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09-05 投稿



helotry 发音

英:[['hel?tr?]]  美:[['hel?tr?]]

英:  美:

helotry 中文意思翻译



helotry 相似词语短语

1、harlotry ─── n.卖淫行为,卖淫

2、heliometry ─── n.太阳仪(heliometer的变形)

3、heliotropy ─── n.向日性

4、helotries ─── n.奴隶(总称);奴隶阶级;农奴制度

5、zealotry ─── n.狂热的行为;狂言;狂热

6、heliolatry ─── 太阳崇拜

7、helotage ─── 直升机

8、heliotypy ─── n.胶版;胶版画(heliotype的变形)

9、hellery ─── n.调皮捣蛋行为,撒野

helotry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2) Sparta's Helot system was far different from the Classical slavery characterizing Greek civilization, the model of which was Athens; ─── (二)斯巴达的希洛特制度,是希腊文明引为特色的古典奴隶制的另类,雅典则是古典奴隶制的典范;

2、of fear that a genetic helotry would be created. ─── 担心会产生一个基因上的缺陷。

3、Helot system ─── 希洛特制度

4、of devouringly extort surplus labor on the other hand, the means of its extort surplus labor is made than the Helot previously wait for means more the development that is helpful for productivity. ─── 另一方面,它榨取剩余劳动的方式比以前的农奴制等方式更有利于生产力的发展。

5、The helot may simply run a key word search on CVs submitted electronically, freeing up a few minutes for a fag break. ─── 这个没地位的人可能仅对电子版的简历进行一下关键词搜索,空出来几分钟时间抽支烟。

6、But his female viewpoint is closely linked up with Helot and is full of conflict and paradox. ─── 但他的妇女观与农奴制息息相关,充满着矛盾与悖论。

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