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08-21 投稿


blanketed 发音

英:[?bl??k?t?d]  美:[?bl??k?t?d]

英:  美:

blanketed 中文意思翻译




blanketed 常用词组

rubber blanket ─── 橡胶垫;橡皮布

wet blanket ─── 扫兴的人;湿毯子;扫兴的事

sludge blanket ─── 污泥层;污泥浮层

blanketed 短语词组

1、blanketed tank ─── 密封罐

2、blanketed by ─── 被掩盖

3、blanketed flowers ─── 天人菊

4、blanketed area ─── 敷层面积

5、blanketed means ─── 覆盖方式

6、heavy fog blanketed the city ─── 大雾笼罩了这座城市

7、blanketed roll ─── 背包

8、blanketed def ─── 空白def

9、blanketed define ─── 覆盖定义

blanketed 词性/词形变化,blanketed变形

动词过去式: blanketed |动词现在分词: blanketing |动词第三人称单数: blankets |动词过去分词: blanketed |

blanketed 相似词语短语

1、blanked ─── adj.被冷落的;诅咒的;被忽视的

2、blanketted ─── 形式

3、blanket ─── n.毛毯,毯子;毯状物,覆盖层;adj.总括的,全体的;没有限制的;vt.覆盖,掩盖;用毯覆盖

4、lanceted ─── adj.矛尖状装饰的;有尖拱的

5、blanketweed ─── 毛毯呢

6、blankety ─── adj.可憎的;可恶的;毫无道理的;adv.毫无道理地;可恨地

7、blankets ─── n.毛毯;毯子(blanket的复数)

8、flacketed ─── 松弛的

9、bracketed ─── adj.相等的

blanketed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He lapped himself in a warm blanket . ─── 他将自己裹在一个暖和的毯子里。

2、He pitched up the blanket and shook the dust out. ─── 他抓起床单把灰抖掉。

3、He was huddled up under a blanket. ─── 他卷缩在一床毯子下面。

4、He laid this sheet over the blanket. ─── 他把这个床单盖在毛毯上。

5、They cuddle d up (together) under the blanket. ─── 他们盖着毯子(在一起)搂着.

6、He was such a wet blanket at the party that they never invited him again. ─── 他在那次聚会中异常扫兴,人家再也不邀请他了。

7、The town was covered in a thick blanket of fog. ─── 大雾笼罩了这个城镇。

8、He rolled himself(up)in his blanket. ─── 他用毛毯裹住身体.

9、The land is blanketed by the tender grass. ─── 大地被一片嫩草盖着。

10、On our plot all was well, blanketed in rich cow manure, the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun. ─── 在我们的这块地上一切都好,被厚厚的牛粪覆盖着,红叶甜菜菜无所事事地站着,等待着太阳的温暖。

11、The countryside was blanketed with snow. ─── 乡村被积雪覆盖。

12、He put another blanket on her body. ─── 他在她身上又盖了一条毯子。

13、A covering of snow blanketed the small village . ─── 一层雪覆盖了小村。

14、They cuddled up under the blanket. ─── 他们蜷曲着睡在毯子下面。

15、He enveloped himself in a blanket. ─── 他把自己裹在毛毯中。

16、Some areas are blanketed by superficial deposits. ─── 一些地段为地表沉积所覆盖。

17、When it is very cold, we add a blanket. ─── 天冷时则加盖毯子。

18、In his broad bed n uncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm. ─── 一张大床,里奇舅舅倚着枕头,裹在毛毯里,隔着小山般的膝盖,将壮实的手臂伸过来。

19、In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. ─── 一般来说,从地面以上365米的高度,整个国家都被管制空域覆盖。

20、He wrapped himself in a blanket. ─── 他把毯子裹在身上。

21、The ground was covered by a thick blanket of snow. ─── 地面上覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。

22、Commercial books blanket the market. ─── 商业化的图书充斥市场。

23、He laid one pack down and lifted the blanket aside. ─── 他放下一个背包,撩开门毯。

24、He rolled himself up in the blanket. ─── 他把自己裹在毯子里。

25、She threw the blanket around the child. ─── 她把毛毯抛放于孩子周围。

26、She enfolded the child with a blanket. ─── 她把小孩包在毯子里。

27、More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan. ─── 一英尺多厚的白雪覆盖了密歇根州的部分地区。

28、Back in the 17th century, forest blanketed the land. ─── 回塑到17世纪,这里树林茂密,覆盖着每一寸土地。

29、The tuffaceous blanketed the entire basin. ─── 凝灰岩充填着整个盆地。

30、They try to smother the flames with a damp blanket . ─── 他们试图用湿毯子把火扑灭。

31、Oh, a blanket and pillow! Thanks. ─── 噢,毛毯和枕头!谢谢!

32、They muffled up her head with a blanket. ─── 他们用毯子蒙住了她的头。

33、He tried to smother the flames with a blanket. ─── 他试图用毯子把火扑灭。

34、She lapped the blanket around herself. ─── 她把毛毯缠绕于身体上。

35、The nurse carried in a baby wrapped (up) in a warm blanket. ─── 保母抱著个孩子进来,孩子身上裹著暖暖的毯子。

36、He rolled himself up in a blanket. ─── 他用一条毯子把自己裹起来。

37、Excuse me, may I have one blanket? ─── 劳驾您给我拿条毛毯。

38、He rolled himself (up) in his blanket. ─── 他用毛毯裹住身体。

39、SS throwing the blanket off: WAIT! ─── 三顺把毯子掀掉:等一下!

40、He smothered the fuel with a blanket. ─── 他用毯子覆盖住燃料。

41、He dare not say bo to your blanket. ─── 喻为他丝毫不敢威胁任何人。

42、The countryside was blanketed with snow/fog. ─── 乡村被雪[雾]覆盖著。

43、He clenched the blanket in his hand. ─── 他一只手揪紧了毯子。

44、She lapped her baby in the blanket. ─── 她把婴儿裹在毛毯中。

45、They cuddled up (together) under the blanket. ─── 他们盖著毯子(在一起)搂著。

46、His refusal of our offer acted like a wet blanket. ─── 他拒绝了我们的建议,真使我们扫兴。

47、He muffled his leg with the blanket . ─── 他用毯子把腿包了起来。

48、She stowed the new blanket away until her baby grows up. ─── 她把新地毯收起来,等她孩子长大了再铺上。

49、The hill was covered with a blanket of snow. ─── 上山覆盖着白雪。

50、He spread a blanket on the bed . ─── 他在床上铺了条毯子。

51、They issued an extra blanket to each soldier. ─── 他们额外多配给各士兵一条毛毯。

52、She pulled the blanket over the child . ─── 她把毯子拉过来盖在孩子身上。

53、She doubled the blanket and put it under his head. ─── 她把毯子折叠起来给他做枕头。

54、Acrylic fibre for making of acrylic blanket. ─── 土耳其求购用于制作丙烯酸毯子的丙烯酸纤维。

55、She sat in the sofa, swathed in a blanket. ─── 她坐在沙发上,身上裹着一条毛毯。

56、The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow. ─── 大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖。

57、Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's such a wet blanket. ─── 不要带罗伯特去参加野餐,他实在是个很扫兴的人。

58、He came and at once threw a wet blanket over me. ─── 他来了马上就对我泼冷水。

59、They rolled the child up in a blanket. ─── 他们用毛毯把孩子裹了起来。

60、He covered himself with a blanket to keep warm. ─── 他盖上一条毯子使自己暖和一点。

61、He lapped his daughter in a warm blanket. ─── 他把女儿裹在一个暖和的毯子里。

62、He no longer felt the wards, could not see the shimmering white film that had blanketed the city. The war was over. The threat was gone. ─── 他再也感觉不到防卫了,也看不到原来笼罩着全城的闪着白色的薄雾了。战争结束了,威胁解除了。

63、He overcovered himself with a blanket. ─── 他用一条毯子把自己从头到脚裹了起来。

64、He lapped the blanket around himself . ─── 他用毯子将自己裹了起来。

65、Confetti blanketed the ballroom floor. ─── 五彩纸屑布满舞池。

66、He threw a blanket over the injured man. ─── 他急忙给受伤的人披上条毯子。

67、Airborne soot and dirt from the impact blanketed Earth, inhibiting photosynthesis and triggering mass extinction of species. ─── 撞击产生的烟尘和灰尘覆盖了地球,抑制了光合作用,引发了物种的大规模灭绝。

68、Could I have a blanket and pillow,please? ─── 可以给我枕头和毛毯吗?

69、Don't ask Mike to the party. He's such a wet blanket, always talking about rising prices and unemployment. ─── 不要让迈克来参加晚会。他是个煞风景的人,总是爱谈化物价上涨和失业这些话题。

70、They covered the baby with a blanket. ─── 他们给孩子盖上毯子。

71、The vacuum can be used to help keep a blanketed horse spotlessly clean, especially during non-bathing weather. ─── 吸尘器可以把一匹布满泥点灰尘的马清理的一尘不染,尤其是在一些不适合洗澡的天气。

72、It made a blanket soft and white. ─── 变成柔软白毛毯。

73、A thick blanket was spread on the floor. ─── 一张厚厚的地毯铺在地板上。

74、Then as quickly the rain stopped and a low-lying monster cloud filled with a muggy kind of light and a crowding heat blanketed everything. ─── 然而雨下了不一会儿就停了,低垂的云像怪物一样,云层中透着湿热的光,周围弥漫着一股股热气。

75、Eastern Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia and western Gansu will also be blanketed by floating dust with other regions suffering sandstorms. ─── 此外,新疆东部、内蒙古西部、甘肃西部将有浮尘天气,局部地区有沙尘暴。

76、Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground. ─── 冻土上很快就形成了一层厚厚的积雪。

77、Cold temperatures have blanketed much of the eastern half of the US. ─── 低气温差不多覆盖了美国整个东半部。

78、He covered the baby up with a blanket. ─── 他把婴儿用毯子包好。

79、It is so cold that I bought an electric blanket. ─── 天太冷了,我买了个电热毯。

80、He grabbed a blanket to smother the fire. ─── 他抓起一条毯子去扑灭火。

81、Don't throw a wet blanket on others at random! ─── 不要随便给别人泼冷水!

82、He covered himself with a blanket. ─── 他给自己盖上一床毯子。

83、It's cold I need another blanket. ─── 太冷了--我再要一条毯子。

84、She covered the bed with an old faded grey blanket. ─── 她在床上铺着褪了色的灰色旧毯子。

85、Ink piling: Build up of ink on offset blanket. ─── 堆墨:油墨堆积于胶布上的情况。

86、A prison blanket had given me lice. ─── 囚犯用的被褥上面都是虱子。

87、The field was blanketed with snow. ─── 原野上覆盖着雪。

88、A cold gust flapped the blanket off Louis. ─── 一阵冷风吹开了路易斯身上的毯子。

89、He picked up the blanket and shook the dust out. ─── 他抓起毯子把灰抖掉。

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