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08-21 投稿


elegantly 发音

英:['?l?g?ntli]  美:[?el?ɡ?ntli]

英:  美:

elegantly 中文意思翻译



elegantly 同义词

tastefully |stylishly | smartly | gracefully | sophisticatedly

elegantly 反义词


elegantly 词性/词形变化,elegantly变形

副词: elegantly |

elegantly 短语词组

1、elegantly southern catering athens ga ─── 雅致的南部餐饮

2、steel bars elegantly ─── 钢筋优雅

3、elegantly designed trinkets crossword ─── 设计优雅的小饰物纵横字谜

4、elegantly wasted inxs ─── 优雅地浪费在

5、elegantly synonym ─── 雅致的同义词

6、elegantly wasted inxs lyrics ─── 优美的歌词

elegantly 相似词语短语

1、pregnantly ─── 怀孕地

2、pleasantly ─── adv.愉快地;和蔼地,亲切地;友好地

3、flagrantly ─── adv.千真万确地;罪大恶极地

4、emergently ─── adv.紧急地

5、tolerantly ─── adv.宽容地,容忍地

6、inelegantly ─── 不优美地

7、elegancy ─── n.优美;优雅;雅致

8、relevantly ─── adv.贴切地;得要领地

9、elegant ─── adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的

elegantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a courtly manner;elegantly or politely. ─── 典雅地,有礼貌地;有王室气派地

2、his proposal is elegantly simple. ─── 他的建议雅致、简单。

3、She writes elegantly and economically. ─── 她写作典雅而简练。

4、World top's Wei Yu the sanitary equipment product works elegantly, moreover mostly has or quality of material good plexiglass, plastic fittings and so on oneself necessary hardware. ─── 世界顶级的卫浴洁具产品做工考究,而且大多有自己配套的五金件或质地良好的有机玻璃、塑料等配件。

5、She writes elegantly and economically. ─── 她写作典雅而简炼。

6、A consistently cool cellar is considered an advantage, allowing wine to evolve slowly and elegantly. ─── 一直被视为优势凉爽地窖,让酒慢慢演变和优雅。

7、Domenico prefers dressing sporty during the day, while he dresses more elegantly in the evening. He's very particular about the shoes he wears: they always need to match the suit. ─── 在日常生活中,多梅尼克喜欢穿运动装,在晚上的时候他会穿的很正式。他对自己穿的鞋子很挑剔:鞋子必须和他穿的别的衣服搭配。

8、They definitely have learned how to think innovatively to solve problems cheaply, efficiently, and elegantly. ─── 他们很明确如何创新地思考来简单,高效和优雅地解决问题。

9、1) The elegantly designed lobby of the forest chalet. ─── 图1:森林小屋中的客厅,摆设洁净雅致。

10、Palate: Crisp, lush, balanced, and ripe. A delicate balance between intense citric acidity and alcohol for a juicy, mouth-filling wine. Elegantly persistent with a very pleasing, clean finish. ─── 口感:爽口、调、熟,精致的酸度得到高酒精度的平衡,酒体中等,令人愉悦,回味干净。

11、Strolling in the corridor, a visitor sees an endless lineup of corridor stands stretching into the distance or curving away elegantly at soft angles as well as Kunming Lake sparkling under the sun. ─── 人行长廊中不仅可以看见有时一望不尽和有时弯曲如意的廊柱,同时还可以透过廊子和石栏干看见昆明湖的壮阔景色。

12、He elegantly pulled the strings in central midfield as his younger team-mates, including the impressive Zoran Tosic on the left flank, scurried around in the stifling humidity. ─── 在闷热潮湿的比赛中,作为中场,他多次衔枚急进,优雅地指挥着自己年轻的队友,其中包括在左翼给人印象深刻的奥兰.托稀奇。

13、The travel caricature of Havana, of course, is an elegantly aged vision of cigars and classic cars, son and salsa, and cafe con leche. ─── 一说到哈瓦那旅行,大家脑海里自然浮现出一幅优雅而古老的画面:雪茄、老爷车、古巴颂乐和萨尔萨舞曲以及古巴奶咖啡等。

14、Xiangshan temple - The botanical garden construction assumes elegantly, full age of the incense and candle to wind around Pu all living things. ─── 园林建筑呈秀美,终年香火缭绕普众生。

15、Her white hair elegantly coifed and wearing a smart navy blue suit, she raised a glass of sparkling wine in a toast to her long life. ─── 她一头白发上优雅地覆以头巾,穿着一件时髦海蓝色西装,举起一杯盛着晶莹放光的红酒庆祝自己的长寿。

16、You'll be thrilled to watch blue-footed boobies soar elegantly into the air and then torpedo dive in groups into the ocean. ─── 与百岁高龄的老海龟迎头对面会在你心中激起谦卑与敬畏的情感,但这不过是个开端而已。

17、She turned on her elegantly shod heel. ─── 她突然转身,迈开穿着雅致的皮鞋的双脚离去了。

18、This enabled me to avoid code duplication more elegantly than I could have with a procedural language. ─── 这使得我可以避免代码重复,从而比使用过程语言更为优雅。

19、In a courtly manner; elegantly or politely ─── 典雅地,有礼貌地;有王室气派地

20、The Great Pyrenees moves smoothly and elegantly, true and straight ahead, exhibiting both power and agility. ─── 大白熊犬的步态平稳而优雅,准确且保持直线,显示出力量和敏捷。

21、Showing Itself Elegantly by Breaking through the Restrictions--A Brief Analysis of the Creation Idea of the Sports Culture Center in Hangzhou Jianggan Borough ─── 从限定中脱颖而出--杭州江干区文体中心规划

22、Dressed in a simple outfit of funeral black, her face locked in concentration, she glided, leapt and spun across the ice, elegantly and flawlessly. ─── 她穿着简洁而庄严的黑色套装,全神贯注地在冰面上时而滑行,时而跳跃,时而旋转,优雅的动作可谓完美无缺。

23、But she will elegantly escape her fate as a desperate housewife by becoming a serial bride. ─── 她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。

24、The challenge is not whether they can afford it (what’s unaffordable to them?), but how nicely and elegantly the license plates read. ─── 价钱从来不是问题,问题只是如何可以更够型更够格。

25、These two issues are handled independently and elegantly, thanks to the way the bridge device is abstracted. ─── 多亏桥设备提取的方法,这两个情况被独立且很好的掌控。

26、She is elegantly designed and luxuriously decorated, having 318 rooms and suites and 1000seats for diners, 100 parking. ─── 具有设计典雅,装饰华丽的各式房间318间,餐位1000多个,车位100多个。

27、an elegantly dressed man (often with affected manners). ─── 一个穿着雅致的人(尤其有一种做作的方式)。

28、He could see the young face, hear the young warm elegantly accented voice pouring out these hurried words. ─── 他能想象出那年轻的脸蛋,能听到以那年轻、热诚、语调优雅的声音急急忙忙地倾吐出那些话来。

29、She dressed very simply and elegantly in short plaid skirts and waists of knitted silk ─── 她身穿方格子的绒布短裙和丝织的上衣,相当朴素而入时。

30、Two head-tails hung elegantly in front of her plump chest and stretched to the slender waist. ─── 两条“列库”角优雅地垂在她丰满的胸脯前,一直伸到她纤细的腰肢。

31、But,she will elegantly escape her fate as a desprate housewife by becoming a serial bride. ─── 她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。

32、Zhongmei Hotel Is A 3-Star Tourism Hotel Located In Downtown Jinggangshan City. It Is Awarded As “The Safest Hotel”. The Hotel Is Elegantly Constructed Providing Background Music. ─── 中美酒店井冈山优惠预订,如果您需要在井冈山,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

33、She behaves elegantly, talks culturedly, tempers decently, and connotes abundantly. ─── 她举止端庄,谈吐优雅,气质高雅,内涵丰富。

34、XTEN Architecture recently unveiled an elegantly spiraling observation tower that stands to make an incredible new addition to Dubai's skyline. ─── XTEN建筑最近推出一个优雅的螺旋了望塔可以达到令人难以置信的新作除了迪拜的天际线。

35、She noticed suddenly that Mrs. Vance's manner had rather stiffened under the gaze of handsome men and elegantly dressed ladies, whose glances were not modified by any rules of propriety. ─── 她突然发觉万斯太太在众目睽睽之下很有些局促了,那些英俊的男人和穿着高雅的太太们,用肆无忌惮的目光盯着她看,毫无礼貌可言。

36、By the Ersha Island with charming scenery, faced with Pearl River full of green water, elegantly decorated La Seine Restaurant Francais plays a romantic symphony for you, which makes you feel like standing by the Seine River. ─── 在风景迷人的二沙岛,面对着碧水悠悠的珠江,装潢优雅的塞纳河法国餐厅为您奏响一曲浪漫的交响曲,令您犹如置身塞纳河畔。

37、To help you lead a greener/pantheistic life, elegantly designed Sensory Lamp is a nice replacement to old school lamp. ─── 与旧式的学校台灯相比,这款感应灯能让你的生活更富生机,更加惬意。

38、Basically it is intended as a tool for browsing selections of images, but it's an odd addition to the program given that the one-click previews allow you to do the same thing but more elegantly. ─── 基本上它的目的是作为一种工具来选择浏览的图像,但它的另外一个奇怪的程序,因为只要按一下预览,让您做同样的事情,但更优雅。

39、An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. ─── 一位衣着优雅的贵族下了车,自我介绍说是弗莱明所救男孩的父亲。

40、Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? ─── 你可能要问,将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?

41、He almost always chooses to dress casual and sporty, but he's aware that in certain situations dressing elegantly is a necessity. ─── 他总是选择休闲装和运动装,但是他知道在特定的场合穿着得体是必要的。

42、She's a lovely mover, ie moves (eg dances) elegantly. ─── 她动作优美.

43、The strange BE, accompany with the melody of our this love, isn't the sweet madrigal of your my 侬 , but is the song that elegantly simple and sad but beautiful XU MEI calm down. ─── 奇怪的是,伴随我们这段爱情的旋律,不是你侬我侬的甜蜜情歌,却是淡雅凄美的许美静的歌。

44、He danced the tango, drank good Scotch and cognac, favored American jazz and read Jacqueline Susann, dressed elegantly and was "the perfect host." ─── 他跳探戈舞,喝上等苏格兰威士忌和法国白兰地,喜欢美国爵士乐,读杰克琳·苏珊的书,穿着考究,是一个“完美无缺的东道主。”

45、Info:Leather Bikers Jacket Our range of bikers jackets are crafted elegantly from pure and stylish lea ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用季节:秋

46、I had spent the whole day trying to use words elegantly and now would have to start all over again. ─── 我花了一整天的时间修辞造,现在却得全部从头开始。

47、The Flora by Gucci logo elegantly sets itself apart from the surface of the front side through blind embossing. ─── 由古植物图案优雅套从正面表面本身除了通过盲目压花。

48、Mr Jobs, who died this week aged 56, spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy-to-use products. ─── 乔布斯先生于本周去世,享年56岁。他一生都致力于将其魔法包裹进设计优雅、易于使用的产品中。

49、an elegantly insouciant manner; ─── 优雅的、无忧无虑的举止;

50、The retronasal effect is elegantly long-lasting with a pleasant background that reminds us of its bouquet. ─── 单宁成熟饱满,木香与果香完美融合,是一款和谐优雅的好酒。优雅且长久的余韵更是让人愉快!

51、She told the reporters, because the psychology is quite high to the language request, even if she thinks of the result to be good elegantly, in also feels from the very beginning somewhat laboriously. ─── 她告诉记者,因为心理学对语言的要求相当高,即便她的雅思成绩不错,在一开始也感到有些辛苦。

52、The elegantly designed unit fits most kinds of taps and is easy to install. ─── 分流器阀优良设计,适用于多种水龙头,装置轻松方便,备有三种水流模式任君选择。

53、There are eight elegantly designed conference rooms on the third floor: Peony, Plum blossom, begonia, osmanthus, camellia, azalea, lotus, orchid. ─── 不同风格的餐厅(宫延宴中餐厅、西餐厅及日本料理)。

54、A perennial favorite. Extroverted notes of Mediterranean verbena mingle with a rosy base of geranium and lemon tree. Elegantly presented in a glass spray bottled engraved with a verbena leaf. ─── 一种永恒的香味。它融合了地中海马鞭草与玫瑰天竺葵、柠檬树的香味。它的瓶子上非常优雅地雕刻了一片马鞭草叶。

55、She bears herself elegantly and decently, showing herself to be from a distinguished family. ─── 她的容止优雅得体,不愧是出自贵族名门。

56、Her room was furnished elegantly. ─── 她的房子装饰得特别高雅。

57、The Hotel West End Inn New Delhi Offers The Best Of Delhi Life Without The Stress And Bustle. Spacious And Elegantly Furnished Guestrooms Include All The Modern Amenities. ─── 伦敦西区酒店优惠预订,如果您需要在新德里(印度),印度住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

58、In a courtly manner; elegantly or politely. ─── 典雅地,有礼貌地; 有王室气派地

59、She was not elegantly dressed, but a noble-looking woman, and the girls thought the gray cloak and unfashionable bonnet covered the most splendid mother in the world. ─── 她的衣着虽不华丽,但仪态高贵。在姐妹们心目中,这位身披灰色外套,头戴一顶过时无边小圆软帽的女士是普天下最出色的母亲。

60、Romantic lavender originated from Provence, elegantly kisses each part of your skin like fresh breeze. ─── 产自法兰西普罗旺斯的浪漫薰衣草,如同清风吹来,优雅地亲吻着你的每寸肌肤。

61、Secondly,the lines should be sketched elegantly,pithily and shapely,so that we coulld guarantee the exactness of the image; ─── 其次,线条要勾得挺秀有力,且要用力均匀,才能保证形象的正确;

62、The user is encouraged to do more with the page as interaction and responses (and feedback in case of slow operations) are all handled more elegantly. ─── 交互和响应(操作缓慢时的反馈)都更妥善地得到了处理,便于用户对页面进行更多操作。

63、"At its core, transformative learning theory is elegantly simple. ─── “它的核心,迁移理论学极为简单。

64、In this period, tall has elegantly experienced bodily and thepsychological double aspect tribulation . ─── 在这期间,乔娜经历了身体和心理双方面的磨难。

65、Well rounded, elegantly balanced and complex red wine with the aroma of mature fruits and subtle nuances of Vanilla. This Rioja Reserva will satisfy any wine lover. ─── 一款有深郁,烟红颜色的葡萄酒带着陶瓷红的反光。其芳香使人想起葡萄干、香草和巧克力。是一款少数能与单宁酸相融合的酒。是西班牙葡萄酒的典型代表。

66、Her hair: big beautiful curl, elegantly done. ─── 她的头发:美丽的大波浪,做得很优雅。

67、He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie. ─── 他优雅地穿着一件灰色西服,蓝衬衣,系着佩斯利涡旋花纹领带。

68、He saw a lady, a fashionable, elegantly dressed lady, and yet the door remained almost closed. ─── 他看见一位太太,一位高雅时髦的太太,可是那扇门却依旧裂开条缝。

69、Palate: Elegantly spicy and fruity flavors in the mouth. A rich, generous and well-balanced Tavel typical of the appellation. ─── 口感:口感丰富,优雅而平衡,带有辛辣与水果的味。此桃红葡萄酒是该法定产区的代表作之一。

70、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs. Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant. ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西·乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

71、The Marquis took a gentle little pinch of snuff, and shook his head; as elegantly despondent as he could becomingly be of a country still containing himself, that great means of regeneration. ─── 侯爵嗅了一小撮鼻烟,摇了摇头,优雅地表现了失望,仿佛这个国家毕竟还有他,而他却是个当之无傀的伟大人物,能够重振家邦似的。

72、Punctuate my heart in of elegantly simple. ─── 圈点着我心中的淡雅。

73、He leaned elegantly against the door. ─── 他温文儒雅地靠在门上。

74、He adapts himself to various conditions and lives freely and elegantly but he is not like the Hippie who is unconventional and unorthodox. ─── 他随遇而安、自由自在,显得潇洒,可是也不会如雅痞嘻痞那样,标新立异突显自己。

75、They define a man who likes to win, even taking risks, but always elegantly and gentlemanly. ─── 她们把男人定义为:以优雅绅士的姿态承受风险享受胜利。

76、The multi-functional hall with approximately 200 seats is the ideal place for all kinds of business conference and banquet. Also 15 elegantly decorated banqueting hall can offer top-grade-banqueting service. ─── 可容纳近200人的多功能厅,是各种商务会议和宴会的理想场所,15个装修典雅的宴会小厅,可提供各种高档宴会服务。

77、They remarked in unison how nice his house was, how even more elegantly it was furnished, and that of all the houses they had seen in the last six months this was by far the best. ─── 两人同声赞美他住的房子好,布置得更精致,在他们这半年来所看见的房子里,首屈一指。

78、He saw a lady, a fashionable, elegantly dressed lady, and yet the door remained almost closed. ─── 他看见一位太太,一位高雅时髦的太太,可是那扇门却依旧裂开条缝。

79、Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition?Of course not. ─── 你可能要问,将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?当然不是。

80、Their instincts are turned into a valuable tool by elegantly and consistently designed software. ─── 他们的本能是通过优美和一贯地设计的软件变成一个有价值的工具。

81、1 Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? ─── 你或许会问,将一本印刷精美、装帧雅致的书保存完美无缺,难道也是不恰当吗,当然不是。

82、Their thirst for reinvention saw the elegantly quiffed Hamburg rockers become the mop-topped fab four, hippy harbingers of sexual liberation and, eventually, druggy psychedelic visionaries. ─── 他们想要彻底改造世界的渴望见证了四个有着优美卷发的汉堡摇滚手变成留着著名“拖把头”的四人乐队。

83、in a sea of hot colors, she's an elegantly chilly island. ─── 在金色的海洋里,她就是一座优美地冷淡的岛屿。

84、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs. Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西?乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

85、Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book , an elegantly bound edition? ─── 你可能要问,将一本印刷精美、帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗?

86、We each in turn take a sticky, sweet bean ball and eat it with a tiny wooden pick. Not easy to do elegantly. ─── 我们依次用小木签扎了一个粘甜豆球来吃,要优雅地做到这一切实属不易。

87、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant. ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西·乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

88、Elegantly or elaborately ornate. ─── 优雅华丽的,精美堂皇的

89、Also do not have to say too teases speech, inorder to avoid the guest "bursts out laughing" , makes everybody to feel not elegantly. ─── 也不要说太逗的话,以免来客“喷饭”,使大家感到不雅。

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