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08-21 投稿


brae 发音

英:[bre?]  美:[bre?]

英:  美:

brae 中文意思翻译



brae 网络释义

n. 斜坡;山坡

brae 短语词组

1、rockrose brae ─── 岩蔷薇

2、brae burn golf course plymouth ─── 普利茅斯布雷伯恩高尔夫球场

3、brae loch inn cazenovia ny menu ─── 将所有项目重置为其默认值

4、brae clothing ─── 布雷服装

5、brae armenta ─── 阿姆特

6、brae labradors ─── 好拉布拉多犬

7、brae weather ─── 布雷天气

8、brae scotland shetland ─── 布雷苏格兰设得兰

9、brae burn country club ─── 布雷伯恩乡村俱乐部

brae 词性/词形变化,brae变形

原型:brae 名词复数形式:brae

brae 相似词语短语

1、brane ─── n.膜;膜宇宙;膜论

2、bae ─── abbr.航空工程学士(BachelorofAeronauticalEngineering);n.(Bae)人名;(荷)巴;(挪)贝

3、brake ─── n.刹车;阻碍(物);敞篷四轮马车;纤维捣碎机;灌木丛;欧洲蕨;v.刹车;阻碍

4、brace ─── v.使做准备;抵住;绷紧;支撑;加固;n.夹子;支架;牙箍;背带(常复数);大括号;(猎获的鸟或兽)一对,一双;曲柄;连谱号;(船上的)转帆索;n.(Brace)(美)布雷斯(人名)

5、braes ─── n.(Braes)人名;(罗)布拉埃斯

6、braze ─── v.用铜焊接,用铜镀;用铜制造;n.铜焊接头;高熔点焊料;n.(Braze)(美)巴滋(人名)

7、brave ─── adj.勇敢的,无畏的;表现勇敢的;新颖的,崭新的;华丽的,壮观的;极好的;强颜欢笑的;v.勇敢面对,冒(风险);展示勇敢,炫耀勇气;n.勇敢的人;美洲印第安武士;(古)恶霸;n.(Brave)(美、俄、印)布雷夫(人名)

8、Arae ─── adj.天坛星座的(Ara的拉丁语属格形式)

9、brame ─── n.(Brame)人名;(英)布雷姆

brae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eery brae man is a man of his word. ─── 勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。

2、The road of justice is rugged and only welcomes brae people. ─── 正义的路是崎岖的路,它只欢迎勇敢的人。

3、brae shaft guide ─── 手制动轴导承

4、Experimental research on Plantar pressures and The efficacy of Air-shockproof shoes during Exercising on the Brae ─── 人体坡面运动时足底压力及气垫运动鞋力学功效的实验研究

5、American reporter replies: "I am sorry, my brake is bad, I cannot come down the foot from the move on brake pedal, otherwise, this car blame rushs down brae cannot. ─── 美国记者回答道:“对不起,我的刹车坏了,我无法把脚从刹车踏板上挪下来,否则,这车非冲下斜坡不可。”

6、few brae souls who grab at its horns and hang on at all costs. ─── 只有极少数的灵魂不畏艰险,不惜一切。

7、Fortune smiles upon the brae and frowns upon the coward. ─── 幸运喜欢勇敢的人,而不喜欢怯懦的人。

8、Offer one key type to handle a function, obtain the task list, voluntary generating program, equational, least value easily / maximum, pace is entered / brae, and browse wait for advanced function. ─── 提供一键式操作功能,轻松获得任务列表、自动生成程序、均分、最小值/最大值、步进/斜坡,以及浏览等高级功能。

9、By the sound of mattock blows from somewhere farther down the brae, I suppose they buried them. ─── 根据附近山岗下传来的鹤嘴锄的挖掘声,我猜想,他们正在把它们埋起来。

10、The road of justice is rugged and only welcomes brae people. ─── 正义的路是崎岖的路,它只欢迎勇敢的人。

11、Use raise kind from the ground partly, build Yang She on hill edge brae namely, the half is the ground, other in part uses bamboo complementary into as parallel as the ground bamboo building. ─── 采用半离地饲养方式,即把羊舍建在山边斜坡上,一半是地面,另一半用毛竹辅成与地面平行的竹楼。

12、Drunken Arhat is face to face with Golden Whip Rock across the stream, and about 200 meters high on a brae. ─── 与金鞭岩隔溪对峙,矗立在斜坡上,高200余米。

13、A range of unique stone outdoor furniture exporter has been excavated in Skara Brae a Neolithic village, located in Orkney, Scotland. ─── 印度人为了抵抗酷暑,靠吃放足香辛料的咖喱来促进新陈代谢,但是,不见得我们也能把咖喱当作家常饭。

14、Optional slow fast, fast brae, pace takes a function, offer successive and flowing output to slide in order to test annulus road and a powerful person. ─── 可选慢速、快速斜坡、步进功能,提供连续平滑输出以测试环路和阀滑动。

15、In participating in daily activity to make them can independent, be necessary to establish brae channel beside stair and elevatory floor, place auxiliary stand in proper place. ─── 为让他们能独立参与到日常活动中,有必要在楼梯及升高的地板旁设斜坡通道,并在适当地点放置辅助支架。

16、That winds about yon fernie brae? ─── 风儿吹拂羊齿叶覆盖的山坡?

17、Erosion-control Wall's Underwater Concrete Construction in Hushan Brae Treatment project of Longyangxia Hydropower Station ─── 龙羊峡水电站虎山坡治理工程防冲墙水下砼施工

18、Place the brake release in position and theard the brake core by pulling the brake release handle down to release the brae. ─── 将抱闸扳手放在抱闸磁心上,同时拉下扳手手柄使抱闸开放。

19、He teaches me to operate brae bar. ─── 他教我扶刹把。

20、Newest and three-dimensional show it is easier to make brae fishs now, the fisherman can use new MaxSea 2D/3D module to observe sea floor with 2 dimension or three-dimensional means. ─── 最新三维显示使斜坡捕鱼更轻易 现在,渔民能利用新的MaxSea 2D/3D模块以二维或三维方式观察海底。

21、The Chinese people are brae and hard-working. ─── 中国人民勇敢而又勤劳。

22、The driver stops plane firm quietly on an abrupt and open brae. ─── 驾驶员把飞机稳稳地停在了一片陡峭而开阔的斜坡上。

23、Could you chec the battery (brae flud)? ─── 你能检查一下电池(刹车油)?

24、Piggery is cement floor, sit boreal Xiang Na sneaks away brae, excrement and urine can pass Naduan leakage of an alveolus path takes subterranean firedamp poll. ─── 猪圈是水泥地面,坐北向南一溜斜坡,粪便可以通过南端一个小孔道漏进地下沼气池。

25、The world belongs to the brae! ─── 世界是属于勇敢者的!

26、I'm only brae when I hae to be. Being brae doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. ─── 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。

27、He look up the brae, to where he saw a convolute road ascending into that conical and cross stele, the rock was blanched by the red-hot sunshine. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。

28、Attention should be paid to brae procrastination in bus maintenance ─── 汽车维护应注意制动器拖滞

29、At 5, 000 years old, Skara Brae is the best preserved prehistoric village in Northern Europe. ─── 拥有5000多年历史的斯卡拉布雷是欧洲北部保存最好的史前村落。

30、Hushan brae treatment project ─── 虎山坡治理工程

31、Garza said the quarantines seem to be effectie, noting that the number of new cases hae plummeted significantly since Bonnie Brae's took effect Friday. ─── Garza说隔离看来是有效的,自从BonnieBraeTerrace生活中心从周五采取措施以来发病率直线下降。

32、Discovered in Skara Brae, Oakney, in 1850, are the remains of a Stone Age village - the most complete in Northern Europe ─── 这是北欧地区保存最完整的石器时代村落遗址,于1850年在奥克尼的斯卡拉布雷被发现

33、Support: Joanna Lumley launched an appeal to restore Moat Brae House and turn it into Scotland's first centre for children's literature ─── 支持:乔安娜·拉姆利呼吁修复缪蓓屋,并把它打造成苏格兰第一个儿童文学中心。

34、The announcement at a press conference this morning follows a decision by health officials on Friday to quarantine Bonnie Brae Terrace, an independent liing center in Belmont that houses 164 seniors. ─── 今天早晨新闻发布会的声明以后,又发布了一个卫生官员周五作出的决定,隔离位于贝尔蒙的BonnieBraeTerrace,一个生活着164位老人的生活中心。

35、Settlement way: Take advantage of an opportunity and move, the housetop of brae suits to do a bedroom, if return a word that has inclined window,have the scene like fairy tale more. ─── 解决之道:顺势而动,斜坡的屋顶适合做卧室,假如还开有斜窗的话就更具有童话般的情景了。

36、Write HART configuration through reading, can adjust span, brae and other one stage setting. ─── 通过读写HART配置,可以调整量程、斜坡和其它一级设置。

37、In final one instant, the driver stops plane firm quietly on an abrupt and open brae. ─── 在最后的一刹那,驾驶员把飞机稳稳地停在了一片陡峭而开阔的斜坡上。

38、They warn of a brae new world of "embryo farms" and "cloning mills" for the cultiation of human spare parts. ─── 他们警告世界上将会有“胚胎农场”或是“克隆工厂”的产生,用于培育人体替换组织器官。

39、the anchor poles' reinforcing on brae ─── 坡体锚杆加固

40、It is the dominant peak of Himalayas, the northern brae in Tingri County of Tibet and the southern in the Nepal. ─── 珠峰是喜马拉雅山的主峰,珠峰北边的斜坡在西藏定日县,而它南边的山脉在尼泊尔境内。

41、Then there are the few brae souls who grab at its horns and hang on at all costs. ─── 只有极少数的灵魂不畏艰险,不惜一切。

42、By the sound of mattock blows from somewhere farther down the brae, I suppose they buried them ─── 根据附近山岗下传来的鹤嘴锄的挖掘声,我猜想,他们正在把它们埋起来。

43、Brae actions neer want a trumpet. ─── 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。

44、All are brae when the enemy flies. ─── 敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。

45、354(issues brae) . ─── 354(下斜坡)。

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