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08-21 投稿


undiluted 发音

英:[?nda?'lu?t?d]  美:[,?nda?'lut?d]

英:  美:

undiluted 中文意思翻译



undiluted 同义词

unadulterated | neat | straight |pure | unmixed

undiluted 短语词组

1、undiluted lavender essential oil ─── 纯薰衣草精油

2、undiluted 35% hydrogen peroxide ─── 未稀释35%过氧化氢

3、undiluted joy ─── 纯粹的欢乐

4、undiluted adr ─── 未稀释adr

5、undiluted clue ─── 未澄清的线索

6、undiluted art ─── 纯艺术

7、undiluted crossword ─── 未稀释纵横字谜

undiluted 反义词


undiluted 相似词语短语

1、undinted ─── 无痕

2、diluted ─── adj.稀释的;无力的;v.稀释(dilute的过去分词);使减低(效果)

3、undiffused ─── 未扩散

4、unsaluted ─── 未稀释

5、undighted ─── 未经修饰

6、undulated ─── adj.波状的;v.使…起伏(undulate的过去分词)

7、undeleted ─── 删除

8、undisputed ─── adj.无可争辩的;无异议的;毫无疑问的

9、unfluted ─── adj.无槽的

undiluted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With further crosses, both forms of a trait could reappear in undiluted form in future generations, however, demonstrating that the genetic information for alternative forms had not blended away. ─── 然而,这些子代如果再次杂交,两种性状会在后代再次出现而且没有被融合,证实相异性状的遗传讯息不会被混合而消失。

2、Won't 100% bleach cause pain or damage to the user? Will undiluted bleach hurt the user if it gets into the bloodstream? ─── 的漂白粉会不会对吸毒者造成伤害?未稀释的漂白粉进入到吸毒者的血液循环系统会不会造成伤害?

3、That may not be undiluted good news. ─── 这可能会稀释好消息。

4、He also shall drink of the wine of the fury of God, which is mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath; and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb. ─── 10这人也必喝神烈怒的酒,此酒调在神忿怒的杯中,纯一不杂;他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺中受痛苦。

5、undiluted oil ─── 未稀释的油

6、Stir well before use and apply undiluted, by brush, roller or finely notched spatula, direct to surface, which is to be papered. ─── 在使用和稀释之前用刷子、路辗或小铲搅动,很好在用途和向表面应用未稀释。

7、Keywords Big parameter Undiluted ore drawing Mutisubsection parallel mining Computer simulation; ─── 大参数;无贫化放矿;多分段并行回采;计算机模拟;

8、I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure. ─── 我将带着巨大的愉悦回首这件事。

9、Use undiluted white vinegar to wash dried concrete or mortar off your skin, then wash with warm, soapy water. ─── 你可以先用没有稀释过的白醋洗掉皮肤上的干泥和灰尘,然后用温肥皂水洗净。

10、Pour a bit of undiluted white vinegar onto a soft cloth and use it to wipe your chrome faucets, towel racks, bathroom mirrors, doorknobs, and such. ─── 在软不上倒上纯度醋,用来擦拭水龙头,毛巾架,浴室镜,门把手,等等。

11、undiluted liquid ─── 原汁

12、(of an alcoholic drink)strong and undiluted ─── (指酒)烈性的,未经稀释的

13、undiluted epoxy resin ─── 未稀释的环氧树脂

14、undiluted genotype ─── 未稀释基因型

15、Keywords Extreme cut-off grade ore drawing;Undiluted ore drawing;Combined cut-off grade ore drawing; ─── 极限截止品位放矿;无贫化放矿;组合截止品位放矿;


17、Its aromatherapy essential oils are 100% pure, undiluted, and contain no synthetics. ─── 香料按摩油的纯度是百分之百的,未掺任何杂质及化学成分。

18、Stir well before use and apply undiluted, by brush, roller or finely notched spatula, direct to surface, which is to be papered. ─── 在使用和稀释之前用刷子、路辗或小铲搅动,很好在用途和向表面应用未稀释。

19、fruit juice especially when undiluted. ─── 水果汁,尤其是未掺水的。

20、"The undiluted coverage rate for paint is approximately 1 gallon per square meter, per application" ─── 未经稀释的油漆的覆盖率是每遍每平方米10加仑

21、Meanwhile, Sven-Goran Eriksson declared England possessed 10 of the world's 50 best players as he voiced his undiluted faith in his team's ability to make a big impact at the World Cup finals. ─── 同时,埃里克森认为英格兰拥有世界50个顶级球员中的10人,并且他坚信他的队伍有能力在明年的世界杯上有所作为。

22、When your wooden cutting surface needs deodorizing as well as disinfecting, spread some baking soda over it and then spray on undiluted white vinegar. ─── 当你的木质切削面需要去臭和杀菌处理时,在表面撒些发酵粉,然后用未稀释的白醋喷洒。

23、Detergents must not be used undiluted. ─── 洗涤剂不能被使用未稀释。

24、2. Diffusion:Place 10 to 25 drops of undiluted essential oil in a Nebulizing Diffuser. ─── 翻译:扩散法:在喷雾扩香器中滴入10-25滴纯精油。

25、Restore it to its original shade of white by using a toothbrush dipped in undiluted white vinegar to scrub away the dinginess. ─── 用牙刷蘸纯白醋擦洗,可以去除污迹,回归原来的样子。

26、When color film images are projected at the proper brightness and without interference from stray light, colors that appear bright, deep, rich, and undiluted are said to be ‘saturated. ─── 若彩色胶片影像在放映时采用正确的亮度,并且没有散射光的干扰,颜色就会显得亮,深,丰富,而且纯,这时就说色彩很饱和。

27、To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle. ─── 为了消除这股难闻的问题并对砧板消毒,你可以用半个柠檬的切面对砧板进行擦拭或者用从瓶子里直接拿去来的未稀释果汁清洗。

28、You can soften the cuticles on your fingers and toes before manicuring them by soaking your digits in a bowl of undiluted white vinegar for five minutes. ─── 剪修指甲之前,浸泡指甲在一个放了纯度白醋的碗里五分钟,然后可以软化指甲或者脚趾上的外皮角质。

29、The term neat means to serve a product undiluted and usually at room temperature. ─── 这个词的意思是不加冰块稀释并且要在室温下饮用。

30、Nineteen ninety-two is not a year I shall look back on with undiluted pleasure ─── 我不会以完全愉快的心情回顾1992年。

31、This renowned small-batched, 120-proof-plus bourbon is bottled undiluted and unfiltered; essentially straight from the barrel? ─── 这种小批量酿造的波本威士忌直接装瓶,不需要稀释和过滤,它叫什么名字?

32、undiluted engine oil ─── 未稀释的发动机油

33、8. Vaporization:Add 10 drops of undiluted essential oil to the water unit of a vaporizer or humidifier. ─── 翻译:喷雾器:在喷雾器或加湿器的水格中滴加10滴纯精油.

34、DEVANTOL SOLO P is put undiluted into the storage container of the spraying table. The pre-spotting table must have an efficient ventilation. ─── DEVANTOL solo P不加稀释加入到去渍台的储液罐中,请保证去渍台的通风良好。

35、Place a small amount of the diluted essential oil (never use essential oils undiluted on the skin) on the inside of your elbow and apply a bandage. ─── 在肘关节内侧擦拭少量稀释精油(不要使用未经稀释的精油),掺上绷带。

36、Undiluted methane, ethylene, and propane were used as fuels and two nozzle sizes were used. ─── 在研究中使用一个双环同轴喷流燃烧器,于燃烧器的中心圆管提供气态甲烷充作燃料,而外环圆管则供给空气,以产生双环同轴喷流扩散火焰。

37、The resulting financial flexibility allows the owners to promote an environment that every golfer enjoys: a unique experience in an uncrowded, natural environment undiluted by outside interferences. ─── 灵活的资金让业主维护环境,给球手提供了一次独一无二的打球经验与感受自然的机会。

38、The measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey ─── 未用白色、黑色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。

39、undiluted juice ─── 未稀释汁

40、Never draw in solvent-containing liquids, undiluted acids or solvents! ─── 从未凹道在溶剂包含的液体, 未稀释的酸或溶剂!

41、Essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. ─── 精油绝对不能未稀释,就应用到皮肤。

42、Photo Gallery: The Open Road Native American culture thrives undiluted at centuries-old, visitor-friendly Taos Pueblo, just north of Taos. ─── 意译:在开阔的道路上图片集。美洲本土人的文化发展蓬勃未被冲淡达数百年之久,访客友好陶斯普韦布洛,只是北部的陶斯。

43、Keywords constructional parameter;non-pillar sublevel caving;rate of rock drop-in;rate of ore recovery;rate of undiluted ore recovery;drawing pace;drift interval; ─── 无底柱分段崩落法;结构参数;岩石混入率;回收率;纯矿石回收率;放矿步距;进路间距;

44、measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey. ─── 用白色、黑色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。

45、The pure stuff, undiluted. ─── “瞧,纯正的眼药,没稀释的。”

46、As undiluted bleach liberates a toxic gas when exposed to sunlight, it should be stored in a cool and shaded place out of reach of children. ─── 未经稀释的漂白水在太阳光下会释出有毒气体,所以应放置于阴凉及儿童接触不到的地方。

47、He also shall drink of the wine of the fury of God, which is mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath; ─── 10这人也必喝神烈怒的酒,此酒调在神忿怒的杯中,纯一不杂;

48、The results of the experiments showed that biological denitrification was feasible at the extreme environmental conditions prevailing in undiluted fertiliser wastewater. ─── 实验结果表明:生物反硝化作用在极端的环境条件下是可行的,可用于处理未经稀释的化肥废水。

49、I looked back on that time with undiluted pleasure. ─── 我在回顾那段时间时,兴味仍不减当年。

50、If you have an encounter with one, pouring some undiluted vinegar on the sting will take away the pain in no time, and let you scrape out the stinger with a plastic credit card. ─── 如果你与海蜇狭路相逢了,到一些纯度醋到蛰咬过得地方,会立刻消解疼痛,再用塑料卡片刮掉毒刺。

51、Again, the safest rule of thumb is to never use any essential oil undiluted. ─── 再重复一遍,根据经验,最安全的方法就是从不使用未经稀释的精油。

52、undiluted passage ─── 不稀释(病毒)传代

53、undiluted milk; an undiluted racial strain. ─── 纯牛奶;纯正的种族血统。

54、Saturation is the degree to which the hue of the color is undiluted by its complimentary color to form white. ─── 饱和学位在哪个颜色颜色因为白色要形成的它的称扬的颜色是没有冲淡的。

55、But you can often quell the infection, and quickly ease the itching, by rinsing your feet three or four times a day for a few days with undiluted apple cider vinegar. ─── 每天将脚浸泡在纯苹果醋三四次,连续重复几天,就可以很快的去除感染,缓解疼痛。

56、The EAW dilutions were prepared by using sterile deionized water in the rates of 100% (undiluted), 20%, 10%, 5%, 2% and 1%, while deionized water alone was used as control. ─── 酸性氧化水则以无菌的去离子纯水稀释,分别准备100%(全酸性氧化水),20%,10%,5%,2%,1%等不同浓度的溶液测试效果。

57、Unlike most of its European competitors, the company has an undiluted exposure to the top end of luxury. ─── 与多数欧洲竞争对手不同,该公司纯粹面向最高端奢侈品市场。

58、His flyball governor is undiluted informational control, one of the first non-biological circuits. ─── 他的飞球调控器是一种原汁原味的信息控制,是最初出现的非生物的控制回路之一。

59、Resilience Life cannot be expected to provide a constant stream of undiluted fun, praise and success. ─── 原始人般的吼叫,在球场上或者管用,但在职场和家中就完全不行了。

60、Keywords Pillarless sublevel caving;Recovery;Undiluted ore recovery;Rock drop-in rate;Sublevel number; ─── 无底柱分段崩落法;回收率;纯矿石回收率;岩石混入率;分段数;

61、As undiluted bleach liberates a toxic gas when exposed to sunlight, it should be stored in a cool and shaded place out of reach of children. ─── 未经稀释的漂白水在太阳光下会释出有毒气体,所以应放置于阴凉及儿童接触不到的地方。

62、but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother. ─── 但内心有一股纯粹祝福的稳流,完全是新的,我感觉到神圣母亲的临在。

63、Liquid chemical additives is low flowing speed, mild and undiluted chemical additives flow (eliminating diluted water). ─── 化学品流体是低流速、温和且未经稀释的化学品流(不需要稀释水)。

64、To remove the remaining photoresist I simply soaked the metal in the undiluted stripper solution for a few minutes, brushed it off and washed in clean water. ─── 取消其余的光致抗蚀剂,我只是湿透的金属,在原液汽提塔解决方案,几分钟后,擦肩而过,它起飞和水洗在干净的水。

65、the measure of hue and saturation of a colour,undiluted with white,black or grey ─── 未用白色、黑色或灰色冲淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量

66、For your PSP's sake, it is best to have someone else install the Undiluted Platinum if you have limited or no soldering experience. ─── 如果你已经限制,为了你的 PSP ,让其他人安装未稀释白金是最好的或没有焊经验。

67、If Robben's goal needed a big helping hand from Porto keeper Helton, there was no denying the undiluted quality of Michael Ballack's winner. ─── 如果说罗本的入球需要波尔图门将Helton很大的帮助,那么无可否认地迈克尔.巴拉克的致胜入球是纯粹高质量的表现。

68、but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother. ─── 但内心有一股纯粹祝福的稳流,完全是新的,我感觉到神圣母亲的临在。”

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