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biostatistics 发音

英:[?ba?o?st??t?st?ks]  美:[?ba???st??t?st?ks]

英:  美:

biostatistics 中文意思翻译



biostatistics 短语词组

1、biostatistics and r ─── 生物统计学与r

2、biostatistics certification ─── 生物统计学认证

3、biostatistics degree ─── 生物统计学程度

4、biostatistics uci ─── 生物统计学

5、biostatistics paper ─── 生物统计学论文

6、biostatistics pdf ─── 生物统计学pdf

7、biostatistics career path ─── 生物统计学职业道路

biostatistics 相似词语短语

1、statistic ─── n.统计资料;统计学;(一项)统计数据;统计量;adj.统计的,统计学的

2、statistics ─── n.统计;统计学;[统计]统计资料;统计数字

3、biostatistician ─── n.生物统计学家

4、grim statistics ─── 严峻的统计数字

5、biostatisticians ─── n.生物统计学家

6、biostatic ─── adj.期静生的

7、biostatistical ─── adj.生物统计的

8、lexicostatistics ─── n.[统计][语]词汇统计学

9、biostatics ─── n.[生物物理]生物静力学

biostatistics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology and Biostatistics [PG Dip in Epidemiology & Biostatistics] ─── 流行病学与生物统计学学士后文凭

2、HUANG Yong; WANG Jun-feng; YANG Lin-sheng; et al.Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; School of Public Health; Anhui Medical University(Hefei 230032; China); ─── 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系;中铁四局中心卫生防疫站;

3、International Society of Clinical Biostatistics ─── 国际临床生物统计学会

4、LiuYan, female, who was born in March, 1972, now is a professor and the subaltern director of the Biostatistics Department of Harbin Medical University. ─── 刘艳,女,1972年3月出生,哈尔滨医科大学卫生统计学教研室副主任,教授,硕士生导师。

5、Marcello Pagano, Kimberlee Gauvreau, ”Principles of Biostatistics, Second Edition”, Duxbury, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc, 2000 ─── 译者:林为森,陈怡君,陈清浩,陈俞成,谢秀幸,魏美珠,”生物统计原理第二版”,新加坡商亚洲汤母生国际出版有限公司,2002。

6、The bootstrap resampling method is very important in Conservational Biology.And it is still concerned by the scientists in the fields of Biostatistics and Computational Biology. ─── 自举法随机重抽样数据阐发是掩护生物学的重要组成部分,也是生物盘算机工程和生物统计学领域的热门研究课题。

7、Triola, MM and Triola MF 2006, Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences. Pearson Education, Inc., Boston. ─── 沈明来,1993生物统计学入门,九州文物有限公司。

8、Practice has justified that better teaching effects can be obtained only by relying on the teacher's careful preparation and students' active joining in the biostatistics teaching. ─── 生物统计学多媒体教学必须在教师的精心准备和学生的积极参与下才能获得预期的效果。

9、It will also appeal to graduate students of biostatistics. ─── 它也将吸引生物统计学的研究生。

10、Current Research Interests Biostatistics Bioinformatics virtual plants Crop Breeding Agricultural information technology ─── 研究兴趣试验设计与统计分析方法生物信息学虚拟植物作物育种农业信息技术

11、Job Requirements:Education: M.S., Ph.D., or equivalent experience Field of Study: Statistics, Biostatistics or related...... ... ─── 公司名称:美斯达(上海)医药开发有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-18

12、the developing direction of biostatistics examination reform is of no paper test and examination separated from teaching. ─── 无纸化考试和教考分离是生物统计学考试改革的发展方向。

13、Exploration and Practice of Multimedia Teaching in Biostatistics ─── 生物统计学多媒体教学的探索与实践

14、Gordon H.Guyatt, MD, Prof. of Medicine &Clinical Epidemiology &Biostatistics in McMaster University, involve in Evidence-based clinical research and practicing EBM for 20 years. ─── 医学博士,加拿大医学与临床流行病学和生物医学系教授,从事循证临床研究与实践20年。

15、One core course have statistics content unless this is already fulfilled by a statistics or biostatistics elective. ─── 必须有一门课程属于统计类课程。

16、multiple biostatistics ─── 多元生物统计

17、Changchun Hongda Optoelectonic and Biostatistics Identification Technology Co., Ltd ─── 长春鸿达光电子与生物统计识别技术有限公司

18、Study suggests many medical residents lack biostatistics knowledge to interpret clinical research ─── 研究显示很多住院医生缺乏理解临床研究的生物统计学知识

19、Division of Biostatistics Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx NY United States Dr. ─── 急性心肌梗死行经皮冠状动脉介入后院内死亡率的树形风险分层:来自纽约州经皮冠状动脉介入数据库的报道

20、Peking University First Hospital;Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics;Peking University; ─── 北京大学流行病与卫生统计学系;

21、Conclusions Most residents in this study lacked the knowledge in biostatistics needed to interpret many of the results in published clinical research. ─── 结论:在这项研究中大多数的住院医生都缺乏对于理解发表的临床研究结果所需的生物统计学知识。

22、Biostatistics is a course to use the statistical approach applied to the management and analysis of biological data based on variation in nature. ─── 本课程主要学习统计学在生物科学数据管理和分析中的应用。

23、The Tutorials in Biostatistics have become a very popular feature of the prestigious Wiley journal, Statistics in Medicine (SIM). ─── 在生物统计学方面的指导课已经成为一个有声望的怀利杂志,在医学(西姆)方面的统计的受欢迎的特徵。

24、In order to improve teaching effects of biostatistics, explorations on teaching content, means, process and practical teaching aspects were made based on many years teaching experience. ─── 为提高生物统计学的教学效果,作者结合多年的教学实践、从教学内容、教学手段、教学环节以及实践教学等方面进行了探讨。

25、Master degree in Biostatistics , Statistics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Programming or above requirement is preferable. ─── 生物统计,统计学,输血,应用数学,计算机编程专业硕士毕业,获更高学历者优先。

26、R.L.Tweedie. , : Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minn ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

27、Public health has many sub-fields, but is typically divided into the categories of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. ─── 公共卫生有许多子领域,一般分为流行病学、生物统计学和健康服务。

28、Biostatistics and Field Experiment Design ─── 生物统计与田间试验设计

29、Although an individual can earn a BS in Biostatistics at a number of well respected college campuses, this is just the beginning. ─── 虽然个人可以获取受人尊敬的大学校园生物统计学学士学位,这仅仅是开始。

30、Pharmaceutical companies are especially interested in biostatistics majors who can create models to test drugs. ─── 制药公司期待生物医学统计专业的学生来建立模型、检验药物效果。

31、The aim of this paper was to share my personal experience and outcome of teaching fundamental biostatistics to undergraduate students. ─── 摘要本文介绍笔者在教授基础生物统计学经验及成果。

32、Research interests: input-output analysis, econometric model, multivariate analysis, biostatistics. ─── 研究方向:投入产出分析、经济计量模型、多元分析方法、生物医药统计等。

33、Discuss the principles of biostatistics ─── 讨论生物统计学原理

34、YE Rong-rong; NI Jin-dong; JIN Wei; et al.Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; School of Public Health; Anhui Medicial Univercity(Hefei 230032; China); ─── 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院;安徽医科大学公共卫生学院合肥;

35、Most residents in this study lacked the knowledge in biostatistics needed to interpret many of the results in published clinical research. ─── 在这项研究中大多数的住院医生都缺乏对于理解发表的临床研究结果所需的生物统计学知识。

36、Biostatistics focuses on the application of statistics to biomedical data. ─── 而近年则著重于有关统计在牙医学应用之研究。

37、She acquired her master degree in health policy financing and planning of London University, her doctor degree in epidemiology and biostatistics of Harbin Medical University. ─── 获英国伦敦大学卫生政策规划与筹资硕士学位以及哈尔滨医科大学流行病学与卫生统计学博士学位。

38、He Yuchuan; Hao Jiahu; Lv Hua; et al.Department of epidemiology &biostatistics from Anhui Medical University(230032); Hefei; ─── 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学教研室;(230032)江苏省泰州市疾病预防控制中心(225300);(230032);

39、Teaching biostatistics and epidemiology in a postgraduate medical institution: are we going in the right direction? ─── 在研究生医疗机构中教授生物统计学和流行病学:我们是否在正确的方向?

40、He holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Dundee, Scotland and doctorates in medicine (University of Navarre, Spain) and biostatistics and epidemiology (University of Massachusetts). ─── 他拥有苏格兰邓迪大学的公共健康硕士学位、西班牙纳瓦拉大学的医学博士学位、马萨诸塞大学的生物统计学和流行病学博士学位。

41、Biostatistics is considered here to mean the statistical approach applied to the management and analysis of biological data based on variation in nature. ─── 应用统计学的数理演算、推论,对生物性的资料加以分析处理。

42、Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics [MSc (Epidemiology & Biostatistics)] ─── 流行病学与生物统计学理学硕士

43、Anurag Bhargava: We invited famous professors from Duke Clinical Research Institute and Abbott's biostatistics expert to develop the contents and to conduct the course. ─── Bhargava先生:我们邀请了Duke大学很有名的教授来做为这次培训活动的演讲者,我们公司的生物统计专家也被邀请来作演讲。

44、Even so, Professor Sheila Bird of the MRC's biostatistics unit and the Royal Statistical Society, sounds a cautious note. ─── 尽管如此,医学研究所生物统计学部门和皇家统计学社的希拉·伯德教授就表示要谨慎对待。

45、Modeling is a tool for statistics and biostatistics, and also is a mature discipline. ─── 建模是统计学和生物统计的工具也已经成为一门成熟的学科。

46、HAN Ke; CHEN Wei-Qing; PENG Xiao-Shan; et al.Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology; School of Public Health; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510080; Guangdong; China; ─── 中山大学医学统计与流行病学系;广东省江门市妇幼保健院;(广州广东);

47、Objective To evaluate residents' understanding of biostatistics and interpretation of research results. ─── 目的:评价住院医生对生物统计学及研究结果的理解水平。

48、n He was a senior visiting scholar at Dept.of Biostatistics of Edinburgh University. ─── 上海第二医科大学生物统计教研室主任。

49、The aim of this paper was to share my personal experience and outcome of teaching fundamental biostatistics to undergraduate students. ─── 本文介绍笔者在教授基础生物统计学经验及成果。

50、A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired. ─── 在分子生物学和生物统计学领域中具有很强背景的一个生物信息学专家被雇用。

51、We studied the genetic law of prematurity in spring wheat by using biostatistics method. ─── 用生物统计学方法,对春小麦早熟性的遗传规律进行了研究。

52、Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Leeds ─── 英国利兹大学流行病学和生物统计学中心

53、Pathology was done centrally by a single pathologist.Data were analyzed at the Brown University Center for Biostatistics. ─── 病理学分析则集中由一位病理专家进行,资料则由布朗大学生物统计中心进行分析。

54、Juan Li; Yong-Hua Hu Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; School of Public Health; Peking University Health Science Center; Beijing 100083; China; ─── 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系;100083中国北京市;

55、Author Wang Qiang;et al(Department of Biostatistics;Weifang Medical College;Weifang 261042); ─── 作者王强;陈广;陈景武;

56、Keywords Luzhou Laojiao Daqu starter;physiochemical indexes;multiple biostatistics;cluster analysis;multiple correlation analysis; ─── 泸州老窖大曲;理化指标;多元生物统计;聚类分析;多元相关分析;

57、The M.D.Anderson study, led by Donald Berry, chair of biostatistics, included women with all types of breast cancer, all at the beginning stages of the disease. ─── 海事处安德森领导的研究由唐纳德贝里主持的生物,其中包括妇女与所有类型的乳癌,都在开始阶段的疾病。

58、Introduction to Biostatistics, Robert R. Sokal and F. James Rohlf, State University of New York at Stony Brook , 1986; ─── 应用概率统计,吴传志等编,重庆大学出版社,2003年。

59、Bernard Rosner: Fundamentals of Biostatistics (5th ed.). Boston: Duxbury, 2000. ─── 沈明来:生物统计学入门(第四版)。台北:九州,2001。

60、Keywords multicenter clinical trials;standardization;laboratory data;biostatistics; ─── 多中心临床试验;标准化;实验室数据;生物统计学;

61、Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics ─── 流行病学及生物统计学中心

62、Subjects of study include molecular biology, biostatistics, metabolic chemistry, and nutritional research methods. ─── 学习课程包括分子物理学,生物统计学,化学物品的新陈代谢和营养学研究方法。

63、As to the job market, Biostatistics is much better. ─── 学好统计以后肯定大有作为的。

64、1.Master degree in Biostatistics, Statistics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Programming or above requirement is preferable. ─── 1. 生物统计,统计学,输血,应用数学,计算机编程专业硕士毕业,获更高学历者优先。

65、Computer applications in biostatistics teaching ─── 计算机技术在生物统计教学中的应用

66、But epidermiology and biostatistics is also popular in US and you won't hae trouble to locate a job after graduation.So why go for it? ─── 不知道这条路的难度有多大,学费需要多少银子,我们都是穷人,如果学费很贵,也读不起的。

67、Residency programs should include more effective biostatistics training in their curricula to successfully prepare residents for this important lifelong learning skill. ─── 住院医生培训项目在他们的课程中应该包括更多有效的生物统计学培训知识,以期成功地为他们提供这项重要的伴随医生的学习技能。

68、ZHANG Wan-jun; CHEN Xin-ming; YE Dong-qing; et al.Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; School of Public Health; Anhui Medical University(Hefei 230032; China); ─── 安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系;安徽医科大学体育教研室;安徽医科大学流行病与卫生统计学系合肥;

69、Each tutorial is focused on a medical problem, has been fully peer-reviewed and edited, and is authored by leading researchers in biostatistics. ─── 每节指导课集中于一个医学问题,完全同行评议和被编辑,并且在生物统计学方面被主要研究人员发起。

70、Another truth is, Biostatistics and Statistics are distinct. ─── 统计是很多行业同志的弱项。

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