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09-11 投稿


derivable 发音

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英:  美:

derivable 中文意思翻译



derivable 短语词组

1、derivable function ─── 可导函数

2、derivable synonym ─── 派生同义词

3、derivable def ─── 可衍生def

4、derivable rule ─── 可衍生规则

5、derivable math ─── 可导数学

6、derivable from ─── 可派生自

7、derivable meaning ─── 派生意义

8、derivable data ─── 可衍生数据

9、derivable imvu ─── 可导imvu

10、derivable definition ─── 可导出定义

derivable 相似词语短语

1、derivably ─── 派生的

2、deprivable ─── adj.可剥夺的

3、relivable ─── 可释放的

4、derivate ─── n.派生的事物;派生词;金融衍生产品;导数,微商;adj.引出的,系出的;v.衍生,派生

5、driveable ─── 可驾驶的(drive的变体);可挖掘的(drive的变体)

6、heritable ─── adj.可继承的;可传让的

7、deceivable ─── adj.可骗的

8、derisible ─── adj.可被嘲弄的;可笑的

9、drivable ─── adj.可驱使的,可行驶的

derivable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These key factors are analysed in this paper using pressure equalization principle, and a formula for calculating process parameters of lost circulation control is deriv... ─── 本文采用压力平衡原理对堵漏钻柱的下入深度、顶替量及顶替排量进行了分析和推导,给出了在失返条件下水泥浆堵漏工艺参数的计算公式。

2、The computation precision can be enhanced with the consideration of second deriv ative. ─── 计算结果表明,考虑二阶导数的影响,可以提高计算精度。

3、Phenol,4-(9H-carbazol-3-ylamino)-, reaction products with sodium sulfide and sulfur, leuco deriv. ─── 名称 4-(9H-3-咔唑基氨基)苯酚与硫钠和硫的反应产物;

4、derivable function ─── 可导

5、Theorem 2.2.2. (Chain rule ) Suppose that the function is derivable at , and the function is derivable at . ─── 定理 2.2.2. (链规定 ) 推想功能是可引出的在 , 和功能是可引出的在。

6、Continued research on the Podophyllum lignans is currently focused on structure optimization to generate deriv... ─── 优化结构、寻找新的鬼臼毒素类化合物资源替代品,已成为当前进一步研究的主要方向。

7、itemset mining related algorithm and derivable itemsets judging. ─── (译):项目集挖掘算法及相关derivable集判断。

8、Almost all the classical methods of numerical differentiation, numerical quadrature and numerical integration of ordinary differential equations are directly derivable from interpolation formulas. ─── 几乎所有的经典数值微分、数值求积和常微分方程的数值积分公式都可以从插值公式推导出来。

9、The definitions of many concepts in Advanced Mathematics such as derivable, differentiable and integrable are arrived at through Limit. ─── 高等数学中的许多概念,譬如可导、可微和可积等,都是通过极限来定义的。

10、Then based on the principles of continuum mechanics,the finite strain consolidation theory withEulerian description(FSCTED)is presented,and its governing equations are correspondingly deriv. ─── 提出饱和上的连续介质模型,并基于连续介质力学的公理体系推导了反映质量变化的欧拉描述的大变形固结控制方程。

11、The experimental results show that electrical deriv ative measurement can be applied to screen visible semiconductor lasers instanta neousuly. ─── 实验结果表明电导数测试是可见光半导体激光器快速筛选的好方法。

12、In the case of normal load, similarity law is derivable depending on the law of settling-thickening process of turbid water in tank. ─── 文中讨论了原泥水或配制泥水进行试验、试验为正常负荷或超负荷、采用正态模型或变态模型等各种情况下的模型律以及不能满足相似条件的情况。

13、generalized -Lie derivable mappings at the zero point ─── 零点广义-Lie可导映射

14、a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections ─── 一种用能够杀死微生物和治疗传染病的细菌制成的化学药物

15、derivable table ─── 可导出的图表

16、Similarly, the structure of words might be derivable from memory limitations. ─── 同样,衍生字的结构可能从内存的限制。

17、The author draws the following conclusions: as for Lihe Words, it"s use and the isolation are inevasible and derivable; ─── 得出了以下结论:离合词的使用具有不可回避性;

18、Most societies deriv e consensus from a long history,a language all their own,a common religion,common ancestry. ─── 大多数社会的全民一致来源于悠久的历史,共同的语言,信仰和祖先。

19、The implication is that this data must be derivable from user inputs and drives the read operations on the services in a top down fashion. ─── 这意味著该资料必须可以从用户输入派生,并以由上而下的方式驱动服务上的读取操作。

20、The customer code may exist elsewhere or be derivable from other data. ─── 客户代码可能存在于其他地方,或者可能由其他数据推导而来。

21、derivable rule ─── 可推导法则

22、The term "freight" includes the profit derivable by a shipowner from the employment of his ship to carry his own goods or movables, as well as freight payable by a third party, but does not include passage money. ─── 第16条“运费”术语包括船东使用其船舶运载自已的货物或动产获得的利润,及由第三者支付的运费,但不包括乘客票款。

23、Determination of micro amounts of iodine in milk powder by the derivable gas chromatography ─── 衍生气相色谱法测定奶粉中的微量碘

24、The analysis calculation method for circular plates subjected to distribution load which is continuous and derivable and axial symmetry ─── 圆板承受连续光滑轴对称分布载荷的解析计算方法

25、conjugate derivable ─── 共轭可导

26、The fluency elegancy deriv from the truth of nature. ─── 源于自然的灵感,流畅面又秀丽,优质的天然取材。

27、Benzene, dodecylphenoxy-, disulfo deriv.;dodecylphenoxy-benzen disulfo deriv. ─── 名称 十二烷基苯氧苯二磺化衍生物;

28、Phenol, 4-(phenylamino)-, reaction products with sodium sulfide and sulfur, leuco deriv. ─── 名称 4-苯胺基苯酚与多硫化钠及硫的反应产物(无色的衍生物);

29、8.a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections. ─── 一种用能够杀死微生物和治疗传染病的细菌制成的化学药物。

30、The implication is that this data must be derivable from user inputs and drives the read operations on the services in a top down fashion. ─── 这意味着该数据必须可以从用户输入派生,并以自顶向下的方式驱动服务上的读取操作。

31、Theorem 2.2.1.( Derivation rules of rational operations ) Suppose that the functions : are derivable at ; ─── 定理 2.2.1.( 引出理性操作的规则 ) 推想功能 : 是可引出的在 ;

32、The derivable and variety of organophosphorus ligands endow the materials many special properties.The synthetic methods and their characters have been discussed. ─── 有机膦配体的多样性和可衍生性赋予这类材料许多独特的性能,因而使其备受关注。

33、The distribution of oils deriv ed from the Dongying source rocks is conformed with the distribution of the lowe r Dongying source rocks. ─── 东下段源岩生成的油气的分布与东下段烃源岩的分布特征一致。

34、the pleasure derivable from books ─── 可从中书中得到之乐趣

35、Would the wages and salaries paid by enterprises or individuals outside the PRC be regarded as income deriv...... ─── 问:由境外企业或个人雇主支付的所得是否视为来源于境内的所得(即工资薪金的收入来源地如何界定)?

36、the derivable principle ─── 派生原则

37、uniformly derivable ─── 均匀可导

38、Generalized Derivable Mappings at the Point Zero on Nest Algebras ─── Nest代数上的在零点义可导映射

39、Determination of micro amounts of iodine in milk powder by the derivable gas chromatography ─── 衍生气相色谱法测定奶粉中的微量碘

40、The decision methods that the function is derivable in the origin and the simple methods to find a functionl one-sided derivative are given in this paper. ─── 给出了函数在原点可导的判定方法及求函数单侧导数的简便方法,并给出了这些方法的应用例子。

41、These results are derivable from the theory of quantum mechanics ─── 这些结果是根据量子力学理论推导出来的。

42、There is another principle, independent of the first law and not derivable from it, that is the second law of thermodynamics. ─── 在热力学第一定律之外还有其它定律制约着热功转换的效率。那就是热力学第二定理。

43、Deriv 2 UV Spectrophotometric ─── 二阶导数紫外分光光度法

44、These results are derivable from the theory of quantum mechanics. ─── 这些结果是根据量子力学理论推导出来的。

45、6.a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections. ─── 从放射菌类提取的用来治疗由阳性鹰嘴豆细菌带来的传染病。

46、a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections. ─── 一种用能够杀死微生物和治疗传染病的细菌制成的化学药物。

47、The development and exploitation of bioactive peptides deriv ed from pig's blood red cell have already been a hot research topic at home and a broad. ─── 以猪血为蛋白源的生物活性肽开发利用已成为国内外竞相研究的热点课题。

48、When there is one harmonic source in electric power system, the harmonic component could be derivable. ─── 摘要当电力系统中只有一个谐波源时,各点的谐波电压可以方便的求出。

49、Identification Approach on Derivable Segmentalized Function ─── 分段函数可导性的一种简便判别法

50、To those who have cherished an affection for a faithful and sagacious dog, I need hardly be at the trouble of explaining the nature or the intensity of the gratification thus derivable. ─── 有人疼爱忠实伶俐的狗,对于他们来说,根本用不着多费口舌来说明个中乐趣其味无穷了吧。

51、Coherence, derivable from relevance, is divided into two kinds: the coherence of propositional content and the coherence of contextual effect. ─── 连贯是关联的一个派生概念,分为两类:命题内容的连贯和语境效果的连贯。

52、approximately derivable ─── 近似可导

53、Deriv Ation ;Surface Activates. ─── 英文复名: Oxgfn Nucleus ;

54、The invention provides a process for the preparation of a chemical derivable from an olefin oxide. ─── 本发明提供用于环氧化可由环氧烷衍生的化学品的方法。

55、The rotor-impeller can be driven by an alternative magnetic field deriv ed from a remote magnet,implying that the magnetic source can even be arranged e x tracorporeally. ─── 在模拟循环回路中的测试结果表明动力特性有很大提高。

56、generalized derivable mappings at unit operator ─── 单位广义可导映射



音标[di'raiv] 读音 ?


vt. 得自

vi. 起源


derive itself from...


名词:deriver 动词过去式:derived 过去分词:derived 现在分词:deriving 第三人称单数:derives 形容词:derivable

动词 derive:

reason by deduction; establish by deduction

同义词:deduce, infer, deduct

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