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fluor 发音

英:[?fl??r]  美:[?fl?(?)??]

英:  美:

fluor 中文意思翻译



fluor 网络释义

n. 氟石;[矿物] 萤石(等于fluorite)

fluor 短语词组

1、fluor-spar ─── [医] 萤石, 氟石

2、fluor- ─── [医]“氟”和“荧光”的词首

3、fluor apatite ─── [化] 氟磷灰石

4、dentifrice au fluor ─── 氟洁牙剂

5、fluor news ─── 福陆新闻

6、fluor ceo ─── 天空氟化物

7、fluor corporation ─── 福陆公司

8、fluor clayton nc ─── 福陆克莱顿公司

9、fluor-adelite un. ─── 氟砷钙镁石

10、chloro-fluor-hydrocarbons ─── [建] 含氯氟烃

11、fluor construction ─── 福陆建筑

12、fluor albus ─── [医] 白带

13、fluor benefits login ─── 福陆 ─── 福利登录

14、fluor protector ─── 氟保护漆

15、fluor daniel ─── 荧光丹尼尔

fluor 相似词语短语

1、fluoric ─── adj.从氟石获得的;氟素性的;氟石的

2、fluoro- ─── n.氟代

3、fluo- ─── 氟

4、fluor- ─── n.氟石;[矿物]萤石(等于fluorite)

5、flurrs ─── vt.飞起;撒开

6、floor ─── n.地板,地面;楼层;基底;议员席;vt.铺地板;打倒,击倒;(被困难)难倒

7、flurry ─── n.慌张;疾风;飓风;骚动;一阵忙乱(或激动、兴奋等);小阵雪(或雨等);(尤指衣服)窸窣;(同时出现的)一系列事物;一阵混乱;v.使恐慌;使激动;慌张;激动;(雪或树叶)微飘;(人)快速行动

8、flurr ─── vt.飞起;撒开

9、fluorin ─── n.氟,荧菌素

fluor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Discussion and Practice of Developing Building Materials Using Fluor - gypsum Off - scum ─── 氟石膏废渣开发建材的探索与实践

2、Wang T., Liu W.-W. Biological effect of Fluor Protector on preventing enamel demineralization in fixed orthodontic treatment. [Journal: Article] Journal of ─── 阎立丹1,王晨2,杜文鹏2,支敏2,李长福2气流分散聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/二氧化硅纳米义齿树脂的生物安全性

3、Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of fluor protector and fluoridum sodium on extensive caries of deciduous teeth. ─── 目的比较氟保护漆和氟化钠对乳牙大面积龋的治疗作用。

4、Keywords fluor protector;streptococcus mutans(SM);streptococcus sobrinus(SS);adherence; ─── 氟保护漆;变形链球菌;远缘链球菌;黏附;

5、Conclusion The application of fluor protector can restrain enamel demineralization and promote enamel remineralization. ─── 结论氟漆的应用有明显抑制牙釉质脱矿及促进再矿化的作用。

6、Keywords Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC): Fluor inated Diamond-Like Carbon (FDLC);Plasma Source Ion Implantation (PSII);Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD);FI-IR Contact Angle; ─── 类金刚石;氟化类金刚石;等离子源离子注入;化学气相沉积;傅立叶变换红外吸收光谱;接触角;

7、In vitro study of fluorine release of fluor protector ─── 氟保护漆的释放研究

8、A new remarkable method of remove fluor was got. ─── 了一种新的效果显著的除氟方法。

9、Keywords fluor in-containing tail gas;water-cooling technology and inwardly projecting Venturi absorption technology; ─── 含氟尾气;水冷却工艺;内喷文氏吸收工艺;

10、Study of fluorine release of different fluor protectors in vitro ─── 不同浓度氟保护漆在体外的释放研究

11、Experimental Investigation on Present Case of Fluor Pollution in Feeds ─── 饲料氟污染现状的实验调查

12、Trichomonal fluor vaginalis ─── 毛滴虫性阴道溢液

13、Keywords Fluor protector;Inhibitory;Enamel;Demineralization; ─── 氟保护漆;抑制;牙釉质;脱矿;

14、lcatel, Ericsson, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Caterpillar, Schneider, Fluor, ABB, Lucent, Siemens, Cummins, Carrefour, World Bank, IKEA, Schlumberger, Bosch and many more... ─── 们是:阿尔卡特、爱立信、福特、宝马、大众汽车,卡特比勒、施耐德、福陆工程、ABB、朗讯、西门子、康明斯、家乐福、世界银行、宜家、斯伦贝谢、博士等。

15、If you're looking for more of a value play that might take longer to generate momentum, go with Fluor. ─── 如果你在找增值蓄势股,那就去买萤石。

16、Objective: to observe the anti caries effect of Sodium fluoride and fluor protector. ─── 目的:观察氟保护漆和氟化钠的抗龋效果。

17、The use of fluor protector in porcelain-fused-to-metal crown ─── 氟保护漆在金属烤瓷冠修复中的应用

18、FluoR (Foshan) Limited is a trading company specializing in fine Chemicals area. ─── 佛山氟林贸易是一家专注于精细化学品的贸易公司代理国外知名品牌的水性添加剂。

19、Uses: In the flotation phosphatic rock, fluor, scheelite, wolframit, ilmenite et.al.minerals in a good collector. ─── 用途:是一种优良的捕收剂,可用来浮选磷灰石,萤石、白钨、黑钨、钛铁矿等矿物。

20、secondary fluor ─── 次级荧光

21、Results: The prevalence of dental fluorosis was increased with the lever of fluor... ─── 结论:改水降氟区儿童使用含氟牙膏增加了儿童的摄氟量,会引起儿童氟斑牙患病率的增加。

22、fluor crown glass ─── 氟冕光学玻璃

23、Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of fluor protector and fluoride sodium on extensive caries of deciduous teeth. ─── 目的比较氟保护漆和氟化钠对乳牙大面积龋的治疗作用。

24、The calcium aluminum slag could replace fluorite to prevent fluor... ─── 用钙铝渣取代萤石,可防止氟污染,并降低对钢包衬的强烈腐蚀作用。

25、Keywords Gore membrane back pulse filter;filte;fluor acid waste water;removal rate of fluo; ─── 戈尔薄膜液体过滤器;过滤;酸性含氟废水;氟去除率;

26、fluor flavus ─── 黄色溢液

27、Fluor euzymelinked immunosorbent assay ─── 荧光酶联免疫法

28、AIM: To evaluate the effect of early Fluor Protector application after non-surgical periodontal treatment on root dentinal hypersensitivity. ─── 目的:评价氟保护漆应用于牙周非手术治疗后早期对根面牙本质敏感症的作用。

29、"asia has been a great run, and in the future there will be another great run, said Charlie Oliver, a group president at Fluor Daniel, the main unit of the giant engineering services firm in Irvine, Fluor Corp." ─── 亚洲已经面临重大转折,但是以后会面临另一个重大转折,charlie Oliver说。charlie Oliver是位于加州南部Ivine的一家大型工程服务公司Fluor Corp.的主体Fluor Daniel公司的集团总裁。

30、Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR(FQ-PCR) is a kind of techniques that can quantitate the nucleic acid based on different fluor escence. ─── 实时荧光定量PCR技术是一种利用不同的荧光检测来给核酸定量的技术。

31、fluor spar ─── 氟石萤石

32、fluor protector ─── 氟保护漆

33、FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price. ─── FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。

34、Keywords Fluor protector;Children;Prevention of children dental caries; ─── 氟保护漆;儿童;龋齿预防;

35、fluor resin ─── 氟树脂

36、fluor alkaline ─── 氟化烷烃


38、fluor crown ─── 含氟冕牌玻璃

39、Keywords scoparone;intracellular calcium;fluor 3 AM;tracheal smooth muscle; ─── 滨蒿内酯;细胞内钙离子浓度;钙离子荧光指示剂;气管平滑肌;

40、fluor cervicalis ─── 子宫颈管溢液

41、Conclusion The application of fluor protector can restrain enamel demineralization and promote enamel remineralization. ─── 结论氟漆的应用有明显抑制牙釉质脱矿及促进再矿化的作用。

42、FZB series of self-suction centrifugal pumps ,its overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy . ─── 产品描述:FZB系列自吸离心泵,过流部件均采用氟塑料合金制造。

43、fluor albus ─── 白带

44、Conclusion Using fluor protector can obtain good clinical effects on preventing root caries in ... ─── 结论用氟保护漆来预防老年人根面龋有很好的临床效果。

45、fluor apatite ─── 氟磷灰石

46、Anti-Akt/PKB, PH Domain, clone SKB1, Alexa Fluor? 488 conjugate; ,Akt/PKB, PH Domain, clone SKB1, Alexa Fluor? 488 conjugate; ─── 以上信息由企业自行提供,信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由相关企业负责。本网站对此不承担任何保证责任。

47、Fluor, a huge construction firm (recently lured from California);J.C.Penney;Halliburton;and 52 others. ─── 福陆公司,一家大型建筑公司(最近从加州迁来),杰西彭尼公司,哈里伯顿,以及其他52家公司。

48、Fluor protector was used to treat the root surface and covered once in half a year.Then we observed the change of the caries prevalence rate and DMFT two years later. ─── 方法选择197例老年人用氟保护漆来涂布根面,每半年涂布1次,2年后观察根面龋的患龋率、龋均的变化。

49、Alcatel, Ericsson, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Caterpillar, Schneider, Fluor, ABB, Lucent, Siemens, Cummins, Carrefour, World Bank, IKEA, Schlumberger, Bosch and many more... ─── 他们是:阿尔卡特、爱立信、福特、宝马、大众汽车,卡特比勒、施耐德、福陆工程、ABB、朗讯、西门子、康明斯、家乐福、世界银行、宜家、斯伦贝谢、博士等。

50、fluor iodine ─── 氟化碘

51、primary fluor ─── 初级荧光

52、Clinical evaluation of fluor protector and glass-ionomer cement used as pit and fissure sealant for preventing pit and fissure caries in children ─── 氟保护漆与玻璃离子水门汀窝沟封闭剂的防龋效果比较

53、Keywords New light source Halogen lamp compact fluor;escent lamp;High pressure discharged lamp electrodless discharge lamp microwave sulfur lamp; ─── 新光源;卤钨灯;紧凑型荧光灯;高压放电灯;无电极放电灯;微波硫灯;

54、At Fluor Daniel, I continued to work with an international body of professionals. ─── 在福陆丹尼尔公司,我继续和一支由国际专家组成的团队合作。

55、Keywords Nd:YAG laser Fluor protector Dentin hypersensitivity; ─── YAG激光;氟保护漆;牙齿敏感症;

56、fluor - gypsum ─── 氟石膏

57、fluor vaginalis ─── 阴道溢液

58、Determination of fluoride in the wet precipitation--Fluor reagent spectrophotometry ─── 大气降水中氟化物的测定新氟试剂光度法

59、Keywords endemic fluorosis;dinking water type;fluorosis type;removal of fluor from water; ─── 地方性氟中毒;饮水型;病区类型;防氟改水;

60、Keywords Extensive Caries of deciduous teeth;Fluor protector;Fluoridum sodium; ─── 乳牙大面积龋;氟化钠;氟保护漆;

61、fluor spat ─── 萤石

62、fluor complex ─── n. 氟化物(络化物)

63、Fluor (FLR, news): With a choice between Jacobs Engineering and Fluor, I'd go with Fluor and its bigger backlog of orders. ─── 美国福陆公司(Flour):可以在JacobsEngineering和福路之间选择,我已经买了福路,它有大量的订单。

64、Fluor Oligosol ─── 氟化钠

65、fluor tester ─── 荧光测定仪

66、fluor borate glass ─── 氟硼酸盐玻璃

67、I'm going to add Fluor and MetLife to Jim's Watch List with this column. ─── 我打算写完这篇专栏之后就把萤石和大都会保险加入“祖巴克观察表"中。

68、scintillation fluor ─── 荧光闪烁

69、fluor corporalis ─── [子宫]体部溢液

70、Keywords Plasmodium berghei;transfection;green fluor escent protein (GFP); ─── 关键词伯氏疟原虫;转基因;绿色荧光蛋白;

71、Fluor ranks on Fortune magazine's 2004 Global Fortune 500 list of companies and Top 3 in the "Engineering,Construction" category of the 2004 America's Fortune 500 list. ─── 公司简介创立于1912年的美国福陆工程公司是一全球知名的提供设计采购施工维修及咨询服务的国际性工程公司。。

72、FSBFSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structureeasy to operate with low price. ─── FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。

73、Objective To observe the clinical effects of fluor protector in preventing root caries in aged people.Methods The experiment was carried on 197 aged people with root caries. ─── 目的观察用氟保护漆来预防老年人根面龋的临床效果。

74、Fluor - hydroxyapatite ─── 含氟羟基磷灰石

75、fluor genitalis ─── 生殖道溢液

76、the fluor disease ─── 带下病

77、Engineering News-Record (ENR) magazine ranks Fluor Corporation among the top 3 on their 2004 "The Top 500 Design Firms" list and "The Top 400 Contractors" list. ─── 福陆公司在中国正承建数个大型工程项目。

78、Fluor chrome arsenate phenol ─── 防腐盐

79、fluor sanguinelentus ─── 血性白带

80、FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price. ─── FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。

81、Air-delivery of High-temperature Fluor Powder ─── 高温萤石粉的气力输送

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