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08-21 投稿


piping 发音

英:['pa?p??]  美:['pa?p??]

英:  美:

piping 中文意思翻译




piping 词性/词形变化,piping变形

现在分词:piping 名词复数形式:pipings 原型:pipe

piping 短语词组

1、piping design ─── [化] 配管设计

2、lagged piping ─── [化] 已保温的管道

3、piping erection drawing ─── [化] 管道安装图

4、piping crow-shrike ─── [网络] 管道乌鸦

5、oil piping installation ─── [化] 油管安装

6、buried piping ─── [化] 地下管道

7、piping and instrumentation diagram ─── [化] 配管自控流程图

8、hot piping ─── [化] 热管道输送

9、oil-piping ─── [化] 油管道

10、piping crow ─── [网络] 苏拉乌鸦

11、anti-piping compound ─── [机] 防缩剂

12、lubricating piping ─── [化] 润滑管道; 润滑管路

13、list of piping erection ─── [化] 管道安装一览表

14、blow-down piping ─── [化] 泄料管路; 放空管路

15、oil piping layout ─── [化] 油管的布置

16、air conversion piping ─── [化] 空气转化管道

17、pied-piping n. 【 ─── 语法学、转换 ─── 语法用 ─── 语】随伴法则

18、piping guan ─── [医]尖声冠雉

19、piping diagram ─── [机] 管路图

piping 相似词语短语

1、Peiping ─── n.北平

2、dipping ─── v.蘸(dip的现在分词)

3、wiping ─── v.擦,抹;擦净,抹掉;把……擦干净;涂抹;彻底去除;擦去(数据);刷(卡);拒绝;解雇;不理会(wipe的现在分词)

4、pipping ─── n.(Pipping)(美、瑞典、荷兰、德)皮平(人名)

5、primping ─── vt.精心打扮;装饰;vi.装饰;打扮

6、Taiping ─── n.太平天国运动;太平天国农民革命参加者

7、pipingly ─── 尖刻地

8、pimping ─── adj.微小的,微不足道的;v.拉皮条;盛大或持续推售、推销;装扮,使(某物)更酷炫;告密(pimp的现在分词)

9、siping ─── n.刀槽花纹;切沟;v.慢慢地流;渗(sipe的ing形式)

piping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe. ─── 他把烟丝紧紧摁实在烟斗里。

2、A plumber is coming to mend the piping this afternoon. ─── 今天下午水管工会过来修管道。

3、No change in piping length is required. ─── 不需要改变管道的长度。

4、Install 6" (152mm) above highest point of downstream piping or hose. ─── 安装在下游管线或软管最高点以上152毫米的地方。

5、They’re crispy, greasy, slathered in sauce, and piping hot. ─── 他们香脆可口,色泽油亮,涂着厚厚的酱汁,热气扑鼻。

6、Perhaps there is a fracture in the water pipe. ─── 也许水管有裂缝了。

7、A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object. ─── 凸缘车轮或管道上突出的边、缘、肋条或环圈,用来增加物体强度、固定物体或使某一物体附着在另一物体上

8、List and describe inspection techniques for piping systems. ─── 列出并描述管道系统的检测技术。

9、He lit his pipe with a twist of paper. ─── 他用纸煤点燃了烟斗。

10、A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl. ─── 土耳其长烟管一种有长杆和红色的黏土做的烟斗的土耳其的烟管

11、The piping outside the house needs painting. ─── 室外的管道需要油漆了。

12、Drain system and remove valve from piping. ─── 从管道上排放系统和拆卸阀门。

13、Abnormal pressure happens to the LNG piping. ─── 发现LNG管线有不正常压力现象时。

14、They had managed to pipe the water in from the river nearby. ─── 他们已经设法用管道把附近的河水引进来。

15、Superstructure compressed air piping to be done air-tightness test. ─── 上层建筑压缩空气管系密性试验。

16、All other service piping and equipment were essentially intact. ─── 其余各供水管及设备基本上安然无恙。

17、Piping shall be color belt mark as per ISO color code. ─── 依照ISO颜色法规管路应该同样的用颜色带标记。

18、The installation of expansion oil pipe of inner floating roof tank oil piping is different with that of dome roof tank oil piping. ─── 内浮顶油罐输油管路胀油管的安装不同于拱顶罐胀油管的安装。

19、So be it. We shall smoke the pipe of peace. ─── 好吧,咱们抽袋烟言和吧!

20、He knocked his pipe out before refilling it. ─── 在再装烟丝之前,他磕出了烟斗里的烟灰。

21、Corrosion-resistant pumps and piping are required for handling this water. ─── 为了使用这种水,耐腐蚀的泵和管线是需要的。

22、In a piping but determined voice she ordered me to sit down. ─── 她尖声地但却坚定地命令我坐下。

23、Shanghai Recomb Piping System Co., Ltd. ─── 上海瑞孚管路系统有限公司。

24、Air distribution piping systems almost invariably use soft copper tubing with soldered fittings. ─── 压缩空气的分配管道系统无例外地都是用焊接管件的铜管。

25、Lugs should not be used to adjust misalignment in piping. ─── 凸耳不应该用来作为管道校准。

26、He is playing a tune on his pipe. ─── 他在用笛子吹奏一支曲子。

27、Piping all of the channels in series is often the best solution. ─── 在所有的通道里布置上冷却管常常是最好的方案。

28、DO NOT use PVC water piping. ─── 不要采用PVC水管。

29、He bit on the stem of his pipe. ─── 他咬着烟斗柄。

30、The engine draws water along the pipe. ─── 发动机将水沿管道抽来。

31、Fishing out his pipe, he filled it and puffed at it without a word. ─── 他掏出烟斗,装满烟丝,一言不发地抽了起来。

32、Do not undersize supply and discharge piping. ─── 供应管道和排泄管道的口径不要太小。

33、He rammed the tobacco into his pipe. ─── 他把烟丝塞进烟斗。

34、He closed up the mouth of the pipe. ─── 他把管口堵住了。

35、Use CUL-Type Beam Clamp can fixed to H-Beam as Purlin of Piping. ─── 可卡在钢梁上成为吊杆生根件。

36、He gave us a splendid dinner, piping hot. ─── 他请我们吃了一顿美餐,热腾腾的。

37、CBV angle-style valves are designed to replace piping elbows. ─── CBV角型阀门可用于取代管道弯头。

38、A hoarse voice;the child's piping voice. ─── 嘶哑的声音;孩子的尖声

39、Shanghai Engineering Plastic Piping System Co., Ltd. ─── 上海艾普勒管路系统有限公司。

40、Superstructure compressed control air piping to be done air-tightness test. ─── 上层建筑供水管系密性试验。

41、He drew thoughtfully on his pipe. ─── 他抽著烟斗,若有所思。

42、He took to smoking a pipe. ─── 他染上的烟瘾。

43、Cleaning and tightness test should be done about correlation piping. ─── 3相关管路清洁完毕,并经过密性试验、验收结束。

44、Lincoln and Bellick through some piping. ─── 林肯和巴利克走过了一些管道。

45、Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe. ─── 好几股水流从管子里喷出来。

46、Ref. Freon piping to be done air-tightness test and vacuum test. ─── 冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验和真空试验。

47、Superstructure drainage air piping to be done air-tightness test. ─── 上层建筑疏排水管系密性试验。

48、The body is not designed to support the piping weight. ─── 但是,这种阀体不适用于支撑管道重量。

49、Valves serve the purpose of controlling the fluids in building services piping. ─── 在建筑物管道系统中,阀门起着控制流体的作用。

50、He replenished his pipe with tobacco. ─── 他给烟斗再添满烟草。

51、The principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility. ─── 主要管道输送水、天然气、石油系统中的主要管道或沟渠或其他公用事业设备

52、He has been piping away for the last two hours. ─── 在最后的2个小时里他一直在演奏木管乐器。

53、Install the water piping and fittings. ─── 安装水管线和连接件。

54、Superstructure smoke detection piping to be done air-tightness test. ─── 上层建筑烟雾报警管系密性试验。

55、She carried a piping hot grill of oysters and bacon. ─── 她端出一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎和咸肉。

56、He filled and lit his pipe. ─── 他给烟斗装上烟,然后点着。

57、An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities. ─── 在两座城市间正在铺设一条油管。

58、A puff on a cigarette, pipe, or cigar. ─── 吸对香烟、烟斗或雪茄的一吸

59、Pipe down! I'm listening to the church bell. ─── 安静!我在听教堂的钟声。

60、A measure of liquid capacity, equal to a third of a pipe, or 42 gallons(159 liters). ─── 容量单位一种液体容量单位,相当于一大酒桶的三分之一或42加仑(159升)。

61、A ns pulse beam device is installed at pulse beam current piping. ─── 在脉冲束流管道上安装有强流毫微秒脉冲化聚束装置。

62、Stop emptying your pipe into the wastepaper basket; you'll set the house on fire. ─── 不要把烟灰倒在废纸篓里,你会把这幢房子烧起来的。

63、They were piping the water away. ─── 他们正用管道把水引走。

64、It tastes best when taken piping hot. ─── 乘热吃味道最好。

65、Use piping and equipment designed to withstand pressures to be encountered. ─── 使用设计得可以承受遇到的压力的管道和设备

66、variety of seabirds and shorebirds inhabit the islands, including the endangered brown pelican, least tern, and piping plover. ─── 岛上栖息着各种各样的海鸟和滨鸟,包括濒危的褐鹈鹕、最小燕鸥和笛鸻。

67、however, plastic piping is less expensive and is often used in the systems that produce feed water for the distillation unit. ─── 然而塑料管道更便宜并且经常用于生产蒸馏设备源水的系统中。

68、DO NOT install this water heater with iron piping. ─── 不要将用铁管安装热水器。

69、Foshan Xingbao Yuantong Flexible Piping Co., Ltd. ─── 佛山星宝圆通软管有限公司

70、"There was no damaged piping in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, as claimed in the article, " he said. ─── 正如文章所声明的那样,日本福岛第一核电站没有损坏的管道。

71、Fitting the underdeck piping. ─── 安装甲板下方的管道。

72、The smoke from his pipe twisted upward. ─── 从他烟斗冒出来的烟盘旋上升。

73、Piping all of the channels in series is often the best solution. ─── 在所有的通道里布置上冷却管常常是最好的方案。

74、As for myself, I see obvious improvement in my piping and frosting, and that's all that matters to me in this stage! ─── 就我自己而言,我看到我的管道和无光泽面有明显的进步,这是我在此阶段的所有事。

75、Star Piping Engineering Service Customer Trust. ─── 实达管道工程服务用户信赖。

76、Don't be afraid to exercise some resourcefulness and find the answers to your questions on your own before piping up for yourself. ─── 在管束自己之前,别害怕尝试机智和以自己的方式找问题的答案。

77、Piping-hot water gushed out. ─── 滚烫的水涌了出来。

78、He smokes a pipe. ─── 他抽烟斗。

79、A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe. ─── 封闭盖用以封闭井或大管子的盖子

80、He tapped the ashes out of his pipe. ─── 他轻轻地将烟斗里的烟灰敲出来。

81、Ref.Freon piping to be done air-tightness test. ─── 冷藏氟利昂管系真空试验。

82、He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth. ─── 他一直叼著烟斗。

83、A hoarse voice; the child's piping voice. ─── 嘶哑的声音; 孩子的尖声

84、She told the children to pipe down while she was talking on the telephone. ─── 她告诉孩子别吵了,她正在打电话。

85、The children danced to the music that the pipers were piping . ─── 孩子们伴随着管乐器者们吹奏的音乐起舞。

86、They've been piping away all morning. ─── 他们整个上午都在吹奏。

87、Safety standards and/or piping codes. ─── 安全标准和/或管道标准。

88、No disruption or length change of connected piping is required. ─── 不需要破坏或改变管道长度。

89、He was still standing on the hummock piping the fife in the long dusk. ─── 依然拿着横笛站在山冈上,把黄昏吹得悠长。

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