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pharyngitis 发音

英:[,f?r??'d?a?t?s]  美:[,f?r?n'd?a?t?s]

英:  美:

pharyngitis 中文意思翻译



pharyngitis 短语词组

1、acpuei pharyngitis ─── [医] 急性咽炎, 卡他性咽炎

2、membranous pharyngitis ─── [医] 膜性咽炎

3、glandular pharyngitis ─── [医] 腺性咽炎, 滤泡性咽炎

4、catarrhal pharyngitis ─── [医] 卡他性咽炎, 急性咽炎

5、phlegmonous pharyngitis ─── [医] 蜂窝织炎性咽炎

6、granular pharyngitis ─── [医] 颗粒性咽炎

7、croupous pharyngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性咽炎

8、hypertrophica pharyngitis ─── [医] 侧索肥大性咽炎

9、vesicularis pharyngitis ─── [医] 水疱性咽炎

10、herpetica pharyngitis ─── [医] 泡疹性咽炎

11、gangrenous pharyngitis ─── [医] 坏疽性咽炎

12、diptheric pharyngitis ─── [医] 白喉性咽炎

13、chronic pharyngitis ─── [医] 慢性咽炎

14、atrophic pharyngitis ─── [医] 萎缩性咽炎

15、sicca pharyngitis ─── [医] 干性咽炎

16、keratosa pharyngitis ─── [医] 角化性咽炎, 咽真菌病

17、ulcerosa pharyngitis ─── [医] 溃疡性咽炎

18、follicular pharyngitis ─── [医] 滤泡性咽炎, 腺性咽炎

19、hypertrophic pharyngitis ─── [医] 肥大性咽炎, 增殖性咽炎

pharyngitis 词性/词形变化,pharyngitis变形

名词复数: pharyngectomies |

pharyngitis 相似词语短语

1、pharyngalise ─── 咽酶

2、pharyngealise ─── 咽

3、phrenitis ─── n.横隔膜炎;精神错乱;脑炎

4、pharyngitic ─── 咽炎

5、laryngitis ─── n.[耳鼻喉]喉炎

6、pharyngotomies ─── n.咽切开术

7、laryngitic ─── adj.喉炎的;患喉炎的;n.喉炎患者

8、pharynges ─── n.咽(pharynx的变形)

9、pharyngeals ─── adj.咽的;咽头的;n.咽的;喉音

pharyngitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords the Chinese Medicine clearing away the damp-heat from the tri-jiao Chronical hypertrophic pharyngitis follicle proliferation; ─── 中医中药;清三焦湿热法;慢性肥厚性咽炎;滤泡增生;

2、The positive rate of nm23-H1 protein expressed in 30 NPC tissue was 53.30%, lower than that expressed in nasopharyngeal tissue of chronic pharyngitis patients (90.91%) showing significant differences (P

3、Keywords Pharyngitis;Expectorant;Antitussive anti-inflammation; ─── 咽炎;止咳;祛痰;抗炎;

4、Examination of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) should focus on common types of infection: sinusitis, pharyngitis, and otitis. ─── 头、眼、耳、鼻及喉检查的重点是普通类型的感染:鼻窦炎、喉炎和耳炎。

5、acute lymphonodular pharyngitis ─── 急性淋巴小结性咽炎

6、Keywords Dangguisini soup;Radioactive Stomatitis;Radioactive pharyngitis; ─── 当归四逆汤;放射性口腔炎;放射性咽炎;

7、What medicine treats chronic pharyngitis best? ─── 什么药治疗慢性咽炎最好?

8、The potential complications of acute pharyngitis in young children may be much more serious than the disease itself; therefore, it should never be dismissed lightly. ─── 幼儿的急性咽炎潜在并发症可能比咽炎本身更严重,所以决不要忽视。

9、A Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Houyou Spray on Acute pharyngitis and Acute Attack of chronic pharyngitis ─── 喉友喷剂治疗急性咽炎及慢性咽炎急性发作的临床观察

10、Effects of FE Complex Enzyme Oral cavity Disinfectant Spray and He-Ne laser in treating chronic pharyngitis on children ─── FE复合酶喷雾剂与氦氖激光联合治疗儿童慢性咽炎疗效观察

11、How are pharyngitis and rhinitis to suffer from go up? ─── 咽炎和鼻炎是怎么患上的呢?

12、severe facial erysipelas with pharyngitis ─── 大头瘟, 鸬鹚瘟, 大头风, 大头毒, 大头痛, 大头伤寒

13、Other common infections of non-streptococcal pharyngitis, acute and chronic sinusitis and intestinal parasitic infections. ─── 其他常见感染有非链球菌性咽炎,急性和慢性鼻窦炎和肠道寄生虫感染。

14、Acute pharyngitis does not ordinarily last for more than 2 or 3 days, but there is always the danger of complications. ─── 急性咽炎一般不超过二至三天,但总是有并发症的危险。

15、Clinical Observation of Yin-Nourishing and Pharynx-Clearing Therapy for Chronic Pharyngitis ─── 养阴利咽法治疗慢性咽炎的疗效观察

16、Method: TLC was used to qualitative identity of honeysuckle and licorice root in Jinju pharyngitis granules. ─── 方法:用薄层色谱法对金菊咽炎颗粒中的金银花、甘草进行定性鉴别。

17、Doctor: There is nothing seriously wrong with your throat except chronic pharyngitis. ─── 医生:您的嗓子没有大病,只是有点慢性咽炎。

18、Therapeutic Effect Observation on Spray in Different Concentrations to Treat Patients With Complicated Pharyngitis due to Indwelling Gastric Tube ─── 不同浓度喷雾剂对留置胃管并发咽炎的疗效观察

19、The most common bacterial cause of acute pharyngitis is Streptococcus pyogenes, or Group A streptococcus, which is referred to as "strep throat. ─── 引起急性咽炎最常见的细菌是化脓性链球菌或者A组链球菌。A组链球菌常引起我们所说的链球菌性咽喉炎。

20、So, whether suffering from acute or chronic pharyngitis, should be early to the hospital, and actively cooperate with the treatment. ─── 所以,不论患了急性还是慢性咽炎,都应该及早到医院检查,并积极配合治疗。

21、YAG laser combined with Yiqing capsule in treatment of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis ─── YAG激光结合一清胶囊治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎

22、Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Ynxingchao Dropping Pills Compound on acute pharyngitis and acute catarrhal tonsillitis ─── 复方鱼腥草滴丸治疗急性咽炎和急性卡他性扁桃体炎的临床观察

23、For pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, tooth decay, etc. have assisted government role and can effectively improve the symptoms of toothache, there is swelling effect. ─── 对咽喉炎、口腔炎、牙龈炎、蛀牙等有辅助的治作用,可有效改善牙痛症状,有消肿作用。

24、Keywords pharyngitis;allergia;diagnostic standard;TCM therapy; ─── 关键词咽炎;变态反应;诊断标准;中医治疗;

25、Diagnosis of GAS pharyngitis based on clinical features alone is unreliable. ─── 单独靠临床症状来诊断儿童A族链球菌咽喉炎是不可靠的。

26、A clinical study on the therapeutic effects of yanjiling granule to acute pharyngitis ─── 中药咽疾灵冲剂治疗急性咽炎的临床研究

27、This paper summarized the clinical application of Zhaohai (KI 6) and presented its application in four cases of insomnia, chronic pharyngitis, retention of urine and neurodermatitis. ─── 总结归纳照海穴的临床应用,并列举其治疗失眠、慢性咽炎、尿潴留和神经性皮炎验案四则。

28、The therapeutic effects of Yanhouling Mixture on acute pharyngitis by means of ultrasonic atomization inhaling ─── 咽喉灵合剂雾化吸入治疗急性咽炎疗效观察

29、Voice is uncomfortable, like seeming to thing card is in inside. Be chronic pharyngitis? How should be treated? ─── 嗓子不舒服,好像有东西卡在里面一样.是不是慢性咽炎啊?要如何治疗呢?

30、Parainfluenza virus pharyngitis ─── 副流感病毒咽炎

31、Study of External Antisepsis on Decoction for Pharyngitis ─── 咽炎浓煎剂体外抗菌作用研究

32、The role of Nd-YAG laser in treatment of chronic pharyngitis ─── YAG激光在慢性咽炎治疗中的作用

33、For tuberculosis, lymphatic tuberculosis, lymphadenitis , and pharyngitis. ─── 用于肺结核,淋巴结结核,淋巴结炎,咽喉炎。

34、The doctor says is pharyngitis of pair of cool wind irritability, without method. ─── 医生说是对凉风过敏性咽炎,没有办法。

35、Observing on treatment of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis with cefadroxil ─── 头孢羟氨苄治疗急性咽炎、扁桃体炎的疗效观察

36、Keywords Herpes pharyngitis;Jodine glycerin;Curative effect; ─── 关键词疱疹性咽炎;碘甘油;疗效;

37、Microwave treat 100 clinic analysises of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis ─── 微波治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎100例临床分析

38、Clinical and experimental study on the therapy of throat-disinhibiting vaporous atomization for the freatment of infantile acute and chronic pharyngitis ─── 利咽雾化液治疗小儿急慢性咽炎的临床与实验研究

39、Keywords pharyngitis granule;orthognal test;acute pharyngitis;clinical observation; ─── 咽炎颗粒;正交试验;急性咽炎;临床观察;

40、Pharyngitis can become guttural cancer. ? ─── 咽炎会变成咽喉癌么.?

41、Using human placetal tissue fluid to treat 300 cases of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis ─── 人胎盘组织液治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎300例

42、It had no inhibition on dominant bacteria streptococcus A, instead, promoted its growth for the persons with chronic pharyngitis. ─── 对慢性咽炎人群有促进优势菌甲型链球菌生长的作用。

43、chronic pharyngitis in children ─── 小儿慢性咽炎

44、Hemophilus?influenzae?accounted for?65% of the?pathogenic bacteria?in acute?pharyngitis. ─── 嗜血杆菌占急性咽炎的致病菌的65%。

45、Respiratory syncytial virus pharyngitis ─── 呼吸道合胞体病毒咽炎

46、Allergic constitution of the external environment, climate change, easy to catch a cold, too sensitive causing pharyngitis. ─── 过敏体质的人对外界环境、气候的改变过度敏感,容易感冒,引起咽炎。

47、Doctor: There is nothing seriously wrong with your throat except chronic pharyngitis. ─── 您的嗓子没有大病,只是有点慢性咽炎。

48、What medicine is the most effective to the cure of chronic pharyngitis? ─── 什么药对慢性咽炎的治疗最有效?

49、Relationship between indigenous microflora of posterior pharyngeal wall and pharyngitis ─── 呼吸道粘膜固有微生物种群与咽炎发病的关系

50、Keywords Microwave Chronic hypertrophy Pharyngitis Lymph follicle; ─── 微波;慢性肥厚性咽炎;淋巴滤泡;

51、How to treat chronic pharyngitis green bubble? ─── 如何治疗慢性咽炎绿泡?

52、How does pharyngitis use food treatment? How to and one annual meeting has 1 do to 2 tonsil agnail? ─── 咽炎如何用食物治疗?并且一年会有1到2次扁桃体发炎怎么办?

53、A lot of by the patient that diagnose is chronic pharyngitis, return can active demand to give antibiotic treatment even. ─── 很多被确诊为慢性咽炎的病人,甚至还会主动要求给予抗生素治疗。”

54、Other common infections have non-streptococci pharyngitis, acute and chronic sinusitis and intestinal parasitic infections. ─── 其他常见的感染有非链球菌性咽炎,急性和慢性鼻窦炎和肠道寄生虫感染。

55、Observation and nursing care of acute and chronic pharyngitis treated by bunging nose with traditional Chinese medicine combined with ultrasonic nebulization ─── 中药塞鼻配合超声雾化治疗急慢性咽炎的护理观察

56、A clinical observation on the therapeutic effects of radio frequency and Chinese traditional medicine to hypertrophic pharyngitis ─── 射频与中药联合治疗肥厚性咽炎的临床观察

57、labyrinthitis, sinusitis, mastoiditis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, epiglotitis., stomatitis, and gingivitis. ─── 会厌炎,口腔炎,齿龈炎.

58、acpuei pharyngitis ─── [医] 急性咽炎, 卡他性咽炎

59、Keywords Pharyngitis pellet;Production technical process;Quality specification; ─── 咽炎颗粒;生产工艺流程;质量标准;

60、The therapeutic effects of herbal therapy on acuteradiation pharyngitis and stomatitis among cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma ─── 中药治疗鼻咽癌急性放射性口咽炎的疗效观察

61、Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation. ─── 咽喉肿痛,牙痛耳鸣,头痛眩晕,口鼻生疮,爆发火眼,大便不通。

62、This method is now used more treatment of pharyngitis. ─── 此法现在治疗咽炎用的比较多。

63、The illness rate of exposed groups is higher than that in no-exposed workers on dizzy giddy, headache, memory declining, catamenia disturbance, coryza, pharyngitis, dermatitis. ─── 低浓度混苯接触组头晕、头痛、记忆力下降、月经紊乱以及鼻炎、咽炎、皮炎发病率明显高于对照组,发病者专业工龄无明显差异。

64、Observation of acute pharyngitis treated by spray inhalation of shuanghuanglian ─── 双黄连超声雾化吸入治疗急性咽炎疗效观察

65、Treatment of chronic pharyngitis with No.1 Pharyngitis tea drinking: A clinical study of 300 cases ─── 利咽1号茶饮治疗慢性咽炎300例临床观察

66、frigid accumulating pharyngitis ─── 伏寒喉痈

67、chronic follicular pharyngitis ─── 回食单

68、Must not abuse antibiotic, become only when the cold is intercurrent pharyngitis, bronchitic, pneumonic, just can fall to be added appropriately in doctor guidance with antibiotic. ─── 切不可滥用抗生素,只有当感冒并发咽炎、支气管炎、肺炎时,才可在医生指导下适当加用抗生素。

69、membranous pharyngitis ─── 喉癣

70、chronic catarrhal pharyngitis ─── 慢性卡他性咽炎

71、Bacterial infection was not the main cause of chronic pharyngitis. ─── 7%),病原体感染不是慢性咽炎的主要病因。

72、Keywords pharyngitis;microwave - thermocoagulation;Manyan Mixture;chronic disease; ─── 咽炎;微波热凝;慢咽合剂;慢性病;

73、Clinical study on treatment of 38 chronic pharyngitis patients on the theory of midnight-noon ebb-flow ─── 子午流注纳甲法治疗慢性咽炎38例临床研究

74、Pharyngitis is a painful inflammation of the throat caused by a ariety of microorganisms, both iral and bacterial. ─── 咽炎是一种非常痛苦的咽喉部炎症,许多微生物都可以引起咽炎,包括病毒和细菌。

75、Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 126 Cases of Chronic Pharyngitis With Chinese Crude Drug Together With Heat Cure Operation of Microwave ─── 中药方结合微波热凝术治疗慢性咽炎126例临床观察

76、Effect: reducing inflammation, guarding liver, detoxicating and eliminating phlegm, depressing blood pressure, treating giddiness、hyposomnia、acute pharyngitis、acne, and so on. ─── 功效:清热消炎,平肝清火,解毒利咽,降血压,改善头昏、目眩、失眠、耳鸣,防治暗疮、青春痘、急性咽喉炎等诸多医疗保健功能。

77、Clinical Study on Treating Infantile Acute Pharyngitis with a Syndrome of Excessive Heat in the Lung and the Stomach with Infantile Qingyanjiere Oral Liquid ─── 儿童清咽解热口服液治疗小儿急性咽炎肺胃实热证临床研究

78、Investigation on Effect of Microwave Therapy Assorted with "Bao Hou San"in Chronic Pharyngitis ─── 微波配合中药保喉散治疗慢性咽炎疗效分析

79、How did hospital check-up get pharyngitis to treat? ─── 医院体检得了咽炎怎么治?

80、Keywords traditional Chinese medicine;JINGUOYIN (金果饮);pharyngitis;laryngitis;treatment; ─── 中医;金果饮;慢性咽喉炎;治疗;

81、Keywords Epiglottitis;Pharyngitis;Deglutition disorders;Artificial trachea; ─── 会厌炎;咽炎;吞咽障碍;人工气道;

82、How to treat chronic pharyngitis? ─── 如何治疗慢性咽炎?

83、10. Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation. ─── 咽喉肿痛,牙痛耳鸣,头痛眩晕,口鼻生疮,爆发火眼,大便不通。收藏指正

84、How to treat irritability pharyngitis? ─── 如何治疗过敏性咽炎?

85、The Study of Processing Technology of Pharyngitic Granules and Its Clinical Observation on Acute Pharyngitis ─── 咽炎颗粒的提取工艺研究及对急性咽炎的临床观察

86、research the pathogenic microorganism characters of chronic pharyngitis. ─── 研究慢性咽炎的病原学问题。

87、How does urgent chronic pharyngitis want to recuperate? ─── 急慢性咽炎要怎样调理呢?

88、A report of twice outbreak epidemic of acute tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis ─── 两次急性扁桃体炎、咽炎暴发流行的调查报告

89、Keywords Inhalant of vaporous atomization;Pharyngitis;Treatment; ─── 利咽雾化液;咽炎;治疗;

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