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09-10 投稿


ferricyanide 发音

英:[?fer??sa??na?d]  美:[?fer??sa??na?d]

英:  美:

ferricyanide 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 铁氰化物


ferricyanide 短语词组

1、sodium ferricyanide ─── [化] 铁氰化钠; 赤血盐钠

2、potassium ferricyanide ─── [化] 铁氰化钾; 赤血盐 ─── [医] 铁氰化钾

3、ferricyanide color ─── 铁氰化物颜色

4、ferricyanide uses ─── 铁氰化物用途

5、ferrous ferricyanide ─── [化] 铁氰化亚铁

6、cadmium ferricyanide ─── [化] 氰铁酸镉; (俗称)铁氰化镉

7、ferricyanide msds ─── 铁氰化物msds

8、ferricyanide cas ─── 铁氰化物cas

9、ammonium ferricyanide ─── [化] 氰铁酸铵

10、potassium sodium ferricyanide ─── [建] 亚铁氰化钾钠

11、ferricyanide mw ─── 铁氰化物mw

12、ferric ferricyanide ─── [化] 铁氰化铁

13、calcium ferricyanide ─── [化] 氰铁酸钙; 铁氰化钙

14、silver ferricyanide ─── [化] 氰铁酸银

15、ferricyanide test ─── 铁氰化物试验

ferricyanide 常用词组

potassium ferricyanide ─── 铁氰化钾

ferricyanide 相似词语短语

1、ferricyanic ─── 铁氰化物

2、ferricyanogen ─── 铁氰化物

3、ferrocyanogen ─── n.亚铁氰基

4、ferricyanides ─── n.[无化]铁氰化物

5、ferric oxides ─── 三氧化二铁,[无化]氧化铁

6、ferric oxide ─── 三氧化二铁,[无化]氧化铁

7、ferrocyanides ─── n.氰亚铁酸盐;[无化]亚铁氰化物

8、ferrocyanide ─── n.氰亚铁酸盐;[无化]亚铁氰化物

9、ferrocyanic ─── 氰亚铁

ferricyanide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the serum bottle fermentation,potassium ferricyanide and dithiothreitol which did not have inhibition on fermentation,were selected as the oxidizing agent and reducing agent respectively. ─── 在血清瓶发酵培养过程中,筛选出对发酵过程无抑制作用的氧化剂铁氰化钾和还原剂二硫苏糖醇作为发酵体系的氧化还原电位调节剂。

2、Keywords chemiluminescence;Luminol;potassium ferricyanide;chlorogenic acid; ─── 化学发光;鲁米诺;铁氰化钾;绿原酸;

3、Determination of Mezlocillin Sodium by Chemiluminescence of the Luminol-potassium Ferricyanide System ─── 鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系测定美洛西林钠

4、Keywords silver;catalytic-kinetic spectrophotometry;4-amino antipyrine;potassium ferricyanide(III);phenanthroline; ─── 银;催化动力分光光度法;4-氨基安替比林;铁氰化钾;邻菲罗林;

5、Electrochemical prepared potassium ferricyanide used in synthesis of TMP ─── 抗菌增效剂生产中电化学氧化循环使用赤血盐

6、Keywords calcein;chemiluminescence;ketotifen;potassium ferricyanide; ─── 钙黄绿素;化学发光;酮替芬;铁氰化钾;

7、A rapid method for determining the content of sodium hydrosuphite in vat steam was undertaken via potassium ferricyanide titration. ─── 介绍一种快速精确的测定还原染料轧染汽蒸液中保险粉浓度的方法,即铁氢化钾滴定法。

8、A new method is presented to determine trace of Pb.The lead is oxidized to high valendwith potassium ferricyanide and deiermined by hydride generation-spectro-photometry. ─── 本文提出了用铁氰化钾将铅氧化至高价,再用氢化物发生-分光光度法测定铅的一种新方法。

9、Keywords potassium ferricyanide;basement membrane;electron micosco; ─── 关键词铁氰化钾;血管基膜;电子显微镜;

10、ferricyanide titration ─── 铁氰化物滴定

11、Keywords Flow injection analysis;Chemiluminescence;Ferricyanide;Dichlorofluorescein;Methyldopa; ─── 化学发光;流动注射;甲基多巴;铁氰化钾;二氯荧光素;

12、Keywords Chemiluminescence;Flow injection;Cimetidine;Potassium ferricyanide; ─── 化学发光;西咪替丁;流动注射;铁氰化钾;

13、Keywords Thin layer chromatography;Spectrometric;4-aminoantipyrne-potassium ferricyanide;Salithion; ─── 薄层层析;4-氨基安替比林-铁氰化钾;光度法;水杨硫磷;

14、Relation between Ferricyanide Reductase and Transfer of Proton and Potassium Across Plasma Membrane in Fresh Roots of Wheat ─── 小麦新鲜根系铁氰化钾还原酶与氢、钾跨膜运输的关系

15、Relation between Ferricyanide Reductase and Transfer of Proton and Potassium Across Plasma Membrane in Fresh Roots of Wheat ─── 小麦新鲜根系铁氰化钾还原酶与氢、钾跨膜运输的关系

16、H3Fe(CN)6), a brown unstable acid formed from ferricyanide. ─── 一种棕色的不稳定酸,由铁氰化物形成。

17、Flow Injection-Post Chemiluminescence Method for the Determination of Amidopyrine with Calcein-Potassium Ferricyanide System ─── 铁氰化钾-钙黄绿素体系后化学发光反应测定氨基比林

18、ammonium ferricyanide ─── 氰铁酸铵

19、Study on the Electrochemical Features of Prussian Blue Film and Copper Ferricyanide Composite Film ─── 普鲁士蓝修饰膜及其复合膜电变色性能的研究

20、4-aminoantipyrne-potassium ferricyanide ─── 光度法

21、potassium ferricyanide(Ⅲ) ─── 铁氰化钾

22、silver ferricyanide ─── 氰铁酸银

23、cadmium ferricyanide ─── 氰铁酸镉

24、Keywords post-chemiluminescence reaction;molecule imprinting polymer;potassium ferricyanide;luminol; ─── 后化学发光反应;分子印迹聚合物;铁氰化钾;鲁米诺;

25、(H3Fe(CN)6), a brown unstable acid formed from ferricyanide. ─── (HFe(cn))一种棕色的不稳定酸,由铁氰化物形成。

26、Determination of Ketotifen with Potassium Ferricyanide-Calcein Chemiluminescence System ─── 铁氰化钾-钙黄绿素化学发光体系测定酮替芬的研究

27、A new kinetic catalytic method has been developed for the determination of gold with the ligand exchange reaction between potassium ferricyanide and EDTA used as indicatory reaction and the orthophenanthroline used as activator. ─── 研究了一种以金为催化剂,以铁氰化钾与EDTA之间的配位体取代反应为指示反应,以邻菲罗啉为活化剂的新的动力学催化法。

28、Keywords In-situ;Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy;spectroelectrochemistry;solid-state electrolyte;potassium ferricyanide; ─── 现场;傅里叶变换红外光谱;光谱电化学;固体电解质;铁氰化钾;

29、ferrous ferricyanide ─── 氰铁化亚铁

30、Keywords Lead;Hydride generation-spectro-photometry;Potassium ferricyanide;Hair dyes; ─── 铅;氢化物发生-分光光度法;铁氰化钾;染发剂;

31、The titers of HSV 1 in supernatants from infected culture of Vero E6 cells were decreased by a NO donor, sodium nitroprusside(SNP), in a dose dependant manner, while the control compound potassium ferricyanide(KFC) had no effect. ─── 结果表明:一氧化氮对HSV?1在Vero?E6细胞中增殖有明显抑制作用,而对HSV?1在HeLa细胞中增殖无明显影响。

32、Keywords HG-AFS;tin;hydrochloric acid;potassium ferricyanide;oxalic acid;vegetable tinned food; ─── 氢化物原子荧光;锡;盐酸;铁氰化钾;草酸;蔬菜罐头;

33、Keywords troxerutin;flow injection analysis;chemiluminescence;ferricyanide;rhodamine 6G; ─── 维脑路通;化学发光;流动注射;铁氰化钾;罗丹明6G;

34、planar electrochemical biosensor was fabricated with gold thin-film two-electrode system, and modified with platinum-black nano-particles and ferricyanide mediator. ─── 平面电化学生物传感器采用金薄膜两电极系统;先后修饰纳米铂黑粒子层和铁氰化钾媒介体。

35、ferric ferricyanide ─── 铁氰化铁

36、Determination of Mezlocillin Sodium by Chemiluminescence of the Luminol-potassium Ferricyanide System ─── 鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系测定美洛西林钠

37、23. Some new methods,such as MBTH,methylamine has been established and some classical methods,such as DNS , ferricyanide,BCA,has been improved. ─── 介绍了利用可见分光光度法测定还原糖的几种新方法,如MBTH、甲胺法,以及一些经典方法如DNS法、铁氰化物法、BCA法的改进情况。

38、8.A salt containing the negative tetravalent radical Fe(CN)6, used in making blue pigments, blueprint paper, and ferricyanide. ─── 羽毛带绿色和蓝色的美洲热带鸟,外形象北美产的一种蓝色鸟。

39、Keywords Chemiluminescent;potassium ferricyanide(III);drug;review; ─── 化学发光;铁氰化钾;药物;综述;

40、Keywords Flow Injection Analysis;chemiluminescence;cordial;antihypertensive drug;Luminol;sodium persulfate;Potassium permanganate;potassium ferricyanide; ─── 兴奋剂类药物;化学发光;流动注射分析;铁氰化钾;鲁米诺;过硫酸钠;

41、ammoniated sodium ferricyanide ─── 氨化铁氰化钠


43、Farmer's reducer: A solution for reducing the density of developed negatives, invented by Howard Farmer and containing principally potassium ferricyanide and sodium thiosulfate. ─── 法梅氏减落薄业:侯活法梅发明的减薄液,它是一种能把显影底片的密度减弱的液体。主要成分是铁青化钾(山埃)和硫代硫酸钠(大苏打)。

44、Post Chemiluminescence Reaction of Dipyridamole in Luminol-potassium Ferricyanide System and Its Application in Analysis--The Molecular Imprinting-post Chemiluminescence Method for the Determination of Dipyridamole ─── 铁氰化钾-鲁米诺体系后化学发光反应及其分析应用研究-分子印迹-后化学发光法测定双嘧达莫

45、Keywords Post-chemiluminescence reaction;potassium ferricyanide;calcein;amidopyrine; ─── 后化学发光反应;铁氰化钾;钙黄绿素;氨基比林;

46、With potassium ferricyanide used ascatalyst,LCVL dissolved in sodium hydroxide was oxidized to CVL by inpouring the air. ─── 把LCVL溶解在碱性溶液中,以铁氰化钾为催化剂,通入空气氧化生成结晶紫内酯(CVL)。

47、Keywords oscillography;potassium ferricyanide;titration;vitamin C; ─── 示波极谱;铁氰化钾;滴定;维生素C;

48、sodium ferricyanide ─── 铁氰化钠

49、Keywords spectroelectrochemistry;thin-layer cell;platinium minigrid electrode;ferricyanide; ─── 光谱电化学;薄层池;铂网电极;铁氰化物;

50、Potassium Ferricyanide Chemiluminescence System for the Determination of Hydrochlorid Adrenaline ─── 铁氰化钾化学发光体系测定盐酸肾上腺素

51、When the glucose in blood sample is contacted with the test paper containing glucose oxidase and ferricyanide,low electricity will be produced and detected by the blood-glucose meter. ─── 其原理是葡萄糖与含有葡萄糖酶及铁氰化物的试纸接触后,可以产生一个很小的电流,电流通过血糖仪测得。

52、di/mono-ethyl oxalate,potassium ferricyanide,anhydrous ethanol,sodium carbinol. ─── 生产草酸二乙酯,赤血盐钾,六次甲基四胺,无水乙醉,甲醉钠。

53、Keywords Paper chromatography;Potassium ferricyanide;Ferric chlorid; ─── 纸层析;铁氰化钾;三氯化铁;

54、Keywords Chemiluminescence;Flow injection analysis;Ferricyanide;Luminol;Methyldopa; ─── 化学发光;流动注射;甲基多巴;铁氰化钾;鲁米诺;

55、Keywords Chemiluminescence;Flow injection analysis;Luminol;Terbutaline sulfate;Ferricyanide; ─── 关键词化学发光;流动注射;鲁米诺;硫酸特布他林;铁氰化钾;

56、A salt containing the negative tetravalent radical Fe(CN)6, used in making blue pigments, blueprint paper, and ferricyanide. ─── 氰亚铁酸盐一种用于制造蓝色的颜料、蓝色版纸张以及铁氰化物的含有负三价铁原子团Fe(CN)6的盐

57、Flow Injection-Post Chemiluminescence Method for the Determination of Amidopyrine with Calcein-Potassium Ferricyanide System ─── 铁氰化钾-钙黄绿素体系后化学发光反应测定氨基比林

58、Keywords Flow injection-chemiluminescence determination;Luminol;Potassium ferricyanide;Enoxacin;Drug; ─── 流动注射-化学发光测定;鲁米诺;铁氰化钾;依诺沙星;药物;

59、Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for potassium ferricyanide ─── 摄影技术.处理相片用化学药品.铁氰化钾规范

60、Ferricyanide reductase ─── 铁氰化钾还原酶

61、Keywords Diamond thin film;electrochemical characteristic;cyclic voltammetry;potassium ferricyanide; ─── 金刚石薄膜;电化学特性;循环伏安法.;

62、magnesium sulfate anhydrous, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, sucrose, potassium dichromate, potassium ferricyanide, potassium ferrocyanide, ... ─── 上海实验试剂有限公司,无水硫酸镁,无水乙醚,邻苯二甲酸氢钾等化学试剂,化工原料.

63、Keywords Ultraviolet visible spectroelectrochemistry;optically transparent thin layer electrochemical cell;platinum minigrid electrode;potassium ferricyanide; ─── 紫外可见光谱电化学;光透薄层电化学池;铁氰化钾;亚铁氰化钾;

64、quinin ferricyanide ─── 氰铁酸奎宁

65、Study on the Electrochemical Features of Prussian Blue Film and Copper Ferricyanide Composite Film ─── 普鲁士蓝修饰膜及其复合膜电变色性能的研究

66、10.A salt containing the negative tetravalent radical Fe(CN)6, used in making blue pigments, blueprint paper, and ferricyanide. ─── 同样,一切意识与振动的降低所导致的两个创造物的互相缠绕,也不是原始蓝图的一部分。

67、calcium ferricyanide ─── 氰铁酸钙

68、potassium ferricyanide ─── 赤血盐铁氰化钾


70、Keywords Prussian Blue;Ferricyanide composite;electrochemical device; ─── 普鲁士蓝;铁氰化物复合膜;电变色;

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