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09-14 投稿


commiserating 发音

英:[k??m?z?re?t??]  美:[k??m?z?re?t??]

英:  美:

commiserating 中文意思翻译



commiserating 词性/词形变化,commiserating变形

动词第三人称单数: commiserates |副词: commiseratively |动词现在分词: commiserating |形容词: commiserative |动词过去式: commiserated |名词: commiserator |动词过去分词: commiserated |

commiserating 短语词组

1、commiserating together ─── 同情心

2、commiserating definition ─── 同情的定义

3、commiserating lyrics ─── 同情的歌词

4、commiserating define ─── 同情的定义

5、commiserating means ─── 同情手段

6、commiserating spelling ─── 同情拼写

7、commiserating meaning ─── 同情的意思

commiserating 相似词语短语

1、commiseratingly ─── adv.怜悯地;同情地

2、commiseration ─── n.怜悯,同情

3、commiserates ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

4、commiserated ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

5、comminating ─── v.诅咒

6、commiserate ─── vt.同情,怜悯;vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

7、commiserative ─── adj.同情的;可怜的

8、commemorating ─── vt.庆祝,纪念;成为…的纪念

9、commiserations ─── n.怜悯,同情

commiserating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You will not be buried among us,” and forget those praising a Jewish lover or commiserating with an enemy soldier. ─── 你不会和我们埋葬在一起,”这样的词句而忘记那些赞美一位犹太情人或同情一位敌兵的诗句。

2、The guardianship system of ancient China is composed of five legal culture traits,including filial duty,benevolent obligation,male supremacy over female,commiserating aged and young,family relations. ─── 中国古代监护制度是由“孝”、“慈”、“男尊女卑”、“矜老怜幼”和“天伦之乐”等五个法文化特质构成的。

3、China is further improving the socialist market economic system, in which the establishment of the social security system commiserating with the level of economic development is an important link. ─── 我国正在进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制,其中建立与经济发展水平相适应的社会保障制度是一个重要环节。

4、We just like to be soulful. I can love someone so much, I am so soulful. we grieve not for the romance, but for commiserating ourselves. ─── 我们只是喜欢一个深情的自己。我可以这么爱一个人,我是多么深情。分手时,我们伤心,不是为一段感情伤心,而是怜悯自己。

5、The point here is to spend time with your friends celebrating each other's successes instead of commiserating over flaws. ─── 重点在于把时间花在和你的朋友们一起庆祝各自的成功而不是安慰彼此的缺陷。

6、It is marked by people who have not found love dressing in dark colours and commiserating over meals of black food. ─── 在这一天,尚未找到心上人的单身人士通常会穿上深色衣服。

7、Michael reminded everyone, don't forget the repenting heart, the commiserating heart, the gratitude and grasping the true significance of the life everytime. ─── 李老师提醒大家要有忏悔之心、怜悯之心、感恩之心及领悟人生真谛。

8、My mother. I was commiserating with her about Dad's retirement. ─── 我母亲。我们都对父亲的退休表示同情。

9、He turned a commiserating glance on Balashov, and as soon as he would have made some observation, he hurriedly interrupted him again. ─── 他遗憾地盯了一眼巴拉瑟夫,巴拉瑟夫刚要说点什么,他又急忙打断了他。

10、In the midst of these puddles, the danger over and the room growing frigid, stood Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright with their arms around each other, laughing and commiserating. ─── 危险过去,屋内冷若寒冰,温赖特夫妇手挽着手站在泥潭般的屋子中央,笑着相互怜悯。

11、I could not help commiserating the forlorn condition of the last toper ─── 我不禁对这最后一个酒鬼的凄凉处境恻然心动。

12、You will not be buried among us, " and forget those praising a Jewish lover or commiserating with an enemy soldier. " ─── 他苦恼的是有些人只会回忆起像“去吧!你不会被埋葬在我们身边,”这样的诗句,而忘记了那些赞扬犹太爱人或者怜悯敌军士兵的诗词。

13、He turned a commiserating glance on Balashov, and as soon as he would have made some observation, he hurriedly interrupted him again. ─── 他遗憾地盯了一眼巴拉瑟夫,巴拉瑟夫刚要说点什么,他又急忙打断了他。

14、It is marked by people who have not found love dressing in dark colours and commiserating over meals of black food, ─── 在这一天,尚未找到心上人的单身人士通常会穿上深色衣服,

15、We just like to be soulful. I can love someone so much ,I am so soulful.we grieve not for the romance ,but for commiserating ourselves. ─── 我们只是喜欢一个深情的自己。我可以这么爱一个人,我是多么深情。分手时,我们伤心,不是为一段感情伤心,而是怜悯自己。

16、Avoid your coworkers that are constantly commiserating at the water cooler. ─── 避免你的同事经常同情的是在水冷却器。

17、In the midst of these puddles, the danger over and the room growing frigid, stood Mr. And Mrs.Wainwright with their arms around each other, laughing and commiserating. ─── 危险过去,屋内冷若寒冰,温赖特夫妇手挽着手站在泥潭般的屋子中央,笑着相互怜悯。

18、God is commiserating me in fact, it is sad for me? ─── 其实上帝在怜悯,在为我而感到哀伤?

19、God is commiserating me in fact, it is sad for me? ─── 其实上帝在怜悯,在为我而感到哀伤?

20、It is marked by people who have not found love dressing in dark colours and commiserating over meals of black food. ─── 在这一天,尚未找到心上人的单身人士通例会穿上深色时装。

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