because of overproduction. ─── 但农产品生产过剩会造成其价格降低。

49、The current value of all commodities held in a margin account. ─── 保证金帐户中所有商品的现有价值。

50、How do you satisfy the service and price of Yiwu Petty Commodities Market? ─── 你对义乌小商品市场的服务及价格满意程度?

51、The price of commodities have gone down. ─── 商品降价了。

52、As is known to all,fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers. ─── 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。

53、Muscovites have always resented the crafty Georgians minting money out of them by selling commodities they need. ─── 俄国人一向对狡猾的格鲁吉亚人通过向他们出售商品来赚取他们的钱而感到十分不满。

54、The Guangzhou Chinese Export Commodities Fair was solemnly opened yesterday. ─── 中国出口商品交易会于昨天隆重开幕。

55、Their job is to supply the market with new commodities. ─── 他们的工作是向市场供应商品.

56、For one thing, many experiences demand a substantial outlay on commodities: horses, hounds and jodhpurs, for example. ─── 另一方面,许多的经历需要在商品上花费大量金钱,比如:马、猎狗、马裤。

57、For all the parallels with 2008, commodity specialists note that the panic seen then to get out of commodities is not evident this time. ─── 尽管与2008年有相似之处,但大宗商品专家指出,当时出现的那种撤离大宗商品行业的恐慌在这一次并不明显。

58、For one, Beijing is trying to clamp down on illegal, unsafe and polluting mining across all commodities. ─── 第一,中国正试图取缔非法、不安全且造成污染的各类大宗原料开采。

59、As with all other commodities,so with labour,its market price will in the long haul,adapt itself to its value. ─── 劳动的市场价格,如同其他一切商品的市场价格一样,在长时期里会与它的价值相适应。

60、Temporary or selective subsidies can help reduce government stocks of surplus commodities. ─── 临时的或有选择的补贴有助于减少政府过剩商品的库存。

61、Trade statistics showed the plant made of ivory button once 20% market share, so it was one of the main commodities. ─── 贸易统计资料显示植物象牙制作的扣子曾一度占市场份额的20%,因此它是当时的主要日用品之一。

62、Trends in other commodities also belie a broader slowdown. ─── 其它初级商品的趋势也与更广泛减速的现象不符。

63、Advertising, exhibition and certification of commodities of its members. ─── 六关于会员商品之广告、展览及证明事项。

64、Trading in commodities was brisk. ─── 商品交易兴旺。

65、The export commodities fair opend yesterday. ─── 出口展览会昨天开幕了。

66、Relating to commodities thus manufactured and sold. ─── 与在这种情况下生产和出售出的商品有关的

67、To optimize the structure of the export commodities. ─── 优化出口商品结构。

68、When it comes to commodities, Beijing has discovered that Brazil offers something of a one-stop shop. ─── 谈到大宗商品,中国政府发现巴西就像一家一站式商店。

69、The agricultural commodities are abundant this year. ─── 今年的农产品很丰富。

70、The market has an adequate supply of commodities. ─── 市场商品供应丰富多彩。

71、One who deals aggressively in stocks or commodities. ─── (在股市、商业界)积极交易的人

72、They are to decide on the protocol relating to the exchange of commodities for the year. ─── 他们将对这一年的换货协定草案做出决定。

73、Though this may appear to be a simple truth, it is often forgotten in the immediate concern with the accumulation of commodities and wealth. ─── 这听上去象是不言而喻的简单事实,但在积累商品和财富的急切渴望中,却往往被人们忘记。

74、Weather permitting, we'll send the commodities tomorrow. ─── 天气好的话,我们明天就把货送到。

75、Not all commodities can be shipped to all countries. ─── 并非所有商品均能托运至全部国家。

76、The value adding rate of some of the major re-exported commodities,such as toys and knitwear,even exceeded 100%. ─── 一些主要转口货物,如玩具和针织服装等,增值率甚至超过100%。

77、There are all sorts of commodities in the shop. ─── 在商店里有各种各样的商品

78、And we have scored new achievements in restructuring export commodities management system. ─── 出口商品管理体制改革也取得新的进展。

79、We must actively develop industry and agriculture and promote the circulation of commodities. ─── 应该积极发展工业农业和商品的流通。

80、Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year. ─── 中国出口商品交易会每年在广州举办两次。

81、The first is that no country has all of the commodities that it needs. ─── 其一,没有哪个国家能生产出它所需要的全部商品。

82、But the price of crude and other commodities rose afterwards. ─── 但原油价格和其他商品价格之后又上涨了。

83、Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held twice a year. ─── 中国出口商品交易会每年举办两次。

84、In the advanced regions, social space is invaded by a continuous superimposition of geological layers of commodities. ─── 在工业先进地区,社会空间为不断更新的商品地层的叠加所覆盖。


86、S. devalued the dollar in 1933, he said, the prices of some commodities, which had been spiraling lower, suddenly began to go up. ─── 他说,美国1933年让美元贬值的时候,曾经不断下滑的部分大宗商品的价格突然之间开始回升。

87、Judged by volume,grain ranks first among the principal outgoing commodities in our trade with the outside areas. ─── 从出入口贸易的数量来看,我们第一个大宗出口是粮食。

88、Nopermission shall be granted for the export of export commodities found to be substandard in a random inspection. ─── 出口商品经抽查检验不合格的,不准出口。

89、They supply the market with new commodities. ─── 他们向市场供应新商品。



造句:The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.



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